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European Commission

Prevention of Human Trafficking in the RF


Geographical coverage: Russian Federation: Moscow region, Republic of Karelia, Astrakhan’

Implementation period: March 2006 – August 2008
Central Asia and others are exploited by trafficking
BACKGROUND AND JUSTIFICATION networks. Experts believe that in Moscow alone the
commercial sex industry exploits 80,000-100,000
The project foresees comprehensive measures
persons, followed by some 20,000-30,000 in St.
contributing to enhance the capacities of the Russian
Petersburg. In Moscow, 88.5% of this group are brought
Federation in the main following trends: policy advice,
from CIS and non-CIS countries and rural parts of
prevention measures; cooperation with law
Russia. Up to 20-25% of this group are minors 4 , who
enforcement and establishment of referral
may be infallibly considered as victims of trafficking. The
mechanisms as well as assistance to victims.
scale of the practice is reflected IOM’s data, generated
Trafficking in human beings is recognized by the
from the IOM Counter-Trafficking Module database: the
governments of Europe and the CIS as one of the
number of trafficking victims assisted by IOM in returning
most pressing challenges related to irregular
from Russia to Ukraine alone - over 375 since 2001- and
migration, violation of human rights and trans-border
the fact that IOM statistics show the highest rate of
organized crime, facing European and Asian
minors among women trafficked from Ukraine and
communities. The 2005 Trafficking in Persons Report
Moldova to Russia, as compared to other countries of
by the US State Department’s Office to Monitor and
Combat Trafficking in Persons estimates that
As Russia is a major destination country for labour
approximately 600,000 – 800,000 persons are
migrants from the Central Asian and other countries,
trafficked annually across the globe 1 . In 2001,
most of them employed illegally, the rates of trafficking
European Commission indicated that 120,000 women
for labour exploitation are considered to be high by
and children were annually brought illegally into
experts. According to an ILO report, some 20-24% of
Western Europe and exploited mainly in the sex
labour migrants working on the Russian territory are
industry 2 . IOM estimates that up to 500,000 women
subjected to various forms of coercion that may be
are illegally forced to work in the sex industry in
construed as elements of trafficking. Based on these
Europe 3 .
findings, and considering that the number of labour
The estimates above suggest that thousands of migrants staying in Russia is conservatively estimated by
Russian women and girls may be annually brought the Federal Migration Service at 3.5 million, the scale of
into the countries of Europe, as well as South-East human trafficking for forced labour and related forms of
Asia and the United States. At the same time, Russia exploitation into the Russian Federation may be
itself is a major destination and transit country where estimated at 700-840,000 5 .
women from the former Soviet Union territories, The Russian Government is increasingly demonstrating
including Ukraine, Belarus, Moldova, the countries of commitment to combating irregular migration and cross-
2 Report on Europe Against Trafficking in Persons Conference, 4Analysis of the Situation and Institutions in the Field of Commercial
October 2001, Berlin, Sex Exploitation of Children (CSEC) and Counter-CSEC Acitivies in Russia, ECPAT, 2003
3 5 Forced Labour in Modern Russia. Unregulated Migration and

glish.pdf Human Trafficking, ILO, Moscow, 2004

European Commission

border crime, including the trafficking phenomenon, in Policy advice component: Improving the
cooperation with the governments of destination and legislative framework and the State policies regarding
source countries. In December 2000, Russia signed human trafficking, including the national capacity to
the UN Convention Against Transnational Organized assess and measure this phenomenon in Russia.
Crime and the Protocols thereto, including the
Prevention component: Strengthening the
Protocol to prevent, suppress and punish trafficking in
capacity of the relevant law enforcement agencies to
persons, especially women and children, which was
combat human trafficking; raising awareness amongst
ratified by the Parliament of Russia in the spring of
the risk group, general public and relevant
Russian authorities, NGOs and diplomatic missions of
In December 2003, the President of the Russian
foreign states.
Federation signed a decree enacting a set of
amendments to the Criminal Code which provided a Reintegration component: Building the
basis for the criminalization of trafficking in persons capacity of the national authorities and local NGO
(Article 127-1), exploitation of slave labour (Article networks to protect and reintegrate victims of trafficking.
127-2), engagement in prostitution and procuring Specific objectives
prostitution (amended Articles 240 and 241). The
amendments were submitted to the Parliament by the Policy advice component
Administration of the President and were largely
derived from a draft Federal Law to Combat • Estimate the scope of the trafficking
Trafficking in Human Beings (initiated and developed phenomenon in the Russian Federation,
in 2002-2003 by an Inter-Agency Working Group including the number of the involved
under the auspices of the Legislative Committee of Russian victims, those from CIS and non-CIS
the State Duma). Besides, the new Federal Law of 20 countries, through a baseline study in three
August 2004 “On state protection of victims, sample regions of Russia (regions of origin,
witnesses and other parties to criminal proceedings” transit and destination, respectively), with a
enacts a set of state-guaranteed security measures. special focus on the trafficking trends involving
However, as the comprehensive draft Federal Law the EU countries.
has yet to be further upgraded and put to a debate in
• Develop a set of methods for measuring,
the Russian parliament, Russia still lacks special
assessing and analyzing the human trafficking
legislation that would address a whole range of
phenomenon in Russia to be used as a model
trafficking-related problems, most importantly, the
for further research.
issues of victims protection and assistance. According
to a report currently being prepared by UNICEF with • Enhance the capacities of the Russian
the participation of other UN agencies and IOM, victim authorities and NGOs to conduct basic and
protection and assistance remains the weakest applied research of the human
component of the Russian counter-trafficking trafficking phenomenon, using the
response 6 . recommended research model.
• Contribute to upgrading the Russian legislation
WHAT THE PROJECT ENVISAGES referring to trafficking in humans through an
expert review of the existing and draft legislation
The overall objectives of the project are as follows:
and developing recommendations using EU
The main objective of the project is to combat consultancy and best practices.
trafficking in human beings in the Russian Federation
as a country of origin, transit and destination – by:

Inventory and Analysis of the Current Situation and Responses
to Trafficking in the Russian Federation, UNICEF, draft
European Commission

• Contribute to the improvement of the existing Addressing the social problems underlying the
State policies on human trafficking through trafficking phenomenon:
an expert analysis and developing
improvement recommendations, based on
• Contribute to the improvement of the
EU best practices; prepare recommendations
employment prospects for victims of trafficking
for a National Plan of Action to Combat
and “at-risk” persons through research of labour
Trafficking in Human Beings.
markets in the selected regions and
• Promote inter-agency cooperation at the engagement of the local authorities in
federal and regional governmental levels for developing effective employment
the purpose of creation of a sustainable strategies for “high-risk” groups.
consultative process
• Increase the awareness of the employment
• Enhance cooperation between the opportunities among “high-risk” groups in their
governmental authorities and the NGO regions.
• Promote legitimate labour immigration through
• Build effective coordination and cooperation the establishment of information centres for
mechanisms between IOM, Delegation of the migrants in cooperation with the authorities.
European Commission to the Russian
• Enhance the capacities of the Federal Migration
Federation and other Donor agencies
Service through awareness-raising sessions for
involved in the prevention and combating of
the officials and personnel of the federal and
trafficking in human beings through
regional offices.
participation in joint activities and
complementary project design and planning. • Promote alternative income-generating
Prevention Component opportunities for “high-risk” groups in the
selected regions through the involvement of
Awareness raising: complementary initiatives carried by the
International Labour Organization.
• Increase the awareness of the trafficking
perils among “high-risk” groups, minors and
Capacity building activities for law
the general public through information
enforcement and judicial authorities:
dissemination campaign.
• Upgrade the capacities of the law enforcement
• Raise the awareness of the trafficking
authorities to effectively prevent, detect,
phenomenon among the relevant Russian
investigate and prosecute trafficking crimes
governmental agencies, NGOs and other
through diversified training, sharing of EU and
caregivers and concerned entities.
international best practices and exchange visits
• Provide the personnel of the Russian to EU countries, involving high and mid-ranking,
diplomatic representations abroad and the as well as field officers of the police (Ministry of
consulates and embassies of EU countries Interior) and prosecutors (Prosecutor General’s
with effective tools and skills for prevention of office).
trafficking crimes and assistance to victims of
• Promote institutionalisation of law enforcement
personnel training on the various aspects of
• Ensure professional and responsible trafficking crimes prosecution through the
coverage of trafficking-related issues by introduction of appropriate training modules in
mass media and create a dedicated pool of the law enforcement education system.
European Commission

• Support the law enforcement agencies’

access to on-line information resources;
improve the technical base for the
exchange of information and communication
among the federal and regional structural
units dealing with the investigation and
prosecution of trafficking-related
• Promote international operational and judicial
cooperation between the Russian law
enforcement authorities and their
counterparts abroad, particularly, in the CIS
and EU regions.
Reintegration Component
• Establish a model facility for the rehabilitation
and subsequent referral of trafficking
victims, offering a comprehensive
inventory of rehabilitation services
(Rehabilitation Center in Moscow) for
Russian citizens returning from countries of
destination as well as CIS and non-CIS
national – victims of exploitation on the
territory of Russia.
• Upgrade the capacities of the federal and
regional governmental authorities and NGOs
to assist the various groups of trafficking
victims in the
return/rehabilitation/reintegration through
specialized training, using methodologies
developed by IOM and other institutions.
• Further inter-agency cooperation and
coordination in assisting victims of trafficking
through the establishment of sustainable
referral mechanisms in the selected regions
with participance of governmental agencies,
NGOs and international organizations.

For further information:

International Organization for Migration
12, 2nd Zvenigorodskaya str. 123100, Moscow, Russia
tel. +7495-797-87-22

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