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Sunday, February 10, 2019 ● The Gazette 1D

Iowa Ideas 24-HOUR DORMAN
Iowa Ideas is a nonpartisan, statewide learning experience
designed to explore the key questions and big ideas
that will shape the future of Iowa. Know your
Created by The Gazette, Iowa Ideas includes community conversations,
solutions-focused journalism and a two-day conference in Cedar Rapids set for
Oct. 3-4. Eleven key topics — each crucial to Iowa — are being explored.

Balancing act

n Marion, we live by the
proud motto “Reach High-
er.” It’s on the water tower,
which is high.
But a state senator from
Sioux City has a different mes-
sage for unemployed Iowans.
Reach too high, for a job you’re
not qualified to fill, and maybe
you’ll be investigated by Work-
force Development. Maybe
you’ll lose your unemployment
So reports the Register of
Des Moines, which chronicled
Senate File 99, filed by Sen.
Jim Carlin, R-Sioux City. He
believes a bunch of Iowans
who receive unemployment
payments — and who are re-
quired to prove they’re looking
for work — are applying for
jobs they’re not qualified to
hold. They’re clearly gaming
the system, and don’t really
want to work.
He’s seen it firsthand. The
Register reports that Carlin
once sought to hire a paralegal
for his law firm and received
applications from “pizza
delivery people.”
Under his bill, employers
could report these unqualified,
unemployed applicants to state
officials. These underskilled
underachievers then would
get written notice. After three
such reports, an investigation
would be launched.
Was the individual “ear-
nestly and actively” seeking
work? If not, penalties would
follow, maybe even disquali-
fication from unemployment
payments. Bootstraps, not
The bill, so far, has gone no-
where. But Carlin told the Reg-
ister he’s determined to pursue
the issue.
Even if it’s an overreach?
Personally, this doesn’t sit
well. It’s, frankly, worrisome.
Working at a newspaper in
Adobe Stock 2019, the thought of becoming
unemployed has crossed my
mind a time or two. (“Please,
Truth is, I have a very spe-

Issues of equality, Education reform,

cialized set of vocational skills,

justice affect us all justice reform linked AT LIBERTY

s a black executive raising two biracial s a school district leader, I am compelled
sons, issues of social justice and equality to bring relevance to tough issues that
are a personal passion of mine. Growing
up in Chicago, I experienced firsthand the
effects of inequality in a public school sys-
influence the lives of our children. I am
truly excited to attend Adam Foss’ discus-
sion around privilege and opportunity
From the
tem, a system that didn’t care, a system that showed
a lack of support for both those struggling with ad-
and its connection to the reform of the American
justice system. There is much work to do in this are- bottom of
diction and for their families, and a system that led
young black men more easily into incarceration
than into college. Many of us have lived complicated
na, and the time for action is past due. In that vein, I
believe the foundation of justice reform begins with
a fundamental review of how we shape experiences
the legislative
lives and have not given up hope. I, too, choose to
stay engaged in the fight to ensure all families have
the opportunities to thrive.
for young people. Education is the great equalizer
and the best vehicle in driving students toward their
passions. When done right, these passions then lead
barrel of silly
I have to say at the outset, I am not an expert in students to a life where they can thrive — and not t’s silly season at the Iowa
criminal justice reform; however, I pride myself on just survive. This fundamental understanding re- Statehouse.
being someone who works to be aware of the issues quires a mindset that will allow us to both question Policymakers spend the
that face not only our community but also our the current system and evaluate what needs to be first few weeks of each session
introducing a multitude of
;; RICE, PAGE 4D ;; GRANT, PAGE 4D bills, most of which will never
become laws. Since they gav-
eled in about four weeks ago,
FOR FURTHER DISCUSSION lawmakers have filed more
than 500 pieces of legislation
on a wide range of subjects.
ADAM FOSS — SWORDS AND SHIELDS This is my favorite time of
the legislative season. Any-
A Discussion of Power, Privilege and Opportunity thing is possible and nothing
l 10 a.m. Friday at the Sinclair Auditorium at Coe College
has yet been formally desig-
Foss is executive director of Prosecutor Impact and is a leading voice on how to improve our system for all. He was nated dead. I skim the new
recognized by The Mandela Foundation as the 2017 Nelson Mandela Changemaker of the Year. His TED talk, “A prosecutor’s bills posted each day and keep
vision for a better justice system” has been viewed more than 2 million times. a log of the good, the bad and
the weird.
“UNCOMMON ALLIES” Here, I have gathered a few
© 2019 The Gazette

of the head-scratchers. These

A documentary film about a mother struck by the tragedy of her son’s murder who takes a stand are by no means the very
against gun violence and homicide. worst bills I have come across,
but the ones that are bad in
l 1 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 23, at Kesler Lecture Hall (Hickok Hall) at Coe College.
2D The Gazette ● Sunday, February 10, 2019

