The Normie Hack v.5

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Creating a Human

Starting Attribute Scores​ Strength 10, Agility 10, Intellect 10, Will 10. Choose one attribute
and increase it by 1.
Perception ​equals your Intellect score
Defense ​equals your Agility score
Health ​equals your Strength score
Endurance​ equals one-quarter of your Health, round down
Size ​½ or 1, ​Speed ​10, ​Power ​0
Damage ​0, ​Stress ​0
Languages and Professions​ You speak and are literate in Common, and you can either speak
one additional language or add a random profession.

Level 4 Expert Human

Characteristics ​Health +5

You either discover one tradition, learn one spell or gain ​Determined​.

Determined ​When you roll a 1 on the die from a boon, you can reroll the die and choose to use
the new number.

Human Background

d20 Background
1 You spent 1d3 years in jail.

2 You grew up on the frontier, far away from the centers of culture and power.

3 You once found a hidden barrow-den full of wondrous carvings and dancing lights.

4 Your home was destroyed or lost.

5 You were once chased by a monster that almost killed you.

6 You were once part of a criminal organization and left on bad terms.

7 You earned a living working in your profession.

8 You have a spouse and 1d3 children.

9 You moved around a lot as a child, seeing many different places.

10 You were orphaned at a young age.

11 You lost a limb and have an equivalent replacement.

12 You grew up in a city, near the centers of society.

13 You have a rival who seems to always be one step ahead of you.

14 You have recurring dreams about a tower on the horizon, never getting any closer.

15 You are owed a favor by someone far more powerful than you.

16 You once drank a potion that should have killed you, but has thus far had no effect.

17 You have a sibling who is also an adventurer

18 You have a nickname and a reputation that precedes you.

19 You have a branch of the family tree that is known for their criminal activities.

20 You had your fortune told once, and thus far every prediction has come true.

Human Drive

d6 Drive
1 Power

2 Fame

3 Discovery

4 Passion

5 Belief

6 Fate
Human Age

3d6 Age
3 You are a child, 11 years old or younger.

4-7 You are an adolescent, 12 to 17 years old.

8-12 You are a young adult, 18-35 years old.

13-15 You are a middle-aged adult, 36 to 55 years old.

16-17 You are an older adult, 56 to 75 years old.

18 You are a venerable adult, 76 years old or older.

Human Build

3d6 Build
3 Short and thin.

4 Short and heavy.

5-6 Short.

7-8 Slender.

9-12 Average height and weight.

13-14 A bit overweight.

15-16 Tall.

17 Tall and thin.

18 Very tall and heavy.

Human Feature

3d6 Feature
3 Mismatched eyes

4 Missing digit

5-6 Unusual hairstyle

7-8 Noticeable scar

9-12 Player’s choice

13-14 Tattoos

15-16 Piercings

17 Freckles

18 Minor mutation

Creating a Dwarf

Starting Attribute Scores​ Strength 11, Agility 8, Intellect 10, Will 11.
Perception ​equals your Intellect score
Defense ​equals your Agility score
Health ​equals your Strength score
Endurance​ equals one-quarter of your Health, round down
Size ​½, ​Speed ​10, ​Power ​0
Damage ​0, ​Stress ​0
Languages and Professions​ You speak and are literate in Common and Dwarven.
Darksight ​You can see in areas obscured by shadows or darkness within medium range as if
those areas were lit. Beyond this distance, you treat darkness as shadows and shadows as lit.
Robust Constitution​ You take half damage from poison. You make challenge rolls with 1 boon
to avoid or remove the poisoned affliction​.

Level 4 Expert Dwarf

Characteristics ​Health +6

You either discover one tradition, learn one spell or gain ​Stoneborn​.

Stoneborn​ As a triggered action in response to being hit by an attack or taking damage you
may use this talent and take only half damage. Once you use this talent, you cannot use it again
until you complete a rest.

Dwarf Background

d20 Background
1 You have been cast out from your clan and banned from the dwarven homelands.

2 You were once part of a criminal organization and left on bad terms.

3 Your parents were killed at an early age.

4 You spent 1d6 years in jail.

5 Your clan was wiped out, leaving only a few scattered survivors.

6 You have a rival who seems to always be one step ahead of you.

7 You are tasked with settling a great debt for your clan.
8 Your clan has an enemy clan that seeks to impede or even kill you.

