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Nueve de Febrero Street, Brgy. Mauway, Mandaluyong City

Lesson Plan in English 7 (2nd Quarter)

Grade and Section: Grade 7 - Canopus (10:30am-11:30pm)
Date: October 18, 2019


A. Content Standard:
The learner demonstrates understanding of: Philippine literature
during the Period of Apprenticeship as a means of examining conflicts;
various purposeful listening and viewing strategies; difference between literal
and figurative language; ways to extract and condense information based on
library sources; verbal and non-verbal cues in oral communication; and types
of phrases, clauses, and sentences.

B. Performance Standard:
The learner transfers learning by: resolving conflicts presented in
literary selections; using tools and mechanisms in locating library resources;
extracting information and noting details from texts to write a précis,
summary, or paraphrase; distinguishing between and using literal and
figurative language and verbal and non-verbal cues; use phrases, clauses,
and sentences meaningfully and appropriately.

C. Learning Competencies:
In this lesson the students are expected to:
 Read and analyze the short story entitled “Footnote to Youth” by
Jose Garcia Villa.
 Understand the value of apt decision making in life as inculcated in
the story.
 EN7LT-II-h-4: Discover the conflicts presented in literary
selections and the need to resolve those conflicts in non-violent
 EN7LT-II-0-3: Explain how a selection may be influenced by
culture, history, environment, or other factors.


A. Topic: Module 2 - Lesson 6
Sharing Positive and Healthy Relationships
Reading / Literary Text
Short Story: Footnote to Youth
B. Materials: Printed materials, audio music, cartolinas, bond papers, colored
papers, Manila paper, marker pen, blackboard, tape, audio speaker.
C. Skills: Reading: Literary Text
D. Time Allotment: 1 hour
E. Module 2 Lesson 6: Sharing Positive and Healthy Relationships
F. References:

Department of Education. 2007. English 7 Learner’s Material. FEP Printing

Corp. Philippines. Page 270-273

A. Classroom Routine:
1. Prayer
2. Classroom Management
3. Greetings and Checking of Attendance

B. Energizer:
Dance: Nestle Wellness Dance 2016 #HealthGoals

C. Recall:

Students’ Activities Students’ Responses

The teacher asks the students about what they Possible Answer:
tackled last meeting.
We discussed yesterday about an
oxymoron which is one of the figures of
speech. It is containing words that seem to
contradict each other. It is often referred as a
contradition in terms.

Short Quiz
Read each sentence carefully. Select two words 1. slow, speed
which have opposite or contradictory meanings 2. sad, smile
and write each in the columns on the right. 3. plastic, glasses
4. ill, health
1. The vendor is going around on 5. bitter, sweet
his bike at slow speed.
2. Being embarrased in front of
his love, Nestor showed a sad
3. Plastic glasses are so
common in restaurants.
4. Older people are afraid of ill
health so they are into zumba.
5. Pan de sal tastes bitter sweet
when dipped into hot coffee

D. Your Initial tasks:

Students’ Activities Students’ Responses

Task 1: Picking on the Picture

The teacher will post pictures of early marriage The students will analyze the pictures posted
and pregnancy.
in front.
Process questions: Possible answers:

1. What have you observed from these 1. I have observed in those pictures that
pictures? they got married earlier than what a
2. From the fourth picture, do you think normal age of marriage of the couple
that the culture of your place should be does.
one of the factors to consider before
getting married? Why? 2. I think that the culture that I am in
3. As an individual, do you think getting
should not impose about my decisions
married in an early years of life is a
proper thing to do? Why? in life because, making a decision for
a lifetime is very important thing. I will
not consider the culture as one of the
factors before getting married
because happiness and contentment
should matter.

3. As an individual, I do think that young

marriage is not a proper thing to do
because as a youth, setting my goals
and priorities in life will give me a
better choice of living.

Task 2: Enumeration (Description) Graphic


Once you’ve reached the time that you want to

get married, you will also think of building your
own families.

If you were to get married someday, what

would be the factors that you would want to
consider first before marrying?
Possible answers:
Task 3: I-Expect
Possible answers:
Jot down your expectations from this lesson
using the following space in the rings.

I expect that...
E. Pre-Reading/ Unlocking of Difficulty:

Students’ Activities Students’ Responses

Task 4: Vocabularies

Before moving on to our topic, let us first

unlock the difficult words that are present in
the selection.

