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LedCenterM software Operation manual

(Offline screen)

) This manual is intended for LED program edit & management personnel like LED system integrator,
manufacturer and end user.
LedCenterM software operation manual Typesetting notes

Typesetting notes
Special typesetting symbols are described below:
Symbols Description
1 Preface Chapter number and chapter title
2.1 System configuration

Figure 1 Software language Figure number and description
Table 1 Button list of console Table number and description
tool bar
Common font Text
Bold font Special nouns, for example “LedCenter”
) Wave underline Important points, special attentions required
1)2)3)… Operation steps. Installation and setting shall be made in
accordance to the steps.
1.2.3… Important list
z Less important list
LedCenterM software operation manual Contents


1 Preface.............................................................................................................................................. 1
1.1 Software application background......................................................................................... 1
1.2 File description ............................................................................................................................. 1
2 Introduction to DS06Q offline graphic LED display control system ............................................... 2
2.1 System configuration .................................................................................................................... 2
2.2 System communication................................................................................................................. 2
3 Brief introduction and basic settings ................................................................................................ 3
3.1 Software characteristics ................................................................................................................ 3
3.2 Software running environment ..................................................................................................... 3
3.2.1 Computer environment.............................................................................................................. 3
3.2.2 External running environment................................................................................................... 3
3.3 Software installation and uninstallation........................................................................................ 4
3.4 Software running and language interface switching ..................................................................... 4
3.4.1 Software running ....................................................................................................................... 4
3.4.2 Software setting......................................................................................................................... 4
4 Program edit management................................................................................................................ 6
4.1 Software overview ........................................................................................................................ 6
4.2 Program edit.................................................................................................................................. 7
4.2.1 Program attribute setting ........................................................................................................... 8
4.2.2 Program windows management and setting .............................................................................. 9
4.2.3 Program content edit ............................................................................................................... 10
4.2.4 Program preview ..................................................................................................................... 15
4.2.5 Program data sending .............................................................................................................. 15
4.3 Playbill management................................................................................................................... 16
4.3.1 Build new playbill ................................................................................................................... 17
4.3.2 Export Program data................................................................................................................ 17
4.3.3 Import Program data................................................................................................................ 17
4.3.4 Management of programs in menu.......................................................................................... 18
4.4 Advanced functions .................................................................................................................... 18
4.4.1 Notice inserting function ......................................................................................................... 18
4.4.2 Setting and enquiry of panel time............................................................................................ 19
4.4.3 Setting and enquiry of auto tasks............................................................................................. 19
LedCenterM software operation manual 1-Preface

1 Preface

1.1 Software application background

Thank you for using LED Center software. LED Center is a professional LED control system
supporting software. It is the software part of the control system of DS series LED display and
intended for use with the hardware part of DS series LED display.
LedCenterM (asynchronous display version) is intended for the control system of DS06
series LED asynchronous display and its main functions are:
z Program related operations: program definition, setting of program window layout, edit of
programs such as text, clock and picture, program preview and adjustment, program
sending and etc.
z Setting function: for example “display definition (see 3.4.2), management of automatic
tasks, time setting and communication ports setting and etc。

1.2 File description

Take LedCenterM (asynchronous display version) V3.22 1 as an example, this manual
describes how to control and manage DS06Q offline graphic LED display control system with
LedCenterM software.
Manual configuration is stated as below:
z Chapter 1 Preface
z Chapter 2 Introduction to DS06Q offline graphic LED display control system
z Chapter 3 Brief introduction and basic settings: LedCenterM software characteristics,
installation, removal and basic settings and etc
z Chapter 4 Program edit management: concepts and operation methods, by which the
programs of DS06Q series offline graphic LED display control system are edited, sent
and played with LED Center software.

Note: Functions may differ due to version.