Assertions are not
“I think legal backed by science
marijuana is It should hardly astonish
us that Republicans con-
coming to the tinue to do the same thing
over and over, and predict-
Midwest. It’s ably, they expect the same
results. The latest instance
time for us in would be yet another bill to
Iowa to begin to defund Planned Parenthood,
co-sponsored by U.S. Sen.
have a serious Joni Ernst.
Ernst has attempted to
discussion about sell this bill as a “modest
how we might proposal.” But if enacted into
law, women and children
tackle that or will come last, especially the
poor. This finding is sup-
move away from ported by the work of Jona-
prohibition.” than Gruber, who discovered
that before Roe v. Wade was
State Sen. Joe Bolkcom, decided in 1973, marginal
D-Iowa City, announcing children would be 70 percent
a proposal to legalize more likely to live in a single
recreational marijuana and household, 35 percent more
regulate it like alcohol likely to die within the first
year of their life and 50 per- Clay Bennett is a syndicated cartoonist distributed by Post Writers Group. Comments:
cent more likely to be in a
welfare recipient household.
He also determined these Meanwhile U.S. Sen. Eliza- more than monosyllables
with the emergence of presi-
“We’ll start with children were 19.1 percent beth Warren is discussing an and doesn’t use name calling
dential candidates for the
less likely to experience pov- annual tax based on wealth. and insults. What can we do?
2020 campaign, it would be
a ban, but I think erty in adulthood and had an Pay attention. That is wealth, First, don’t waste time
an excellent time to develop
meaning your total dollar with impeachment. Sixty-
a list of core competencies.
there’s room for incarceration rate that was
value, not income. If you seven senators never wouldTherefore, I offer the fol-
29.5 percent lower.
a compromise.” Now, even if we assume have a $200,000 house, $5,000
in the bank, and $20,000 in
be brave enough. We will
lowing minimum list:
have a flood of candidates1) An accomplished lead
restriction of abortion has
State Rep. Jerad Klein, substantial value as a moral your IRA, you would be taxed coming through Iowa, hop-
executive for a principal gov-
R-Keota, discussing bills good, analyses that examine on $225,000 of wealth. ing to replace him. What if
ernmental entity.
in the Iowa Legislature to data on a global scale, like I fear the next discussion he lost the nomination? 2) Possesses an under-
ban or regulate automated a 2016 study conducted by will be something even more Express your concerns by
standing of geopolitics and
traffic enforcement Sedgh et al., have demon- ridiculous. I can see some- email, by calling your rep-
related challenges.
cameras, such as those strated rate of abortion is not thing like combining a wealth resentatives locally and in
3) Demonstrated ability
used in Cedar Rapids correlated with level of re- tax and the estate tax. We Washington, by visiting their
to draw in expertise from a
striction. Rather, relative to still have an estate tax where offices and by attending their
broad spectrum of viewpoints
countries that apply no con- the federal government takes town halls. For the last two
to inform decision-making.
straints, it’s more prevalent, 40 percent of the estate’s years, residents have pro-4) Skilled in resolving
wealth after the allowable ex- tested on Eighth Avenue by
“I’m not by a value of 3 per 100,000, in
places where it’s prohibited emption. On an annual basis the federal courthouse in Ce-
5) Conveys a cogent vision
interested in altogether. the federal government could
calculate how much money
dar Rapids every Tuesday at
for addressing America’s
noon. Yes, even in rain and
domestic and international
On all matters of public
regulation.” policy, we should not expect it needed, and then kill, or snow. When you drive by,
Ernst to understand the humanely euthanize, the cor- honk and let us know your 6) Possesses demonstrated
State Sen. Brad Zaun, underlying science, but we rect number of billionaires support. If you can spare a
leadership in complex orga-
R-Urbandale, who is should demand she at least and millionaires. Such a plan few minutes, come join us
nizational systems.
proposing a ban on traffic defer to the experts. would likely get some trac- with your creative signs. We
7) Can accurately express
cameras Scott Roland tion in the liberal progressive have extras if you need one.
familiarity with the U.S.
Cedar Rapids community. After all, capital- And vote. Your voice
Constitution and its obliga-
ism should be not only dis- needs to be heard. Our coun-
tions, especially concerning
couraged but punished. try needs you. the oath of office.
Pay attention to what Bob Hepker Steve Patterson
I look forward to the
“At the end of Dems are saying Center Point Marion
various candidates enriching
the day, this is The dozens of Democratic our understanding of their
presidential candidates seem How residents can Assess candidates expertise in domestic and
a big increase. to be on a quest to out “lib- combat Trump era on their competency international affairs, and
illuminating their satisfac-
We’re talking eral progressive” each other.
U.S. Rep. Alexandria President Donald Trump Over the past two presi- tion of the criteria above.
about serious Ocasio-Cortez is discussing a is a very flawed person. dential campaigns, I observed However, I fear that without
70 percent tax rate for those He’s had three wives, each our selection of a president some sense of competencies
money.” with incomes in the millions of whom he has cheated on, mimics the process of elect- from which to evaluate the
of dollars. This is despite and had his people pay the ing a high school class presi- candidates, we will endure
State Rep. Linda Upmeyer, 2016 data showing income women to cover it up. He is dent. It’s more an exercise of nothing but a combative bar-
R-Clear Lake, advocating tax bringing in $1.44 trillion. self-fixated, has no empathy assessing popularity, looks, rage of personal assaults and
for a 2.1 percent increase The top 1 percent of those for others and acts on the showmanship, bluster and ill-formed policy positions,
in state funding to Iowa taxpayers paid 37.3 percent spur of the moment. He’s cal- drama production, rather resulting in two fundamen-
schools of the total. The top 50 per- lous and ruthless, while pos- than an actual examination tally flawed candidates being
cent paid 97 percent, mean- sessing superficial charm. of the candidate’s competen- presented to the electorate.
ing the bottom 50 percent It would be nice to have cy and fitness. Grant Harper
paid only 3 percent. a president who speaks in Now that we are blessed Marion
“The last two
pitiful. I think a

In winter, civilization in
higher number is
in order.”
State Sen. Herman

small doses, and a small doe

Quirmbach, D-Ames, calling
for a higher increase in
education funding

y the time you read drive in to town for groceries stuff come from? Who is cabin without electricity.
“I’m not this, the worst of the and gas. Even Thoreau spoke to blame for our profound I love these people. They
necessarily cold will be past. But
right now I’m watching a
with people on a daily basis.
Being of the world is impor-
cluelessness, our bigotry,
our refusal to accept others
will be sashaying around the
state, smiles fixed in place,
saying the very small doe hunkered tant, even if it’s disagreeable as equals? Why has this not television cameras whir-
down on the edge of my and a little confounding. ended? I used to blame poor ring, chewing on stuff on a
commission as drive, curled up in whatever The other day I was fill- public schools but now I stick at the state fair, all the
warmth the sun can offer, ing my tank when I heard a blame politicians. Every day while oozing earnestness
currently set occasionally lifting her head man yell, “I thought you was we are confronted by small and sincerity. My own cyni-
up makes bad when other deer pass by, a colored boy!” And then he men and women who claim cism tells me not to believe
high stepping in the deep said it again, as a follow-up, to speak on our behalf but a word they say, a cynicism
decisions.” snow. I worry about her. “Yep, I thought you was a who, in fact, speak only for I can date back to the war in
I have bigger concerns colored boy.” those with money who will Vietnam, wherein I blame
State Rep. Steve about humans who cannot This was a chubby, mid- assure they stay in power. Richard Nixon.
Holt, R-Denison, who get warm, humans who live dle-aged guy getting out of I’m profoundly tired of it. Meanwhile the doe still is
is sponsoring a bill to on the margins, those who his vehicle at a convenience Those who aspire to the out there. Maybe later I’ll go
change the way Iowa can’t even afford a decent store in a nearby small town U.S. presidency have begun in to town and pick up some
selects judicial nominating car, let alone snow tires. and he was addressing a showing up here, politicians alfalfa cubes for her, perhaps
commission members But my world is small, so I young man he obviously with extraordinary egos, a block of salt. Like almost
worry about living creatures knew, a young man who men and women who will for everything I encounter, both
within a stone’s throw of my looked pretty dirty, probably the next year try to convince here and in a town, I wish I
windows. the result of whatever job he us that they are just like us, could do more.
“The plan by Deliberately I have
stepped back from civiliza-
was doing that day, cleaning
chimneys maybe.
that they understand rural
America, that they too come
l Kurt Ullrich lives in rural

