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Matlab Exercise #2

Baseband equivalent digital transmission in AWGN

channel: Transmitter and receiver structures - QAM
signals, Gray coding and bit error probability


Note that this exercise uses a similar system model as was used in exercise 1, except that now we
start from a bit sequence in the TX and end up to bit error rate (BER) calculations in the RX.
Consequently, it is highly recommended that you use your Matlab code from the last exercise
session as a starting point today. So please find the points where you need to change your code and
do the changes according to the instructions. Note that the parts, which will be unchanged, are
written in this document in gray color


In this exercise, we create a baseband equivalent QAM transmission system including a transmitter
(TX), a receiver (RX), and a simple AWGN (Additive White Gaussian Noise) channel model. We consider
the TX and RX structures to be similar to the ones shown in Fig. 1. Here, both the TX and RX structure
are based on complex calculations, but the same structures can also be implemented by using only
real-valued signals (i.e., I/Q-modulation with separate I and Q branches).
As transmit and receive filters we use the Root-Raised-Cosine (RRC) filters. Together (in TX and RX)
these filters fulfill the Nyquist criterion (i.e. no inter-symbol-interference (ISI)). Notice that a single
RRC does not do this unlike with the conventional raised-cosine filter.

Transmitter Receiver
Bit Complex Complex Detected Detected
sequence symbols baseband symbols bits
Transmit signal Receive
Bits to Symbols
filter filter
symbols f(t) to bits
g (t ) Sampler Decicion
bits ak s (t ) r(t) q(t ) q(k) aˆk

Figure 1: Baseband equivalent system structure with AWGN channel.


 First let’s define the general system parameters as follows:
SNR = 0:2:24; % Signal-to-noise ratio vector [dB]
T = 1/10e6; % Symbol time interval [s]
r = 4; % Oversampling factor (r samples per pulse)
N_symbols_per_pulse = 40; % Duration of TX/RX filter in symbols
alpha = 0.20; % Roll-off factor (excess bandwidth)
 Based on above we can define sampling frequency and sampling time interval as
Fs = r/T; % Sampling frequency
Ts = 1/Fs; % Sampling time interval


 We start by defining the number of symbols to be transmitted (to be compatible with the code
from the last week). This way we can easily calculate how long bit sequence we need to
generate. Note that in practice we would of course start from the bits, no matter how many
of those we have.
N_symbols = 1000000; % Number of symbols
 Generate the symbol alphabet
o Create a 64-QAM constellation (help bsxfun)
o Scale the constellation so that the expected average power of transmitted symbols
equals to one
% Alphabet size
M = 64;
% Number of symbols in the QAM alphabet (e.g. 16 means 16-QAM).
% Valid alphabet sizes are 4, 16, 64, 256, 1024, ...
% (i.e. the possible values are given by the vector 2.^(2:2:N), for any N)

% Here qam_axis presents the symbol values in real/imaginary axis.

% So, generally for different alphabet/constellation sizes ():
qam_axis = -sqrt(M)+1:2:sqrt(M)-1;
% For example, the above results in
% qam_axis = [-1 1]; % for QPSK
% qam_axis = [-3 -1 1 3]; % for 16-QAM
% qam_axis = [-7 -5 -3 -1 1 3 5 7]; % for 64-QAM

% generation of a complex constellation:

alphabet = bsxfun(@plus,qam_axis',1j*qam_axis); %help bsxfun
% equivalent to alphabet = repmat(qam_axis', 1, sqrt(alphabet_size)) + ...
% repmat(1j*qam_axis, sqrt(alphabet_size), 1);
alphabet = alphabet(:).'; % alphabet symbols as a row vector

% Scaling the constellation, so that the mean power of a transmitted symbol

% is one (e.g., with QPSK this is 1/sqrt(2), and for 16-QAM 1/sqrt(10))
alphabet_scaling_factor = 1/sqrt(mean(abs(alphabet).^2));
alphabet = alphabet*alphabet_scaling_factor;

