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Lutfiana SOLIKHA







A. Background

The era of globalization is part of the times. There are a variety of influences on

the development of the era. One of the most visible is started on replacing the

traditional game of the modern game. In this present era, many children, especially

teenagers who began to leave the traditional games and prefer modern games. That is

because the modern game is much more fun and enjoyable (Kurniawan, 2017).

online games or commonly known as online gaming is a phenomenon very

popular game since 2012 in which more than one billion people play these games

(Kuss, 2013). Along with the rapid development of Internet technology, online games

also experiencing rapid development. Online game The future is now so popular in

many circles, these games make teens addicted and end up playing without knowing

the time, so the time to break it used to play. It is certainly very influential in the

quality of sleep.

The number of online game players in Indonesia has reached 60 million people

(Maulida, 2018). According to the WHO as many as 45.3% of the 3,264 school

students playing online games for a month without wanting to stop. The data found in

Newzoo, there were 43.7 million gamers and 56% of gamers are men. Indonesia is the

country with the highest number of gamers who play games via smartphones or

smartphones, personal computers, and laptops.

Sleep is a part of the body's biological rhythms to restore stamina. Sleep needs

vary for each person, generally 6-8 hours per day. To stay healthy, to be considered is

the quality of sleep (Siregar, 2011 Innocenti, 2018), Enough sleep needs to be

determined by the quality and quantity of sleep that is affected by several factors,
including disease, exercise and fatigue, psychological stress, medication, nutrition,

environment, and motivation (Apriana, 2015: 2). Sleep quality was not maintained

will bring negative effects to the body. Excess or lack of sleep can be equally harmful

to health. People who lack sleep have a risk of 2 or 3 times more likely to have

congestive heart failure, namely the state of the heart is a weakness in pumping blood

throughout the body, causing an imbalance in the body and damage other organs

(Hanif, 2015: 166),

B. Formulation of the problem

Based on the description of the background that can be taken that is there any problem

with Online Game Relationship with Quality in Youth Class X and XI in vocational

Yudha Karya Magelang.

C. orisinilitas Research

A similar study conducted by Astuti (2018) with the title of online gaming

addiction relationship with the sleep quality of student/student SMP Negeri 24

Samarinda using cross-sectional study design, sampling using quota sampling and

obtained 207 respondents. Data were collected using questionnaires. Data were

analyzed using Pearson product-moment correlation test.

Laela (2017) in his research titled behavioral relationships play virtual games

with the quality of sleep in school-age children in class V SDN Ngupasan Yogyakarta

showed no correlation statistically significant between the behavior of playing virtual

games with the sleep quality of students, so that the behavior of playing virtual games

may adversely affect health. This research is non-experimental quantitative research

with a cross-sectional approach. The instrument uses a questionnaire. The samples

were 60 students of class VA and VB at SDN Ngupasan Yogyakarta. Data analysis

using the Chi-Square test.

D. Purpose

Based on the formulation of research problems that have been prepared, the purpose

of this study is as follows:

1. General-purpose

To know is there any relationship with Quality Online Game Teenage Class

X and XI in vocational Yudha Karya Magelang.

2. Special purpose

a. Knowing the characteristics of respondents online game players in class X and XI

SMK Yudha Karya Magelang.

b. Knowing the distribution of frequency of online gaming in class X and XI in

vocational Yudha Karya Magelang.

c. Knowing the frequency distribution of the components of each item on the quality

of sleep in class X and XI in vocational Yudha Karya Magelang.

d. Knowing Relationships Online Game with Quality in Youth Class X and XI in

vocational Yudha Karya Magelang.

E. Benefits of Research

1. Theoretical benefits

If the online game was shown to be associated with sleep quality in

adolescent class X and XI in vocational Yudha Karya Magelang then expected to

be useful to increase knowledge about the impact of online games is the quality of

sleep for the worse.

2. Practical benefits

a. This study can be used as input for parents, teachers, and communities to monitor

and restrict online gameplay.

b. Adding a scientific study on the impact of online gaming with redundant.



A. Theory concepts

1. The concept of Adolescent

a. The definition of Youth

Teens is a period where the completion of puberty and physical growth, starting

from age 11 to 19 years (Dorland, 2011dalam Sujatmoko, 2015),

b. Juvenile stages according to its development is divided into three stages:

(Agustina, 2009 in Astuti, 2018) :

1) Early adolescents (12-15 years)

At this time people start trying to develop themselves as unique individuals and

not dependent on the parents.