LedCenterM software operation manual 2-System notes

2 Introduction to DS06Q offline graphic LED display control system

2.1 System configuration

DS06Q offline graphic LED display control system consists of:
A. DS06ADC main control panel: directly control the program display and management of
LED display screen.
B. LedCenter: supporting software of LED control system. LedCenter connects with the
main control panel through computer serial ports usually 1 .
C. Other supporting accessories: directly connected to the main control panel and performs
special functions, for example: optical probe, temperature probe, humidity probe and etc

2.2 System communication

DS06Q system communication connection supports 232 or 485 modes.
z RS232 mode
With RS232 mode, computer serial ports connect to DS06ADC main control panel directly.
LedCenterM simultaneously manages and controls only one LED display through one computer
serial port.
z RS485 mode
With RS485 mode, the computer serial ports connect to DS06ADC main control panel
through the RS232Ù RS485 converter. But the main control panel can be cascaded with 485 BUS,
and LedCenterM can simultaneously manage and control 255 offline LED displays through one
computer serial port.

LedCenter can connect with the main control panel through GPRS or CDMA system, See “Quick installation
Guide of GPRS application”.

LedCenterM software operation manual 3- Brief introduction and basic settings

3 Brief introduction and basic settings

3.1 Software characteristics

Main features of LedCenterM (asynchronous display version) V3.22:
z Supports DS06Q series offline graphic display version controlling system.
z With clear and simple interfaces, non-professionals can easily make, play and control
z Software menu is easy and reasonable, which avoids error operations
z Menu type hierarchical management of programs. Clear structure and convenient
z Offline graphic LED display system supports the segmentation of the playing window. Up to
10 windows could be separated discretionarily and could simultaneously play different
action modes.
z Offline graphic LED display system can play cartoon, picture, Word/Excel files and text etc,
z Support text program edit in any language, font and size
z Support word library text program
z Support temperature programs (temperature sensor shall be installed externally)
z Real time clock (RTC) management and setting are available
z In networking mode, up to 256 LEDs can be networked and managed
z Multiple programs mode. Up to 640 programs can be stored on panel
z Programs are allowed to be played according to time period
z External control protocols are provided to allow client software to select program content
which is pre-stored on the control card and edit program play sequence through serial port
z Support notice insert
z Supports optical setting of multiply adjustment modes such as manual, timing or automatic
adjustment (light sensor shall be installed externally).

3.2 Software running environment

3.2.1 Computer environment

z O/S: Windows98/ME/NT/2000/XP
z Computer hardware: Pentium 300M or above, 64M memory or above

3.2.2 External running environment

LedCenter is the supporting software of DS series display control system. Therefore, it shall
establish communication with the hardware part of the LED control system. The communication
connection modes are serial port and network port and etc. For details, see the manual of DS series
LED control system.

LedCenterM software operation manual 3- Brief introduction and basic settings

3.3 Software installation and uninstallation

LedCenterM is a type of green software.
At installation, copy the software directory LedCenterM to hard disk.
When the software is required to be removed, delete the software directory. No junk files will be

3.4 Software running and language interface switching

3.4.1 Software running

Run “LedCenterM.EXE” on your hard disk
LedCenter supports English, Simplified Chinese and traditional Chinese and so on. The
language switching is described below:
Click Menu Bar “Setting” - ”Language” to switch languages:

Figure1 Software language switching

3.4.2 Software setting

The software setting is to perform “Define LED screen”.
Purpose: when the software is run for the first time, the display screen definition is the first step,
which aims to interconnect the hardware and software of DS06Q offline graphic LED display control
system, and prepare for the display screen management through the software which is described in
Chapter 4.
Method and steps:
1) Click “Setting” – “Advance” – “Define LED screen ”, as shown in Figure2
2) Enter password in the authority confirmation box. And the box of display screen definition,
as Figure3 shown, pops up
3) Click “Add”—“Add offline screen” at the left side of the dialog box, graphic display can be
added, as shown in Figure3

LedCenterM software operation manual 3- Brief introduction and basic settings

Figure2 Go to “Define LED screen”

Figure3 Dialog Box of “Define LED screen”

4) Give definition according to the hardware setting condition of display screen controller.