9 You were born outside the dwarven homelands and do not know your clan.

10 Your clan is never far and provides you with some material assistance.

11 You are of a noble lineage, exiled for political reasons.

12 Your clan is well-known and influential for their merchant empire.

13 You possess a map to a lost dwarven clan-hold.

14 You killed a fearsome beast and now carry a piece of it as a trophy.

15 Your clan is widespread, and have enclaves far from the dwarven homelands.

16 You assumed another identity and were adopted into a new clan.

17 You are heir to a sizeable fortune, but your clan cousins also have claims.

18 Your clan has assigned you a great quest.

19 You possess a broken magic item of your clan’s make, but it could be repaired.

20 You are secretly descended from the Dwarven Queen.

Dwarf Drive

d6 Drive
1 Power

2 Fame

3 Discovery

4 Passion

5 Belief

6 Wealth
Dwarf Age

3d6 Age
3 You are a child, 25 years old or younger.

4-7 You are an adolescent, 26 to 50 years old.

8-12 You are a young adult, 51 to 100 years old.

13-15 You are an adult, 101 to 230 years old.

16-17 You are an older adult, 231 to 320 years old.

18 You are an elder, 321 years old or older.

Dwarf Build

3d6 Build
3 Short and scrawny

4-6 Short and stout

7-8 Shorter than average

9-12 Average height and weight

13-15 Taller than average

16-17 Taller and stout

18 Tall and scrawny

Dwarf Feature

3d6 Feature
3 Beardless

4 Bald

5-6 Nasty scar

7-8 Missing eye

9-12 Player choice

13-14 Intricate beard

15-16 Tattoos

17 Piercings

18 Minor mutation

Creating an Elf

Starting Attribute Scores​ Strength 9, Agility 11, Intellect 10, Will 11.
Perception ​equals your Intellect score
Defense ​equals your Agility score
Health ​equals your Strength score
Endurance​ equals one-quarter of your Health, round down
Size ​1, ​Speed ​10, ​Power ​0
Damage ​0, ​Stress ​0
Languages and Professions​ You speak and are literate in Common and Elven.
Experience of Ages​ You gain either an extra profession or are literate in an additional

Level 4 Expert Elf

Characteristics ​Health +4

You either discover one tradition, learn one spell or gain ​Elven Mysteries​.

Elven Mysteries ​After completing a rest, you may gain an additional profession or become
literate in another language. When you use this talent again, your new choice replaces your
previous one.

Elf Background

d20 Background
1 Your village was destroyed when you were a child.

2 You had a child taken from you long ago.

3 You spent 1d3 decades in jail.

4 You offended a fey lord, and now their agents pursue you.

5 You lost all memories prior to a few months ago.

6 You were once part of a criminal organization and left on bad terms.

7 You committed a great sin and other elves now shun you.
8 You killed a human leader and their followers hate you.

9 You were kidnapped as a child and raised among non-elves.

10 You have been given a mission of great importance by the elven elders.

11 You know a powerful secret, and telling it could change the world.

12 You ventured to the edge of the world and returned.

13 You are sought out by the spirits of the dead for your assistance.

14 You have a spouse and 1d3 children.

15 You are famous among people of one of your professions for your skill.

16 You died once but were returned to life.

17 You saved the life of a non-elven noble and now their family owes you.

18 You know you are destined to achieve a great work.

19 You are of noble birth, and other elves will show you deference.

20 You possess a drained magic item that could be restored.

Elf Drive

d6 Drive
1 Power

2 Fame

3 Discovery

4 Passion

5 Belief

6 Fate
Elf Age

3d6 Age
3 You are a child, 50 years old or younger.

4-7 You are an adolescent, 51 to 120 years old.

8-12 You are a young adult, 121 to 200 years old.

13-15 You are a middle-aged adult, 201 to 400 years old.

16-17 You are an older adult, 401 to 750 years old.

18 You are a venerable adult, 751 years old or older.

Elf Build

3d6 Build
3 Short and slight

4 Short and solid

5-6 Short and long-limbed

7-8 Shorter than average

9-12 Average height and weight

13-14 Taller than average

15-16 Tall and long-limbed

17 Tall and solid

18 Tall and slight

Elf Feature

3d6 Feature
3 Facial scar

4 Missing digit

5-6 Strange birthmark

7-8 Pronounced cheekbones

9-12 Player’s choice

13-14 Tattoos

15-16 Piercings

17 Unnatural hair color

18 Minor mutation

Creating a Halfling

Starting Attribute Scores​ Strength 8, Agility 11, Intellect 10, Will 11.
Perception ​equals your Intellect score
Defense ​equals your Agility score
Health ​equals your Strength score
Endurance​ equals one-quarter of your Health, round down
Size ​½, ​Speed ​10, ​Power ​0
Damage ​0, ​Stress ​0
Languages and Professions​ You speak and are literate in Common, and you can either speak
one additional language or add a random profession.
Beneath Notice​ You take +1 Boon when making challenge rolls to sneak or evade detection.