2) The mid-teens (15-18 years old)

At this time people began to develop a maturity of behavior and considering the

intended purpose.

3) Late adolescents (19-22 years)

At this time people start menikirkan stability to achieve a goal.

2. Online game

a. Definition of Online Games

Online game expressly refers to the kind of games that are played over computer

networks, are generally played in the Internet network. Usually, the game is played

by many players at the same time wherein one another and do not know each lain.

Game online is a form of technology that can only be accessed via computer

networks (Wikipedia Dictionary, 2013 inSujatmoko, 2015),

b. Type Game Online

The online game has varying types with different modes. Here is a game based on

the division of genre / Candra Zebeh kind according to Aji (2012: 15-19):

1) Shooter Game

2) Adventure Game

3) Action Game
4) Role-Playing Game

5) Real-Time Strategy

6) Simulation

7) Society Game

8) browser Game

9) Music / Dance games

10) Cross-platform gaming.

c. Factors that affect gaming addiction

Factors that cause the behavior of online gaming addiction begins with family

factors and social factors. The subject facilitated by the family to play a game. This

has become one of the supporting factors gamers play a role in entertaining himself

and for his pleasure. Social contact with friends as well as a strong desire to control

the game in various ways such as finding out via the Internet, browsing, or inquire

with a friend in cyberspace. The existence of the internet at the moment can not be

separated from the children's play activities, where all the information they get will

be very simple and be a trigger addictive behavior, especially online games

(Syahran, 2015 inSujatmoko, 2015),

d. Impact Playing Games Online

According to (Hardiyansyah Masha and Dian Adi Candra, 2016: 155) the positive

impact of online games for students are social students will more easily supervised

by parents, students' brains are more active in thinking, reflexes thinking of

students will more quickly respond, emotional students can forget about playing

the game, students will be more creative thinking. The negative impact of online

games for students is the student will be lazy to learn, and often use their spare

time to play games online, the time to learn and help their parents after school
hours are lost due to playing games, pocket money or the money to pay the school

will be diverted to play the game online, forgetting time will be disrupted eating

patterns, emotional students will also be disrupted due to the effects of this game,

the schedule will beribadahpun sometimes neglect by students,

Excessive use resulting in behavior that appears to be negative, the player ill

effects from playing online games became very attached to the player himself.

Behavioral effects arising from online gaming in the form of actions and behavior.

Children try to imitate him following the state of his favorite games. As in the

game Point Blank and Counter-Strike, where the format of the game of war and

violence. It can educate children to be stubborn, hard to hear anyone even parents,

asocial, and even become more aggressive in pergola (Syahrul, 2017).

3. Sleep concepts

a. understanding Sleep

Sleep is a state of unconsciousness in which the perceptions and reactions to the

environment missing people can be awakened again with the stimulus and is a

basic requirement for human survival. Lack of sleep causes a person would be hard

thinking and hard to remember something (Silvanasari 2012 inAstuti, 2018),

b. Sleep stages

According to Mubarak (2007) sleep can be classified into two categories namely

sleep with eyeball movement that quickly (Rapid Eye Movement REM) or so-

called sleep paradox, and sleep with eyeball movement is slow (Non-Rapid Eye

Movement-NREM) or so-called slow-wave sleep:

1) NREM sleep

According to Mubarak (2007), NREM sleep is caused by a decrease in activity in

the reticular activating system. Stages of sleep are also called slow-wave sleep
(slow-wave sleep) because the brain waves move very slowly. NREM sleep is

characterized by a decrease in the number of physiological functions of the body as

well, including metabolism, working muscles, and vital signs. Another thing that

occurs during NREM sleep is eye movement slowed and diminished dreams.

NREM sleep is divided into four stages, as follows:

a) phase I

b) Phase I is the most superficial part of the bed and a transitional stage between

wakefulness and sleep. At this stage tend to be characterized by a relaxed, yet

aware of the environment around it, feeling drowsy, the eyeballs move, pulse and

breath slightly decreased, and easily aroused. This phase normally lasts 5 minutes

or about 5% of total sleep. (Mubarak, 2007 inAstuti, 2018),

c) phase II

d) Phase II is the stage when one enters the stage of sleep, but still can be easily

awakened. Phase I and II are included in a light sleep stage (light sleep). In stage II,

the muscles start to relax, the eyes are generally settled, decreased heart rate,

frequency of breathing, body temperature, and metabolism. Phase II normally lasts

10-20 minutes and is 50-55% of total sleep. (Mubarak, 2007 inAstuti, 2018),

e) phase III

f) Phase III is the beginning of a phase of deep sleep. Sleeping in, complete

muscle relaxation and individuals tend to be difficult to wake. This stage lasts for

15-30 minutes and represents 10% of total sleep. (Mubarak, 2007 inAstuti, 2018),

g) phase IV

h) Stage IV is the stage of sleep in which a person is in the stage of deep sleep or

delta sleep. A person becomes hard to wake and thus requires a stimulus.

