Lest We Forget: Insight Books

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Sunday, November 11, 2018 ● The Gazette 1D

Lest we forget

100th anniversary of armistice is reminder

of opportunity to build lasting peace


ne hundred years ago, II, just 21 years later, is evi-

Ode of Remembrance
bells worldwide were dence of that. An additional
rung at the 11th hour 80 million died in World War
of the 11th day of the 11th II, with about 30 percent of
month to celebrate the ending those being soldiers.
of World War I, “the war to To recognize the day as Ar-
end all wars.” mistice Day rather than Veter-
To commemorate that They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old: ans Day is not at all intended
peaceful pledge, bells were as a slight to veterans. In fact,
rung around the world on Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn. the best way to honor military
Nov. 11 for more than 35 years. veterans, both dead and alive,
Congress declared this date At the going down of the sun and in the morning is to make a commitment to
“ … a day to be dedicated to work for peace and to never
the cause of world peace and We will remember them. again send citizen soldiers to
to be hereafter celebrated ~ Passage from Laurency Binyon poem “For the Fallen” an unjustifiable war. Veterans
and known as Armistice For Peace, made up of military
Day.” Then in 1954, Congress veterans of conflicts ranging
changed the name of the day from WWII to Afghanistan
to Veterans Day. This year, and having experienced the
Veterans Day is being ob- 60 percent of those being sol- every continent in the world. “the war to end all wars.” military culture and ethic,
served Nov. 12. diers. As the armistice was The vileness of the war was However, revulsion at the bru- have a unique responsibility
World War I was horren- signed on Nov. 11, 1918, there abhorrent to the people of the tality of war is not a sufficient to work for non-violent paths
dous. More than 18 million truly was exuberant joy in the world, and they took hope in foundation for peace.
people were killed, with about streets of this country and on the promise that it had been The outbreak of World War ;; FLAHERTY, PAGE 4D


Are we doing enough Gazette had opinions

for American veterans? as World War I ended
ut of a belief that many mass (who) committed suicide by cops in istoric anniversaries, such Mankind has been killing off its best
killers seek twisted infamy Texas,” he told the New York Times. as today’s 100th anniversary lives instead of conserving them. It
through their actions, my “Guys struggle. We’ve lost more of the armistice ending the has been shooting its wealth away
preference is to not mention them. Marines in our peer group to suicide fighting in World War I, usually are in the roar of guns and bombs. Its
Ian David Long, however, is an than we ever lost in Afghanistan.” all about front pages. Big moments, hands have been devoted to destruc-
exception. As a corporal in the Marines from big headlines. Yellowed maybe, but tion. Its wheels of progress have been
Long, who served as a Marine dur- 2008 to 2013, Long earned numerous still striking. stopped,” The Gazette opined in its
ing one of the bloodiest periods of awards and commendations, includ- But, no surprise, I’m also inter- editorial.
the Afghanistan war and last week ing a Combat Action Ribbon and ested in what’s inside the paper, “Peace finds the world in chaos.
took 12 lives at a neighborhood bar Marine Corps Good Conduct Medal. particularly where it printed its opin- Before us is a new beginning, with
in Thousand Oaks, Calif., needs to be He handled heavy machine guns in ions. Back in 1918, editorials usually revolution in large or small degree
discussed. We need clear answers as direct combat, including a seven- were found on page four of the Cedar probable in every one of our econom-
to how a once-smiling member of the month deployment to Afghanistan Rapids Evening Gazette. ic, industrial and social relations,
© 2018 The Gazette

military became a black-clad, hooded between 2010 and 2011. His last ser- And on Monday, Nov. 11, 1918, we and Solomon himself would fail suc-
killer. vice was in Kaneohe Bay, Hawaii as certainly had opinions. cessfully to predict where and how
Sam Tanner, who served with part of the 2nd Battalion, 3rd Marine There were some lofty thoughts, far we will go.”
Long, said he wasn’t surprised some- Regiment, Third Marine Division. under the headline “THE SUNSHINE Then, as anyone who writes opin-
one he knew was involved in a mass He was honorably discharged in OF PEACE.” It was one of multiple ion will appreciate, we deployed a
shooting. editorials printed that day.
“We had another guy recently ;; WADDINGTON, PAGE 4D “The world has been upside down. ;; DORMAN, PAGE 4D
2D The Gazette ● Sunday, November 11, 2018