legislative tion, but I am not the her- For a moment I thought from humble beginnings
Jackson County. His book “The
Iowa State Fair” is available from
mitic, misanthropic sort, so I it was 1963. Where does this and perhaps grew up in a log
Republicans to the University of Iowa Press.

politicize Iowa’s INSIGHT & BOOKS

court system is • MISSION: Insight & Books is a forum for more •GAZETTE EDITORIAL BOARD:
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Iowans, their communities and the world suggestions to public issues are the consensus of
Iowans.” at large. •BOOKS: Read past books coverage The Gazette Editorial Board: Todd
© 2019 The Gazette

•INSIGHT: We welcome and will consider at To join Dorman, Insight editor, columnist;
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Sunday, February 10, 2019 ● The Gazette 3D


Iowa should regulate marijuana like alcohol

en states now regulate marijua- it’s less toxic, less addictive and less It is time for Iowans, and the Iowa We should replace Iowa’s criminal
na like alcohol. lethal than the alcohol that is available Legislature, to take a hard, clear look marijuana underground market with
In November, Michigan vot- at every Hy-Vee, Casey’s and Kum & at what Iowa’s marijuana prohibition one that is well regulated. Estimates
ers approved legal sales of marijuana Go. has accomplished. are that state regulation and taxa-
to adults. The newly elected governors Iowa’s continued prohibition of Despite marijuana prohibition, Iowa tion of the legal sale of marijuana will
of both Minnesota and Illinois want to marijuana imposes a heavy burden on has a working underground market create many new businesses and
do the same. Iowa families in the form of lost jobs, for marijuana. Just like with illegal 4,000-7,000 new jobs across Iowa while
Iowa should follow their lead. legal bills, jail time, broken families, alcohol in the 1930s, Iowa’s illegal un- generating $40 million to $70 million in
Marijuana prohibition hasn’t worked violence and crime. Why should we derground marijuana market is profit- new state and local revenue.
and has hurt taxpayers and everyday keep spending millions and millions able, unregulated, untaxed and supply- Those new resources can help us
Iowans. each year to arrest, prosecute, jail and ing its customers. respond with effective treatment for
Despite the best efforts of the crimi- punish thousands of Iowans for pos- The enforcement of marijuana the abuse of marijuana, alcohol, other
nal justice system to protect us from sessing a substance less harmful than prohibition has been grossly unequal. drugs and tobacco. New revenue can
this overly exaggerated threat and the legal alcohol? Even though black Iowans and white also be used for urgently needed new
hundreds of millions spent on police, I’m not naive. As with the legaliza- Iowans use marijuana at the same investments in early, healthy child-
courts, jails and prisons, Iowans are tion of alcohol, marijuana legalization rate, black Iowans are four times more hood development and child care as-
not safer or healthier. will bring its own set of challenges. likely to be arrested for marijuana pos- sistance.
By legalizing and regulating the sale One major concern is the use of session. A law that cannot be equally As the Midwest moves forward to
of marijuana to Iowa adults, we can marijuana by teenagers. Like smoking enforced is blatantly unfair and erodes regulate marijuana use for adults,
refocus our criminal justice system on cigarettes or drinking alcohol, using trust in our justice system. Iowans will need to decide whether
serious crime and expand substance marijuana is bad for their health and The prohibition price tag is enor- we will continue wasting money and
abuse treatment programs. social development. That’s why, teen mous. Through the decades Iowans destroying lives on failed prohibition
We also can capture our state’s use of marijuana must be aggressively have spent hundreds of millions on or whether we will learn lessons from
share of the businesses, jobs, revenue discouraged and prevented. marijuana prohibition. Last year, Iowa other states and capture our share of
and commerce created by regulating Other states have done this success- taxpayers paid $12 million to enforce jobs, revenue and commerce by regu-
marijuana like alcohol. fully. After moving from marijuana 5,200 marijuana possession violations. lating marijuana like alcohol.
It’s time to face facts. In Iowa, mari- prohibition to marijuana regulation, There’s a better way. It’s time to end
juana is available to about anyone who government surveys have found that Iowa’s failed, unfair, costly history of l Joe Bolkcom is a Democratic
seeks it. Iowans objectively know that teen marijuana use has not increased. marijuana prohibition. state senator from Iowa City.


