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Name: Kimberly Joy P Moning Date: September 15, 2019

Grade & Section: 10-Faraday Subject Teacher: Mr. Geno L. Mendoza

Subject : Science - 10 Rating :

The movie entitled "Armageddon" directed by Michael Bay means the end of all things. It
so entitled Armageddon because of a phenomena which is a gigantic asteroid will be
landing in Earth within 18 days.

The movie start when a massive asteroid hit the space shuttle and that'swhen the NASA
(National Aeronautics and Space Administration ) became alarmed. After the incident,
one person came to report that there will be a massive asteroid that will be hitting the
Earth within 18 days, the people in the NASA went on panic. NASA scientist came to a
one and only plan, and that is to drill the asteroid and plant a nuclear bomb that will be
split the asteroid into halves. NASA contacts Harry Stamper, the best deep sea oil driller
in the world for assistance, Harry agree to help them in one condition and that is to
choose his team for this event. He choose his team including; ChicK, Rockhound, Max,
Oscar, Bear, Noona, and A. J.

They star their 12-day training as an astronaut. They failed several times but in the end
they succeed to surpass all the training that were given to them. The driller that they use
was named "Armadillos" and they have two space shuttle namely independence and
freedom. One unlucky day, a piece of asteroid landed in Shanghai leaving a traumatic
experience from the people in Shanghai, that's why the NASA was forced to reveal their
plans to the world.

As they reached in orbit, they land wit the Russian space station to refuel but someting
happened, there was a leakage resulting in a huge fire. They successfully evacuate
before it explodes but Lev, a Russian astronaut, Bear, and A. J were trapped in a forever
they managed to escape in a narrow path. And then they were thrown away by the
explosion heading to the far side of the moon.

As Grace watched A. J in the Mission Control, shocked and fear were written on her face.
Meanwhile, Harry's team continue their drill but they fails the military initiates
"Secondary Protocol" . Truman finds way to delay the denoting while Harry convinced
Sharp to help him disarm the bomb and successfully did it. As they resume, Max was
killed because the methane strikes and blown into space. Shockingly, A. J together with
Lev and Bear managed to survive. But suddenly rock storm occur damaging the trigger of
the bomb's remote, so the only solution is to manually denote the bomb. A. J is selected
to manually denote the bomb, Harry come with him and as they exit Harry grab him back
inside. Before Harry denoting the bom he talked to his beloved daughter as he said he
can't fullfilled his promise. He detonate the bomb as the shuttle move to a safe distance.

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