Generic Name: Classification: Indication

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Name of Drug Classification and Indication and Side Effects or Adverse Nursing Responsibilities

(Dosage, Route, Mechanism of Action Contraindication Reactions

Frequency, Timing)

Generic Name: Classification: Indication: Nausea, vomiting, pain, Observe the 10 Rights of
Sulodexide Anticoagulant Vascular pathologies burn, hematoma at the Medication.
Antithrombotics with thrombotic risk, site of injection, chills, Assess patient for signs of
Brand Name: transient ischemic attack, fever, bleeding and haemorrhage
Vessel Due F cerebrovascular disease, urticarial,epigastralgia (bleeding gum, nosebleed,
Mechanism of Action: peripheral vascular unusual bruising, black tarry
Dosage: 300 LSU 1 amp Sulodexide is a insufficiency, diabetic stools, hematuria, fall in
heparinoid consisting of retinopathy, MI, retinal haematocrit or BP) Notify
Route: IVTT 80% fast moving heparin vassal thrombosis. physician if these occurs.
and 20% dermatan Monitor patient for
Frequency: Q12H sulfate. It is Contraindication: hypersensitivity reactions
hypolipidaemic and Hypersensitivity to (chills, fever, urticaria)
antithrombotic and has sulodexide, heparin and Report signs to physician.
Timing: 6AM-6PM been administered by heparin-like products. Monitor platelet count every
mouth and parenterally 2-3 days throughout therapy.
for peripheral vascular
disease and
cerebrovascular disease.
It is also included in
topical preparations for
local vascular
inflammation and soft
tissue disorders.
Sulodexide differs from
heparin by having a
longer half-life and a
decreased effect on
systemic clotting and

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