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5. 564 April 2012 Answer all questions. “Answer all he questions inthe drawing sheet. First angle projection is 10 be followed. Al dimensions are in mm. Credit wil be given for neaness) wae PART- (Note: Answer any four questions) Marks (410-40) Draw the drawing shown in Fig.1 to full size and dimension it as per Indian Standards. Construct an Ellipse by using concentric circle method with @ major axis of 100mm and minor axis of 75mm. Construct a Parabola within a Paralielogram of sides 80mm and 40mm. The acute angle Is 70°. Draw the cycloid formed by rolling a circle of S0mm diameter. Aline CD 60mm long Is parallel to VP and inclined at 35° to HP. One end C is 15mm above HP and 15 mm in front of VP. Draw the projections of the line CD. PART. (3s) The pictorial view of an object Is shown in Fig.2. Draw the following orthographic views to full size. (2) Elevation in the direction of arrow (15) (b) Left end elevation (10) (c) Pan (10) —pap omen meng carne igis cut Samar cards agsh wma § sre) ei unhiinasi —— Faeopipaarnnieaiaiell wel) (G8: tpgs praie Sameag As wi Gd fewuchdansd) (4x1 = 40) i te CorGdaira Gute ammges yy oie awmri gs, HiPu Hs Paiuy oereames @Psanns Arg suw aciaiss yonGd Gutw 24 Mat Fond 1008.5, Mu ad6et ford TEBE Gani 9 ri a2. gep exoga (eae Borns. 185/4.93-1 oiL 2 3 CORE. sig AOBAE. udaniaserd Commi 9% Demens eget om on) exGalis exoye. @pmiGanani 70° 4 SORE, moter 9g Ox Li CpACamips » pepiCuRy MUDD «.gatuTengeow cours. 5. COME. hmd Genet. CD min Can Aniess S596 Mmarunsard Aan S5erb M6 35° omiomenys acteg. gpa C ymmar 15HUE HPaG Coteus, ‘sat Pew Usiuracns xsiergs. ‘Sins Comigst Goniesigs ips Cymipricear = wed (35) 6. CurgMat age omnis Uii-25 CanGimiulGciorgy. spe Ejenppd Sueos stipe) Spmimmiescoer ope Denetyig xara (sd. pie Somimd (sre Pemnrdileys gy) (15) ) ) pmo (10) B bets ‘3 185/493-2

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