) If LedCenterM controls multiple panels simultaneously, the panel “ID” number cannot
be the same. Please confirm the hardware setting and connection with engineers.

5) After the display screen definition is completed, LedCenter will set up playbill for each
screen. And the mapping between panel and software is completed. And then the edit and
management of programs may be started.

) After the display screen definition is completed, engineers shall backup the file
screen.cfg which is automatically created under the installation directory of LedCenter.
If software or computer is installed again, overwrite the file under the installation
directory of LedCenter with the backup. And the related settings of software will be

LedCenterM software operation manual 4- Program edit management

4 Program edit management

4.1 Software overview

At the normal running of software, the interface is shown as Figure4, which consists of two
parts: console and program preview window.



Figure4 Software running interface

Program preview window:The preview window of the currently edited program on panel.

) Tip: right click the preview window and see the display times of it. The preview
window can zoom in or out.

Console: The operating platform of program edit, setting and sending. The console is shown
as Figure5and Figure6, which consists of main menu, tool bar and program edit zone.
z Main menu and tool bar: the button function and its corresponding relationship with
main menu option are shown in Table1:

Main menu
Tool bar

Figure5 Main menu and tool bar

LedCenterM software operation manual 4- Program edit management

Corresponding position in main

No. Function
1 Create new playbill “File” – “New”
2 “Import” playbill “File” – “Import”
3 “Export” playbill “File” – “Export”
Display/close the program preview
4 “Setting” – “Show preview window”
5 Display/close program edit zone “Setting” – “Show editor”
6 Add one playbill item “Edit” – “Add”
7 Delete one playbill item “Edit” – “Delete”
Move upwards the selected playbill
8 “Edit” – “Move up”
Move downwards the selected playbill
9 “Edit” – “Move down”
10 Start to preview programs “Play” – “Preview”
11 Stop previewing programs “Play” – “stop”
12 Send notice “Play” – “Send notification”
13 Send well-edited program data to panel “Play” – “Send program data”

Table1 Button list of console tool bar

z Program edit zone consists of “Program menu” zone and “Attribute box”. After playbill
item is selected, the attribute box shows the item attribute which can be set.

edit zone

Program menu Attribute box

Figure6 Program edit zone

4.2 Program edit

When the display screen definition in 3.4.2 is completed, LedCenter will create a playbill
for each panel. The program menu which is located at the left side of the program edit zone in
Figure6 is the well-edited playbill of “Offline (1)”.
If the total capacity of programs is allowed, each display screen of DS06Q-S can store up to

LedCenterM software operation manual 4- Program edit management

640 programs,whose window layout and content may differ.

A. Program: content to be played on display screen, including window layout, play items,
color, effect etc.
B. Program menu (Playbill): the sum of programs in each display screen is the playbill.
Each panel has its own playbill. The data switching of playbill in panels is shown in

Figure7 Playbill switching of display screens

z Playbill import and export

Playbill of each panel will be stored automatically.
In addition, with “Import” and “Export” functions, the backup and recovery of current
playbill can be done. For details, see Section 4.3.

4.2.1 Program attribute setting

In Figure8, when one program is selected in the menu, the attribute box at right side will
show its attribute. The following items can be set:
A. Name: define program name to distinguish programs.
B. Image: can select the background picture and layout methods for the program, which
means displaying the background pictures needed to be displayed where is not covered
by the displaying window.
C. Program play control: when multiple programs are played, the play control can be done
through cycle times or play time. If one program is played, the program will be played
repeatedly and beyond the control of this attribute setting.

) If “appointed play time” is set and the play time reaches the setting value, programs
of all windows end, switch to the next program.

D. Play restricted by time period: If it is chosen, the current program will be played in
restricted time period only. If it is not chosen, the following time selection boxes become
grey and the current program is played normally in all time periods.