Physiological changes occur, namely: EEG brain waves weaken, pulse and
respiration decreased, decreased blood pressure, decreased muscle tone,

metabolism slows, body temperature decreases. This phase represents 10% of total

sleep. (Mubarak, 2007 inAstuti, 2018),

2) REM sleep

According to Hidayat (2009) REM sleep is active or paradoxical. REM sleep is

usually characterized by:

a) Usually, it will be accompanied by an active dream

b) It would be difficult to be awakened than during slow-wave sleep soundly

c) Frequency of breath and heart become a treat

d) Eyes will be quickly closed and open, rapid pulse, increased blood pressure,

increased gastric secretion, and metabolism increase

e) Sleep is very important to balance the mental, emotional, also plays a role in

learning, memory, and adaptation

f) Several symptoms often arise when a person experiences a loss of REM sleep

tend to be characterized by hyperactivity, lack of self-control, emotion, and so

increased appetite (Asmadi 2008 in Astuti, 2018), REM sleep usually occurs every

90 minutes lasted for 5-30 minutes. During REM sleep, the brain tends to be active

and its metabolism increased by 20% (Mubarak, 2007 inAstuti, 2018),

c. Sleep cycle

During an average night's sleep of man through four or five cycles, with each cycle

comparison, REM / NREM will change throughout the night. Levels higher REM

sleep appears at night. Overall 75 percent and the most important role of human

sleep is NREM. (Atkins, 2017 inAstuti, 2018),

d. Sleep Quality
Quality of sleep is a sleep state lived individuals that will produce freshness and

fitness at the time of waking. The sleep quality covers the quantitative aspects of

sleep, such as sleep duration, sleep latency, as well as the subjective aspect of

sleep. The quality of one's sleep is said to be good if it shows signs of sleep

deprivation as not to feel refreshed when I woke in the morning, excessive daytime

sleepiness, dark in the area of the eyes, head feels heavy, excessive fatigue and not

having problems in her sleep. (Asmadi 2008 inAstuti, 2018),

Quality of sleep is the size at which a person can easily begin to sleep to

maintain sleep, and such complaints are perceived during sleep or after waking.

Enough sleep needs are determined by factors other than the number of hours of

sleep, which can also disebebakan by a factor of the depth of sleep. Some of the

factors that affect the quality of sleep that is, psychological factors, physiological,

environmental, and lifestyle. The physiological factors will impact the decrease in

daily activities, feels weak, tired, body resistance will decrease, while the

psychological factors will affect depression, anxiety, and difficulty concentrating.

(Potter & Perry, 2005 in Sindhi, 2013),

e. Factors that affect Sleep Quality

Several factors affect the quality of sleep, including:

1) Disease

2) Any disease that causes pain, physical discomforts such as difficulty in

breathing, as well as anxiety or depression can cause sleep problems. The disease

also causes a person to sleep in unusual positions. (Warahmatillah 2012 inAstuti,


3) Lifestyle
4) Lifestyle is one of the factors that affect the quality of sleep in adolescents, in

the age of social media and electronic games, many teens are sabotaging their

opportunity to have adequate rest at night with fun to play social media online and

playing video games until the early hours. Such activities make up their mind to

stay fresh up over eleven o'clock and hinder their brains, causing further delays to

sleep until hours after they shut off electronic devices. (Atkins, 2017 inAstuti,


5) Environment

Environmental factors have an impact that may even complicate facilitate sleep.

Poor ventilation and a comfortable environment can affect one's sleep. The noisy

and rowdy environment will impede individual to rest and sleep. (Mubarak, 2007).

6) Fatigue

7) Every person has a body condition that varies. The body is very tired as a

result of physical activity and other activities that may affect the quality of one's

sleep. The more a person feel tired and fatigued it will be an increasingly shorter

REM cycle path. After resting normally elongated REM cycle will return.