Voter voices Aging gracefully needs preparation

were silenced I
  was heartbroken as I sat
alone in the house I grew up
Pressured by time recycled and never accumulate.
Develop relationships with a
in. Mom and Dad lived there and fatigue, I was lawyer, doctor, dentist, financial
during 72 years of marriage but adviser, tax preparer, Realtor,
forced to send
in District 55
at age 95 had recently moved to a yard care specialists and other
senior residence. Over the years professionals who are younger
they’d stuffed the house with
precious memories than us.
clutter and family memorabilia. to the landfill. It was Investigate senior residences
My task wasn’t easy. Despite in case we choose or need to
hard but was a lesson
20 years encouraging them to move to one.
  promised interested House formed a com- prepare for declining health, Keep finances as robust as pos-
parties that I would mittee, a committee of they procrastinated and chose to on how to ease the sible. It’s difficult to get old but
take a minute to three republicans and
share my thoughts re- two democrats who
“wait and see” what would hap-
pen. Their ability to care for the
aging process. it’s easier with more than a few
bucks in savings.
garding the Iowa House elected not to hear ex- home declined as they aged, and Maintain an enduring positive
55 contested ballots as pert testimony, includ- it became ever more cluttered of Americans are helping their relationship with a clergy person
a county auditor. For ing testimony from the and dirty. Various appliances elderly parents with late life deci- or counselor who can help guide
those who do not know, registered voters whose and furnishings broke and went sions, moving, and purging pos- us through difficult life decisions.
District 55 received 29 ab- ballots were excluded, unrepaired. Eventually, living sessions. Here are ways we are According to Jami Gordon,
sentee ballots after elec- and moved the decision there became untenable. As preparing for aging: a Realtor with Keller Williams
tion night that lacked the to the full chamber. Af- gently as possible, I helped them Keep important papers, such Legacy Group, keeping a home
required U.S. postmark. ter a lengthy debate in move to the senior residence. as our wills and advanced direc- in good repair and modernized
Why would we even the Iowa House, with no My brother and his wife spent tives and financial papers updat- helps it sell and brings the best
consider counting votes input from the citizens days cleaning and fixing items in ed and accessible to our children. price. “Often, older people must
without the required whose votes were ex- the old bungalow. Much went to Digitalize important family maximize the sale value of their
postmark? cluded or relevant voter the landfill and Goodwill, but I photos and dispose of the tan- home to financially enable mov-
This is where things law or postal service needed to decide the fate of fam- gible ones. ing to a senior residence. It is all
get interesting. experts, and no comment ily photos, memorabilia, books Keep our home and contents too often I find they simply don’t
Iowa code 53.17 states, from the winner of the and other sentimental items. updated and in good repair. We’ll have a plan. I encourage family
“In order for the ballot election in question on Pressured by time and fatigue, restructure the physical space so and friends to help their aging
to be counted, the re- whether those ballots I was forced to send precious we have a kitchen, bedroom, and loved ones to begin the process
turn envelope must be should be counted, the memories to the landfill. It was bathroom all on one floor. We’ll early, before retirement. Chunk-
received in the commis- decision was made along hard but was a lesson on how to make entry accessible and peri- ing it down into steps over five to
sioner’s office before the party lines to exclude the ease the aging process. odically freshen the house with 10 years decreases stress and is
polls close on Election 29 ballots. This year my wife and I turn new paint, shades, carpets and easier on the budget,” she said.
Day or be clearly post- In my opinion, your 70. We are in good health, enjoy furniture. As the years mount, it’s daunt-
marked by an officially vote is often your loudest our home and intend to live there Declutter. We’re disposing of ing and scary facing a future
authorized postal service voice. Unfortunately, 29 as long as possible. However, we things unused in recent years of declining ability and health.
or bear an intelligent Iowa citizens who were realize years will catch up with and are unlikely to ever be need- However, proactive planning and
mail bar code traceable legally registered to vote us. So, we gradually make deci- ed. Old camping gear went to the action will help make our senior
to a date of entry into the were disenfranchised sions and reduce possessions, Sierra Club auction, beloved, but years as simple and pleasant as
federal mail system not when the rules clearly making our life easier and the no longer read, books go to the possible for us and our children.
later than the day before were followed. The disposal chore simpler for our library. Functional unneeded l A New Jersey native, Rich Patterson and
the election and received American Postal Union children when we move or die. tools are donated to the Matthew his wife Marion, have lived in Iowa for 41
by the commissioner not of Des Moines posted the We are not alone. Millions 25 Tool Library. Magazines are years and co-own Winding Pathways LLC.
later than noon on the following statement Jan.
Monday following the 29 on Facebook:
election.” “These 29 people (in

Dorman/Let’s scrutinize other issues

Because Winneshiek District 55) followed the
County Auditor Ben law, properly mailed
Steines does not use In- their ballots. The USPS
telligent Mail Bar code received the ballots,
(IMB) and instead relies processed the ballots
on the traditional post- and printed a bar code
;; FROM PAGE 1D We pay millions upon out tax breaks and other pricey
perks to business interests to the
mark, as I do in Johnson
County, we could assume
on them, identifying
when they were accepted
which I’ve spent all of my adult millions of dollars tune of hundreds of millions of
working life using. dollars, and don’t always know
the ballots should not be into the USPS mail pro- The flip side is I have few, if for water quality what exactly we’re getting for all
counted, correct? One cessing system. Now a any, other marketable skills, un-
small problem here, the handful of state repre- less I can be paid for watching programs without that generosity. We need to take
a good look at that, one of these
U.S. Post Office placed a
tracking code on the bal-
sentatives are making
a mockery of the USPS
televised sports and avoiding
household chores.
timelines, bench days.
We pay millions upon millions
lots but did not use the process by blaming the Consequently, if my work-life marks or checks to of dollars for water quality pro-
traditional postmark or USPS for not placing a balance ever is abruptly reset to grams without timelines, bench
IMB detailed in the Iowa ‘postmark’ on the bal- 100 percent life, I would be imme- prove we’re actually marks or checks to prove we’re
The question is wheth-
lots. The USPS does not
have to put a postmark
diately underqualified for virtu-
ally every other job: restaurant,
making progress. actually making progress. Large
agricultural interests don’t want
er the tracking code on mail. The USPS is retail, manufacturing, zoo-keep- Large agricultural such scrutiny.
placed on the ballots con- business and it evolves, ing, spelunking, gene-splitting, We’re paying out millions of
stitutes a U.S. postmark. names change in pro- you name it. I’d be applying for interests don’t want dollars in legal settlements for
Iowa code states that the cesses and procedures. jobs without the skills needed to
IMB code, which is dif- These 29 people should do them.
such scrutiny. sexual harassment cases because
of a lack of basic accountability
ferent from the mailing not be denying their But as a product of our Mid- throughout state government.
code placed by the U.S. right to vote, because a western can-do culture, and pos- The list of oversight failures goes
postal service, should be handful of elected offi- sessing a tireless Iowa work ethic, Wisdom often operates under on, and on.
placed on the ballot by cials want to play games I’d have no choice but to try, and the assumption that the ranks But, by God, let’s make sure
the auditor and traceable with semantics.” try again. Soon, under SF 99, I’d of our fellow Iowans in need of pizza delivery guy is earnest and
in the U.S. postal system. It is my view as a be under scrutiny by the brand- help are riddled with deadbeats, active.
Even though not a tra- highly trained election new Iowa Bureau for the Investi- cheaters and frauds. That’s why The good news is there’s at
ditional postmark, the official that these 29 bal- gation of People Who Don’t Know we need tough new limits, tests least one job most of us could
traceable code placed on lots legally cast from Their Own Limitations. That’s and requirements. They can’t be qualify for easily. All you need to
the envelope by the post registered Iowans were IBIPWDKTOL, for short. trusted. And it’s great politics. be is older than 25, a U.S. citizen
office clearly shows the unjustly ignored. Their That name isn’t in the bill. It’s Broad evidence? Data? Who and an Iowa resident for more
ballots in U.S. postal sys- voice was silenced. It’s just a suggestion. Any openings needs it? We’ve got anecdotes. than a year. Oh, and having a
tem before deadline, so my hope the Iowa Leg- in the acronyms bureau? Food stamps for crab legs and pulse helps.
© 2019 The Gazette

