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Hello everyone, let me introduce my self.

My name is Desna Amelliya,

I was the first child of 3 siblings. I really love my family. my second sister had senior high

school and my younger brother had just entered elementary school. my birthplace is Tanjung

Pinang, Riau but when I was 1 year old my parents took me to Java, Bandung. that's where I

grow. In bandung I have 4 friends and relatives who are very close to me, they are Rena, Adit,

Willy and Sandy we really rarely meet because of distance problems but when we meet it doesn't

take long to interact with each other again. then in junior high school I have 5 friends they are

Sendy, Ane, Kania, Novi, and Ulfah they are my best friends even when we are in different

classes at rest we will visit each other. we were always together until we finally graduated. I was

the only one attending school apart from them because my parents asked me to go to school in

the pharmacy department. at first I refused because I wanted to go to my favorite school but after

I went to Bumi Siliwangi Vocational School there I met many good friends including my friends

Ghea, Vicka, Vinny, Prima, Ayu, Raffika, and Dinny they were my encouragement in the world

this difficult pharmacy. but when I want to go to grade 2, my parents will move to Teluk

Kuantan, Riau. I am very sad to be separated from my best friends. I have no choice but to go

with my parents . In Teluk Kuantan there were no pharmacy schools and finally I had to separate

from my parents to Bukittinggi. with a heavy heart I have to continue my school with a long

distance with my parents. after graduating from high school I decided to work first to eliminate

the fatigue of learning. after one year working at a pharmacy I was asked by my mother to

continue college. here I am now with my 7 friends together fighting to get the degree with

satisfactory value and to be proud of our parents

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