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1. The statement, “in order to study human behavior, we must consider the whole of
perception rather than its component parts”, might be subscribing to
a. Psychoanalytic theory
b. Humanistic psychology
c. Gestalt psychology
d. Structuralism
2. Functionalism, of William James, is particularly interested in
a. Introspection
b. the structure of consciousness
c. how the mind works
d. developmental psychology
3. Vice Ganda’s therapist was helping her realize her potentialities, strength and be in
control of her behaviors. The therapist follows what perspective?
a. Psychodynamic
b. Cognitive
c. Behavioral
d. Humanistic
4. Pedro is attending a Christmas party when he saw the liquors on the bar. However, the
party hadn’t started yet. So instead of asking for a drink, he tried imagining himself
drinking a cold glass of vodka. This demonstrates
a. Secondary process
b. Reality principle
c. Primary principle
d. Pleasure principle
5. The unconscious mind
a. Contains urges or instincts that are acceptable in the society
b. Contains only the id
c. Contains urges that are unacceptable in the society
d. Contains the ego and superego
6. Which of the following characterizes socialization during the negative phase of puberty of
a. The individual becomes more aloof and the friendship tends to disintegrate
as the individual grows more self-consumed.
b. Children need the companionship of their co peers and co associates
especially to gain adventure and excitement.
c. More extraverted and needs companion of his own age, but many quarrels
and disputes occur.
d. Cooperation, teasing, bullying, fighting all tend to be exhibited at this time.
7. Which of the following characterizes personality during late infancy?
a. A self-conscious individual who has differentiated his ego from his
b. Characterized by the acquisition of new abilities and skills, by stabilization,
and first ego manifestations.
c. The individual becomes self-conscious, introverted and performs his first
volitional acts.
d. Helpless, narcissistic and extratensive.
8. Which of the following is among the earliest emotions to be expressed in infancy,
before 6 months of age?
a. Guilt
b. Defiance
c. Pleasure
d. Pride
9. The Germinal Phase of the prenatal period is characterized by the following​ EXCEPT:
a. Cell division by mitosis
b. Attachment of the zygote to the uterus by the second week of pregnancy
c. Fertilization
d. Development of miniature body parts
10. When Jose learned about his cancer, he insisted that the doctor was wrong, and so
he went for a second, third, and fourth opinion. However, he still gets the same
findings. Based on Kubler-Ross emotional stages of confronting death, he is most
likely on what stage?
a. Bargaining
b. Depression
c. Anger
d. Denial
11. Represents the first transitional phase in the life of the individual and is comparatively
a. Early Infancy
b. Early childhood
c. Late infancy
d. Birth
12. What may be the best source of jealousy for an individual in early childhood?
a. A toy of a playmate
b. Not being included in games
c. A younger sibling
d. A classmate winning a contest/competition
13. The branchlike structures of the neuron that receive neural impulses are known as:
a. Axons
b. Myelin sheath
c. Dendrites
d. Axon terminal
14. A damage of the spinal cord which is characterized by lost of voluntary movements below
the neck.
a. Paraplegia
b. Stroke
c. Parkinson’s disease
d. Quadriplegia
15. Dagul has a condition called dwarfism, which was caused by the undersecretion of his
growth hormone. What gland of the endocrine system is responsible for this condition?
a. Pancreas
b. Adrenal Glands
c. Pituitary Gland
d. Pineal Gland
16. As you are reading at this moment, this division of the nervous system is pumping blood
through your body, pushing your lungs in and out, and overseeing the digestion of your
last meal.
a. Sympathetic nervous system
b. Central nervous system
c. Autonomic nervous system
d. Parasympathetic nervous system
17. How does the cell become depolarized?
a. When the cell receives a message, the potassium gates open leading potassium
ions to enter the cell, which then makes the intracellular environment of the cell
b. When the cell receives a message, the sodium gates open leading sodium ions
to enter the cell which then makes the intracellular environment of the cell
c. When the cell receives a message, the potassium gates open leading potassium
ions to enter the cell which makes the intracellular environment of the cell
d. When the cell receives a message, the sodium gates open leading sodium ions
to enter the cell which makes the intracellular environment of the cell positive
18. Groupings that are made in terms of complete figures.
a. Closure
b. Simplicity
c. Proximity
d. Continuity
19. When Susana surveyed her garden, she grouped all the red flowers as one even
though they are found on different locations. This is due to the gestalt principle of
a. Closure
b. Proximity
c. Continuation
d. Similarity
20. If for some reason, you believe that you have an X-ray vision on the back of his
head, you are having
a. Illusion
b. Delusion
c. Hallucination
d. Bottom-up processing
21. Trying to find your favorite shirt in your untidy closet requires
a. Perceptual constancy
b. Bottom-up processing
c. Top-down processing
d. Law of grouping
22. It is the phenomenon in which objects are perceived as unvarying and consistent
despite changes in their appearance or in the physical environment.
a. Organizational Perception
b. Depth Perception
c. Perceptual Constancy
d. Sensation
23. John threw the Frisbee up in the air. Even though the image it cast on his retina was
now oval, he still perceived it as perfectly round. This was due to
a. Figure and ground processing
b. Good gestalt
c. Illusion
d. Shape constancy

TEST II. IDENTIFICATION. Provide answer/s to the following statements/

questions below. If you wish to change your answer, indicate that it is changed by
enclosing the previous answer with parenthesis and write your new answer
clearly. Please provide the full term or name. Finally, wrong spelling renders the
answer wrong.
1. Who authored the psychoanalytic theory?
2. Who is the founding father of modern psychology?
3. What lobe of the cerebral cortex is responsible for interpreting information about
pain, touch and pressure?

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