why wouldn’t the ballots islature will clarify the Wisecracking aside, this is a Mountain Dew! We rest our case. Clear those very low bars and
count? law so no Iowan sees a lousy idea, turning employers It couldn’t be that the tough bar- you too can be a state senator.
Iowa law states the legally cast ballot go un- into informers. There have to be riers and requirements we’ve Reach high.
decisions rests with the counted. far better ways to improve the already set up are setting these
Iowa House of Repre- l Travis Weipert is the Democratic unemployment system. folks up to fail in myriad ways. l Comments: (319) 398-8262;
sentatives. The Iowa county auditor in Johnson County. But our Golden Dome of At the same time we hand
4D The Gazette ● Sunday, February 10, 2019

Get past negative assumptions A review
of bad
to identify untapped talent legislative
I Negative assumptions made about
   live in a middle-class time to understand a re-entry
neighborhood in Cedar candidate’s history and what
Rapids — or maybe I certain groups of people create a false they have done to change
should say a middle-class their lives? What if that candi-
“block” given that two blocks fear and an unwillingness to engage with date has the exact skills that
up the street there are several
“low income” apartment com-
them, which leads to decisions that can you need, received degrees or
certificates while incarcer- interesting ways. Each of
plexes in the neighborhood. be devastating long-term. ated, and was a model inmate these has a realistic shot at
As I thought about justice who mentored other inmates, advancing, since they’re spon-
in America and this column, yet you did not know this be- sored by lawmakers from the
a real-world story that hap- some people who live in my to engage with them, which cause you could not get past majority party. I give them
pened in my family came to neighborhood — would say, leads to decisions that can be their robbery conviction from all credit for at least sparking
mind — a story that will dem- “It was probably someone in devastating long-term. 10 years ago? discussion.
onstrate why justice reform those apartments, there is Assumptions like those Can you imagine the un- l House File 139 by Rep.
must happen in the court- always trouble up there.” made about the character of tapped talent that lies in our Mary Ann Hanusa, R-Council
rooms as well as the c-suites. Well, lo and behold — the people in those apartments backyard if more companies Bluffs, is what’s known as a
Six years ago, my daugh- investigation didn’t lead near me happen every day. for one moment would to stop sore loser law. Anyone who
ter’s new car was hit by a police to the low-income Companies with hiring man- and think, “How did this can- seeks a partisan nomination
drunken driver while parked apartments about which all agers make assumptions didate get to this point? What for office and fails to get it
in our driveway. The car the assumptions were made. that all applicants who have if that was me?” would be barred from running
was hit so hard that it was Rather, it led to a wealthy a checkered past are high I ask corporate leaders: in that election as a no-party
thrown into our garage where family who lived about six risk for problems because What if you were forever or third-party candidate. Iowa
it destroyed the garage door blocks from my house, whose they were in prison before. banned from living a produc- is one of only three states
and the rear end of both cars home is worth well over So re-entry candidates are tive life because of a mistake without some form of a sore
parked inside. $400,000. Their home is sur- not hired, doors continue to you made in the past that you loser law on the books,
The police took a bumper rounded by a white picket be closed in their faces, and paid for? according to Ballotpedia.
with a serial number as fence and has curb appeal the constant pain of rejec- Would you still call it Erecting barriers to ballot
evidence and promised to that would hold its own on a tion leads many of them right justice? access is plainly undemo-
investigate. Parade of Homes tour. back to the environment that l Anthony Arrington is a managing cratic, and helps to tighten
Here is where the story My point, you ask? led them to prison. They are partner at Top RANK, a professional the two-party stranglehold on
relates to justice reform: It is that negative assump- at high risk to be arrested and executive search firm in Cedar
the electoral process. This bill
Nearly everyone who tions made about certain Rapids with a special emphasis on
again, and the cycle contin- helping companies that have a desire would give too much power to
heard about the accident and groups of people create a false ues. to expand the diversity, inclusion and a relatively small and unrep-
knew where I lived — even fear and an unwillingness What if leaders took the engagement of their workforce. resentative group of primary
voters. In the 2018 election cy-
cle, statewide primary turnout
was about one-fifth of general
election turnout.