 Then generate a random bit sequence to be transmitted

% Number of bits, defined for a fixed alphabet size and number of symbols
N_bits = log2(M)*N_symbols;

% Random bit sequence

bits = randi(2,N_bits,1)-1;

 Reshape the bit sequence based on the symbol alphabet size (i.e. how many bits are plugged
into a single symbol) and calculate the symbol indices corresponding to the bit block values
% Block of bits in the columns
B = reshape(bits,log2(M),[]);
% Powers of two: ..., 2^3, 2^2, 2^1, 2^0
q = 2.^(log2(M)-1:-1:0);

% Symbol indices between 0...M-1, i.e. bit blocks to decimal numbers

symbol_indices = q*B;

 In this exercise, we use Gray coding. In order to make sure that you understand the basic
principles of such coding, do the following task:
 PEN&PAPER TASK: Lets’ consider a 4-QAM symbol alphabet, i.e. the symbols are in the corners
of a square. Your task is to place four different bit sequences (00, 01, 10, 11) into the symbol
alphabet such that the resulting bit-to-symbol mapping fulfills the idea of Gray coding.
 Gray coding could be done directly by reordering the symbol alphabet, but now we use a
Matlab function to map the original symbol indices to the ones, which take into account the
requirement of the Gray code, i.e. that neighboring symbols differ always only by one bit.
% Gray coded symbol indices. This is basically an operation where the
% symbol indices are mapped to Gray-coded symbol indices. Another option
% would be reordering the original symbol alphabet, but the overall effects
% would be exactly the same.
[Gray_symbol_indices, ~] = bin2gray(symbol_indices, 'qam', M);

% Symbols from the alphabet, based on the Gray-coded symbol indices above.
% Note that we need to add 1 to the indices since the indexing must be
% between 1...M (the addition is later removed in the RX).
symbols = alphabet(Gray_symbol_indices+1);

By following the TX structure in Fig. 1, we generate a continuous time QAM signal based on the above-
defined system parameters.
 Implement the transit filter: Root-Raised-Cosine (RRC) and plot the pulse shape
% Filter generation
gt = rcosdesign(alpha,N_symbols_per_pulse,r,'sqrt');

% Plot the pulse shape of the transmit/receive filter

hold on
xlabel('time [s]')
title('Transmit/receive RRC filter (pulse shape)')
legend('Pulse shape','Ideal symbol-sampling locations')
 Filter the transmitted symbol sequence. Remember to upsample the symbol sequence rate to
match with sampling rate of the filter/pulse:
% Zero vector initilized for up-sampled symbol sequence
symbols_upsampled = zeros(size(1:r*N_symbols));

% symbol insertion
symbols_upsampled(1:r: r*N_symbols) = symbols;
% now the up-sampled sequence looks like {a1 0 0... a2 0 0... a3 0 0...}

st = filter(gt,1,symbols_upsampled); % Transmitter filtering

st = st(1+(length(gt)-1)/2:end); % Filter delay correction
 Plot the transmit signal s(t) in time and frequency domain
figure % zoom manually to see the signal better
xlabel('Time [s]')
ylabel('Amplitude (of a complex signal)')
title('Signal s(t) in time domain')

NFFT = 2^14; %FFT size

f = -Fs/2:1/(NFFT*Ts):Fs/2-1/(NFFT*Ts); %frequency vector

% Plot the transmit signal in frequency domain

plot(f/1e6, fftshift(abs(fft(st, NFFT))));
xlabel('Frequency [MHz]')
ylabel('Amplitude ')
title('TX signal s(t)')
ylim([0 500]);

Here we consider a simple AWGN channel model. We create white random noise, scale it with the
proper scaling factor to obtain the desired SNR (after receive filtering), and then add it on top of the
transmitted signal s(t).
 Generate the noise vector
% Complex white Gaussian random noise
n = (1/sqrt(2))*(randn(size(st)) + 1j*randn(size(st)));
P_s = var(st); % Signal power
P_n = var(n); % Noise power

