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The HO scale Lilliput By lain Rice Artwork by the author 4x8 layout is usually seen as the beginner's ‘model railroad, but this size can offer chal- lenges to the more skilled modeler as well. Ibis also a real alternative to shelf-type layouts if, as shown here, the model breaks down into man- ageable sections for transport or storage. As well as being. easy to set up and use at home, the Lilliput Logger is designed as a great show layout, and should be trans- portable in a good-size station wagon or a minivan, Another advantage of a sinall layout is that you don’t actually need to do much modeling to fill it, so i's possible to go for a higher standard of modeling and a greater level of detail The subject of a more advanced 4 x 8 will also differ a bit from the traditional train set oval, as in order to satisfy the greater authenticity demanded by advanced modelers, it will need to represent the sort of prototype that ean be Logger Track plan for a portable 4 x 8 logging line modeled realistically in a small space using tight curves and steep grades, ‘An ideal prototype for a 4.x 8 ‘One type of railroad that is all about sharp curves, steep grades, and confined spaces is a logging line. Logging roads, with their worn, battered equipment and general make-do-and-mend nature, offer a lot of potential for high: class modeling and intricate detail. ! hope to show that you can create a pretty satisfying logging empire in 4x 8 feet. Every project needs a starting point, and mine was the MDC Shay kit, a great basis for a real logger full of charac- ter. Prototype Shays were often loaded with the sort of detail that is fun to model. The other locomotive that would suit this line is the Rivarossi Heisler; small GE diesels like Bachmann's 70-tonner could also find a place. AuouST 1998 + MOnEL RAM n" Loesng ‘Start of grade 1 Mee wade ei ¢ ara = 9 " i Block Dotan Ridge: = this end. vn View : ee S So rs ingle-stall_ Magenta Mine Seale: 4" = 1:0" Tyliek's Wheet ee Aternate arrangement for Ineluson im ger lvout THE LILLIPUT LOGGER Aucust 1998 + MONEL Lightweight construction if layout is going to be ensily portable, you cat bull it ct of solid umber and other heavy material; you need to shake it from something strong but light. This one is intended to be made from shaped 2” Styrofoam in a plywood tay Piywood profile boards are used on all the edges to both finish it of and give a robust outer skin to take the knocks ‘whgn the layout is moved. The plywood profiles also stifen the base ofthe tray. This type of base, in shallower form, vas featured on the recent N scale Wisconsin Central projet layout (September 1997 MODEL, RATEROADER, “Benchwork for the Wisconsin Central”), Everything above tray level is made from Styrofoam: all the trackbeds and the basi landscaping, including the lake sur face, The foam is carved to shape with a serrated knife and glued in place with a water-based adhesive. The track itself is laid on cork roadbed alued othe foam, while the land surface is sealed with paper towels and soupy plaster. Once the foam is sealed, nor- mal texturing and finishing tech- niques ean be applied, although to keep weight down you would not want to use foo much plas- ter. Try to get the shape of the landscape as close as possible to the final form with the foam, as cast pl: rock- can then have a rela- Operation Like many 4 x 8s, this one is designed to be the center piece of a larger system in the future. There are two potential Jead-otfs from. the | modeled scene: the high-level track at Dolkos Ridge (F) and the lakeside waterfront siding at Tylick’s Whart (E). The latter would allow trains to enter the layout from “down country” scenic sections oF staging yards, while th line could continue climbing from the loading camp at Dolkos to higher timber. ‘But even in the self-contained form drawn here, the ayout allovis both point-to-point and continuous running, with Switching possibilities at both ends and at the mine or log ging camp en route. A maximum grade of 4 percent over Curves of 18" minimum radius should keep train lengths modest and speeds low Electrically, it could be pretty simple. Four blocks assign. able via three-position, center-off switches to either of two throtles should suffice to allow a couple trains to work the various parts of the layout independently Td name these blocks Tyick's Wharf (from the entry tun nel by the sawmill to the middle of the tunnel between the lake and Camp McGuirk); MeGuirk (from the middle of the tunnel back atound the continuous run and up the branch ‘grade to the entry to the tunnel at Dolkos Ridge); Magenta Mine (from the tunnel above the sawmill to the far end of the trestle along the side of Koester’s Canyon); and Dolkos (the rest ofthe high level) Locating the block switches on the end panel of the view ‘lock between the two scenes would enable them to be easily reached from either side. Scope for craftsman: is in the scenery and structures that a layout of this type can offer the most scope, as demonstrated by Ben King’s beautifully crafted Timber City & Northwestern (September 1995). There are several good kitbuilding or scratchbuilding projects in here: the waterfront buildings, the sawmill, the depot and enginchouse, the curved trestle at Koester’ ‘Canyon, and the structures