More investigation of
“We’re just Brazil beans needed
I read with considerable
getting started.” interest the recent article
about substantial bean pro-
Gov. Kim Reynolds, who duction in Luis Eduardo
won a full term as governor, Magelhaes, Brazil (“Trade
the first woman to do so war delivers boom in Brazil,
gloom in Iowa,” Oct. 14).
I spent more than 20
years working in Bahia. It
“You’ve asked me is about twice the size of
Texas. Magelhaes is in the
to be your voice western part and about two
in Washington, hard days’ drive from the
coast. Bahia is in the tropics
and you have my and is an agricultural state
producing mostly sugar and
promise that I cocoa. The Magallanes is a
prominent family extensive
will work my tail in agricultural business.
off for you every If generalization is appro-
priate it can be said they are
single day.” smart, work hard, play hard,
do everything in a big way
Abby Finkenauer, a and are open to better ways
Democrat who won the 1st of doing things. While work-
District race against Rep. ing in Bahia I heard a lot of
Rod Blum, becoming one of harebrained ideas but I had Editorial cartoonist Joe Heller is based in Green Bay, Wis. Comments: Hellertoon.com
the first two women elected never heard of anyone sug-
to the U.S. House from Iowa gesting growing soybeans. Iowa’s, but with fertilizer, Gambling on farm bill as they have, you get very
It just not a place where a lime and 60 inches of rain compromises little subsidy.
rational farmer would try to during the growing season, Congress has stacked the
raise beans. If Magelhaes has the yields are comparable to The main farmer part of deck against farmers. Again.
“We are going figured out how to do it, the
outlook for Iowa beans is not
ours. the farm bill is explained by
levels of compromise.
Brad Wilson
Brazil produced 51 million Springville
to focus on a good. metric tons of soybeans in The farm bill was invent-
I would suggest the Soy- 2003 compared to 119 million ed to manage markets, prices An open letter to
pro-growth, pro- bean Association send some metric tons last year. With and supplies. Free markets
Cedar Rapids officials
chronically fail for agricul-
jobs agenda, real farmers to have a look
see. Maybe we should for-
over 200 million acres that
still could be added, they are ture, from decades before the The hole you’ve dug for
and make Iowa get about soybeans and try situated to furnish more. 1930s, to today, and projected
ahead 10 years. An ideal
yourselves regarding the
mismanaged newbo evolve
sugar beets instead. Free trade is extremely
a better place Loyal Leitgen important, not only to soy- farm bill features “living festival is deep enough.
Garnavillo wage” price floor programs On Oct. 24, Mayor Brad
to live work and bean, corn and pork farmers,
but to all of us. If this mess with no need for subsidies. Hart indicated even if there
grow.” Iowa bean advantage isn’t settled soon, all of us Compromises show up
first in the lowering (1953-
had been public money pro-
tection and oversight proto-
is water infrastructure consumers will pay more for
Charles Schneider, most of our purchases. We 1995) and then elimination cols in place, “none of them
Republican president of the The “Trade war delivers must not forget that a tariff (1996-2018) of price floors. would have prevented this.
Iowa Senate, after voters farm boom in Brazil, gloom is a tax on consumers. Subsidies also show up, and The hole was too deep to dig
re-elected GOP majorities to in Iowa” article on Oct. 14 Larry Marek sometimes an increase, but out of.” Please stop talking.
state Legislature was right on target. Riverside with lower net results for The optics are bigger and
Visiting Luis Eduardo farmers. wider than you seem to want
Magelhaes in 2003 with a Proud to have been The better subsidies are to face, but they are there,
commodity group was an “countercyclical,” like Price nonetheless. I hear people —
eye-opening experience. a part of ‘Amy’s Army’ Loss Coverage (PLC), where voters, if you will — talking
“Tonight, Iowans The town had about 15,000 I wrote in May 2017 to you get more when you in outrage over this mess.
people, meager buildings share my joy from attending Are we really to believe
said they want and dirt streets. The largest my first Honor Flight recep-
need more. Unfortunately,
the subsidy triggers, below all of you with your law, ac-
that investigative buildings were two Quon- tion. Today I write to share which you get a fractional counting, business/develop-
set buildings belonging to another great first in my life. subsidy, like $8.40 for soy- ment, marketing and bank-
unit to get two international grain and On Oct. 7, I was honored beans, were not adjusted ing degrees cannot come up
soybeans traders, filled with to be a member of “Amy’s for inflation in the 2014 bill, with some plan to pay the
the respect it soybeans. After soybeans Army” participating in the or the 2018 House and Sen- $800,000 owed to entertain-
deserves.” were dried with wood heat,
they were trucked to an in-
Especially for You race in
downtown Cedar Rapids.
ate bills. So $8.40 when the
original decision was made,
ers and vendors? Have you
approached our city’s cor-
Rob Sand, a Democrat land river terminal 600 miles Even the cold rainy day maybe in 2013, is worth porate leaders who might
elected to state auditor, the away over terrible roads. could not dampen the spirit only $7.76 today, and could be willing to help? Does this
only challenger to beat a Our greatest advantage of these survivors and their fall to the $6 range by 2024. city have any properties that
statewide incumbent over Brazil is our inland support groups. Meanwhile, Congress gave could be put up for sale to
river infrastructure. This Thanks to all who helped rice and peanut subsidy trig- raise funds?
82-cent-per-bushel advantage in any way to make this a gers at 117 percent and 116 And, if not, perhaps
soon could be lost if locks great success, with a special percent of 2015 full costs, but you might scrape together
and dams are not updated shout out to General Mills only 85 percent to soybeans enough to change the signs
“We may have in the near future. Most are for keeping the vision of San- and 92 percent to corn. to read: Welcome to Cedar
lost in a landslide over 80 years old and under-
sized for the latest vessels.
dy Knight moving forward.
Lastly, I thank my niece
Tragically, on the basis
of higher 2014 prices, more
Rapids, the City That
Reneges on Contracts.
if it weren’t for The fields in Bahia are Amy for including us on her than 90 percent of corn and This city’s integrity is in
very large, level, and red in team. She is a beautiful, vi- soybean farmers gambled danger, regardless of who
prayer.” color. Those fields stretch for brant survivor! instead on Agricultural Risk created the mess.
5 or 6 miles, in many cases. John Roth Coverage (ARC) where, if R’becca Groff
Rep. Steve King, a The soil is not the quality of Luzerne prices go low and stay low, Cedar Rapids
Republican, after winning
a close re-election campaign