% Defining noise scaling factor based on the desired SNR:

noise_scaling_factor = sqrt(P_s/P_n./10.^(SNR./10)*(r/(1+alpha)));
 Add noise on top of the signal s(t). Remember that the variable “SNR” is now a vector.
% Initialization for RX signal matrix, where each row represents the
% received signal with a specific SNR value
rt = zeros(length(SNR), length(st));

% Received signal with different SNR values

for ii = 1:1:length(SNR)
rt(ii,:) = st + noise_scaling_factor(ii)*n;
 Plot the amplitude spectrum of the noise and noisy bandpass signal
% Plot the amplitude response of the noise with the SNR corresponding
% to the last value in the SNR vector (just as an example)
plot(f/1e6, fftshift(abs(fft(noise_scaling_factor(end)*n, NFFT))));
xlabel('Frequency [MHz]')
title(['Noise (corresponding to SNR = ', num2str(SNR(end)), ' dB)'])
ylim([0 500]);

% Received signal with the noise when the SNR is equal to the last value of
% the SNR vector
plot(f/1e6, fftshift(abs(fft(rt(end,:), NFFT))));
xlabel('Frequency [MHz]')
title(['RX signal r(t) (SNR = ', num2str(SNR(end)), ' dB)'])
ylim([0 500]);

Typically, due to many unknown/uncertain parameters, most of the complexity in a communications
system is found on the RX side. Now, by following the RX structure in Fig. 1, we estimate the
transmitted symbols from the received noisy bandpass QAM signal.


 Filter the received signal r(t) with the receive filter (RRC similar to TX) and sample the resulting
continuous time signal q(t) in order to obtain the discrete time signal sequence q(k).
% Creating the receive filter (it is the same as in the transmitter)
ft = gt;

% Plotting the amplitude response of the receive filter

plot(f/1e6, fftshift(abs(fft(ft, NFFT))));
xlabel('Frequency [MHz]')
title('RX filter f(t)')

% Initialization for the received symbol matrix, where each row represents
% the symbols with a specific SNR value
qk = zeros(length(SNR), N_symbols - N_symbols_per_pulse);
% Note that due to filtering transitions, we loose some of the last
% symbols of the symbol sequence. In practice we would simply continue
% taking a few samples after the sequence to try to get all the symbols.
% However, filter transitions in the beginning and in end are always
% creating non-idealities to the transmission (the same is also happening
% in frequency domain: e.g. compare data in the middle and in the edge of
% the used band).

% Filtering and sampling

for ii = 1:1:length(SNR)
qt = filter(ft,1,rt(ii,:)); % Receiver filtering
qt = qt(1+(length(ft)-1)/2:end); % Filter delay correction

% Sampling the filtered signal. Remember that we used oversampling in

% the TX.
qk(ii,:) = qt(1:r:end);
 Plot the samples in a complex plane (constellation) with a few different SNR values
% Plot a few examples of the noisy samples and compare them with the
% original symbol alphabet
hold on
plot(alphabet,'ro', 'MarkerFaceColor','r')
hold off
legend('Received samples', 'Original symbols')
title(['Received samples with SNR = ', num2str(SNR(1)), ' dB'])
axis equal

mid_ind = ceil(length(SNR)/2); % index for the entry in the middle
hold on
plot(alphabet,'ro', 'MarkerFaceColor','r')
hold off
legend('Received samples ', 'Original symbols')
title(['Received samples with SNR = ', num2str(SNR(mid_ind)), ' dB'])
axis equal

plot(qk(end, :),'b*')
hold on
plot(alphabet,'ro', 'MarkerFaceColor','r')
hold off
legend('Received samples ', 'Original symbols')
title(['Received samples with SNR = ', num2str(SNR(end)), ' dB'])
axis equal