Read the following sentences and give the

meaning of the underlined words. Circle the
letter of the corresponding definition

1. The sun was hazy during the
1. A
cloudy day.
2. C
a. Blurry 3. B
b. Clear 4. C
c. Uncertain 5. A
2. To men, numerous offspring are
living symbols of virility.
a. Emptiness
b. Nobility
c. Manliness
3. The fieldwork begrimed him.
a. Cleaned
b. Soiled
c. Darkened
4. She came home flustered
about her problem.
a. Comfortable
b. Careless
c. Worried
5. There is interminable work to be
done yet.
a. Endless
b. Little
c. Unimportant

F. During Reading:

Students’ Activities Students’ Responses

Have you read the selection Footnote to Yes
Youth that I assigned you to read last
meeting? Yes
Did you understand it?
Very good. But to better understand the
story, we shall answer this following guide
questions for our discussion. Kindly read.
Before we proceed discussing the story. Let
us know first what a footnote is. It is simply
defined as a note at the foot of the page. It is
often used to give additional information to
the reader regarding certain words or
phrases in the text.

Process questions: Possible Answers:

1. What is the story all about? 1. The short story is about a Dodong
2. Who are the characters in the story? who entered marriage life with Teang
3. Describe the setting of the story. at the age of eighteen, and who later
4. What point of view was used in the felt remorseful about his marriage
story? life.
5. How did Teang find married life?
6. What character is revealed by 2. The characters in the short story are
Dodong when he was got tickled by Dodong, Teang, Lucio, Blas, Tona,
the worm, jerked his foot, flinging the and Dodong’s mother and father.
worm into air yet never bothered to
look where it fell? 3. The setting is in a barrio or in a
7. When Dodong asked permission to rural place where most people work
get married, his father felt sorry for in fields. There were rice fields all
him. So did Dodong when Blas asked around the place and carabaos,
for permission to get married. Why too. There were streams too where
then do you think that they did not people bathe after the fieldwork
prevent their sons from experiencing soiled them. There was no
those hardships that they’ve gone electrical lamps, rather people used
through? petroleum lamp to light their
8. Explain the line “Youth must houses.
triumph... now. Love must triumph...
now. Afterwards, it will be life” 4. The omniscient point of view is used
9. What is the theme of the story? in the story since the narrator was
10. How did the author come up with his able infiltrate the thoughts of the
work? characters.

5. Teang found her married life difficult

to the extent that she was unhappy
with their marriage. For six
successive years, Dodong and
Teang kept having children.
Besides that, she spent the rest of
her life with the interminable
household work – cooking,
laundering, cleaning the house and
taking care of the children. She
became shapeless even at the
young age.

6. His reaction towards it revealed that

from the very beginning Dodong's
character is someone who is self-
obsessed to the point that he doesn't
bother to look at the consequences
of his actions.
7. It is because both fathers married
early, they lacked the experience
and the know-how with regards to
raising children: hence the fact that
they were unable to fulfill their
responsibility as parents in guiding
their kids down a wiser path.

8. This phrase depicts the cycle of life

which means one must experience
being young first before turning into
an adult, and then when he is ready
enough that is the time that he may
enter into a marriage life. One must
enjoy his younger years, enjoy
being in love, then he will be ready
for the so called life – to live and to
build his own home.

9. The theme of the story is about

responsibilities and realities that
come with marriage and the family

10. The author come up with his literary

selection because it was influenced
by the environment at that time
wherein, being married at the young
age is done by many at that time.

G. Enrichment Activities

Students’ Activities Students’ Responses

Task 5: All for the Best Possible Outputs:
Form five (5) groups, and do your assigned
task. Group 1

Group 1: C-S-R

Find a conflict in the story and indicate how it

was solved by the character. Write them in
each circle.
Using the same diagram, how would you
solve the same conflict? Do you think the
result would be similar? Explain.

Group 2: Dialog

Imagine yourselves to be in the following

situations. Think about the conflict involved in
each situation. How do you resolve each
conflict? Can you think of a win-win solution?
I’ll explain to my son about the hardships of
Share your ideas. Act out a short dialog in
getting married at the young age. I will convince
front of the class that shows your solution.
him not to do the regretful things that I have
been through. The result would be different
because if I try to explain and let my son knows
Situation 1: You and your older brother/sister
the responsibilities that are anchored in making
disagree on TV channel to watch. a family then, it would be better and his future
would be different from what the Footnote to
Youth is about.