LedCenterM software operation manual 4- Program edit management

Skills of setting time selection:

z Start time equals to end time: for example, the start time is “00:00” and the
end time “00:00”. the program plays all day.
z Start time is less than the end time: for example, the start time is “8:00” and
end time “20:00”; the program plays in “8:00~20:00”
z Start time is greater than end time: for example, the start time is “20:00” and
the end time “8:00”; the program plays in “20:00 ~ 23:59” and “0:00 ~8:00”.

) Note: if all programs are set to play in “play restricted by time period” and no
content is appointed in some periods, the screen then appears nothing or black

Program play control Play restricted by time period

Figure8 Program attribute

4.2.2 Program windows management and setting

In each program, program display screen can be divided into up to 10 independent play
windows. Each play window can differ from each other in its size and place.
1) Management of displaying window
z Method 1: Choose “Window” item in the program menu (at the left side of program
edit zone) , click “Add”, “Delete”, “Move up” or “Move down” below the “Edit” in
main menu.
z Method 2: Click the relevant tool button in the tool bar, as Table1shows.
z Method 3 (recommended): right click one item of program menu in file edit zone,
In the pull down menu , choose right shortcut, as shown in Figure9.
2) Window setting
When the “Window” item was chosen, the attribute menu in the right side will show the
attribute of the “Window”, see the figure 9.
A. Name : you can define the name of the play window

LedCenterM software operation manual 4- Program edit management

B. Waiting mode: when the programs in the target window has finished their playing one by
one, while the other play windows haven’t finished their playing.
C. Position and size: set the position and size of the play window.
Besides, when the “Window” item is chosen in the program menu, the mapping place of each
play window will appear in the program preview window. The frame of the playing window will
turn bright green, while the other play windows are dark blue. The position and size of each play
window can be adjusted freely by using mouse, as shown in Figure10.

Shortcut Attribute
pull-down of the
menu after window
right click

Figure9 Window attibute

Figure10 Editing of size and position of play window in preview window

4.2.3 Program content edit

Each window of DS06Q can hold any number of “play items”; each item is played in
sequence from up to down. The “play item” is managed through following ways.
z Method 1: Choose one play item in the program menu (at the left side of program
edit zone) , click “Add”, “Delete”, “Move up” or “Move down” below the “Edit” in
main menu.
z Method 2: Click the relevant tool button in the tool bar, as Table1shows.
z Method 3 (recommended): right click one item of program menu, in the pull down

LedCenterM software operation manual 4- Program edit management

menu , choose right shortcut, as shown in Figure11.

pull-down menu
after right click

Figure11 Management of play item

Contents of each play item below the play window can be text, clock , temperature or any
kinds of external “documents” (Office document, graphic document etc) by pressing “play type”
button (shown as A in Figure12). Editing methods of each program are listed as following: Text program edit

If the play item to be edited in the program menu at the left side of the program edit zone is

chosen, and “Text” button is pressed in “selection buttons of program content format”, the
attribute box will appear at the right side of the program edit zone, as shown in Figure12 and
A. Selection of program content format: Text, Clock, Environmental data or File
(animation, picture or Office document) types are available
B. Setting of playing effect: speed, stay time and effect selection.
C. Text edit zone: supporting text and image modes. Click the box before “text mode” or
“image mode” to switch between the two modes, as shown in Figure12 and Figure13
[Text mode]: as shown in Figure12. Display with the attached font library of the main
control panel

z Set and modify the size, color and reverse color ( ) of selected words.

z Click and buttons above the text edit zone to open and save text files.

[Image mode]: as shown in Figure13, convert the content in the edit zone to image format
and then send. It supports the text program of any languages, fonts and sizes.
z To set and modify fonts, size, text color, background color, bold (B), italic (I) and
underline (U) of the chosen words.

z Click and buttons above the text edit zone to open TXT or RTF files and

LedCenterM software operation manual 4- Program edit management

save text files which are edited well in the edit zone.