(Mubarak, 2007 inAstuti, 2018),

8) medications

9) Certain drugs can affect the quality of one's sleep. For example, an amfetamn

type of drug would reduce REM sleep. Mortgages can interfere with stages II and

IV NREM whereas narcotic drugs can suppress the kind of REM sleep and cause

frequent waking during the night. (Mubarak, 2007 inAstuti, 2018),

10) Emotional stress

11) Anxiety and depression often disturb one's sleep. For someone who is in a

state of anxiety the blood will increase norepinephrine levels via stimulation of the
sympathetic nervous system. This will cause the cycle of NREM sleep and REM

sleep phase IV will be reduced and will often awake. (Mubarak, 2007 inAstuti,


f. Sleep Disorders

According to Prasadja (2009), there are several causes of sleep disturbances in a

person, which are:

1) Insomnia

Insomnia is a condition that causes people not able to get adequate sleep both in

quality and quantity so that the individual is only a short sleep or disturbed sleep.

Insomnia is divided into three types, namely initials insomnia, intermittent

insomnia, and terminal insomnia. Initial insomnia is the inability of the individual

to fall asleep or start sleeping. Intermittent insomnia is the inability to stay asleep

for always wake up at night. While the terminal insomnia is the inability to return

to sleep after waking up during the night. The process of sleep disturbance was

likely due to their anxiety and mental stress.

2) hypersomnia

Hypersomnia is a sleep disorder with excessive sleep criteria. In general, more than

nine hours at night, due to the possibility of psychological problems, central

nervous disorders, and metabolic disorders.

3) parasomnias

Parasomnia is a collection of several diseases that can disturb sleep patterns. For

example, sleepwalking (stroll in bed) was more common in children, which is in

stage III and IV of NREM sleep. This sleepwalking can cause diarrhea.

4) enuresis
Enuresis is urinating unintentional bedtime or referred to the term bed wetting.

Enuresis there are two kinds of nocturnal enuresis and diurnal enuresis. Nocturnal

enuresis is bedwetting at bedtime. Generally, nocturnal enuresis occurs as an

NREM sleep disorder. While diurnal enuresis is bedwetting on waking.

5) Apnea and snoring

In general, snoring does not include disturbances in sleep, but snoring is

accompanied by a state of apnea that can be a problem. Snoring is caused by the

presence of obstacles in the airflow in the nose and mouth during sleep.

6) narcolepsy

Narcolepsy is a sleep state that can not be controlled, such as when someone is

sleeping in a state of standing, driving a vehicle, or in the middle of a conversation.

It is a neurological disorder.

7) Delirious

Delirious is a sleep disorder when it occurs too often and unusual causes reduced

sleep quality and need so that it can disrupt the function of the organs in the body

(repair cells) and can easily lead to psychological problems. The observation may

indicate that almost everyone has delirious and occurred before REM sleep.

B. Theoretical framework

B. Game Online C. Sleep Concepts

A. The concept of 1. Definition of online 1. understanding sleep

Adolescent games 2. stages of sleep
2. Types of online 3. sleep cycle
1. definition teen
games 4. Quality of sleep
2. stages of teen
3. Factors affecting 5. Factors affecting the quality
gaming addiction of sleep
4. Impact to play the 6. sleep disorders
game online
Figure 2.1 Framework Theory

C. Conceptual framework

factors Independent Dependent factor

The sleep quality class X and XI

Online game
SMK Yudha Karya

Figure 2.2 Framework Concepts

D. hypothesis

Ho: There is no relationship between sleep quality games online with students of class

X and XI SMK Yudha Karya Magelang.

Ha: There is a relationship between sleep quality games online with students of class

X and XI SMK Yudha Karya Magelang.



A. Research design

This research method is quantitative research with a non-experimental research

design. The design of this study using a cross-sectional approach, meaning that the

emphasis on timing measurement or observation data in one at a time is done on the

dependent variable and independent variables. This approach was used to examine the

relationship between independent variables and the dependent variable (Notoatmodjo

2012 in(Panjaitan, 2014),

B. Place and time of research

1. Venue: SMK Yudha Karya

2. Time: January-March 2020

The reason the researchers chose this place as a place of research as many as 100

students are online game players and a lot of students who claimed to be willing to

sleep late at night just to play online games and was often carried out repeatedly every

night. Based on interviews of some of the students showed that they often play games

online using a smartphone.

C. population Research

The population is a collection of individuals or objects or phenomena which

potentially can be measured as part of the study (Notoatmodjo, 2018). The population

in this study were all students of SMK Yudha Karya Magelang who play online


D. Samples and Sampling Techniques

Sample in this study were all students of class X and XI SMK Yudha Karya

Magelang online game players. The sampling technique in this research is total

sampling. Respondents in this study were 100 respondents.