Level 4 Expert Halfling

Characteristics ​Health +5

You either discover one tradition, learn one spell or gain ​Good Fortune​.

Good Fortune ​When you or an ally that you can see spends a fortune point, you may either
heal damage as if you had spent a point of endurance or clear 2 Stress.

Halfling Background

d20 Background
1 You have discovered an artifact of great power and drawn terrible ire from its owner.

2 You have an enemy that seems to be one step ahead of you.

3 You spent 1d6 years in jail.

4 Your village was destroyed, leaving only a few scattered survivors.

5 You were once part of a criminal organization and left on bad terms.

6 Your community was overrun by zealots, who converted all but a few.

7 You bear the mark of a mischievous fey who troubles you.

8 Your family made a deal with a devil, and you owe it a favor.

9 You are haunted by the ghost of a deceased ancestor who asks for your help.
10 You have one half of an ancient treasure map.

11 A powerful wizard owes you a favor.

12 You were mistaken for a noble’s child and took full advantage of the situation.

13 Your family is famous for its productive farms.

14 You were raised among non-halflings and know their ways.

15 You have a spouse and 1d6 children.

16 You saved your town from attackers and become a local legend.

17 You were abducted by fey but managed to escape.

18 You discovered a potent new strain of smokeweed.

19 Your family is never far from you and gives you material support when you ask.

20 You inherited a great fortune, which is stored in a faraway city.

Halfling Drive

d6 Drive
1 Power

2 Fame

3 Discovery

4 Passion

5 Belief

6 Peace
Halfling Age

3d6 Age
3 You are a child, 16 years old or younger.

4-7 You are an adolescent, 17 to 24 years old.

8-12 You are a young adult, 25 to 45 years old.

13-15 You are a middle-aged adult, 46 to 65 years old.

16-17 You are an older adult, 66 to 90 years old.

18 You are a venerable adult, 91 years old or older.

Halfling Build

3d6 Build
3 Short and skinny

4 Short and plump

5-6 Short with stubby limbs.

7-8 Shorter than average

9-12 Average height and weight.

13-14 Taller than average.

15-16 Taller with long limbs.

17 Tall and plump

18 Tall and skinny

Halfling Feature

3d6 Feature
3 Fey mark

4 Facial scar

5-6 Ruddy complexion

7-8 Unruly hair

9-12 Player’s choice

13-14 Tattoos

15-16 Piercings

17 Colored hair

18 Minor mutation

Creating a Gnome

Starting Attribute Scores​ Strength 9, Agility 11, Intellect 11, Will 8.

Perception ​equals your Intellect score
Defense ​equals your Agility score
Health ​equals your Strength score
Endurance​ equals one-quarter of your Health, round down
Size ​½, ​Speed ​10, ​Power ​0
Damage ​0, ​Stress ​0
Languages and Professions​ You speak and are literate in Common and Gnomish
Darksight ​You can see in areas obscured by shadows or darkness within medium range as if
those areas were lit. Beyond this distance, you treat darkness as shadows and shadows as lit.
Trickster​ You discover the Illusion tradition and gain 1 Illusion spell. For the purposes of casting
these spells, treat your Power as if it were 1 unless it is already higher.

Level 4 Expert Gnome

Characteristics ​Health +4

You either discover one tradition, learn one spell or gain ​Goldhunter​.

Goldhunter ​You can sense the presence of gold or other forms of treasure within the same
room, and take +1 Boon to challenge rolls to search for items of value.

Gnome Background

d20 Background
1 You grew up surrounded by illusions and the real world is unfamiliar.

2 You receive irregular visions of prophecy.

3 You once tricked a noble but were caught and now their agents hunt you.

4 You are plagued by dreams of happenings in the fey realms.

5 Your village was destroyed, and you hate the people who did it.

6 You spent 1d6 years in jail.

7 You ran away from home at an early age.

8 You were lost in the fey realms for 1d3 years and made otherworldly enemies.
9 You were once part of a criminal organization and left on bad terms.

