Comparing Contexts Sophie

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Comparing Contexts

Name: Sophie Morgan

Date: 5/10/2019

Context: Local galleries, tourism, nature, environment and magazines

Tourism: The idea for this shoot is about taking several images for local tourism which will
end up going in local galleries. I see and feel like tourism would appeal the target
audience being intended for both males and female’s tourists, locals and even
schoolchildren, who either like photography or what to see the local nature and
environments in the area.

Galleries: The purpose is to see the images going in local galleries as part of exhibitions, I
believe tourists and locals would what to see the local art work going on. The target
audience would be both genders with school groups and adults visiting. The purpose is for
artists who have dreams of displaying and presenting their artworks in galleries for public
for the purpose of education and enjoyment.

Nature, environment: I chose a landscape shoot because I wanted to show off the
environment. The target audience I feel would both genders, from the ages of 10+ as they
would understand the concept going on in the images. The purpose of this shoot is to
show the beautiful nature, coastlines and environments to those who are interest in
seeing, as doing my research into this photo loads of people are wanting to save
environments before it’s too late and they are gone. By doing this the photographs are
putting the emotions into photo and where people will want to look at them.


Tourism and environments are very similar as tourists love to see local environments like
the beaches, sea, coastlines and unique features that were created thousands of years
ago. They are different when tourism puts stress on local land use and can lead to erosion
and natural habitat loss. These effects can gradually destroy the environmental over time
to where resources that tourism itself depends on. The artistic language I tried to put in
these images was emotions towards a unique piece of world. Galleries can depend on
tourism which makes it also similar as photographers artwork will tend go into galleries or
exhibitions at some point in their careers, this creates amazing work for tourist to see.
Environment piece of photography will draw a target audience into galleries, so the
context works together to bring in view, I like the idea of this cause its using the power of
art work to create more images that people will enjoying and want.

Galleries and magazines are similar in the way we can see photos from photographers, I
feel like magazines have a younger target audience of 16-50-year olds, while galleries
could have older audiences 50+ and also have younger audiences like 12-20 years olds
who could tourists or school trips visiting. Today we could view photos online on the
magazine while galleries tend to in exhibitions only. In galleries we can purchase photo
which can be very expensive but in magazines we can’t.

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