“I want to make
sure we finish
the Mueller
Deliver us from evil, and our disconnect
investigation. I
ot long ago I sat in a vice for an elderly woman, a murmur a little in his grave. home, Chicago. In this town
small-town church faithful member of her con- Shortly after our sing- of less than 2,000, the streets
want to make listening to a minis- gregation. Very traditional ing, the minister began to were quiet.
ter recite true poetry, words in substance and style, it was speak of the deceased but it Toward the end of the ser-
sure nobody gets written for the Church of a service like I recalled from became very clear that the vice, we old folks mumbled
in the way of England more than 400 years
ago, words from the King
half a century ago, includ-
ing women of the church’s
only thing he knew about
her was where she usually
through the Lord’s Prayer,
before croaking and climb-
that.” James Version of the Bible, Ladies Society providing a sat during services, and sud- ing our way through a mul-
none of the modern writing luncheon afterward. I hope denly we’re wondering about tiverse mountain of a song
Rep. Dave Loebsack, a that purports to be ‘relevant’ to God the men in the con- a clear disconnect. It’s not called “Abide With Me.” As
Democrat who won re- to a new world. And, as gregation at least mow the just in politics that these an old friend of mine once
election, on the possibility church attendance continues church lawn on occasion. disconnects happen, and all said, “It wasn’t a sight for
of House investigations to fall, relevance might not Someone, please, teach men most of us can do is drop our pretty eyes.”
be the issue. to cook (flipping brats on a jaws a bit and wonder why. All in all, as these things
In the 1970s, churches grill is not cooking). Perhaps it would be helpful go it was a satisfying event.
began to incorporate folk We sang four lugubrious in the future if we sidle up The deceased had a good life
“This is purely a and pop music into Sunday
morning services and tossed
verses of the classic “How
Great Thou Art,” which put
a little closer to people we
don’t know and ask them
and a good network of family
and friends. Perhaps more
political strategy in modern instrumenta- me in mind of a guy near how their day is going. importantly, not once did I
tion, you know, electric where I live named Art who, Outside the church walls wonder whether an armed
intended to guitar, bass, drums. Some some years ago now, provid- the world kept on moving security guard was watch-
places still do it, calling these ed music for his own funeral. without us. Iran continued ing over us. Deliver us from
embarrass the groups praise bands, or He recorded himself playing to hate us, as it has since evil, indeed. Oh, and before I
administration some such characterization. “How Great Thou Art” on the 1970s; crazy people (men forget, how’s your day going?
Lutherans in particular em- trombone, a performance mostly) with guns continued
since they know braced the notion, but mem- that probably caused Iowa- to shoot each other in far-
l Kurt Ullrich lives in rural
Jackson County. His book “The
bership continues to drop. born trombone player and away places such as Yemen,
that a Republican This was a funeral ser- bandleader Glenn Miller to Pittsburgh and, closer to
Iowa State Fair” is available from
the University of Iowa Press.
Senate is
never going INSIGHT & BOOKS
to sustain an • MISSION: Insight & Books is a forum
for discussion about and by Eastern
thegazette.com/opinion/ for more
discussions. Submit questions or
Gazette editorial positions on public
impeachment.” Iowans, their communities and the world suggestions to editorial@thegazette.com. issues are the consensus of The Gazette
at large. •BOOKS: Read past books coverage Editorial Board: Todd Dorman, Insight
© 2018 The Gazette

Dave Andersen, Iowa •INSIGHT: We welcome and will consider at Thegazette.com/life/books. To join editor, columnist; Lynda Waddington,
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Sunday, November 11, 2018 ● The Gazette 3D


Taking a shine
from to a man’s world
books I   had a dream job. I chose
my hours, didn’t do heavy
lifting, and earned enough
school in a terrible blizzard.
His kindergarten sister, three
years younger, trailed along
I loved shining
shoes at Bill
ing time. He then pulled the
blind on the shop window and
swept up hair clippings. After

to keep me in movie tickets behind. But when Charlie removing his waist apron, he
and popcorn. I was 12 years reached their farm home Su- Sanger’s Ideal went to the cabinet next to my
old. sie wasn’t with him. shoe shine chair where bar-
I loved shining shoes at Bill “Where’s your little sis- Barber Shop in ber supplies were kept, such
Sanger’s Ideal Barber Shop in ter?” his alarmed mother Guthrie Center. as large, colorful bottles of

y first thought when Guthrie Center. My custom- asked. aftershave and hair tonic.
hearing about Paul ers climbed into my elevated “I dunno. I thought she was Max grabbed a bottle of
Dorr burning LGBTQ iron-legged chair or dropped right behind me. I couldn’t see matter if a man scoops ma- Lucky Tiger, removed the lid,
children’s books from the off shoes and boots for later in the storm.” nure for a living,” he told me. and took a couple of big gulps.
Orange City Library in north- pickup. I made a good living, Mother, father, and Char- “If he’s good at it, he’s worth It seemed a strange way to
west Iowa is that he ought but the best part was partici- lie, as his story continued, watching.” apply aftershave. Popeye
to be prosecuted. Of course, pating in an all-male, adult struggled through the raging Popeye had two barbers’ just patted the lotion on the
that’s probably exactly what world with endless talk of the blizzard with the flickering chairs, but used only one faces of customers. He never
he wants, another martyr per- important things in life, like light of a kerosene lantern until the day a man named offered an option of a drink.
secuted by big government, fishing and football. searching for the “Max” showed up and said Besides, Max hadn’t shaved.
the resulting misdemeanor on In this masculine setting young girl. Final- he was a barber looking for I was mystified but thought
his record a badge of honor. of farmers in town for sale ly, nearly frozen work. He possessed the neces- little of it. After all, Max pos-
But he should think before day, retired locals, and a few to the bone, they sary credentials and became sessed a barber’s license and
he considers himself a hero actual customers, I heard found Susie’s our second barber. must know about such things.
to his cause, for what Dorr endless stories, some quite shoes. Max was new in town and I arrived for work the next
truly has done is to highlight memorable. “That’s all we spoke little of his past. Popeye morning before Max. “How
the strength of the argument I listened intently as Bill found ...,” Char- treated the new employee did it go yesterday,” Popeye
against which he rails, and Gallagher, a quarterback on lie related with a Carroll with his usual good humor, asked.
exposed the weakness of his the famed University of Iowa pause for dramat- McKibbin but seemed a bit wary. For “Fine,” I replied. “But Max
own. Ironmen of 1939, described ic emphasis. “Her Age 10 my part, the strangest thing sure puts his aftershave on
Dorr and others like him Nile Kinnick’s winning touch- feet were still in I noticed about Max was his funny. And he didn’t even
want books removed from down in a 7-6 Hawkeye vic- ‘em. The wolves got her!” daily rush to the beer parlor shave.”
library shelves because of the tory over Notre Dame. I heard My eyes bulged as I listened across the street the moment I held Popeye’s attention.
ideas they contain. But those that story many times, along intently to Charlie, believing we closed. “So how does he apply it?” he
books full of ideas are pas- with an almost play-by-play every word. When I gasped, One day Popeye prepared asked.
sive, a treasure chest waiting account of every game of a the assembly of overall-clad to go to Des Moines on busi- “He drinks it.”
for someone to open the lid. season that ended with Iowa men howled with knee-slap- ness, leaving Max and me When Max arrived, Popeye
They need a reader to com- ranked ninth in the country. ping laughter. alone in the shop. Before met him at the door and took
plete the transaction, and that I never tired of Bill’s foot- Being the butt of a joke leaving, he took me aside and him outside for a heated dis-
transaction rarely happens in ball stories. I even fantasized didn’t bother me. I was living whispered, “Keep an eye on cussion.
a vacuum. The ideas shared that one day I would move in a man’s world and enjoying him. Here’s a key to the shop. Max didn’t come to work
co-mingle with others in the beyond shining shoes and fill every minute of it. I want you to lock up today.” that day or any other. I never
reader’s mind and help to those of Nile Kinnick on the Mr. Sanger bore a re- Mr. Sanger clearly didn’t saw him again.
shape a worldview. The best Hawkeye gridiron. semblance to the cartoon trust Max and I didn’t know l Carroll McKibbin is a native Iowan
books send readers to other Another unforgettable character Popeye and was why. Nor did I understand who lives in San Luis Obispo, Calif., as
books, uncovering avenues story targeted my young, nicknamed accordingly. A what he meant by “keep an a retired Cal Poly dean. He has written
naive ears. Charlie Nelson, a genial, talkative man who told eye on him.” two books: “Apron Strings,” a humorous
to explore, helping to gather memoir of an Iowa upbringing, and “Lil-
puzzle pieces and pointing the tall tale regular, recalled in a me to call him “Popeye,” he In the absence of the lively lian’s Legacy,” the true story of a sup-
direction toward the next part hushed voice how he fought filled my young ears with his Popeye, Max went about his posedly unsolved murder in a small Iowa
of the picture in need of as- his way home from country homespun wisdom. “It doesn’t usual business until clos- town. Comments: cmckibbi@calpoly.edu
sembly. A book about LGBTQ
teens sitting on the shelf can
no more turn someone gay
than a book about conserva- GUEST COLUMN | CARLETTA KNOX-SEYMOUR
tive policies could turn some-