10 You lost a limb but have a magical replacement.

11 You have been tasked with delivering a message to a mortal of great importance.

12 You possess the valuable treasure of a fey lord inside your body.

13 A mad wizard owes you a favor.

14 You have a map to a fabulously large treasure hoard.

15 Your family has small fey allies that will assist you if you can find them,

16 You were told by a fortuneteller that you have a great destiny.

17 You have a spouse and 1d3 children.

18 You keep your real name a secret.

19 You bear the mark of a fey lord that commands the respect of fey creatures.

20 You once killed a fearsome monster and saved a small town.

Gnome Drive

d6 Drive
1 Power

2 Fame

3 Discovery

4 Passion

5 Belief

6 Wealth
Gnome Age

3d6 Age
3 You are a child, 22 years old or younger.

4-7 You are an adolescent, 23 to 40 years old.

8-12 You are a young adult, 41 to 80 years old.

13-15 You are a middle-aged adult, 81 to 130 years old.

16-17 You are an older adult, 131 to 200 years old.

18 You are a venerable adult, 201 years old or older.

Gnome Build

3d6 Build
3 Short and spindly.

4 Short and stocky.

5-6 Shorter and heavyset.

7-8 Shorter and skinnier.

9-12 Average height and weight.

13-14 Taller and skinnier.

15-16 Taller and heavyset.

17 Tall and stocky.

18 Tall and spindly.

Gnome Feature

3d6 Feature
3 Metallic teeth

4 Wild hair

5-6 Shifting features

7-8 Magical scar

9-12 Player’s choice

13-14 Tattoos

15-16 Intricate mask

17 Glowing eyes

18 Minor mutation

Creating an Orc

Starting Attribute Scores​ Strength 11, Agility 10, Intellect 10, Will 8.
Perception ​equals your Intellect score
Defense ​equals your Agility score
Health ​equals your Strength score + 3
Endurance​ equals one-quarter of your Health, round down
Size ​1, ​Speed ​10, ​Power ​0
Damage ​0, ​Stress ​0
Languages and Professions​ You speak and are literate in Common and Orcish
Shadowsight You see in areas obscured by shadows as if those areas were lit.

Level 4 Expert Orc

Characteristics ​Health +6

You either discover one tradition, learn one spell or gain ​Bloodied Valor​.

Bloodied Valor ​While you are Injured, you take +1 Boon to all attack and challenge rolls made
in combat.

Orc Background

d20 Background
1 You lost a limb and have a mechanical replacement.

2 You were orphaned at a young age.

3 You were exiled from the orcish lands.

4 You spent 1d3 years in jail.

5 A god has cursed you for some act of blasphemy.

6 You were once part of a criminal organization and left on bad terms.

7 You have sworn vengeance against a foe who wronged you.

8 Your village was destroyed when you were a child, leaving only a few survivors.

9 You have a bitter enemy who seeks to ruin you.

10 Your orcish elders have given you a great mission.

11 You were raised by non-orcs and know their ways.

12 You have a spouse and 1d3 children.

13 You hear the whispers of your ancestors.

14 Your family is legendary for the martial prowess.

15 You carry the orcish histories with you.

16 You were kidnapped as a child but managed to escape.

17 You were visited by an orcish ghost who told you the location of a great treasure.

18 The gods have granted you a great destiny.

19 You saved a town of non-orcs from a monster and became a local hero.

20 You possess a broken orcish weapon of legend that could be repaired.

Orc Drive

d6 Drive
1 Power

2 Fame

3 Discovery

4 Passion

5 Belief

6 Vengeance
Orc Age

3d6 Age
3 You are a child, 11 years old or younger.

4-7 You are an adolescent, 12 to 17 years old.

8-12 You are a young adult, 18-35 years old.

13-15 You are a middle-aged adult, 36 to 55 years old.

16-17 You are an older adult, 56 to 75 years old.

18 You are a venerable adult, 76 years old or older.

Orc Build

3d6 Build
3 Short and scrawny

4-6 Short and thick

7-8 Shorter than average

9-12 Average height and weight

13-15 Taller than average

16-17 Taller and thick

18 Tall and scrawny

Orc Feature

3d6 Feature
3 Broken tusks

4 Milky eye

5-6 Missing digits

7-8 Gruesome scar

9-12 Player’s choice

13-14 Tattoos

15-16 Piercings

17 Ritual brand

18 Minor mutation

Creating a Mechoid

Starting Attribute Scores​ Strength 9, Agility 9, Intellect 9, Will 9.

