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Task 1: How has globalisation had an impact on transportation in your country ?

At present time, our country’s technology is getting more and more advanced
& developed, furthermore, it follows the tendency of technology development, which
has profound impact on Vietnamese transport. In addition, by 2020, Vietnam will
become an industrialised country with advanced development guidelines. Since
then, its means of transportation in VN have become progressive and it is also
pertinent for technological innovation like in developing countries. However, Vietnam
also has some disadvantages in terms of transport, and it has even gone backward
compared to capitalist countries. There are multiple things which Vietnam needs to
develop and change about transportation from countries around the world ( global
aspect). Vietnam is one of the countries that learn a lot from technology in Western
countries, with innovative technology benefits, this will be an advantage to promote
Vietnam’s transport to evolve better and lead to a more practical outcomes.
In terms of Vietnamese vehicles, motorcycles are one of the most common
and important vehicles, requiring the driver to have an independent and excellent
steering.It's handy, suitable for traveling on narrow roads or on long trips that require
the adventure of travelers. When motorbike users, especially when traveling on a
long trip, it will easily discover scenes that hardly anyone can detect.In addition,
Vietnam is an advanced developed country going from agriculture to
industrialization, thanks to the advanced learning from technology developed in
countries around the world. Not mention to far, advanced transportation such as
Grab, Goviet and BE also use smartphone technology, which is easily to pick up
customers and serve them with professionalism, instead of verifying the price
through words, Smartphones have GPS and navigation services to measure the
distance of the road, from which it appears the appropriate price for customers. This
can be said to be a huge turning point for Vietnamese vehicles to
develop.Furthermore, with global development, bus routes are prevalent, from which
Vietnam is also affected with appropriate development for society,with the
convenience, clean and cheap suitable for residents and even tourists, especially in
Ho Chi Minh city, “There were easily 5 buses in a line, all-day, everyday, picking-up
and dropping-off travelers.”(1) All the services of the bus gradually get better.
Vietnam has improved its means of transportation a lot, however, it is still very
limited; First of all, is that the people's consciousness is still too poor when moving
vehicles on the road, from which it directly affects the health and life of each
individual to the community.Secondly, compared with modern advanced technology
in developed countries, Vietnam was still falling back, for example in Singapore,
before 1975, compared to Vietnam, at that time Singapore was in poor condition, at
that time President Ly Quang Dieu always aspires to be like Vietnam, especially in
Ho Chi Minh City “ Pearl of the Orient” ,but after all, after 1975, Singapore has grown
tremendously, from a poor country, now has become a developed country. Since
1992, Singapore had the MRT metro station, meanwhile, Vietnam is under the rule of
socialist regime, so Vietnam has a lot of backward transportation, even its country is
very limited compared to Western countries and other countries, which have grown
already .In addition, traffic jams also occur on the road, due to a part of poor traffic
consciousness, so the occurrence of traffic accidents in Vietnam is really common.
Globally, there are a number of countries that have complied with the safety rules
when moving vehicles in many routes with modern technology equipment. Thirdly,
there are some parts of the roadway not been upgraded yet, sometimes it landslides,
which make transportation more and more complicated. When taxes rise, it also
affects the building of a strong country, but Vietnam is a communist country, so the
development situation is also lagging behind developed countries.
“Vietnam went from half a million vehicles of all kinds in 1990 to almost 14
million at the end of 2004, according to the National Traffic Safety Committee. Grant
McCool of Reuters wrote: “The ever-increasing number of vehicles is fueled by one
of the world's fastest expanding economies. The streets of the capital, Hanoi, the
commercial center, Ho Chi Minh City, and other towns teem with motorbikes weaving
between cars, bicycles and pedestrians.”(2) It proves that Vietnamese transport has
developed with many types of vehicle terrain, so this could be a good start for
Vietnam for 20 years ago. At the end of the 19th century and early 20th century,
Vietnam was a country that mainly traveled by foot, bicycle, and cyclo, conversely,
cars are the type of vehicle rarely seen at that time. Furthermore, before the 19th
century, road transportation was essential for many people in Vietnam. Therefore,
the time it gradually changed, the pace of development was increasing day by day,
the generation of vehicles became increasingly clear, because people don't want to
be in a poor situation as to live in an outdated period, even pushed back compared
to other countries in the world.Besides, without the presence of “human", this country
would never make any progress, and if we do not learn from countries around the
globe, this country will lack the understanding about technology, since then it will
prevent our country from developing in terms of vehicles.
To be concluded , the generation of Vietnamese people has now developed
with technology 4.0 to make transportation which has not been upgraded become in
transportation side inevitably, to develop vehicles by upgrading the most modern
facilities that are most convenient .Moreover, Vietnamese citizens should learn more
from developed countries to improve their facilities in a better way. In addition, the
government should be improved about understanding of road reform for vehicles to
make transportation easier.

(1) : Nathan Vandermost(May 10,2015).Vietnam Transportation Options
For Travelers. Retrieved from
(2) :Jeffrey Hays( May 2014).Transportation in Vietnam:Bicycles,
motorbikes, helmets, cyclo and trains. Retrieved from

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