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Document or cite the following using necessary punctuation, indentation, caps & italics.

1. Book: Writing With Precision: How to Write So That You Cannot Possibly Be
Misunderstood by Jefferson D. Bates; Publisher: Penguin Books, New York; 2000

2. Article in Fast Company (magazine): “Continental’s Turnaround Pilot” by Keith

Hammonds 2001 December; pp. 96-101

3. Newspaper article from The Washington Post, no author listed: “New Drug Appears to
Sharply Cut Risk of Death from Heart Failure,” page A12 on July 15, 1993

4. Article in journal: “Chicana Feminism and Postmodern Theory” by Paula M. Moya in

Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society, volume 26, issue 2, Winter 2001.
University of Chicago Press pp. 28-41

5. Electronic copy of printed journal article (with DOI): “Theory of Mind Function, Motor
Empathy, Emotional Empathy and Schizophrenia: A Single Case Study” by Karen Addy
in Journal of Forensic Psychiatry & Psychology, Vol. 18, issue 3, Sept. 2007, pp. 293-
3065 DOI: 10.1080/09670870701292746

6. Electronic copy of printed journal article (no DOI): “Perception as Abduction: Turning
Sensor Data into Meaningful Representation” by Michele Shanahan, Spring 2003, in
Cognitive Science, Vol. 18, pp. 162-180. Found August 25, 2004 from

7. Report on Website, organization as author: “1997 Sourcebook on Federal Sentencing

Statistics” by U.S. Sentencing Commission found on Dec.8, 1999 at

8. Data posted on 2006 from the survey “National Health Disparities: Findings for Fiscal
Years 2002-2006 found on October 14, 2006 from The National Institute of Health at

9. Parenthetical citation from #8 above for quote: “Age and socio-economic disparities
continued to be the highest of all categories.”

10. Parenthetical citation from #3 above, page A12: “The results were consistent in five

11. Parenthetical citation: Author—John Smith; no publishing date


Addy, K. (2007). Theory of mind function, motor empathy, emotional empathy and

schizophrenia: A single case study. Journal of Forensic Psychiatry & Psychology,

18(3), 293-305. doi: 10.1080/09670870701292746

Bates, J. D. (2000). Writing with precision: How to write so that you cannot

possibly be misunderstood. New York: Penguin Books.

Hammonds, K. (2001, December). Continental’s turnaround pilot. Fast Company,


Moya, P. M. (2001). Chicana feminism and postmodern theory. Signs: Journal of

Women in Culture and Society, 26(2), 28-41.

National Institute of Health. (2006). Health disparities: Findings for fiscal years 2002-

2006. Retrieved October 14, 2006, from http://www.nih.gov/about/hd


New drug appears to sharply cut risk of death from heart failure. (1993, July 15). The

Washington Post, p. A12.

Shanahan, M. (2003). Perception as abduction: Turning sensor data into meaningful

representation. Cognitive Science, 18, 162-180. Retrieved from


U. S. Sentencing Commission. (n.d.). 1997 sourcebook of federal sentencing

statistics. Retrieved December 8, 1999, from http://www.ussc.gov/annrpt/1997/


“Age and socio-economic disparities continued to be the widest in 2006” (National Institute of
Health [NIH], 2006, para. 5).

“The results were consistent in five studies” (“New Drug,” 1993, p. A12).

(Smith, n.d.)

*Pages 193-198 in APA Manual (6th ed.)–helpful indexing for your references

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