Perception ​equals your Intellect score
Defense ​equals your Agility score
Health ​equals your Strength score
Endurance​ equals one-quarter of your Health, round down
Size ​½, 1 or 2, ​Speed ​10, ​Power 0

Damage ​0, ​Stress ​0
Languages and Professions​ You speak and are literate in Common and Machine Speech
Mechanical Body​ You are immune to disease, poison, asleep and fatigued.
Made for This ​Any relevant equipment needed for your starting professions is integrated into
your body, and whenever you gain a new profession you may integrate those tools as well.

Level 4 Expert Mechoid

Characteristics ​Health +5

You either discover one tradition, learn one spell or gain ​Overdrive

Overdrive ​You can spend a triggered action to increase the number of actions you can use on
your turn by one. After using this talent, you cannot use it again until you complete a rest.

Mechoid Form

d20 Mechoid Form

1-2 You are a spindly mechoid with long limbs and a small body. You are capable of flight
through some means like a balloon, rotors, or magical propulsion.

3-4 You are a six-limbed mechoid, using four legs to ambulate and two arms to
manipulate. You may use a triggered action to stand up from prone.

5-6 You have a snakelike bottom half and a humanoid upper half and you propel yourself
by slithering. Increase your Speed by 2 and you do not treat climbing as difficult

7-8 Your bottom half is a single large wheel connected to a humanoid upper half. Increase
your Speed by 3.

9-12 You are a humanoid mechoid. Roll twice on the Mechoid Trait table.
13-14 You have a simian posture, leaning forward on your arms and walking with them. You
make Strength challenge rolls with 1 boon.

15-16 You are mostly body, with four short and stubby limbs. Increase your Health by 4.

17-18 You have four long, skinny limbs and minimal weight. You make Agility challenge rolls
with 1 boon.

19-20 You have two long and powerful legs and a pair of arms. Increase your Speed by 2
and your jumping distance is doubled.

Mechoid Size

d6 Size
1-2 1/2

2-5 1

6 2

Mechoid Role

d6 Role
1 Labor. You were built to lift heavy objects and work long hours in inhospitable
conditions. Increase your Strength by 1 and your Health by 4. Choose another attribute
and increase it by 1.

2 Combat. You were constructed to fight and defend yourself and others. Increase your
Strength by 1 and your Agility by 1.

3 Stealth. Your role is to sneak into places, observe and possibly assassinate. Increase
your Agility by 1 and your Intellect by 1.

4 Research. You are meant to study the world around you and add your knowledge to the
mechoid collective. Increase your Intellect by 1 and your Will by 1.

5 Entertainment. Your purpose is to inform, entertain or distract. Increase your Will by 1

and you make all attack and challenge rolls in social settings with 1 boon. Choose
another attribute and increase it by 1.

6 Exploration. You are designed to seek new horizons and uncover truths. Increase your
Intellect by 1 and your Perception by 2. Choose another attribute and increase it by 1.
Mechoid Trait

d20 Trait
1 Hardened Shell​. You have a toughened outer covering. While not wearing armor,
increase your Defense by 1.

2 Internal Battery​. You have an internal energy storage unit. You may store 2 charges
of either electricity or ether.

3 Cutting Limb​. One of your appendages has been replaced by a bladed weapon. You
may use it as a finesse weapon that deals 1d6 + 1 damage.

4 Gyroscope​. You have an internal gyroscopic device that provides you with perfect
balance. You make all Agility challenge rolls with 1 boon and always succeed at rolls to
balance yourself.

5 Electric Bladder​. You can emit electric shocks from an internal device. Any creature
that hits you with a melee attack takes 1 damage, and you automatically succeed at all
rolls to escape from being grabbed.

6 Power Fists​. One set of your limbs has been modified with pneumatic extensions that
deliver great force with your strikes. Your unarmed strikes deal 1d6 damage.

7 Integrated Radio​. You have a radio built into your body that allows you to transmit and
receive. You can communicate through the radio without speaking aloud.

8 Self-Repair Protocol​. You have small, mobile machines that can scurry over your
body to perform quick repairs. You may spend an action to heal damage equal to your
healing rate. Once you have used this ability, you cannot do so again until you
complete a rest.

9 Night Vision Lenses​. You have enchanted glass lenses that you can deploy over your
eyes. You gain Darksight.

10 Size Changer​. Your body is made up of segmented plates and pistons that can
expand or contract at will. You may spend 1 minute to increase or decrease your size
one step.

