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Module Overview
The Microsoft Dynamics® AX Sales and Marketing module as it relates to
customer relationship management (CRM) includes numerous options for creating
a powerful system for tracking customers, prospects, sales, transaction data, and
more. This module describes how to set up number sequences, relation types,
default values for prospects, and transactions for effectively using CRM.


The objectives are as follows:

• Set up number sequencing information for CRM.

• Set up relation type for prospects.
• Set up transaction logging for CRM transactions.

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Sales and Marketing in Microsoft Dynamics® AX 2012

This scenario outlines the steps that are required when you set up the Sales and
Marketing module.

1. Set up number sequences. Two number sequences must be set up

correctly: the prospect account and the relation account.
2. Create the relation types. Each new prospect entered in the CRM
module has a designated type.
3. Define the default values for newly created prospects.
4. Set up the transaction log.

Sales and Marketing Module Setup

This chapter describes how to set up number sequences, relation types, default
values for prospects, and transactions for effectively using CRM.

Required Number Sequences

The CRM functionality requires you to set up number sequences and understand
the default settings. The following number sequence codes are required to use the
CRM functionality:

• Prospect
• Relation accounts

To set up required CRM number sequences follow these steps:

1. Click Sales and Marketing > Setup > Sales and marketing
parameters > Number sequences.
2. Select a Number sequence code for the Prospect reference.

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Module 2: Sales and Marketing Setup
3. Select a Number sequence code for the Relation account



Note: Number sequences can also be set up in the Number sequences form.
Click Organization administration > Common > Number sequences >
Number sequences.

Refer to Foundation in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 training materials to set up

number sequences.

The Prospect Account

The prospect account is the unique number a new prospect receives, either
automatically or manually, depending on the setup of the number sequence. This
number sequence appears in the Prospect account field in the Prospect form
(Sales and Marketing > Common > Prospects).

Prospects can be customers or vendors. Prospects are organized by prospect

account number.

You can decide whether the prospects account number sequence is a continuous
number defined automatically or if the user can create the prospect's account
number manually. This is determined by the business and sales policies of the
company. Some companies enter new business relations by company name, by
some part of the company's name, or by an established method of identification.

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Sales and Marketing in Microsoft Dynamics® AX 2012
The prospect account number sequence is alphanumeric.

The number sequences can be entered manually or system generated. To

determine whether the prospect number sequence allows for manual entry follow
these steps:

1. Open Organization administration > Common > Number

sequences > Number sequences.
2. Optional: To search for prospect numbering within Sales and
Marketing, use a filter. For example, select Sales and Marketing
from the list under Area and then select Prospect in the Reference
3. Highlight the Number sequence code and then click Edit, or click
Number sequence on the Action Pane to create a new number
sequence code.
4. Click the General FastTab.
5. To enable manual entry, select the Manual check box.

Note: The Prospects form collects data from the Customer table, Vendor
table, and the Relations table and displays the collected data in the Prospects


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Module 2: Sales and Marketing Setup
Optional Number Sequences

You can define 10 additional number sequence codes in addition to the two
required codes.

Note: You are not required to set up these number sequences to use the CRM

The following number sequence codes can be defined in the Sales and
marketing parameters form.

• Phone Call ID: Populates the Phone Call ID on the Overview tab of
the Calls form and is assigned automatically when a new phone call is
• Member ID: The system assigns a number when a contact person or
employee is added to an email group by using the Email group
members form.
• Campaign ID: Populates the Campaign ID on the Overview tab of
the Campaigns form and is assigned automatically when a new
campaign is created.
• Knowledge article item ID: Populates the Knowledge article item
ID on the Knowledge article items form and is assigned
automatically when a new record is created.
• Sales unit member ID: Automatically assigned when a new member
is added to a sales unit in the Sales unit designer form.
• Key: Assigns an ID to business sectors created in the Business
classifications form.
• Call List ID: Populates the Call List ID on the General FastTab of the
Call list form and is assigned automatically when a new call list is
• Lead ID: Populates the Lead ID in the Leads form. This form is used
to create, view, or change information about a lead.
• Opportunity ID: Populates the Opportunity ID in the Opportunity
form. This form is used to create, view, or change information about
an opportunity.

Note: The Quotation ID is set up in the Accounts Receivable module. It must

be set up if you are using quotations with the CRM functionality. Click Accounts
Receivable > Setup > Accounts receivable parameters > Number sequences
to create a Quotation ID.