Grant/Local schools taking a bold path to future Ballot restrictions often

have been challenged, but they
usually prevail. Courts have
;; FROM PAGE 1D and opportunity gaps and those that are harmed. redesign of the American said sore loser laws provide a
inequities persist in our sys- School suspension still can justice system. check on “intraparty feuds”
redesigned. This is the bond tem across lines of racial, be an effective strategy for Now, we can’t be naive and “unrestrained factional-
that could link education linguistic and socioeconomic short-term responses, but the and believe we are going to ism.” If that’s the goal, they’re
reform and justice system difference. biggest leverage is in repair- spread the balance of power doing a bad job, as those phe-
reform together. Our equity imperative is to ing community when harm is among hundreds of different nomena are easily observable
The Cedar Rapids Commu- eliminate the predictability done. groups. But we can take small in states with the law in place.
nity School District is being of success and failure that Criminal justice reform, steps. I am reminded that we l SF 75 by Sen. Zach Whit-
bold in the quest to ensure is predetermined by race, like education reform, should should value the changing de- ing, R-Spirit Lake, would
every student is properly ethnicity, family economics, take on this underlying mind- mographics happening in our establish a grant program for
situated to realize their pas- language and disabilities. set, practice, and simply city. Leaders must have the people who relocate to Iowa
sions. We believe that we When I think of justice “how we do business.” We are ability to be bold and embrace and work remotely for an out-
must provide an environment system reform, I continue choosing to recognize how the challenges of moving the of-state company. Newcomers
where each student can learn to draw on the same paral- communication across cul- mindset dial for the doubters would be eligible for $10,000
and excel at high levels while lels that are driving school tural norms and experiences within systems. over two years to cover work-
exploring their passions and reform. One such example is can have positive effects on It is too important for related expenses, like com-
dreams. how we are using exclusion- student measures. families, and we risk losing puter products or membership
During the past 20 years, ary practices to respond to This journey has landed on many essentials that could to a coworking space. The
our community and the stu- student misbehavior. Student the recognition that culture benefit us in the long term. program would get $750,000 in
dents we serve have changed behavior is a form of com- is not static. Rather, it is dy- By embracing these rich di- state money its first year.
dramatically. We are more ra- munication. It requires inten- namic and ever-changing. We verse ideas and experiences, Vermont started a similar
cially, socioeconomically and tional ways to meet student acknowledge that in most ed- schools will contain fresh program this year, and many
linguistically diverse in Cedar needs. This is driving us to ucational systems, the norms, ideas that are valuable. We municipalities across the
Rapids Community Schools become a system based on values, and beliefs usually also must acknowledge there country offer relocation incen-
than ever before. More than restorative practices to elimi- are shaped by a few cultural are other ways to experience tives. Newton, for example,
48 percent of students are nate the predictability of fail- groups. I think there is power the world. saw an increase in single-fami-
eligible for free or reduced ure and reduce exclusionary in acknowledging how unbal- The responsibility to teach ly home construction after the
lunch. More than 800 students responses that have dispro- anced this power is in society. our young children about the city started offering cash and
in grades K-12 are from more portionately affected students Often, this imbalance leads power of cultural diversity loan assistance to builders.
than 45 countries speaking in underserved populations. to unintended consequences is on the elders and adults. I appreciate the intent of at-
more than 60 different lan- A laserlike focus on harms when a monocultural lens is If not, we risk our children tracting new Iowans, but we
guages. and consequent needs of vic- used to shape policy, prac- growing up in a world that should be skeptical of propos-
Thirty-three percent of tims, the community and the tices, and behaviors. The does not take advantage of als aimed at targeting special
our students are members of offender is the result. Resto- ways in which school leaders cultural differences. Even incentives to certain classes
minority groups. This is great ration addresses obligations manage and respond to issues more, they would not even of people. Instead, policymak-
news, because diversity is a resulting from those harms. of diversity are essential to know. But as momma told ers should focus on securing a
source of strength and pride This applies to the offenders’ promote the systemic change me, “Now that we know bet- competitive tax environment
that we consider essential to and the communities’ they needed to best meet the needs ter, we must do better.” and facilitating wage growth
realize our vision — Every live. Through inclusive and of our changing student l Carlos C. Grant is executive director to benefit all Iowans.
Learner: Future Ready. collaborative processes, we population. of middle level education with the Cedar l Senate File 66 by Sen. Tom
Significant achievement seek to “make it right” with The same can be true in the Rapids Community School District. Shipley, R-Nodaway, would
increase the legal age to buy
or use vaporizers from 18 to
21. It’s a response to the con-

Rice/No immediate solutions to pressing issues cern that teens are picking up
nicotine habits from trendy
e-cigarettes, like the popular
Juul brand devices, in line
;; FROM PAGE 1D my work at Tanager Place, I of political persuasions. I sions with community leaders with the Trump administra-
have the unique opportunity know we can continue to have and students. tion’s nationwide crackdown
nation. I have witnessed to meet many types of people. these conversations. We can In addition, a public screen- on youth vaping.
and read countless stories of I get to hear their concerns, debate differences, and we ing of the documentary, “Un- I am immediately opposed
how the scales of justice are their fears, their hopes and can strive to make sure the common Allies,” will be held to this kind of paternalistic
unequal. I have participated their pain. I have had many playing field is level for all. at 1 p.m. Feb. 23 at Kesler Lec- overreach, because 18-year-
in many roundtables and conversations that have left To that end, I am excited ture Hall, Hickok Hall, on the olds are adults who deserve all
worked with groups that are me with much hope and opti- that I have been a part of a Coe College campus. This doc- the rights and responsibilities
trying to address disparities mism for our shared future; community initiative that will umentary is a powerful story fellow adults enjoy.
in multiple systems. There I smile as I write this. We be hosting two very valuable of how one mother’s tragedy But this bill is much worse
are no easy solutions or quick are a community that cares community conversations resulted in her working with than that. It would leave
fixes. Sometimes these con- about each other; however, this month. As you talk about the police department to ad- the legal age to purchase
versations make us uneasy sometimes we need to engage criminal justice reform and dress violence in her com- cigarettes at 18, giving young
and uncomfortable. It is dif- in conversations that may be bias, Adam Foss’ name rises munity. A panel discussion adults a full three years of
ficult to address issues of bias uncomfortable but are crucial to the top of the list of nation- with the film’s director and easy access to cigarettes, but
in the systems we rely on as — conversations that push us al thought leaders. His TED the documentary participants without a legal way to get
a nation. It makes us uncom- out of our personal comfort Talk has garnered over 2 mil- will immediately follow the nicotine alternatives that are
fortable to think that the play- zones. lion views and has given him screening. likely much safer. The unin-
ing field is indeed not equal The national headlines talk a voice across the country in I believe these events will tended consequences are
and difficult to own that we as about historic tribalism as a helping lead conversations provide an opportunity for glaring.
a society don’t always live up country. I challenge that con- about justice. those in attendance to re- Unfortunately, this is one
to our rhetoric. cept. Issues of fairness, equal- Adam will be in Cedar flect on issues of equality, of the bad bills that has a good
I am a person of optimism. I ity, bias and justice affect Rapids at 10 a.m. Friday at and I know they will create chance at becoming a law this
have lived in various parts of us all. We all have a vested Sinclair Auditorium on the valuable conversations in year. It has already advanced
the country and have engaged interest in making sure that Coe College campus for a our community. I invite you from a House subcommittee
in these conversations with our community lives up to the presentation titled “Swords to join me at these events and drawn support from sev-
diverse groups. What makes promises of our nation. Our and Shields: A Conversation and encourage you to lend eral lobbying groups. Even
© 2019 The Gazette