University women strong

one into a Republican.
If the ideas expressed in
“Families, Families, Fami-
lies!” — a book so bold as to
suggest that a family can be a
group of people who love one

advocates for education

another, regardless of wheth-
er their components match
what some in society require
of the term — are so powerful
that the book must be burned
lest children see their own

home life is just as normal
as the next, perhaps it is the or some of you, this will be an in- ing and mathematics (STEM) programs
paucity of reason behind the troduction to the national organiza- nationally. Though many doors have
ideas pitched by Dorr and Co. tion of the American Association of been opened, and many women have
that is the problem. University Women (AAUW). For others, walked through those doors, there are
Are liberals happy with the it will be a reminder of who we are and still many girls who are ambivalent
ideas expressed in books on what we do. about STEM-fields. There are still too
those same shelves by Sean According to its long-standing web- many girls who do not think they belong
Hannity, Rush Limbaugh and site, AAUW is the nation’s leading in those fields. And when they do pursue
Sarah Palin? Likely not. But voice promoting equity and education STEM-related careers, all too often these
those books need to be on the for women and girls. It was founded in women enter a world where males still
shelves, too, because they add 1881, and its members have been a part dominate and they are not readily ac-
to the conversation — or, let’s of the fundamental issues of the day. Its cepted. That understanding is not lost on
be honest, debate — about mission is to advance gender equity for the Cedar Rapids AAUW branch.
where our country should women and girls through research, edu- In 1996 the Cedar Rapids AAUW
head. To stifle ideas simply cation and advocacy. branch, Coe College and Grant Wood
because we don’t like them The vision is equity for all. Its values Area Education Agency got together
is not only unpatriotic, it is are nonpartisan, fact-based, integrity, in- to start a local STEM one-day confer-
cowardly. If your ideas don’t clusion and intersectionality. There are ence called Open Minds, Open Doors. It
hold up to scrutiny, you may 170,000 members and supporters, 1,000 started with 80 girls and is now serving
need a new idea, not a new op- branches and 800 college and university over 500 girls from eight different coun-
ponent. members. We are strong in number. ties annually.
The silver lining to Dorr’s We are also one of the world’s largest This conference allows middle school
actions is bountiful. Children sources of funding for graduate women. girls to have hands-on application in
in Orange City and elsewhere AAUW is providing $3.9 million in fund- experimentations in a variety of fields,
now know they can go to the ing for fellowships and grants to 250 from learning how to create their own
library to learn more about outstanding women and nonprofit orga- Liz Martin/The Gazette makeup to learning how to write com-
who they are and about the nizations in the 2018-19 academic year. Taft Middle School seventh-grader Kayla Jaschen, puter code. In essence, the girls are
world around them, particu- Fellowship and grant recipients perform (center left) listens to a dog’s heartbeat in October learning how to see themselves in a
larly if they have questions research in a wide range of disciplines 2008 during an Open Minds, Open Doors workshop different way rather than taking usual
about their own sexual iden- and work to improve their schools and at Coe College while her classmate, Carly Clauson routes in their educational pursuits.
tity. In addition, Dorr surely communities. The awards also include (center right) observes. Assisting with the demon- During our 90-year celebration ear-
will be fined and the library research publications, grants in engi- stration are Kirkwood Community College veterinary lier this year our branch honored one
neering, medicine, and science along technician students Tiffany Newbold (left) and Kayla eighth-grade girl from Wilson Middle
will replace those books, add-
with international fellowships and inter- Sivertsen, both of Cedar Rapids. The one-day con- School who had attended the conference
ing another sale for titles that ference — hosted by Coe, the American Association
address important topics. national project grants. and who also excelled in a number of
Having global connections is a strong of University Women and the Grant Wood Area Edu- academic achievements in 2017-18. We
And people from around the cation Agency — encourages middle school girls to
country have donated to the part of who AAUW is. We have a rich commended Angela Johnson for her
legacy of international work. Interna- pursue careers in STEM subjects, or science, tech- hard work and presented her with a
library, allowing it to add to nology, engineering and math.
its collection and the store of tional outreach became a priority to check to help in whatever way she need-
information and knowledge AAUW members immediately follow- ed it. And one of our sponsors, The Ga-
on its shelves. ing World War I, when AAUW member countries for students and professors zette, provided her and her family with
I would suggest Dorr, if Virginia Gildersleeve and two British who were forced to flee their homes. tickets to attend the celebration. This is
he’s ever allowed back in, women, Caroline Spurgeon and Rose Following World War II, AAUW con- community support in action.
should spend some time Sidgwick, established the International tinued its commitment to cooperation From the national level to the local
perusing those shelves. Rath- Federation of University Women to pro- through participation at the Bretton level, AAUW is part of the fabric of our
er than looking for something mote peace and understanding among Woods Conference and the United Na- country and communities.
© 2018 The Gazette

to burn, he should see it as a women in different countries. tions. AAUW continues its global com- We embrace our roles as advocates,
chance to learn. During the occupations of World War mitment today by advocating for women engage in a number of activities and con-
II, AAUW assisted European women and girls everywhere. tinue to encourage a sense of sisterhood
scholars whose lives were at risk. One of the major areas that AAUW to women and girls everywhere.
l John Kenyon is the executive director
of the Iowa City UNESCO City
AAUW members helped find academic has opened doors for women and girls is l Carletta Knox-Seymour is the Cedar Rapids area
of Literature. positions in the United States and other through science, technology, engineer- branch president for AAUW.
4D The Gazette ● Sunday, November 11, 2018