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Sales and Marketing in Microsoft Dynamics® AX 2012
Relation Types

Each new prospect must have a designated type. Two common types of prospects
are Customer and Vendor. Other relation types might include New, Imported,
Qualified, or Not Qualified. A company's business methods and politics determine
the types of relationship created with each prospect.

When you create a new prospect in the Prospect details form, the system
proposes the prospect type that is set as the default value in Sales and
marketing parameters form.

To set up Relation types, follow these steps:

1. Click Sales and marketing > Setup > Prospects > Relation types.
2. Click New to create a new Type.
3. Enter an identifier for the relation type in the Type field.
4. Enter a description of the relation type in the Description field.
5. Click in the Table source field, click the down arrow, and select
Relation table.


Note: Once you convert a prospect to a customer or vendor the relation type
cannot be changed.

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Module 2: Sales and Marketing Setup
Default Values for Prospects

Part of the required setup is defining default values for newly created prospects.
When you create a new prospect in the prospect form, the default values that are
defined during setup are transferred to the relevant fields. These default values
can be changed when a new prospect is created.

To set up default values for prospects follow these steps:

1. Click Sales and marketing > Setup > Sales and marketing
2. Click the Prospects tab.
3. Enter appropriate prospect information.


The first five fields in the Prospects defaults section have lookups that refer to
other forms in Microsoft Dynamics AX. Values must be established in the forms
before selections can be made in this form. The following table describes each

Field Description
Language Select the default language for a new
prospect when it is created in the
Prospect details form.

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Sales and Marketing in Microsoft Dynamics® AX 2012
Field Description
Customer Group Select the default customer group for a
new prospect when it is created in the
Prospect details form. Once the
prospect is converted to a customer, this
customer group is used for the customer.
Vendor Group Select the default vendor group for a
new prospect when it is created in the
Prospect details form. Once the
prospect is converted to a vendor, this
vendor group is used for the vendor.
Currency Select the default currency code for a
new prospect when it is created in the
Prospect details form.
Type Select the default prospect type for a
new prospect when it is created in the
Prospect details form.
The prospect types are defined in the
Relation types form.
Opening time Enter the default opening hours of
business for a newly created prospect.
Closing time Enter the default closing hours of
business for a newly created prospect.
Status Select the default prospect status.

Prospects also have two additional default settings for Other information.

Field Description
Email group copy type • Select how email messages that are
sent through email groups are sent to
the recipient. The options available
are as follows:
• None
• To
• Cc
• Bcc

Open Customer or Vendor form Select this check box to open either the
on converting a Prospect: Vendors form or the Customers form
when a prospect of the corresponding
type is created.

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Module 2: Sales and Marketing Setup
Sales Management

The Sales Management functionality relies heavily on the sales unit. This is a
categorization of CRM employees. This categorization enables a quick overview
and performance tracking of sales in a sales unit and between sales units over

Sales personnel are put into a sales unit by using the Sales unit/team form.
Because the setup of sales units is an important part of Sales Management, the
setup of sales units is discussed in the Sales Management section of this course.

Transaction Log
Knowing who has entered data and when data was entered can be invaluable.
Maintaining an accurate history of business relation data by logging data
transactions in the CRM module enables the administrator to monitor and review
transaction history. Although you can log all transactions and their effects on
tables in other modules, it is not desirable to log all transactions. The logging
process requires operating system resources and significantly increases the size of
the database.

Microsoft Dynamics AX includes a general transaction logging system which is not

as detailed as CRM transaction logging. Because the general logging system is not
as specific, the effect on operating system resources is not as large.

To enable transaction logging follow these steps:

1. Click Sales and marketing > Setup > Sales and marketing
2. Click the Transaction log tab.
3. Select the appropriate transaction log options.

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Sales and Marketing in Microsoft Dynamics® AX 2012


Each option in the Track changes for group can be selected or cleared. For each
selected option, the application logs all transactions, at the record level, that affect
the option according to the values set in the fields in the Options group.

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Module 2: Sales and Marketing Setup
The Options group contains the following fields:

Field Description
Days to keep log Set a limit on the age of transactions in
the log by entering a number. The age is
expressed in number of days. This limits
the transactions displayed to the number
of past days specified in this field.

Track new transactions Select this check box to include insert

transactions in the transaction log.
Insert transactions are transactions that
insert a new record in the relevant table,
for example, when you create a new
prospect or campaign.

Track deleted transactions Select this check box to include delete

transactions in the transaction log.
Delete transactions are transactions that
delete a record in the relevant table, for
example, when you delete a prospect or

Track updated transactions Select if the transaction log should create

a new transaction log every time an
update is made; update the last record; or
not create transaction logs when updates
are made.

