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Essay Writing:

‘Peer pressure can help mould a student’s life.’ Do you agree? Illustrate your answer
with examples. You should write at least 350 words.

In life, a student gets to come across with different peer groups either from the same
ages or different ages. Since large amount of time are spent in school every day, hence a
student tends to interact with peers more often. In regard to this, a student may get encouraged
to follow his peers by changing his attitudes, values, or behaviours to conform to the peer
groups. It was when the peer pressure takes its course and plays its role in a student’s life. In
essence, it is said that peer pressure can help mould a student’s life. I partially agree to this
statement due to some reasons.

Many a time, it so happens that students are forced to lead a certain kind of lifestyle
due to peer pressure. There are many students who experience great pressure from their peer
group that forces them to take unhealthy activities. Sometimes students give in to peer
pressure because they want to fit in and be liked. For instance, a student may not like partying
on every weekend, may not like night outings, may hate drinking or smoking, but peer pressure
may make he or she to do all that he or she had never wanted to. Some students literally spoil
their lives by giving in to peer pressure and taking part in antisocial behaviour. In such cases,
it is demonstrated that peer pressure can be detrimental to a student’s life. However, the
positive impacts that peer pressure exerted on a student’s life is much more to be discussed

First of all, peer pressure can encourage good habits. When students observe their
peers to do something positive, it will definitely encourage them to follow their peers and strive
towards doing the same good habits. For example, a student might join a volunteer project
because all of his or her friends are doing it. Similarly, a student who knows that his peer has
a stronger stamina because he regularly takes up sports will feel compelled to join sport
activities as well. In fact, peer often encourage each other to study, try out for sports, or follow
new artistic interests. By adopting good habit, this enables a student to amend his or her ways
to become a better individual. As a result, peer pressure helps in moulding a student’s life.

Besides, peer pressure can also shape the personality of a student. It is said so
because peers can inspire a student to change himself or herself. In regard to this, if a student
shows some wrongdoings, it may be commented and corrected by his or her peers especially
close friends. In regard to this, the student is able to reflect on his own actions and take advice
of peer to change for betterment. For instance, a student is able to determine his own
weaknesses after receiving feedbacks and comments from the peers. This not only leads the
students to make the right choices in life, but it also brings about a constructive change in his
or her personality. When a student possesses good personality, it moulds him to become a
better individual. Hence, in other words, it demonstrates that peer pressure does helped to
mould a student’s life.

Not only that, peer pressure can help to boost self-esteem in a student. Some positive
peers who provide encouragement and emotional support can exert a great influence on the
way that the students behave. In this case, students might be encouraged to take risks they
might be afraid to take on their own, such as running for student parliament or trying out for
the glee club. This will indirectly develop self confidence in the students. The self-esteem is
even greater when the students are able to demonstrate good achievement in the activities
they are involved. At the same time, through interacting with peers students somehow tend to
develop good communication skills and social skills. With all the good skills learnt in means of
peer pressure, a student will become more confident and have higher self-esteem in life.
Therefore, it can be said that a student’s life is able to be moulded by peer pressure.

In a nutshell, I partially agree that peer pressure can help mould a student’s life. It is
because while peer pressure brings negative impacts on a student’s life, it brings a number of
positive impacts too. In regard to this, a student is advised to have a group that exerts positive
peer pressure so that his or her personality and future can be shaped.

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