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NAME: ________________________________ DATE: __________________

TC#: ____ PD: ____

WHH: Renaissance and Reformation Extended Map Activity

When you complete your map show your work to Mr. McCoy

List your three regions/topics below:




Goal: Analyze the strengths, weaknesses, and usefulness of a single web resource relating to your chosen

1) What type of information is available on the site?

2) How is the information presented by the site?
3) Who published the website? Why is the publisher important?
4) How was this site useful to you as a student?

Resources: You will be provided resources from the media center, from textbooks, and are allowed to use
appropriate internet websites.

1) A research worksheet must be complete for each topic.

2) Wikipedia is NOT a valid resource, but can be used to find resources.

Product: You will create a single website review for a SINGLE webpage. Follow the rubric below to complete
your slides...

1. Your review is no more then 2 pages. _____/10

- Double spaced, Times New Roman, 12 point font, standard margins

2. You answered the above questions in your review. _____/10

3. Your map is entirely complete. _____/10

4. You used MLA parenthetical citations (at least 2). _____/10

5. You have completed your research worksheet for each city. _____/10

TOTAL: _____/50

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