Iowa in WWI: First in war and first

in the hearts of their countrymen
ov. 3 and Dec. 7 are Hay was laid to rest with announced as the first U.S. na- His gallantry in the line of found on the home front in the
two dates that forever honors at Bathelemont Cem- val fatality of the war. duty was commemorated in a Hawkeye State.
remain ensconced in etery close to the Luxembourg Kalk had been Officer United States Naval Art Pro- As we observe another
American military history. border, and later was brought on the Deck on board the gram painting by F. Luis auspicious date in military
It was on April 6, 1917, that home for formal burial at destroyer USS Jacob Jones Mora titled “Loss,” and a de- history, that of Armistice Day
Congress declared war against Westlawn Cemetery in (DD-61) when the German stroyer, the DD-611, later was (Veterans Day as it is now
the expansionist German Em- Glidden. submarine U-53 plunged a named in his honor, gaining known) on the 100th anniver-
pire of Kaiser Wilhelm. Five A gray granite monument torpedo through the forward eight battle stars for service in sary of the end of that confla-
million Americans were mo- carved in relief with an image starboard hull, sinking in 20 World War II. gration, let us remember the
bilized for service in what was of a brave young private pay- minutes the largest destroyer Today, the medal and har- first fatalities of the U.S.
called by President Woodrow ing the price of freedom was serving in the Navy. Kalk im- rowing portrait of courage is Army and Navy in that war
Wilson, “the war to end all erected near the entrance to mediately ordered the release available for viewing at the and the nearly 117,000 that
wars.” the hallowed burial ground of safety rafts and jumped into Conger House Museum in would follow.
The conflict, and its devas- to remember its hometown the waters of the cold Atlan- Washington along with vin- The “war to end all wars”
tating toll, was soon brought hero. tic to assist others into them. tage photographs of Lt. Kalk did not end the futility of this
home to Iowa when, on Nov. In 1921, a bronze plaque was Repeatedly, he swam with and the distinguished heritage form of resolving conflict, but
3, just four months after U.S. placed upon a massive boulder sailors clinging to his back or he maintained in the legacy of it did demonstrate the contin-
troops arrived in Europe, on Merle Hay Road near the grasping his hands until they the city’s most respected mili- ued willingness to sacrifice in
21-year-old Merle David Hay shopping mall in Des Moines were securely pulled aboard tary family. upholding the principles for
of Glidden was struck in the that today bears his name. the remaining dinghies. The Of the half-million who which it is declared.
head by a bullet near a defen- Just five weeks after the frigid winter waves, however, signed up or were pressed into War is always a last resort.
sive trench at Artois, France. death of Hay, black ribbons proved too much for him and service for duty, 4,000 Iowans Let us strive to avoid the ne-
Although a fellow soldier died were hung in the windows of he died of hypothermia and ultimately lost their lives cessity of any such new firsts
beside him in the German Washington, Iowa, when, on exhaustion. in World War I. Both on the in the future.
assault that day, Hay was ac- Dec. 7, Lt. Stanton Kalk, whose For his valor and self-sacri- ground and in the water, they
knowledged as the first Ameri- grandfather was Gen. Thadde- fice, Kalk was posthumously served with intrepid bravery l David V. Wendell is a Marion historian,
can Expeditionary Forces us Stanton of the community’s awarded the Distinguished and brought to the forefront author and special events coordina-
fatality in World War I. pioneer Conger family, was Service medal. the honor and patriotism tor specializing in American history.

Waddington/Latest horror should renew concern Flaherty/

100 years
an immediate danger to self ings. Most people with mental completed with firearms. That

after WWI,
or others before involuntary illness never become vio- same year less than 50 percent
2013, and a divorce that be- commitment can take place. lent. Only about 4 percent of of all other suicides involved
gan during his Afghanistan “Obviously, he had some- violence nationally can be at- firearms.

U.S. still
deployment was finalized just thing going on in his head that tributed to psychiatric illness, Suicide rates for veterans
months later. would cause him to do some- but we do know access to and between the ages of 18 and
A statement from the U.S. thing like this,” Dean said. comfort with firearms is a fac- 34 increased substantially