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Sales and Marketing in Microsoft Dynamics® AX 2012

Lab 2.1: Set Up CRM Module


Scenario: You are setting up the CRM module for a business to increase its
customer base and keep profitable customers. The company's requirements
include automating the current sales force, managing telemarketing tasks, and
tracking marketing campaigns.

The business is maintaining qualified and not qualified prospects. It wants to track
these prospects.

Create basic CRM setup to start the process.

• Make sure required CRM number sequences are set to automatic and
• Create new relation types by using the following information:

Type Description
Qualified Qualified prospects
Not Qualified Not qualified prospects

• Make the appropriate choices for default CRM parameter settings.

a. In the Opening time field, type "9:00 am".
b. In the Closing time field, type "5:00 pm".
• Ensure the business can track inserts, deletions, and updates to all

Challenge Yourself

1. Make sure required CRM number sequences are set to automatic.

2. Create new relation types.
3. Make the appropriate choices for default CRM parameter settings.
4. Ensure the business can track inserts, deletions, and updates to all

Need a Little Help?

1. Make sure that the Prospect and Relation account number sequence
codes are set to automatic and continuous.
2. Create new relation types for Prospects by using information that is
provided in the scenario.

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Module 2: Sales and Marketing Setup
3. Make the appropriate choices for the Prospect default settings.
4. In the Transaction log, track all inserts, deletions, and updates to all
the tables.

Step by Step

Step-by-Step Instructions

Check Number Sequences

1. Click Sales and marketing > Setup > Sales and marketing
2. Click the Number sequences tab.
3. Verify all the Number sequence codes are set up. Note the Number
sequence code for the Prospect and Relation account References.
4. Close the form.
5. Click Organization administration > Common > Number
sequences > Number sequences.
6. Optional: To search for prospect numbering within Sales and
Marketing use a filter. For example, select Sales and Marketing from
the list in the Area field and then select Prospect in the Reference
7. Double-click the Number sequence code for the Prospect and
Relation accounts (noted in previous step).
8. Expand the General FastTab and verify the Continuous option is
selected and the Manual option is cleared.
9. Close the Number sequence form.

Create Relation Types

1. Click Sales and marketing > Setup > Prospects > Relation types.
2. Click New to create a new record.
3. Create the new business types. Type "Qualified: in the Type field and
type "Qualified prospects" in the Description field. Select Relation
table in Table source.
4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 for the Relation type “Not Qualified”, with the
Description of “Not qualified prospects”. (use the Type and
Description information provided in the scenario.)
5. Close the form.

Set CRM Parameter Defaults for Prospects

1. Click Sales and marketing > Setup > Sales and marketing
2. Click the Prospects tab.

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3. In Opening time, type "9:00 am".
4. In Closing time, type "5:00 pm".
5. Click the Transaction log tab.
6. In the Track changes for area, select all the options.
7. In the Options area, select Track new transaction and Track
deleted transactions.
8. In Track updated transactions, select Update all from the list.
9. Close the form.

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Module 2: Sales and Marketing Setup

Module Review
Module Review and Takeaways

Sales and marketing setup requires initial setup to start to work with CRM
functionality in Microsoft Dynamics AX. This basic set up includes the following:

• Number sequences
• Prospect relation types
• Default values for prospects
• Transaction logs

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Sales and Marketing in Microsoft Dynamics® AX 2012

Test Your Knowledge

Test your knowledge with the following questions.

1. Which of the following number sequences must be set up to use the CRM

( ) Activity number

( ) Prospect

( ) Quotation ID

( ) Campaign ID

2. Which level of logging does the transaction log perform?

( ) Field level

( ) Record level

( ) Table level

( ) Form level

3. Which of the following can be selected as an Option group for the

Transaction log?

( ) Update all

( ) Update last

( ) Track updated transactions

( ) Update periodically

4. The Quotation ID is set up in the Sales and Marketing module.

( ) True

( ) False

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Module 2: Sales and Marketing Setup

Test Your Knowledge Solutions

1. Which of the following number sequences must be set up to use the CRM

( ) Activity number

(√) Prospect

( ) Quotation ID

( ) Campaign ID

2. Which level of logging does the transaction log perform?

( ) Field level

(√) Record level

( ) Table level

( ) Form level

3. Which of the following can be selected as an Option group for the

Transaction log?

( ) Update all

( ) Update last

(√) Track updated transactions

( ) Update periodically

4. The Quotation ID is set up in the Sales and Marketing module.

( ) True

(√) False

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