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Kashmir Dispute


Syeda Laraib Gilani

Peace & Cooperation in South Asia
Professor: Dr. Mian Tahir Ashraf

The long-drawn conflict of the world in south Asian region is no other than
Kashmir which has been ailing due to the power politics between two
neighboring state over this beautiful patch of land. This conflict is not just
the bone of contention between the born-ready rivals, but it is the strive for
independence and liberation from brutal oppression. The parties to conflict
are India and Pakistan who have fought 3 wars on Kashmir and are still in
hostile mode against each other, claiming the resources profound valley of
Kashmir as their integral part or sub jugular vein respectively from last more
than seven decades (Majid and Hussain 2016).

There has been the exchange of firing, gun pellets, extortions, abductions,
rapes, many more forms of oppressive attitudes shown practically to the
innocent liberation wanted Kashmiris (Ali 2015). Kashmir has been
strangled between the strive for self-determination and state sponsor
terrorism by the occupying forces (Indian occupied Kashmir when seen
from Pakistani context while Pakistan occupied Kashmir in context with
Indians calling). And between both rival states blaming each other for their
illegit occupation on Kashmir vale, this piece of land and its people are
somewhere yearning for peace and prosperity to be seen since long time
(Shah 2016).

However, this part of land lying between India and Pakistan on north
western and north eastern fronts of each state respectively was resolved a
bit by United Nations security council’s resolution which declare this patch
as a disputed territory between India and Pakistan and called plebiscite as
necessary measure taken while deciding the fate for Kashmiris because their
innate right to choose for themselves (UN resolution 47 n.d.). Whereas,
India had given this land a special status under article 370 and article 35Aof
their constitution (Article 370: 10 facts that you need to know : Highlights,
News – India Today n.d.). These articles then provided Kashmiris that

liberty to form their own government except they cannot participate in the
foreign affairs of trade being a state, but they can govern their people
represented by their own Kashmiris. However, now the situation has gone
such worse that India has unilaterally revoked this article from her
constitution and annexed Kashmir as the part of India calling it as union


The contemporary situation is such that India has revoked article 370 and
article 35A which will soon be removed from the constitution of India
possibly by 2020. The scenario is created in the way that Pakistan is
waiting for now one knows what, but just theoretically giving a lip service
reaction to the Modi led recent unilateral move about Kashmir as so far
which is not only the move against the UN resolutions but also the
revocation of Simla agreement 1972 where bilateral agreements to be
taken were decided between India and Pakistan (Indo-Pak Shimla
Agreement: 40 years later n.d.).

Furthermore, controlling over Kashmir and making that disputed patch of

land; Jammu and Kashmir plus Ladakh, as union territory, and deciding
this fate of Kashmiris with coercive moves using forceful gauges like
curfew, suspension of internet service or any such mode from where
Kashmiris can connect to the other world while practicing tyranny over
the region while doing so. All is done unilaterally by India only (The
Kashmir Times n.d.).

Additionally, on after the days of silence, Pakistan took the pills of action
while cutting off the diplomatic ties, trade relations as well as movement
of people across the border via train or bus. While, one of the Indian
analysts is of view that these things won’t bother India as India does not
has such a large potential of trade with Pakistan (Is Pakistan Able to
Counter India's Move in Kashmir? ,2019). Whereas Pakistan took a stance

that if India will take any harsh move, we will not spare any chance to
initiate militarized conflict on border.

But here the questions comes in the minds of the scholars, that if any other
harsh move is still to be taken by Indian authorities when Kashmiris are
already suffering from blockade of each source and worsen impacts of
oppressions taken off their rights where plebiscite and self-determination
rights comes too far in mind when their basic right to form their own self -
dependent government, right to have will and raise voce against
oppressors is being snatched by Modi government.

Besides, Pakistan, the state who have always called for the international
support to tackle its matter again went to appeal international actors and
states to support Pakistani stance on Kashmir. On the one hand where
recently, on August 2nd, 2019 offered to mediate on this extended
conflictual zone in Jammu and Kashmir. Though it can also be perceived
from trump’s meeting that may that meeting has acted as oil to fire over
the issue and sent a mild gesture form super power to take the cheesy
share and initiate to work on the pledges Modi’s governments made
during his election campaigns and presented as his party’s agenda in
manifesto to his people. By so far now, American government have not
summered out a single word in this case of furious tensions between India
and Pakistan.

Although India call this matter of Kashmir as its internal matter, but
Pakistan always stress upon the deal made under Shimla agreement and by
un security councils’ resolution. Thus, is consistent in doing efforts for the
people of Kashmir. Albeit another question also arises in the minds of the
scholars that if Pakistan is such affiliated to the Kashmiris and calls for the
slogan that “ Kashmir will be Pakistan” then where was their rational
mildness when India enjoyed special status of Kashmir.


Moreover, it can be concluded in a way that the resolution of this dispute

comes with table talk, firm support by the international community (which
is by now seem to be supporting India’s move majorly). However,
Pakistan isn’t in such a strong position to hold a conventional warfare with
Indian troops, but chances of unconventional warfare are looming not only
over both states but putting in risk the peace and prosperity of whole
Asian region.


Ali, Rao Farman. Freedom Struggles of Kashmir. 2015. (accessed
8 10, 2019).
Article 370: 10 facts that you need to know : Highlights, News – India Today.
jammu-and-kashmir-jawaharlal-nehru/1/364053.html (accessed 8 10,
Auckland. A brief history of the Kashmir conflict. n.d.
Kashmir-conflict.html (accessed 8 10, 2019).
Blinkenberg, Lars. India-Pakistan: The historical part. Odense University Press,
Indo-Pak Shimla Agreement: 40 years later. n.d.
later/268913-3.html (accessed 8 10, 2019).
Kashmir: Why India and Pakistan fight over it. n.d. (accessed 8 10, 2019).
Majid, Abdul, and Mahboob Hussain. "KASHMIR: A Conflict between India
and Pakistan." South Asian Studies 31, no. 1 (2016): 149.
Shah, Adfer. Kashmir - Yearning for Peace. 2016.
3-659-55971-6 (accessed 8 10, 2019).
The Kashmir Times. n.d. (accessed 8 10, 2019).
UN resolution 47. n.d. http://daccess-
rea=RESOLUTION (accessed 8 10, 2019).
“Is Pakistan Able to Counter India's Move in Kashmir?” 2019. India | Al Jazeera.
Accessed August 11.

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