11 Foil Lining​. Your mental module is protected by a mysterious metallic foil. You make
Will challenge rolls to resist mental effects with 1 boon.

12 Limb Extenders​. Your limbs have been lengthened with spacer segments. Increase
your Reach by 1.

13 Gun Limb​. One of your appendages has been replaced by a firearm. You may use it
as a weapon with medium range and a capacity of 6 which uses bullets. The firearm
deals 1d6 + 1 damage.
14 Reinforced​. Internal braces have made you more rugged. For the purposes of lifting,
treat your Strength as if it were 2 higher, and you reduce the requirements for wearing
armor by 1.

15 Internal Compartment​. You have a hidden storage space inside your body. This
counts as a storage space with a capacity Size 1/4

16 Cognitive Enhancer​. You have increased mental faculties. You make all Intellect
challenge rolls with 1 boon.

17 Self-Destruct Module​. You are a living bomb, rigged to explode. When you die, or if
you choose to trigger it, you may detonate your body, dealing 5d6 damage to all
creatures and objects within 2 yards. A success on an Agility challenge roll reduces
this damage by half. If you choose to manually detonate, you take damage equal to
your Health.

18 Soul Cage​. You have a magical crystal attached to your body designed to draw in the
souls of the dead. When a creature within short range of you dies, you may spend a
triggered action to trap its soul. While you have a trapped soul, you gain a +4 bonus to
Health. You may spend a triggered action to release the trapped soul and heal damage
equal to your healing rate.

19 Thaum​. You have a thaum integrated into your body. You learn one 0-level spell.

20 Extra Arms​. You have another set of arms. These arms can hold small objects or be
used to perform minor activities. On your turn, you may use a triggered action to reload
a weapon.

Mechoid Drive

d6 Drive
1 Power

2 Fame

3 Discovery

4 Passion

5 Belief

6 Refinement
Mechoid Background

d20 Background
1 Your creator cast you out.

2 You are made of strange materials that odd sorts find valuable.

3 Your creation was a crime, and you are hunted.

4 You were heavily damaged and another mechoid repaired you with their own parts.

5 Your creator treats you as a child and barely allows you any freedom.

6 You were once part of a criminal organization and left on bad terms.

7 You ran away from your creator shortly after being created and now they pursue you.

8 You were made for an illicit or dark purpose.

9 You killed your creator.

10 Your creator made you for a great task you have yet to finish.

11 You have created another mechoid.

12 You were kidnapped for scrap but managed to escape.

13 Your own design is a secret and you are not sure why you were made.

14 You have a magic item as part of your construction.

15 You never knew your creator and seek to find them.

16 You saved a small town from a monster and became a local hero.

17 You know the location of a huge and valuable scrap-heap.

18 Your creator is a good friend and helps you when they can.

19 You have a mysterious map etched into your shell.

20 You were created by a court artificer and are treated as a noble.

Mechoid Age

2d6 Age
2 You are newly-made, 1 year old or younger.
3-5 You are new, 2 to 10 years old.

6-8 You are average, 11 to 40 years old.

9-11 You are older, 41 to 110 years old.

12 You are old, 111 years old or older.

Mechoid Feature

3d6 Feature
3 Exotic materials (Titanium, mercury, wood)

4 Mismatched limb

5-6 Patched shell

7-8 Sleek design

9-12 Player’s choice

13-14 Bulky design

15-16 Shell etchings

17 Unusual shapes

18 Valuable materials (Gold, silver, gemstones)

1d20 God
1 Abraxas, the Outsider and Void Traveler. (Arcana, Chaos, Transportation)