is at war
Marine Corps released follow- “Something like this” was tor in America’s bloated ho- between 2015 and 2016, rising
ing the tragedy reads in part, draping himself in black, arm- micide and suicide rates. And from 40.4 deaths per 100,000
“The Marine Corps extends ing himself with this combination of untreated population in 2015 to 45 per
its deepest condolences to the smoke grenades illness and weapon access is 100,000 in 2016.
families of the victims in this and a .45-caliber proving deadly for veterans, That same year, 2016, Iowa ;; FROM PAGE 1D
senseless tragedy.” Glock 21 handgun especially younger ones. saw 64 veterans take their
An incident at the home with an illegal ex- The U.S. Department of own lives, placing the state’s to conflict resolution.
where Long lived with his tended magazine, Veterans Affairs released its rate at 30.2, just above the Now, in 2018, 100 years
mother about a year ago and shooting re- most comprehensive study of national veteran suicide rate after the end of World War I,
prompted local law enforce- peatedly and ap- veteran suicide. After adjust- of 30.1. In contrast, the overall the United States is engaged
ment to bring in a mental Ian David parently random- ing for differences in age and suicide rate in Iowa is 18, and in the longest war in its his-
health professional. Ventura Long ly into a crowd of sex, researchers found risk for the national average is 17.5. tory, Afghanistan, which
County Sheriff Geoff Dean told Former Marine people gathered suicide was 22 percent higher Bringing our young service- began in 2001.
reporters Thursday that Long at the Borderline overall among veterans than men and women home safely The current administra-
was assessed, but couldn’t Bar and Grill for a college nonveterans. is important. But it isn’t the tion has unilaterally with-
be involuntarily committed country music night. Twelve “These findings are deeply end of our obligation to them, drawn from the 2015 Iran
for psychiatric observation are dead, including first re- concerning,” said then-Secre- or to each other. nuclear agreement, which
despite belief that he may be sponder Sgt. Ron Helus, and tary David Shulkin. This Veterans Day we need was negotiated with Iran
suffering from post-traumatic dozens more were injured. At “This is a national public to recommit our efforts to and five other countries,
stress disorder because of his some point, it is believed Long health issue that requires keeping them — all of them and which has been adhered
military service. California turned his weapon on himself. a concerted, national — housed, employed and to by those countries. The
law, like most laws across the He was 28. approach.” healthy. U.S. has imposed sanctions
nation, requires health profes- It is important to note there In 2016, the most recent on Iran, which will bring
sionals to determine a person is no direct link between data available, nearly 70 per- l Comments: @LyndaIowa, (319) 368- more affliction to Iranian
has a mental illness and poses mental illness and mass shoot- cent of veteran suicides were 8513, lynda.waddington@thegazette.com civilians than to their gov-
ernment. The U.S. has with-
drawn from a decades-old
nuclear arms treaty, open-
ing the door to a resumption

Dorman/Prediction through rose-colored glasses

of the nuclear arms race.
The U.S. continues to be
complicit in the Saudi coali-
tion’s barbaric assault on
;; FROM PAGE 1D “Those who have fought side by side HEAD.”
“The first feeling is one of
The 2019 U.S. military
“But through the confusion
against the Germans have made the joy. Naturally, and let joy be budget is $82 billion higher
unconfined …” The Gazette’s
and uncertainty our duty ap- world safe against any future threat from editorial argued. “What is
than just two years ago, and
will constitute more than
pears clear. We must rebuild your next feeling?
the house in which we live Germany or any other nation.” “Let it not be one of reck-
55 percent of discretionary
more wisely and permanently spending.
Cedar Rapids Evening Gazette, Nov. 12, 1918 lessness. Don’t celebrate the We Americans must press
… We must scrub the blood coming of peace by deciding
off our doorstep and sweep our government to end reck-
that all habits of thrift are less rhetoric and military
the garbage of hate from the now unnecessary and spend-
corners of our rooms. Where interventions that threaten
tains of propaganda — press home remodeling project. ing your ‘wad’ on some new rather than enhance our
battlesmoke has blackened … releases, newsreels, posters, Elsewhere on the page, we frippery or fad,” we warned.
we must repaint in colors of security.
etc. — telling the story of the had more practical concerns. Always good advice. We If we want peace, we have
beauty. And we must dedicate war from the government’s We insisted efforts should con- continue to be anti-frippery to
the house to the bloodily dem- to work for peace, and this
perspective. Many of the tinue to provide wholesome this day. historic Armistice Day is
onstrated principle that right iconic recruiting posters of diversions for our boys over
is might and shall prevail, in Throughout the following the ideal time to recommit.
the era, including Uncle Sam’s there. Otherwise, who knows Veterans For Peace Chap-
peace and war,” The Gazette week, The Gazette penned
famous “I want you” directive, what might happen. ter 161 is sponsoring an
wrote. more war editorials, argu-
were the product of the CPI. “Far from the influences Armistice Day Observance
Then we turned to the home ing against returning Ger-
The CPI also handed down of home ties and family, with in Iowa City at 10:45 a.m.
front. man language instruction to
a series of voluntary guide- barriers removed, the temp- today, at the Clinton Street
“Clearly, our first problem schools and for Germany to
lines for American newspa- tations of the flesh will be entrance to the Old Capitol.
is to redemocratize America,” be harshly punished for its
pers to help guide war cover- more available to them ... The Attendees are urged to
The Gazette opined. “No peace aggression. On Nov. 12, we
age. Needless to say, as war YMCA must maintain its huts arrive ahead of time, as
time president should hold the looked into the future, with
raged and patriotic fervor and centers of recreation. The Assembly will be played
autocratic power wisely and rose-colored spectacles.
rose, pressure on reporters Knights of Columbus cannot promptly at 10:45 a.m.
justifiably granted President and editors to stick to those relax its efforts in behalf of the “The last cloud of war has
Wilson as a vital necessity in been removed by the death Bells will once again
“voluntary” guidelines was soldier. The Salvation Army ring at 11 a.m. The obser-
prosecution of war business.” enormous. still will have its functions blow struck at kaiserism and
The editorial goes on to autocracy. The world has vance will feature Veterans
It seems with the war end- to perform …” The Gazette For Peace members from
talk about the drafting of ing, The Gazette’s editors wrote. been made over in four years.
15 million men into military Those who have fought side around the state. It is free
were eager to regain their pre- Of course, there were and open to the public. An
service, limits on the purchase war freedom. shots at the kaiser in an by side against the Germans
of sugar and other commodi- have made the world safe open mic discussion on how
And back to the metaphor, editorial headlined by his to build peace will follow
ties, and limits on the press. already in progress. full name, “MR. WILLIAM against any future threat from
“It was a test of democracy Germany or any other nation the event and lunch at Old
“Let us rebuild our Ameri- HOHENZOLLERN.” Brick.
to draw death zones around a can house with the determina- “How the mighty have which may seek to take up the
free press and free speech …” sword to right some fancied This event is more than
tion that its foundation shall fallen!” we crowed. just a historical remem-
The Gazette wrote. be equality. Let us try every “It would be fitting that he grievance,” we wrote.
“Death zones” is puzzling, brance. It is about today,
new sill and joist with the be caged and shown to the Points for optimism, if not about our pressing need to
but soon after the United plumb line of exact justice. Let world as the last surviving prescience. If only it truly had quash the continuing rush
© 2018 The Gazette