E. criterion Research

1. Inclusion criteria

The inclusion criteria were criteria or characteristics that need to be filled with

every member of the population that can be taken as a sample (Notoatmodjo,

2018). The criteria for inclusion in this study are as follows:

a. Subject willing to become respondents

b. The subject is an online game players

c. The subject is X or XI grade students who attend vocational Yudha Karya


2. Exclusion criteria

The exclusion criteria were the characteristics of members of the population that

can not be taken as a sample (Notoatmodjo, 2018). The criteria for exclusion in

this study are as follows:

a. Subjects did not follow the time of the research activities due to illness or

permission to be absent.

b. Have a family history of mental disorders.

F. Operational definition

table 3.1

Operational definition

variable Definition Measuring How to Measureme measureme

s instrument measure nt results nt scale

Independent variables

Online Total playing Lamabermai Researchers The interval

game games that are n distribute measuremen

connected to questionnair questionnaire t results will

the Internet e online s to be divided

network. game respondents into three

and will be categories

filled by the which are

respondent rarely = 1-2

by the times per

command week, quite

questionnaire often = 3-5

s times a

week, often

= 6-8 times

a week.

Dependent variables

Quality Circumstance The Respondents The ordinal

of sleep s, where an questionnair were asked measuremen

individual e Pittsburgh to fill out t results will

lived beds Sleep questionnaire be divided

produce Quality s to all the into two

freshness and Index questions categories:

fitness in (PSQI) bad = if the

waking sleep, total score

can feel good of> 5, well

or bad. = if the total

score of <5

G. Research Procedures and Instruments

1. Research execution procedures

Researchers asked study permits in the Administration to be submitted to the

school which will serve as a place of research, namely SMK Yudha Karya

Magelang. After school authorizing and approving the researchers took the
preliminary data the number of online game players in class X and XI SMK

Yudha Karya Magelang. After the researchers submitted a research proposal to

the college. The study will begin when the proposal has been convened.

Researchers will research by spreading questionnaire online games and

questionnaire the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI). In the questionnaire

distributed researchers will go to every class X after hours of course completion.

Once completed in retrieving data, researchers will process the data using SPSS

with Spearman.

2. The research instrument

Measuring instruments used to collect data in this study a questionnaire in the

form of a questionnaire. The questionnaire used included questionnaires online

games and the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI).

1) Questionnaire online game

Measuring devices in the form of a sheet of paper which will be filled by

respondententang how many times in playing the game for a week. In this

questionnaire dikateorikan into three categories which are rarely = 1- 2 times per

week, quite often = 3-5 times a week, often = 6-8 times a week. In the

questionnaire, there is groupings classification of types of games that will be

selected by the respondent types of online games the most dominant played by

the respondent.

2) Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI)

The instrument used to measure the quality of sleep research is a questionnaire

Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI) by Busyee, Reynolds, Monk, et al., 1989.

The use of this questionnaire is to fill in the statement provided in the

questionnaire. Respondents were asked to fill in a statement carried on sleeping

patterns over the last month. There are 9 points of the items stocked by the

respondent and one question is filled by a bed partner respondents (if you have

friends sleep one room). PSQI the questions in the questionnaire are as follows:

1) Item Problem No. 1

On this item the respondent to fill her time at night in the past month periods.

Respondents fill at what is usually started lying down to sleep.

2) Item Problem No. 2

On this item, the respondents fill time is needed to fall asleep. The time needed

when starting to lay down to sleep.

3) Problem Item Number 3

On this item the respondent to fill when I wake up (at what usually wake up in the


4) Problem Item Number 4

On this item, the respondents fill effective duration used to sleep at night.

Respondents fill the number of hours of sleep per night.

5) Item Problem No. 5

On this item, the respondents fill disorders/difficulties to sleep experienced.

Respondents fill in how often experience sleep disturbances in the past month

with a mark "v" in the column at one frequency disturbance. There are 9 (ai) sleep

disorder that has been provided in the questionnaire PSQI and 1 (j), written by the

respondents themselves if the sleep disorder other than those already provided.

Item sleep disorders comprising:

a) Could not sleep within 30 minutes after lying down

b) Natural or waking at dawn

c) Had to get up to use the bathroom

d) Difficult to breathe comfortably

e) Cough or snore loudly

f) chill

g) Feeling hot/steamy

h) Nightmares

i) feeling Pain

j) Gangguang other sleep (added by the respondent)

Respondents fill the frequency of occurrence of interference on one frequency of

existing categories, namely: (1) never, (2) is less than 1x a week, (3) 1 or 2x a

week, and (4) 3x or more a week

6) Problem Item Number 6

On this item, the respondents rate the overall quality of sleep in the last month.