2 Vodec, the Keeper of Time. (Celestial, Order, Time)

3 Orbas, the Lord of the Seas and Sky. (Air, Life, Water)

4 Ibis, the Death-Rider. (Death, Necromancy, Shadow)

5 Byers, the Agent of Change. (Alteration, Destruction, Transformation).

6 Raikon, the Prince of Storms. (Air, Earth, Storm)

7 Jaxon, the Master Builder. (Conjuration, Metal, Protection)

8 Aklos, the All-Seeing Illuminator. (Celestial, Divination, Fire)

9 Simael, the Warden of Life. (Life, Nature, Protection)

10 Cortas, the Hands of Justice. (Divination, Enchantment, Theurgy)

11 Nabris, the Loreseeker. (Arcana, Divination, Telepathy)

12 Lerika, the Warlord. (Battle, Destruction, Life)

13 Xor, the Trickster. (Chaos, Enchantment, Illusion)

14 Pallas, the Duke of Disease. (Forbidden, Life)

15 Doman, the Devourer of Light. (Illusion, Shadow, Telekinesis)

16 Tykon, the Dreamer Beyond and Mindwalker. (Spiritualism, Telekinesis, Telepathy)

17 Rebek, the Wanderer. (Illusion, Invocation, Transportation)

18 The Celestial Council, Mappers of the Stars. (Celestial, Divination, Rune)

19 Kaleb, the Tinkerer. (Alchemy, Conjuration, Technomancy)

20 Sarvi, the Wildling. (Earth, Life, Primal)

Stress (Replaces Insanity)

Characters are often thrust into dangerous and high-stakes situations, fighting for their lives or
the safety of others. Consistent exposure to these scenarios and conflict with powerful enemies
causes strain. Stress measures this mental toll.

Stress Total
Most characters begin with Stress 0. You cannot gain more Stress than your Will score + ½ your

Gaining Stress
Certain situations will cause you to gain Stress, as directed by the rules or the GM’s discretion.
Whenever you gain Stress, you become ​strained ​for 1d3 rounds. If you would gain Stress while
you were already strained, add 1 round to the duration.
When your Stress total reaches its maximum, you instead ​Stress Out​.

Stressing Out
When you stress out, you remove the strained affliction gained from Stress and roll a d6 then
consult the Stress Out table to determine what happens to you. Afterwards, clear all Stress.

1d6 Stressing Out

1 Breakdown​. You become ​defenseless ​until the end of the next round.
2 Fight​. Until this effect ends, you must take a fast turn each round and use an action to
attack the enemy nearest to you. At the end of each round, roll a d6. On a 5 or higher,
this effect ends.

3 Flight​. Until this effect ends, you must take a fast turn each round and use an action
to move away from what stressed you out. At the end of each round, roll a d6. On a 5
or higher, this effect ends.

4 Frozen​. You become ​stunned ​until the end of the next round.

5 Despair​. You become ​impaired ​until you complete a rest.

6 Inspiration​. You add a ​fortune point​ to the pool and take 1 boon on all attack and
challenge rolls until the end of the encounter.

Reducing Stress
When you complete a rest, you may reduce your Stress by 1d3+2.

Reputation (Replaces Corruption)

Words and deeds are the true currency of the world, and one’s reputation is more important
than gold. Money can buy assistance, but only reputation can get you loyalty. In a dangerous
world, having allies is of paramount importance, and enemies can make your life much more

Tracking Reputation
Different people will have a different view of your character based on what you have done for or
against them in the past. The GM will say when you have done enough to affect your reputation
with a faction, group, or individual. Track each reputation separately.
For those you haven’t made an impression on yet, treat your reputation as 0.

Factions, Groups and Individuals

Not all those you have a reputation with are the same. Size, power and importance can all affect
what sort of impact your various relationships can have.

● Factions​: Organized groups with a shared goal and some sort of infrastructure that
binds and connects members. Ex. Guilds, churches, nations, criminal syndicates, worker

● Groups​: Loose collections of individuals connected by some shared trait like geographic
region or philosophy. Ex. The people of a town, practitioners of a particular tradition of
magic, members of a shared occupation.
● Individuals​: People with enough power and influence to affect the lives of others. The
scope of this influence can vary, from spanning the world to just being important to your
character. Ex. Kings/queens, guildmasters, archmages, leaders, parents, siblings.

Changing Reputation
As you work for or against those you have reputations with, their view of you will rise and fall
At the end of an adventure, work with the GM to answer the following questions:
1. Were any existing factions involved in the adventure? If so, did we hurt or help them?
2. Did we come into contact with any new factions during the adventure? If so did we hurt
or help them?
For each faction that you hurt, reduce your reputation with them by 1. For each faction that your
helped, increase your reputation with them by 1.

Reputation Total
Your reputation ranges from -3 to +3, with each level having a different disposition. When
making challenge rolls in social situations against someone that you have a relevant reputation
with, add your reputation to the roll.

Reputation Disposition
-3 Hated​. They will seek to hurt and impede you no matter what.

-2 Disliked​. They view you negatively and will impede you if they can.

-1 Distrusted​. They don’t think highly of you and don’t want to help.