States entered the war, Presi- us plane, sandpaper and paint monarch of savagery; the been “the war to end all wars”
dent Woodrow Wilson signed to war, and instead to take
as co-partners in patriotism last barbarian,” The Gazette that ceased when the guns fell up the sweet burden of
an executive order creating …” argued. silent 100 years ago today.
the Committee on Public In- building a lasting peace.
What about the hardwood Here at home, we urged
formation. The CPI was best floors of harmony? Maybe the prudence in an editorial head- l Comments: (319) 398-8262; l Ed Flaherty of Iowa City is a member
known for releasing moun- author was in the middle of a lined “DON’T LOSE YOUR todd.dorman@thegazette.com of Veterans for Peace Chapter 161.
Sunday, November 11, 2018 ● The Gazette 5D


You can’t always Will the

get what you want seize House
ou can’t always get what you
Nazis. And that the GOP trotted out
one voter suppression scheme after
Most of all, they wanted to retake
the House of Representatives. They
So said the philosopher another, each more odious than the got that, too. e are about to find out whether
Mick Jagger. He said it in 1969, so last. All of this means that, for the Democrats meant it when they
obviously, he didn’t intend it as a Then, consider that Republican first time in his misbegotten lamented the loss of civility
comment on the 2018 midterms. But voters were OK with all of it. As presidency — likely the first time in Washington. Having won the major-
progressives might be forgiven for a synagogue in Pittsburgh was in his misbegotten life — Donald ity in the House of Representatives in
thinking otherwise. mourning victims of an anti-Semitic Trump now faces accountability. No Tuesday’s election, will they cooperate
After all, they wanted Andrew massacre, as a town near Louisville more lying and lawbreaking while with Republicans and “reach across the
Gillum to become Florida’s first was laying to rest victims of a racist a bunch of invertebrates calling aisle,” or will they pander to their base,
African-American governor. They shooting, GOP voters gave thumbs- themselves a Congress look the which wants President Donald Trump’s
didn’t get it. up to bare-knuckle bigotry and na- other way. “Process server” is about blood?
They wanted Stacey Abrams of ked intolerance straight out of the to become a growth industry in Guess which scenario I’m betting on?
Georgia to become the nation’s first 1940s. Of all the things progressives Washington. Rep. Maxine Waters, D-Calif., who
female African-American governor. wanted but did not get Tuesday, a So any progressives dispirited by probably will head the Financial Servic-
They didn’t get it, pending a possible clear rejection of that hatred might Jagger’s wisdom might do well to re- es Committee, has promised to seek
runoff. be the most troubling. call the rest of this lyric: “You can’t revenge on the banks, which she notes
They wanted the inspiring Beto But in mourning overmuch the always get what you want,” he sang, were lending money to people a decade
O’Rourke to unseat the depressing things they did not get, progressives “but if you try sometimes, you just or two ago to buy houses, regardless of
Ted Cruz as senator from Texas. would risk failing to appreciate all might find you get what you need.” whether they could afford them. When
They didn’t get it. the things they did. And that would While progressives didn’t get all the banks foreclosed, she says, some of
be a mistake. they wanted, they got enough to those people became homeless.
Most of all, progressives wanted help ensure so-called conservatives
a clear rebuke of the moral abomi- They wanted Alexandria Ocasio- Waters seems to have forgotten that
Cortez to become the youngest and their so-called president can- the subprime mortgage crisis began dur-
nation that is President Donald not just walk all over us on the way
Trump. They didn’t get that, either. woman ever elected to Congress. ing the Clinton administration. As In-
They got it. to doing whatever god-awful thing vestor Business Daily noted in an April
Instead, the midterms went a long they want to do.
way toward proving that Trump’s They wanted to restore voting 15, 2015 editorial, “The evidence is over-
rise to power and the intolerance rights to more than 1 million former Yes, a better country would’ve whelming that Clinton was the architect
that fueled it were no aberration. felons in Florida. They got it. reduced Trumpism to rubble. Unfor- of the financial disaster that wiped out
They wanted to win gubernatorial tunately, here in this country, you trillions of dollars in household wealth.
Consider that before the and I must still deal with the forces Under his National Homeownership
election, Trump declared himself races. They got it.
of ignorance and intolerance Trump Strategy, Clinton took more than 100
a “nationalist” and issued an anti- They wanted to pass an initiative has unleashed. But here’s the thing: executive actions to pry bank lending
immigrant commercial so racist making it easier to vote in Michigan. windows wide open.
it was even pulled by Fox “News.” They got it. Now they have to deal with us,
And that Rep. Steve King of Iowa They wanted to make the politi- too. “Through executive order, he mar-
criticized diversity during an cal landscape more colorful, more shaled 10 federal agencies under a little-
interview with an Austrian political female, more Muslim, more LGBTQ.
l Leonard Pitts is a syndicated colum- known task force to enforce new ‘flex-
nist distributed by Tribune News Service. ible’ mortgage underwriting guidelines
party with actual ties to actual They got it. Comments: lpitts@miamiherald.com.
to boost low-income and minority home-
Waters also has repeatedly stated she
JOHN KASS | SYNDICATED COLUMNIST wants the president impeached. She is
not alone.

Sunshine needed on Trump,

Rep. Jerrold Nadler, D-N.Y., who prob-
ably will become chairman of the House
Judiciary Committee, boasted during the
campaign of his qualifications to lead im-

Russia and the Clinton dossier

peachment hearings. Nadler has hinted,
and a few of his colleagues have done
more than hint, that newly installed As-
sociate Justice Brett Kavanaugh should
be subject to more investigations over al-
leged charges that he sexually assaulted