at Magenta Mine Modeling the bunkhouse logging camp at McGuirk and the loading point at Dolkos should also offer a challenge. The track would work best hand- laid to get that irregular logging line look. Odd-sized and half- round tis, diet ballast, and light rail will all add character and realism. If you're not good at tracklaying, thal make it Took even more the part! Finally, the rolling stock offers plenty of opportunity There are some good log cars about, but they must be among the easiest of cars t0 build from scratch. Logging cnummies have long been a favorite subject of scratch- builders, while a few bashed- about ore cars for Magenta Mine, a gon or two for general freight, some flats for shifting machinery, and a few wooden box cars should round out the roster. Tf you fancy something a bit out of the ordinary, convert an old-time ‘wood coach into a traveling mission chu schoolhouse to serve families at Camp McGuirk. Spot it con the end ofthe camp spur fora few days ata time The HO scale Lilliput Logger offers a free-lance concept {deal fora small layout. Building this 4x 8 with portability in mind gives it great flexibility, as you can set it up and take it down at home or transport it to shows. Don't think of a 48 as just a beginner's layout; with handlaid track and scratchbuilding opportunities, the Lil liput Logger can challenge all modelers. Happy logging! @ Iain Rice is a wellknown author and layout designer in Great Britain. He edits RailModel Digest, an occasional publi- cation in book format. lain and wife Rosalind have two daugh- ters. He is a part-time firefighter and chair of school governors, in Chagford, a small town in southwest England. 72. monet maimoADER - sususT 1998 By Marty McGuirk Basic switching Back to Basics Double ended scing Hancle (if needed) perations, once considered a quitky Jart practiced by few, has become Jeommonplace today. As interest in operations increases the need for boomers - operators in other words - has also increased. Therefore yout may find yourself pressed into service on a new railroad with litle or no experience under your belt. Fret not, if you know a few basics you should be able to fake it and still have a good time Hitting the road ‘As you roll into the frst town on the line your host gives vou a few pointers ‘on working the local. "You'll need to cut off the first three and then run around. to make the drops at Amalgamated Grain since that’s a facing point spur.” Once you arrive in town it doesn't get any clearer: "The oil dealer will be a trailing point move from this side so it ‘won't take much time.” “That sounds good,” you reply, fill ing your voice with false confidence ‘while focusing on the throttle knob and. tuying to comprehend itll This month Working facing pont sour (here te engine approaches trem the pot side) roqutes the Tecomotive to uncouple and un aroun the train tthe nearest avalable double-ended siding. ‘After coupling to the rea ofthe tran the engine Switches the Spur A second runaround raves ‘quired to get the tain back In proper order. 1M explain the two most basie switching moves. Just enough, in other words, to make you dangerous, Two basic switching moves ‘When switching cars you'l soon find there are two types of switching moves. Which one you use depends on. the track configuration relative to the direc- tion of travel. The diagram shows both of them, called facing point and trailing point moves. Setting out or picking up ears from a trailing point is fairly straightforward. Run the locomotive and cars to be dropped (or a “handle,” several extra cars that permit you to work the siding while keeping the engine off the siding) past the switch and stop. Make the ‘cut (that’s railroader for “uncouple”) from the train, then run the engine forward until the points of the switch are clear, throw the swith and back into the spur, spotting the cars in the correct locations. Reverse the process, couple back onto your train, and the trailing point move is complete. Trailing point move Sting out picking up cas is 2 simple mater ‘when i's walng point turnout, where the Tecemotve approaches fom the fog eaing temrd the pons. If ecemotves arent permit: ted onthe spur 3 hanle” enough caro. allow the locomotive fo each ino the sput, rust be used A facing point move, required when the engine approaches from the point side of the siding, is more time consum- ing. You first need to run around the train, requiring a double-ended siding, ‘The process shown in the diagram works great provided the runaround tack is clear. If it's fouled you'll need to clear it — just be sure to put the cars bback where you found them! Tf you need to use the main line as a runaround track you might have 10 ‘obtain permission from the dispatcher: What if you need to perform a facing point move and there's no runaround track? Simply run around the setouts using a double-ended siding in another town and then shove the carfs) in front ‘of the engine. This was quite common the real world. Another choice would be to leave the car in a temporary location (called an ‘oil spot” track on most layouts I've operated) for the local heading the ‘opposite way to drop off as a trailing ‘point move. That's all there is to it. Oh, and be careful out there. 6 AUCUST 2900 + MOBEL R

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