0 Neutral​. They have no strong feelings towards you.

1 Liked​. They view you positively and will offer some help.

2 Trusted​. They think of you as a friend and will help you if they can.

3 Loved​. They will go out of their way to help you.

Miscellaneous Houserules and Replacements

Strained ​(Replaces ​Frightened​)

You make all attack and challenge rolls with 1 bane.

Expert Paths

● You cannot be charmed, compelled or strained.
When you stop being berserk, you become fatigued for 1 minute and you must get a success on
a Will challenge roll or gain 1 Stress.
Fury Unleashed​ If gaining Stress would cause you to go mad, you go berserk instead, even if
you are fatigued. While you are berserk in this way, the GM controls your character. At the end
of each round, the GM rolls a d6. On a 5 or higher, you stop being berserk and reduce your
Stress total by 1d6 + your Will modifier (minimum 0). You then become fatigued for 1 minute. If
you were already fatigued, you instead take 1d6 damage.

Conviction ​You make Will challenge rolls with 1 boon when you roll to resist the effects of the
intimidating and overwhelming traits (see below).

Divine Ecstasy
● You cannot gain stress
When this effect ends, you must get a success on a Will challenge roll or gain 1 Stress

Commune with the Gods​ When you use Divine Ecstasy, you can choose to go into a trance. If
you concentrate until the effect ends, you can ask the supernatural presence up to three
questions that can be answered with a yes, no, or maybe. You then make a Will challenge roll
with 1 bane. On a success, the GM must answer you truthfully. On a failure, you gain 1 Stress.
Master Paths

Immune to gaining Stress.

Will of Iron​ You cannot become charmed, compelled, or strained. When you roll to resist
gaining Stress, you make the challenge roll with 1 boon.

Miracle Worker
Stigmata ​You can use an action to invoke the power of a god. You gain 1 Stress and take a –5
penalty to Health that lasts until you complete a rest. You assume the appearance of a god you
serve and retain this appearance for a number of minutes equal to 1 + your Power. When you
assume this appearance, each creature within short range that can see you and is not a
member of your group must get a success on a Will challenge roll with 1 bane or become
strained until this effect ends.

Worker of Miracles
● You remove 2 stress from the target.

Zeal ​When you get a failure on an attack roll or a challenge roll, you can gain 2 Stress to ignore
the failure and repeat the roll. You must use the result of the second roll. After you use this
talent, you cannot become charmed, compelled, or strained until the end of the round.

❏ The Forbidden tradition is not allowed.
❏ Discovering dark magic traditions and learning dark magic spells lowers your reputation
by 1 with a faction. Work with the GM to determine which one.
❏ Learning dark magic spells does not grant a boon on rolls to resist gaining Stress.

Wild Magic

2-3 Each creature in the area gains 1 Stress

● Remove 1 Stress from the target

Greater Cure
● Remove 1 Stress from the target

Replace “gains 1 Insanity” with “gains 1 Stress”

Twain Self
Replace “gains Insanity” with “gains Stress”


Intimidating (Replaces Frightening)

A creature that does not have the intimidating or overwhelming trait must make a Will challenge
roll when it first sees one or more creatures with this trait. It makes the roll with 1 bane if it can
see four or more intimidating creatures at once.
On a failure, the creature becomes strained for a number of rounds equal to 1d3 + its Stress
total or gains 1 Stress if it is already strained. Once a creature makes this roll, whether it
succeeds or fails, it cannot again be affected by this trait of the creature or creatures it saw until
after it completes a rest.

Overwhelming (Replaces Horrifying)

A creature that does not have the overwhelming trait must make a Will challenge roll when it first
sees one or more creatures with this trait. It makes the roll with 1 bane if it can see four or more
overwhelming creatures at once.
On a failure, the creature gains 1 Stress, or 2 Stress if it is already strained. Once a creature
makes this roll, whether it succeeds or fails, it cannot again be affected by
this trait of the creature or creatures it saw until after it completes a rest.
Regardless of the outcome of the challenge roll, creatures that lack the intimidating or
overwhelming trait make attack rolls against overwhelming creatures with 1 bane.

Intimidating and Overwhelming (Replaces Frightening and Horrifying)

If a group of creatures contains some with the intimidating trait and some with the
Overwhelming trait, the intimidating creatures count as if they had the overwhelming trait.

❏ Replace all instances of “Insanity” with “Stress”

❏ Replace instances of “gains 1d3 Insanity” with “gains 2 Stress”
❏ Replace instances of “gains 1d6 Insanity” with “gains 4 Stress”

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