fter the midterm elections, politically partisan dossier that fore the 2020 presidential election. women three decades ago. That is un-
Americans still were trying started the Russian investigation. Yes, it will be a political circus. likely to happen given that one Kavana-
to see past the political spin Trump installed as acting At- All that gentle talk about bipartisan- ugh accuser admitted to lying about an
to the serious implications of it all. torney General Matthew Whitaker, ship will end. Trump and Republi- alleged rape to “grab attention.” There
Did the Democrats win a short- the Department of Justice chief of cans will scream at the Democrats. is no corroborating evidence from any of
term victory by taking the House staff, who has been publicly critical You see it happening. That’s politics. his other accusers, and soon-to-be Speak-
and, with it, subpoena power of the Mueller probe into allegations This is also politics: The congres- er of the House Nancy Pelosi has said she
allowing them to investigate and of collusion between the president’s sional investigations into possible would not push to impeach Kavanaugh.
harass the White House on Russia, 2016 presidential campaign and abuses by the Obama Justice De-
or even impeach President Donald Democrats have at least two problems.
Russia. partment, and the so-called fake The first is they have no ideas that will
Trump? What is significant here? Russian dossier that started it all, do a better job on the economy and jobs
Or did Republicans win a far Whitaker, in a CNN interview in will be finished. than the Trump administration. “Ex-
more significant long-term victory July 2017, discussed a scenario in The Democrats will kill it all off perts” said it was a pipe dream to think
by expanding power in the Sen- which Trump could toss Sessions in committee, and then we’ll have economic growth could exceed 3 percent,
ate, thanks to Democrats trying to out. In his place, Whittaker said the to wait for some report on that oily as candidate Trump promised during the
destroy the reputation and life of president could appoint an acting scandal from the Justice Depart- 2016 campaign. It has.
Supreme Court Justice Brett Kava- attorney general who could strangle ment. But federal lawyers take an President Barack Obama said some
naugh? the Mueller investigation by squeez- awful long time. manufacturing jobs were lost forever.
The Democratic strategy on Ka- ing its budget. We deserve to know about Trump Trump promised to bring them back, and
vanaugh backfired. Several Senate Mueller’s operating budget for in- and Russia. And we deserve to know the Bureau of Labor Statistics reported
Democrats in states that Trump won vestigators, lawyers and other staff how that investigation started, and last February that, during the past year,
voted against confirming Kavana- could be sliced “so low that his in- the political motivations. American manufacturing had added
ugh. They lost their elections the vestigation grinds almost to a halt.” 224,000 jobs.
other day. And we deserve to know, finally,
Whitaker also has criticized unequivocally, what happened in According to an advance estimate by
And now a larger Republican Mueller for all but “crossing a red those final days of President Barack the Bureau of Economic Analysis, Real
Senate majority has made it easier line” in investigating Trump’s Obama’s allegedly oh-so-pristine gross domestic product increased 3.5 per-
for the GOP to add even more con- family and finances. and scandal-free administration. cent in the third quarter of 2018, down
servative justices to federal district slightly from the 4.2 percent increase in
courts and the Supreme Court, and But during the presidential cam- That’s the Obama administration the second quarter.
the influence of those judges will be paign, Trump’s son, Donald Jr., did that ran the White House with Chi- Democrats’ second problem is that
felt long after Trump or whoever fol- meet with a Russian contact who cago City Hall style. But instead of they will see the election as a mandate
lows him is gone. reportedly offered intelligence on using cops and local prosecutors to and will be tempted to overreach, as
Hillary Clinton. investigate political opponents, they Republicans did after winning a House
That’s the discussion America used the FBI.
should be having. But instead, the And if Whitaker makes any majority in 1994. Democrats, however,
moves against Mueller’s investiga- Or have you forgotten the phone should be cautious. Many of the seats
president changed the national sub- texts from those pro-Obama FBI
ject and served up his usual platter tion, he should be hauled immedi- they won in Republican-leaning districts
ately before a Senate committee and bosses with anti-Trump political will be vulnerable in 2020. The question
of steaming Trumpian hash. agendas? They loved Hillary and
asked tough questions publicly. is whether Democrats will be able to re-
He fought with reporters at a they could smell Trump voters at
White House news conference Trump might like it if Mueller’s sist the hard-core left in their party that
budget is squeezed, if his work is de- the Wal-Mart, remember? wants to pay back Trump for beating
on Wednesday and continued And shutting that inquiry down
his quest to make CNN White layed, but America wouldn’t like it. Hillary Clinton.
I wouldn’t like it. We need sunshine would be just as specious as what Don’t expect much civility in Wash-
House correspondent Jim Acosta Trump has done, calling Mueller’s
the preening Sir Galahad of his on this. ington, and don’t look for major me-
Predictably, House Democrats investigation a “witch hunt” and dia — which is as much an arm of the
network. But before the news installing as acting attorney general
conference, Trump quietly had began howling, theatrically, with Democratic Party as Fox News is for the
their thumbs. Rep. Jerrold Nadler someone who has talked publicly of Republican Party — to find fault with
forced out Attorney General Jeff throttling Mueller’s investigative
Sessions. of New York, a Democrat who pub- any demonstration of incivility by any
licly loathes Trump and has openly budget for partisan purposes. Democrat.
Once that story broke, cable news discussed impeachment, is expected Democrats and Republicans send Instead of seizing the moment, Demo-
was able to feast breathlessly on to become chairman of the House their dogs to cable TV news where crats are likely to be seized by the mo-
its favorite menu: salted palace in- Judiciary Committee. He signaled they bark and bark at each other, ment. And what about Trump? Will he
trigue sweetened with doom. how things will go in the Democratic until Americans become exhausted tone down his rhetoric, as he suggested
Sessions’ departure wasn’t really House to come. by it all. in a recent interview that he has already
a surprise. Trump has wanted him “Why is the President making But it’s our government, not done? Will that make a difference in fu-
gone forever. He’d ridiculed Ses- this change and who has authority theirs. And the Constitution? That’s ture Republican prospects?
sions endlessly for not protecting over Special Counsel Mueller’s in- our document, not theirs. That’s Between now and the next election
him from special counsel Robert vestigation?” Nadler said in a tweet. our Senate, our House, not theirs. gridlock, not comity between the parties,
Mueller and the investigation of “We will be holding people account- They say it’s ours, but they say is the likely scenario.
Russian meddling in the 2016 such things only in election night
© 2018 The Gazette

able.” Welcome again to a divided govern-

presidential election. Of course he will. That’s politics. speeches. ment representing a divided nation.
And he repeatedly and publicly And other Democrats will join in, It’s past time they prove it. We
referred to Sessions as a weakling and there will be one committee need sunshine on all of this now.
l Cal Thomas is a syndicated columnist
for not aggressively going after investigation after another with an l John Kass is a columnist for the Chicago distributed by Tribune News Service.
Democrat Hillary Clinton and the eye toward weakening Trump be- Tribune. Comments jskass@chicagotribune.com Comments: tcaeditors@tribpub.com

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