Figure12 Text program (text mode) edit interface

Text color

Backgrand color

Figure13 Text program (Image mode) edit interface Clock program edit

If the play item to be edited in the program menu at the left side of the program edit zone is

chosen,and “clock” button is pressed in “selection button of program content format”, the
attribute box of clock program will appear at the right side of the program edit zone, as shown in
A. Selection of program content format: the same as “text program edit” in
B. Captain: users can define the short text message ahead of the clock.
C. Effect selection: The clock program is fixed in “Instant display”. The stay time and clock

LedCenterM software operation manual 4- Program edit management

font and color can be set.

D. Selection of display content: select display items, display on line or not; selection of
clock format: Chinese format or English format (2001-01-01Mon 00:01

Figure14 Clock program edit

) The clock content to be displayed shall be adjusted according to the factual size of
display window. If too much content is to be displayed and may exceed window
range, confirm and adjust the contents in preview state. Environmental data program edit 1

If the play item to be edited in the program menu at the left side of the program edit zone is

chosen,and “Sensor” button is pressed in “selection button of program content format”, the
attribute box of environmental data program will appear at the right side of the program edit zone:
A. Selection of program content format: the same as “text program edit” in Section
B. Captain: users can define the short text message ahead of the data.
C. Effect selection: the temperature program is fixed in “Instant display”. The stay time and
temperature font and color can be set
D. Unit : Celsius or Fahrenheit External document program edit

If the play window to be edited in the playbill at the left side of the program edit zone is

chosen, and “File” button in “selection button of program content format” is pressed, it will
display external document . The documents can be displayed are “Office documents” (*.doc, *.xls,
*.rtf), graphic (picture or cartoon) documents (*.jpg, *.bmp, *.gif) etc.
For this type of program , sensors (temperature sensor, etc.,) shall be installed externally

LedCenterM software operation manual 4- Program edit management

A. Selection of program content format: the same as “text program edit” in Section

B. Select file: click button in the attribute box to select the file required to be
[Office document program]
When the documents chosen are Word (*.doc), Excel (*.xls) , Rich Text Format (*.rtf) ,or
Text-only format(*.txt) , the attribute box of the relevant documents will appear on the right
side of the program editing region, as shown in Figure15.
z Word File (*.doc): speed, stay time and effect can be setting , and :
Color inverse: background color and text color will be reversed
View as text: text will be recomposed automatically to comply with the size of the play
window .
z Rich-Text format (*.rtf): speed, stay time and effect can be setting , and :
Color inverse: background color and text color will be reversed
z Excel File (*.xls) : speed, stay time and effect can be setting , and :
Color inverse: background color and text color will be reversed
z Text-only format (*.txt) : speed, stay time and effect can be setting , and :
Font: text size and color.


Figure15 Word File edit

[Animation program]: As shown in Figure16, if GIF animation file is chosen, animation

may be played.
z The picture processing “Mode” and “Repeat” times of animation play and the setting
of reverse color display can be selected. GIF files can also be chosen to be displayed
as static picture
[Picture program]: As shown in Figure 18, the play effect of pictures can be set if JPG or

LedCenterM software operation manual 4- Program edit management

BMP files are chosen or GIF files are displayed as static files
z To set picture “effect”, picture processing “mode”, “play speed”, “stay time” and
“display in reverse color”.


Figure16 Effect setting of animation program

Figure17 Effect setting of picture program

4.2.4 Program preview

After program edit is completed, the program can be previewed in the preview window:

1) Click “Play” – “preview” in menu bar or button in the tool bar. In the preview
window, the effect of this display screen can be shown.

2) Click “Play” – “Stop” or press button in the tool bar, stop preview.

4.2.5 Program data sending

After program edit and preview confirmation are completed, send the well-edited playbill to

LedCenterM software operation manual 4- Program edit management

the main control panel on the screen.

1) Confirm the communication cable connection between computer and panel.

