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Remember that most modern poems do not have

STANZAS: Stanzas are a series of lines grouped together and
separated by an empty line from other stanzas. They are the RHYTHM AND METER
equivalent of a paragraph in an essay. One way to identify a
Meter: the systematic regularity in rhythm; this systematic
stanza is to count the number of lines. Thus:
rhythm (or sound pattern) is usually identified by examining
couplet (2 lines) tercet (3 lines) quatrain (4 lines) cinquain (5 the type of "foot" and the number of feet.
lines) sestet (6 lines) (sometimes it's called a sexain) septet (7
1. Poetic Foot: The traditional line of metered poetry contains
lines) octave (8 lines)
a number of rhythmical units, which are called feet. The
FORM: A poem may or may not have a specific number of lines, pattern, or foot, is designated according to the number of
rhyme scheme and/or metrical pattern, but it can still be syllables contained, and the relationship in each foot between
labeled according to its form or style. Here are the three most the strong and weak syllables. Thus:
common types of poems according to form:
a. Iamb (Iambic) - weak syllable followed by strong syllable.
1. Lyric Poetry: It is any poem with one speaker (not necessarily [Note that the pattern is sometimes fairly hard to maintain, as
the poet) who expresses strong thoughts and feelings. Most in the third foot.]
poems, especially modern ones, are lyric poems. b. Trochee (Trochaic): strong syllable followed by a weak
2. Narrative Poem: It is a poem that tells a story; its structure
c. Anapest (Anapestic): two weak syllables followed by a
resembles the plot line of a story [i.e. the introduction of
strong syllable.
conflict and characters, rising action, climax and the
d. Dactyl (Dactylic): a strong syllable followed by two weak
3. Descriptive Poem: It is a poem that describes the world that e. Spondee (Spondaic): two strong syllables (not common as
surrounds the speaker. It uses elaborate imagery and lines but appears as a foot). A spondee usually appears at the
adjectives. While emotional, it is more "outward-focused" end of a line.
than lyric poetry, which is more personal and introspective. 2. The Number of Feet: The second part of meter is the number
of feet contained in a line.
The Italian/Petrarchan sonnet is named after Petrarch, an Thus:
Italian Renaissance poet. The Petrarchan sonnet consists of an
octave (eight lines) and a sestet (six lines). The Shakespearean 1 foot=monometer 2 feet=dimeter 3 feet=trimeter 4
sonnet consists of three quatrains (four lines each) and a feet=tetrameter 5feet=pentameter 6 feet=hexameter (when
concluding couplet (two lines). The Petrarchan sonnet tends to hexameter is in iambic rhythm, it is called an alexandrine)
divide the thought into two parts (argument and conclusion);
3. Irregularity: Many metered poems in English avoid perfectly
the Shakespearean, into four (the final couplet is the
regular rhythm because it is monotonous. Irregularities in
rhythm add interest and emphasis to the lines. In this line:
Ballad: It is a narrative poem that has a musical rhythm and
The first foot substitutes a trochee for an iamb. Thus, the basic
can be sung. A ballad is usually organized into quatrains or
iambic pentameter is varied with the opening trochee.
cinquains, has a simple rhythm structure, and tells the tales of
ordinary people. 4. Blank Verse: Any poetry that does have a set metrical
pattern (usually iambic pentameter), but does not have rhyme,
is blank verse. Shakespeare frequently used unrhymed iambic
Three other elements of poetry are rhyme scheme, meter (ie. pentameter in his plays; his works are an early example of
regular rhythm) and word sounds (like alliteration). These are blank verse.
sometimes collectively called sound play because they take
5. Free Verse: Most modern poetry no longer follows strict
advantage of the performative, spoken nature of poetry.
rules of meter or rhyme, especially throughout an entire poem.
Rhyme is the repetition of similar sounds. In poetry, the most
common kind of rhyme is the end rhyme, which occurs at the
end of two or more lines. Alliteration: the repetition of initial sounds on the same line or
stanza - Big bad Bob bounced bravely.