our community different is local law enforcement and about Power, Privilege and your voice to the conversa- lobbyists for Juul Labs, sensi-
that we actually listen to each school districts have actively Opportunity.” This event is tions. Collectively, we are tive to the threat of even great-
other. When I was considering been engaged in addressing free to the public, thanks to the change that can improve er restrictions, are supporting
moving here, I was told about these issues, as have many community donors. Following equality for all. the bill.
the historic “Iowa nice,” and community members and lo- his presentation, he will be l Okpara Rice is chief executive officer l Comments: (319) 339-3156;
it has lived up to its billing. In cal politicians from all types part of two roundtable discus- of Tanager Place in Cedar Rapids.
Sunday, February 10, 2019 ● The Gazette 5D


Time to reconsider For Democrats,

blackface scandals
cost of not knowing beat defending
he most dangerous
place for black people to
live is in white people’s
late abortions
So says comedian D.L. Hugh- merica has been told, Kamala Harris, the Califor-
ley. And surely Tamir Rice and relentlessly, that the nia Democrat. She made it
Trayvon Martin would concur nation became of- clear she wants to get rid of
if they were alive to do so. ficially and irrevocably un- private health insurance.
But if white people’s imagi- hinged in November 2016. “Let’s eliminate all of that,”
nation is the most dangerous That’s when a vulgar re- Harris said. “Let’s move
place for black people, it is also ality TV star flipped off the on.”
the most denigrating. Fresh calcified Washington estab- Let’s eliminate all that?
but superfluous evidence of lishment, became president Harris tried to walk that
that arrived Friday in the form and triggered much hys- back, but she went too far.
of a photo on the med school terical weeping and teeth- It is a disaster for
yearbook page of Virginia gnashing among pundits her. But a rival for the
Gov. Ralph Northam. The im- and other palace guardians Democratic nomination,
age, taken in 1984, the year who play journalists on TV. Sen. Elizabeth Warren of
Northam turned 25, depicts But as we lurch toward Massachusetts, is worse off.
two young men, one wearing a the 2020 presidential Warren finally and formally
KKK hood, the other painted in campaign, what of the hammered the Faux into
blackface. Democrats? her own Fauxcahontas
Northam, a Democrat who Is the party of the angry narrative.
attends a black church, has American left — moving The Washington Post
trotted out shifting explana- ever leftward and angrier reported that Warren had
tions. First he apologized, by the minute — any more identified herself as “Amer-
though he failed to say which stable than Republicans of ican Indian” on a 1986 reg-
man in the picture was him. two years ago? istration for the state bar
Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam, accompanied by his wife, Pamela, speaks at a news No. There’s a frenzy of Texas, though she was
Then he said neither man in conference Feb. 2 in Richmond, Va. The governor has been under pressure to
the picture was him. Then among the Democrats un- not Native American. She
resign since racist images were found on his 1984 yearbook page. leashed by the upcoming foolishly took the infamous
he admitted that he did once
darken his skin — to imitate presidential campaign. We DNA test that proved she’s
Michael Jackson in a dance and dozens of other white theologian and Rabbi Abraham haven’t seen its like except no more Native American
contest. people might not have found Joshua Heschel provides the in those Hieronymus Bosch than my late Sicilian father-
By now it’s immaterial themselves squirming in em- best rejoinder: “Few are guilty, paintings of hell. in-law.
whether either man in the pic- barrassment, trying to explain but all are responsible.” The Democratic center Warren had insisted she
ture is Northam. The very fact why they would appropriate Rather than accept that re- has collapsed. Moderates didn’t use her “minority”
that he thought it could have someone else’s denigration as sponsibility, America seeks to are hunted down and cast status to climb the career
been, never mind that he ad- their costume. protect white kids from hurt out by the hard left that ladder.
mits to having worn blackface Nor is this ignorance ac- feelings. In the process, it often pulls the party’s chain. The Ah, but of course she did
at least once, speaks to how cidental. Rather, kids — white inculcates in them an arrogant late poet Maya Angelou fa- just that. She danced the
ubiquitous this sort of thing — kids in particular — have been ignorance. From that, you get mously warned that “when dance of race and favor. She
white people pretending them- protected from knowing cer- Ralph Northam, moonwalking someone shows you who didn’t check her privilege.
selves black — must have been tain hard and ugly truths about with shoe polish on his face. they are, believe them the Instead, she checked the
in his circle. their country. Granted, the From that, you get Donald first time.” box that said minority.
Sadly enough, this story teaching of history in general Trump as president and a 17 And that’s the scary part. Now there’s another
broke on the first day of Black is in decline. But only the his- percent spike in hate crimes his What are Democrats show- wildfire consuming the
History Month. Worse, it broke tory of people of color has faced first year in office. From that, ing the nation other than party of identity politics:
in the state where, 400 years laws and policies attempting you get one woman dead in that many of them want to The Virginia Democratic
ago this August, the first Afri- to strip it from classrooms. Charlottesville, nine other peo- take us to Venezuela? Blackface Spectacular.
can slaves arrived. Only these stories have been ple slaughtered in Charleston. “It concerns me that Democratic Gov. Ralph
Unfortunately slavery — bleached in textbooks to the So this Black History Month so many voices within Northam, who won office
like most every other aspect of point that people who were in the quadricentennial year of the Democratic Party are accusing his opponents of
black history — is something kidnapped from home and sold American slavery would be an going so far to the left,” racism, apologized for being
about which many of us, many like horses can be referred to excellent time for white people said former Starbucks CEO in a racist medical school
white Americans in particular, as “immigrants.” of conscience to reconsider the Howard Schultz, who’s yearbook photo. Then he
know precious little. Too bad. In banning ethnic stud- high cost of not knowing. thinking about running for said he wasn’t in the photo
If more white people had more ies classes a few years back, Yes, it’s hard to live in their president as an independent but had worn blackface for
than a fleeting grasp of that his- Arizona suggested they might imagination. But living in their and wondering how a Michael Jackson dance
tory, maybe Northam’s career “promote resentment toward a ignorance is no picnic, either. Democrats can possibly pay contest in the 1980s. He
would not be in flames. Megyn race or class of people.” Trans- for all the things they’re almost moonwalked for
Kelly might still be a talk-show lation: they might make white promising, from universal reporters until his wife
l Leonard Pitts is a syndicated colum-
host, Michael Ertel might still kids feel guilty about things health care to free college, stopped him.
nist distributed by Tribune News Service.
be Florida’s secretary of state their forebears did. To which Comments: free everything. Then Virginia Attorney
Now the left that rules General Mark Herring, a
the party wants his head on Democrat, admitted he, too,
a pike. wore blackface in the ’80s.
The Democratic Party And the beneficiary of all
CAL THOMAS | SYNDICATED COLUMNIST itself has become unbound the chaos, Democratic Lt.
in an orgy of the extreme. Gov. Justin Fairfax, was
They’re fixated on the sin ready to succeed Northam