Group 2:
Situation 2: Your brother/sister often uses
Situation 1:
your pesonal belongings.
Brother: Hey, sister! Let’s first decide what to
watch. It’s a great time to watch the same

Sister: Yes, I’d love to. Let’s share insights

Situation 3: You are not in favor of your
about the things that we’ll watch.
sister’s boyfriend.
Situation 2:

Brother: Sister, may I borrow your things?

Group 3: Father and Son
Sister: Sure, just let me know if you’re going to
use it so that I would no longer ask someone if
Compare and contrast characters using Venn
they’ve used it.
diagram. Limit your answers to one word
description. Brother: Okay, thanks!

Situation 3:

Brother: Sister, do you really know your

boyfriend that much?

Sister: Yes! I will let you guys meet each other

some time.

Brother: Okay, just be sure that the guy you’re

going with is someone whom we could trust.

Sister: No worries. He’s a great guy.

Brother: Let’s see!

Share your answers with the class. Group 3:

Group 4: Footnote to Youth: Director’s


Think of an alternative ending of Footnote to

Youth. Prepare and present this ending
through a role play.

Group 4:

Dodong advised Blas to reconsider his

decisions in life. He told his son not to do
regretful things that he has done.

Dodong: Son, you have to be wise with your

decisions in life. Do not do the regretful
decisons that I have done.

Group 5: Footnote to Youth: Soundtrack Blas: Okay, father. I will put that in my mind.

Find a song that has a theme on the (Blas reached the age of 34, he finally got
relationship between parents and children or married and was successful in life. Blas
a song about love at a very young age. You remembered the things that his dad has told to
may write the lyrics in manila paper. Sing the him. If it weren’t for his dad, he would probably
composition in front of the class. be like his father and grandfather.)

Group 5:

Dance with my Father

Back when I was a child

Before life removed all the innocence
My father would lift me high
And dance with my mother and me
And then
Spin me around 'till I fell asleep
Then up the stairs he would carry me
And I knew for sure
I was loved
If I could get another chance
Another walk
Another dance with him
I'd play a song that would never ever end
How I'd love love love
To dance with my father again
When I and my mother
Would disagree
To get my way I would run
From her to him
He'd make me laugh just to comfort me
yeah yeah
Then finally make me do
Just what my mama said
Later that night when I was asleep
He left a dollar under my sheet
Never dreamed that he
Would be gone from me
If I could steal one final glance
One final step
One final dance with him
I'd play a song that would never ever end
Cause I'd love love love to
Dance with my father again
Sometimes I'd listen outside her door
And I'd hear how mama would cry for him
I'd pray for her even more than me
I'd pray for her even more than me
I know I'm praying for much to much
But could you send her
The only man she loved
I know you don't do it usually
But Dear Lord
She's dying to dance with my father again
Every night I fall asleep
And this is all I ever dream

A certain group will grade the other group based on their presentation using this rubrics:


5 4 3

The members performance positively contributed to the

group activity

The members worked collaboratively with the other

group members.

Group activity is organized and clearly presented.

Group activity is appropriate to the given task.


H. Valuing

Students’ Activities Students’ Responses

Task 6: Let’s Be Clear!
The teacher asks the students about the
message of the quotation.

Possible Answer:
We have to be aware of the things that we
are doing. We could not go back to the time
just because we wanted to. Every decision
that we do must be according to our self-
growth. Big life change like marriage is
something that we should take seriously to
avoid repentance and regrets.


Students’ Activities Students’ Responses

Directions: In a one half sheet of paper, Possible Answer:

discuss the values that the story Footnote to Marriage in a very young age when you are
Youth gives and its impact to you as a youth. not yet prepared with the obligations
Limit your answer in 5-7 sentences. accompanied to it will give birth to more
problems. Therefore, before entering to a
married life, we must not only think twice but
a hundred times. This story serves as an
eye-opener for everyone to think twice
before doing uncertain things in life. We have
to be physically, mentally and financially
stable before entering a new stage of our
lives. We have to remember that we control
our own life. Making lifetime decisions is in
our hands.

1. Study the WH questions and Yes/No questions.
2. Answer the Task 9: Language Connections in page 278-279.

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