Internal rhyme occurs in the middle of a line, as in these lines
from Coleridge, "In mist or cloud, on mast or shroud" or Assonance: the repetition of vowel sounds (anywhere in the
"Whiles all the night through fog-smoke white" ("The Ancient middle or end of a line or stanza) - Tilting at windmills
Consonance: the repetition of consonant sounds (anywhere in Free Verse: Free verses refer to the different styles of poetry,
the middle or end of a line or stanza) - And all the air a solemn wherein the poems do not carry a specific meter. Free verses
stillness holds. (T. Gray) are a poet's expressions, which are free from any rules or
restrictions pertaining to the rhyme schemes of the poem.
Onomatopoeia: words that sound like that which they
describe - Boom! Crash! Pow! Quack! Moo! Caress... Ghazal: This form of poetry is popular in the Arabic, Persian,
Urdu and Bengali literature. It is characterized by five to fifteen
Repetition: the repetition of entire lines or phrases to
couplets that have a refrain at the end of every second line.
emphasize key thematic ideas.
Each couplet of a ghazal can stand individually as each
Parallel Stucture: a form of repetition where the order of verbs represents a distinct thought.
and nouns is repeated; it may involve exact words, but it more
Haiku: (5,7,5) It is an unrhymed form of poetry that is native to
importantly repeats sentence structure - "I came, I saw, I
Japan. It contains three sections that can be written in a single
line but are written in three lines instead.
Types of Poetry
Jintishi: Native to China, Jintishi is a poetic form based on tonal
Acrostic: In acrostic poems, the first letters of each line of the patterns consisting of the four tones of the classical Chinese
poem are aligned vertically to form a word. Generally, the language in every couplet. Jintishi is composed of eight lines in
word formed thus, is the subject of the poem. four couplets, wherein two couplets depict contrasting ideas
but similar grammatical patterns. Du Fu, a poet of the 8th
Ballad: Ballads are narrative poems that are supposed to be century was an important name in the world of Jintishi.
sung. The narrator usually starts with a dramatic scene and
relates the narrative with dialog and actions. Limerick: Limerick is one of the very popular kinds of poetry. A
limerick is a funny little poem with a rhyme scheme of 'aabba'.
Canzone: The word canzone, which means, a song, signifies
any simple song-like composition. It is an Italian song or ballad. Lyric Poetry: Lyric poetry is of a personal nature, wherein a
poet expresses his/her perceptions and ideas through poetry.
Cinquain: Cinquain poems are five lines long. They do not Lyric poems deal with subjects like love, peace, loss and grief.
rhyme. T. S. Eliot is one of the prominent names in lyric poetry.
Concrete: In this kind of poetry, the topographical Narrative Poetry: This is a genre of poetry that involves story-
arrangement of words supports the meaning conveyed by the telling and is one of the very old forms of poetry. The content
poem. The poems form a picture of the topic on which they are of these types of poems is intended to appeal the masses.
Nursery Rhymes: It is one of the most popular types of poetry,
Couplet: It is a very simple form of a verse, which contains two especially a favorite of most of the kids. Nursery rhymes are
rhyming lines. short poems written for children and are usually handed over
from one generation to another.
Diamante: This type of poetry is one of the simplest ones to
write. The first line of a diamante is a single word; the second Ode: is a literary technique that is lyrical in nature, but not
line consists of two adjectives describing that word, third line very lengthy.
contains three words about the subject while the fourth line
contains four. The fifth line and the lines that follow consist of Pantoum: It is composed of quatrains, where the second and
a similar pattern of words describing the idea opposite to the fourth lines of each verse are repeated as the first and third
subject of the poem. It seems this kind of poetry writing is lines of the next stanza.
simple and interesting
Pastourelle: It refers to an old French lyrical form. The poems
Dramatic Poetry: A drama that is written in the form of verses in this category have the romance of a shepherdess as their
to be recited or sung refers to the dramatic genre of poetry. central idea.
This form of poetry has evolved from Greek and Sanskrit
Prose Poetry: This genre of poetry blends prose and poetry. It
is very similar to a short story. However, its concise nature and
Epic Poetry: This genre of poetry is a type of narrative the use of metaphor in it are sufficient to classify it as a poetical
literature that narrates stories of mythological heroes. form.