The next step is to make the symbol decisions. This is done based on the minimum distance principle,
where the symbol estimate is defined as that symbol of the alphabet, which minimizes the distance
to the symbol sample.
 Calculate the Euclidian distance between each symbol sample and each alphabet symbol.
Then find the indices of the alphabet symbols, which have the minimum distance to the
symbol samples. Then decode the Gray-coded symbols to bits, and finally find out which bits
were received incorrectly and define the observed Bit Error Rate (BER). Remember again that
we used multiple SNR values and each row of the signal samples q(k) represents the received
signal with different SNRs.
% Initialization
BER = zeros(1,length(SNR));

for ii = 1:1:length(SNR)

alphabet_error_matrix = abs(bsxfun(@minus,alphabet.',qk(ii,:)));
% Now, rows represent the alphabet symbol indices and columns represent
% the received symbol indices (e.g. the Euclidian distance between the
% 5th received symbol and the 3rd symbol in the alphabet is given as
% "alphabet_error_matrix(3,5)"

% Searching for the indeces corresponding to the minimum distances

[~,estimated_Gray_symbol_ind] = min(alphabet_error_matrix);
% Decoding the Gray-coded symbol indices. Remember that we added 1 to
% the Gray-coded symbol indices in the TX, so now its effects
% need to be removed by substracting 1 from the estimated Gray coded
% symbol indeces.
estimated_symbol_indices = ...

% block of estimated bits in the columns

estimated_bit_blocks = ...
% remember again that we have to remove one from the estimated symbol
% indices ("estimated_symbol_ind(:)-1") in order to get numbers to start
% from zero value

% Bit blocks to bit vector

estimated_bits = estimated_bit_blocks(:);

% Finding out which bits were estimated incorrecly:

bit_errors = ...
estimated_bits ~= bits(1:length(estimated_bits));

% Bit error rate (0 means 0% of errors, 1 means 100% of errors)

BER(1,ii) = mean(bit_errors);


The final step is then to plot the obtained results and compare them with the theoretical
approximation of the bit error probability.
 In order to do that, we need first to calculate the theoretical symbol error probability (see p.
153 from the lecture slides).
% Based on the lecture slides on p. 156, an approximation for the BER can
% be given as BER = 1/log2(M) * symbol_error_probability, assuming Gray
% coding where the nearest neigbors differ only one bit.

% Find out the minimum distance between two constellation points

d = min(abs(alphabet(1)-alphabet(2:end)));

% Sigma values. Note that we need to first divide the original power of the
% noise by two in order to get the parameter used in the equations.
% Variable noise_scaling_factor was used for amplitudes so we need to
% square it for getting the corresponding power scaling factor.
sigma = sqrt(0.5 * P_n * noise_scaling_factor.^2);

% Theoretical symbol error probability applicable to all M-QAM alphabets.

P_sym_error = (4*qfunc(d./(2*sigma)) - 4*qfunc(d./(2*sigma)).^2) * ...
((M-4-4*(sqrt(M)-2))/M) + ...
(2*qfunc(d./(2*sigma))- qfunc(d./(2*sigma)).^2) * (4/M) + ...
(3*qfunc(d./(2*sigma)) - 2*qfunc(d./(2*sigma)).^2) * (4*(sqrt(M)-2)/M);

 Compare the simulated results with the theoretical results

% Compare the simulated and theoretical results.
semilogy(SNR, BER, 'LineWidth', 3);
hold on;
semilogy(SNR, (1/log2(M))*P_sym_error, 'r--', 'LineWidth', 2);
title('Bit error rate')
xlabel('SNR [dB]')
legend('Simulated BER with Gray coding',...
'Theoretical bit error probability (approx.)','Location', 'SouthWest');

 Do the simulated results match with the theoretical ones? Where you can see differences and
why there?

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