The state of what union?

of some Democrats wear- when he was accused of
ing blackface decades ago. sexual assault.
And this becomes their fig When Supreme Court
leaf to cover a push for late- Justice Brett Kavanaugh
term abortions and in some was dragged through the

loquence is not a charac- ton Times, “ ... allow abor- ing, to a former inmate recent- cases, infanticide. mud in his bloody confir-
teristic associated with tion up until the moment of ly released under the new “first That doesn’t win elec- mation hearing, unfairly
President Donald Trump, childbirth.” Trump called on step” law, designed to address tions. That loses elections. accused without evidence
but in his State of the Union Congress to prohibit late-term the disparity in sentencing of But they don’t want to hear of being a sexual predator,
address Tuesday night, the abortions, which is not likely non-violent, nondangerous of- it. Addiction to anger over- Democrats and media allies
president not only rose to the to happen, but kudos for him fenders, the president chose whelms them now. shrieked that we had to be-
occasion, he also delivered a saying “all children, born and life stories that no one could How else to explain those lieve the women making the
message that was beautifully unborn, are made in the holy oppose. standing ovations and the accusations.
crafted by his speechwriters, image of God.” There was his call to “choose wild applause in the New But are Democrats insist-
a speech devoid of much of the The president listed the greatness” over division and York Senate chamber when ing that Fairfax’s accuser
divisive and combative lan- economic achievements of his partisanship and to “move for- abortion up until birth, for be believed?
guage that has characterized administration, which Demo- ward together,” which again is any reason, was approved No.
his first two years in office. It crats will have a hard timing unlikely to happen. If it doesn’t and signed into state law? The talk of Democrats
was also well-delivered and, rebutting. These include record and especially if there is an- Gov. Andrew Cuomo had wearing blackface has all
well-received, if not by every numbers of people working, other government shutdown One World Trade Center but covered up something
member of Congress, then low unemployment numbers mid-February, the president lit up pink in victory over else that Northam, a
by 76 percent of those who for minorities and high em- can say he tried and it was the helpless infants. And then pediatrician, said about
watched it, according to a CBS ployment numbers for women, opposition of Democrats that he insisted that he was Ro- aborting a child who had
News instant poll. which even the white-clad fe- thwarted him. Whether such man Catholic and an altar been delivered.
Unfortunately, the likeli- male congressional Democrats a charge would stick is any- boy. Cuomo’s skin must be “When we talk about
hood of anything changing were forced to applaud. one’s guess. It all depends on made of wood. third-trimester abortions,
in Congress is less than nil. The president also chal- whether he can rally, not only Wood can’t blush. Wood these are done with the con-
Democrats mostly sat on their lenged the growing appeal of his base, which is a given, but can’t feel any shame. And sent of — obviously — the
hands, or smirked and shook socialism among young people. that part of the country that is apparently, neither does the mother, with the consent of
their heads in response. The He said he was “alarmed” by sick of the bickering and wants old altar boy. the physicians — more than
partisan divide that character- it and pronounced, “We were it to end. Most Americans don’t one physician, by the way.
izes modern Washington is not born free and we will stay People who tuned into the support abortion deep into ... If a mother is in labor, I
likely to be bridged by a single free,” adding that we should speech expecting some sort of the third trimester. Most can tell you exactly what
speech. Most likely this was an “renew our resolve that Amer- drama obscuring substance Americans wouldn’t ap- would happen. The infant
address designed to enhance ica will never be a socialist — perhaps a staged walkout, plaud in triumph. They’d would be delivered.
the president’s re-election pros- country.” Even Speaker Nancy or protests from the balcony feel shame for those clap- “The infant would be
pects. If that was the goal, it Pelosi was forced to stand and — were disappointed. Such ping, like the old altar boy kept comfortable. The in-
may have served him well. applaud that line to the appar- a demonstration would not thumping his chest in vic- fant would be resuscitated if
Some viewers may have ent consternation of “demo- have served Democrats well. tory. And they’d feel sorrow that’s what the mother and
been surprised that the cratic” socialists Sen. Bernie In the end, the dignity of the for the babies. the family desired, and then
president directly and with Sanders (I-Vt.) and Rep. Alex- occasion, however fragile, was That’s most people. But a discussion would ensue
conviction addressed the anti- andria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.). preserved. Democratic politicians in between the physicians and
abortion issue in light of New The president’s use of guests “Victory is not winning for New York felt the need to mother.”
York’s newly passed Reproduc- in the balcony was the most our party,” said the president. display triumph, loudly and A discussion. You mean
© 2019 The Gazette

tive Health Act, which protects effective since Ronald Reagan “Victory is winning for our stridently. The leftward tilt the discussion that America
a woman’s access to abortion if inaugurated the practice. From country.” of the Democratic Party is isn’t having about the value
Roe v. Wade is overturned, and a Holocaust survivor, to one If only. almost a desperation, a hun- of human life.
Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam’s of his liberators; from a first- l Cal Thomas is a syndicated columnist
ger of the zealous. l John Kass is a columnist for
defense of a proposed bill that responder hero of Pittsburgh’s distributed by Tribune News Service. This has already hurt the Chicago Tribune. Comments:
would, writes the Washing- Tree of Life synagogue shoot- Comments: presidential candidate Sen.

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