Homer's Iliad and Odyssey and the great Indian epics of
Ruba'i: This form of poetry is written as a four-line verse. It is
Mahabharata and Ramayana are a few of the noteworthy
written by the poets in Arabia and Persia.
examples of epic poetry.
Satirical Poetry: Sarcasm serves as a very powerful means of Historical – sees literature as both a reflection and a product
expressing criticism. An insult can most strongly be expressed of the times and circumstances in which it is written.
through poetry. Romans have been using satirical poetry for Cultural – an approach in knowing the culture of the people
political purposes. and one of the pleasurable ways of appreciating the literature
of the people.
Sestina: In this kind of poetry, there are six stanzas, each
Psychological – considers literature as the expression of
consisting of six lines without an element of rhyme. The words
“personality”, of “inner drive” of neurosis.
that appear at the end of the lines in the first stanza are
repeated in other stanzas. A concluding stanza of three lines
wherein the repeating words reappear in a peculiar way is an
- Criticism method: This is highly recommended in literature
important characteristic of Sestina.
teaching. Students may be occasionally required to criticize the
Sijo: It is a musical lyric popular among the Korean poets. It is information they obtain from the „Study Guides‟ with close
written in three lines with a pause in the middle of every line. reference to the actual text. This method prompts student to
read further for more information. This is capable of evoking
Sonnet: Derived from Occitan and Italian words meaning 'a and sustaining the interest of the students in the subject.
little song', Sonnet was originally a fourteen-line song that was - Discussion method: This could be an effective means of
based on a strict rhyme scheme and structure. ensuring that students read the text and acquire the correct
Stev: It is a form of lyrical poetry that is prominent in
- Discovery method: These stems from problem posing
Scandinavia. Stave is the English version of this kind of poetry
approach and can achieve greater result when fused with
Tanka: It is an unrhymed kind of poetry that originated in discussion method. Here the teacher can identify some of the
Japan. It came up as a shorter version of the Japanese formal contemporary issues raised in the text under study and
poetry and the poems of this type were primarily based on encourage the students to propose solutions bearing in mind
personal themes. (75757) the evidence contained in the text. This encourages originality
and flexibility of ideas or thoughts.
Verse Fable: The poems that belong to this genre of poetry - Also, to encourage initiatives and curiosity, questioning
consist of stories set into verses. Fables involving natural method is encouraged.
elements and inanimate objects carrying a moral or message - Project method: Because of individual differences, some
for the masses are expressed through verses. Verse fables use students are known to demonstrate poor language skills.
different types of rhyming schemes. Project method can assist them.
Approaches - Activity method: This can be best portrayed with
- Thematic approach: This is the teaching of literature based dramatization technique which is great value to the teaching
on the understanding of the central theme and the sub of literature.
themes. - Read and explain method though related to discussion
- Stylistic approach: This has to do with looking at the text in method, is also a good method that challenges the students.
respect of the author‟s style and incomparison with another
author. The Traditional Theory of Poetry
- Group Approach: This engages the weak and the strong in a 1. Poetry is mimetic.
common activity possibly to strengthen the weak. But as an Poetry imitates, copies, or reflects something.
approach to teaching of literature, group approach is engaged 2. Poetry is emotional as well as rational.
in to dramatize or act out the text. Like all literature, poetry exploits connotation, multiple
- Response Approach: This portrays the critical method. This meaning, emotive language, and penetrating images.
offers the student the freedom to be real to the text and not
stereotyped or stage-managed. 3. Poetry recreates, not merely recounts.
- Integrated approach: This has to do with looking at a text as Readers of a poem should not just recognize or understand the
a whole entity. This approach also involves using the text to feeling or idea the poet is treating; they should experience it.
teach language and literature. A test could be so used to teach 4. Poetry is a "speaking picture."
vocabularies, pronunciation, literary devices etc. The phrase belongs to Sir Philip Sidney. He means that poetry
- Problem posing approach requires the students to unravel a uses imagery, pictures, concrete visions to convey its message
given mystery in the text. and feeling; it shows, and not just tells.
Formalistic – based on the literary elements
Moral / Humanistic – close to the morality of literature to
questions of ethical goodness and badness.

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