Respondents choose one of four quality sleep has been provided in the

questionnaire, namely: (1) very good, (2) enough, (3) poor, and (4) very bad.

7) Problem Item Number 7

On this item, the respondents fill out questions about how often they use sleeping

pills (with or without a prescription) for help to sleep. Respondents fill frequency

of drug use on one of the existing categories of frequency are: (1) never, (2) is

less than 1x a week, (3) 1 or 2x a week, and (4) 3x or more a week.

8) Problem Item Number 8

On this item, the respondents fill out questions relating to the difficulties

experienced to stay awake/fresh/ do not feel sleepy while driving, eating, or in

other social activities. Respondents fill out the frequency level of difficulty in one

column existing frequencies, namely: (1) never, (2) is less than 1x a week, (3) 1

or 2x a week, and (4) 3x or more a week.

9) Problem Item Number 9

On this item, the respondent or the student fills nomads questions related to the

presence or absence of problems encountered to concentrate on completing a

job/task. Respondents fill in one column existing frequencies, namely: (1) there is

no problem at all, (2) a bit of a problem, (3) there is a problem, and (4) a big


10) Problem Item Number 10

At about this item respondents fill out the question of whether having friends

sleep or not. If respondents have friends sleep in the same room, then the next

question item 5 (ae) is filled by a bed partner. The question items contain

respondents' discomfort during sleep. The results of the answers to the number 10

are not included in the calculation of respondents' sleep quality and just be

additional medical information (Busyee, Reynolds, Monk, et al., 1989: 195). The

sleep discomfort item consists of:

a) loud snoring

b) Experienced a lull breathing during sleep

c) Legs jerking during sleep

d) Had a moment of confusion or disorientation during sleep

e) Other inconveniences (filled by the bed partner of respondents)

H. Data analysis

1. Data processing

The data for this research uses computer software through the following stages:

a. editing
Researchers will examine all the answers to be given by the respondents in

the sheet of questions, if there are missing data immediately comes complete


b. coding

Done by providing the code on each of the aspects that form numbers on the

questionnaire. For sex characteristics coded 1 for men and 2 for women.

c. Data entry

Researchers incorporate the results of the answers by code.

d. Tabulating

Researchers insert data into tables of research results by predetermined


e. cleaning

The results have been collected checked again to avoid any error codes,

incomplete data, and so on. After making sure that all data is correct then

processed and included in the tables so that the distribution can be calculated

according to pre-defined categories crimped.

2. Data analysis

a. Univariate analysis

The univariate analysis aims to explain or describe the characteristics of each

of the variables (Notoatmodjo, 2018). The analysis done is descriptively by

calculating the frequency distribution for each variable of research consisting

of the mean, median, mode, minimum value, and maximum value. This

analysis resulted in the distribution and percentage of each variable.

b. Bivariate analysis
Bivariate analysis is the analysis used to determine the relationship between

online games with the quality of sleep. The collected data is analyzed and

tested by bivariate statistical tests using Spearman. First, test the normality of

the data by using Kolmogorov because of the number of respondents as many

as 100 or more than 50 respondents. After being tested and the results

obtained Kolmogorov normally distributed or p value> 0.05 then the Pearson

test. Results obtained p-value <0.05, then there is a relationship between two

variables (Notoatmodjo, 2018).

I. Research ethics

Researchers in conducting a study entitled relationships online games with the

quality of sleep in adolescents Class X and XI in vocational Yudha Karya Magelang,

researchers looked at the ethics of the research include:

1. Doing filing ethical clearance

Doing the submission to the ethics committee of health research polytechnic

MoH Semarang online by sending multiple documents such as application forms,

protocols, and other supporting documents, a summary in non-technical language,

description of the problem in research, case report forms and questionnaires,

descriptive of the drug / radioactive material or other test equipment, curriculum

vitae researchers to look for the subject matter, the process, and how to obtain

informed consent.

2. Approval of respondents (informed consent)

Informed consent is a form of agreement between the researcher and the

respondent to give a consent form. Informed consent is intended that the

respondents know the purpose and objective of the study. The sheet is given
informed consent before doing research where the respondents fill out consent

without coercion from any party as a respondent.



Health Sciences' Aisyiyah.





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