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Mum is driving her car with the daughter in the backseat.

She parks outside store.

Mum: How was your day at school today Emily?

Daughter: It was good, I did my biology test.

Mum: How did it go?

Daughter: I got 82%, are you proud of me mum?

Mum: That's so good hunny, I am so proud of you! Want anything from the corner store?

Daughter: Can I get a Crunchie?

Mum: Sure thing, but make sure you stay in the car, okay?

Daughter: Okay

Mother gets out of car and walks to the corner store. Suddenly, a man appears and is walking
slowly towards the car.

Scene 2

Mum walks towards car and notices her daughter missing

Mother acts calm as she calls out her daughter’s name. Looks into the car, checks boot,
behind the seats etc.

Mum: Emily, Emily Where are you?

Dad calls the mum unexpectedly and she picks up instantly.

Mum: Yes? Now isn’t a good time.

Mum: It's Emily, I left her in the car now she is gone!

Mum: I'm on the Kings road... Okay fine I will come now

Mother heads to father's house

Scene 3

Mum: Let me in, let me in!

Dad: Don't worry, relax.. Lets go down and talk about it

They both walk downstairs into living room

Dad: Okay, deep breaths. Tell me what happened.

Mum takes a deep breath and tries not to cry. Looks very distressed.

Mum: I went to go get some food, I came back and she was gone

Dad: From the start, where were you?

Mum: I was in the car and I told Emily I was going to the corner store to get her a bar of
chocolate. When I came back, bam! She was gone.

Dad sounds worried but stays calm to try and help the situation.

Dad: You had left her alone in the car? Was there anyone suspicious looking around, anyone
Mum: I don't know, well I don't think so. I wasn't really focusing on other people was I? I was
just going to buy her a bar of chocolate from the store.

Dad: Okay, okay. Did you ask anyone if you'd seen her, are you sure someone took her?
Maybe she just ran off or something.

Mum: I mean, that's a possibility. It's just not something Emily would do though. I just know
she's been taken, I know she's gone. Please believe me!

Dad looks mysteriously around the room until the ''police come''

Dad: That's the police, I am going to go get a picture of Emily and you go meet them at the door
and I will come straight up.

Mum heads upstairs and opens the door for the police, only to find out they aren't
actually police.

Mum: Wait, you're not the police!

Mum gets shot and shots cuts into blackness.

Scene 3

Dad: Good work, boys! Just clean up the body

Dad walks away contently into the basement as if nothing happened. The daughter is
hiding in the corner of the room looking very scared. The end

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