2) Click “Play” – “Sending program data…” in console menu; or click button in tool
bar, and the box “Sen data to offline LED screen” pops up, as shown in Figure18. The
choices are
A. Send to current: send program data to current screen
B. Send data of selected: send the program data of the selected panel at left side “LED
screen list”.
3) When sending is completed, the prompt box “Finish sending data” pops up, as shown
in Figure19:

) Do not disconnect communication cable in sending process; otherwise, the

sending will fail.

Figure18 Dialog box of sending data

Figure19 Data sending over

4.3 Playbill management

After display screen definition is completed (see 3.4.2), LedCenter sets up program data for

LedCenterM software operation manual 4- Program edit management

each panel and save it automatically.

For the program data of each panel, the following operations can be done:

4.3.1 Build new playbill

Target: Clear the old playbill of current panel and create new one.

Method and step: click “File” – “New” in menu bar, or click in tool bar.

4.3.2 Export Program data

Target: export the program data of well-edited current panel to playbill file (*.lpl).
Method and step:

1) Click “File” – “Export” in menu bar, or click in tool bar

2) Select export position in the dialog box “Export to playbill” (as shown in Figure20) and
enter the export file name. Click “save”. The playbill file of current panel will be stored to
the file.

Figure20 Dialog box of export playbill

4.3.3 Import Program data

Target: import the program menu data which have been edited well.
Method and step:

1) Click “File” – “Import” in menu bar, or click in tool bar

2) In the dialog box “Import playbill” (as shown in Figure21), choose the program menu file
(*.lpl) to be imported. The “program menu information” at right side of the dialog box
shows the panel parameters of the playbill file. Confirm the imported program consistent
with the parameters of current panel

LedCenterM software operation manual 4- Program edit management

Figure21 Dialog box of import playbill

4.3.4 Management of programs in menu

Target: manage programs in the program menu, including add, delete or move programs and
Methods and steps:
A. Method 1: In the program menu of file Edit zone, choose one program and click “Add”,
“Delete”, “Move up” or “Move down” of “Edit” menu in the menu bar.
B. Method 2: Click the corresponding tool buttons on tool bar. See Table 1 for the relation.
C. Method 3 (recommended): right button click one program of program menu in file edit
zone. In the pull down menu, choose right shortcut, as shown in Figure22.

Figure22 Shortcut management of playbill content

4.4 Advanced functions

4.4.1 Notice inserting function

Function description: set notice sending, that is, insert simple notice in panel and broadcast it
in time.

1) Click “Play” – “Send notification” in menu, or click button in tool bar. And then

LedCenterM software operation manual 4- Program edit management

the dialog box of sending notice, as shown in Figure23, pops up.

2) Enter notice content in text input box and set attributes well. Choose the number of the
panel which requires the display of notice and click “Send”.
3) When the notice play is completed, the panel will return to normal play automatically.

Figure23 Send notice

4.4.2 Setting and enquiry of panel time

Function description: set or correct the time of real time clock of current panel
1) Click “Setting” – “Time on LED screen” in menu. The dialog box of sending notice pops
up, as shown in Figure24.
2) Input time manually or adjust according to current computer time.
3) Choose target panel and click “Set” button.
4) Click “Read from screen” button to enquire the current time of real time clock of the main
control panel.

Figure24 Set panel time

4.4.3 Setting and enquiry of auto tasks

Function description: Set screen brightness.
1) Click “Setting” – “Auto task” in menu. And the dialog box of automatic task
management pops up, as shown in Figure25
2) Brightness setting: There are 8 grades of brightness adjustment for DS06Q series offline

LedCenterM software operation manual 4- Program edit management

graphic LED display control system. Three control modes are available: fixed value,
timed adjustment or sensor adjustment 1 .
3) After setting is completed, choose target panel and click “Set to screen”
4) Before sending or after sending, click “Read from screen” to enquire the setting of the
main control panel for current automatic tasks.

Figure25 Management of automatic tasks

Sensor adjustment : light sensor shall be installed ,


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