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Chapter 4: presentation, Analysis, and Interpretation of Data

The data gathered were organized, computed, analyzed and interpreted in this

chapter to arrive at the answers sought for the problems in this study.

The areas of investigation considered in this study are 1.) the profile of

respondents 2.) Descriptive analysis of Internet use and Academic performance

3.) Significance difference of Internet use, profile 4.) Significance difference of

Academic performance profile 5.) Correlation of Internet use and Academic

performance 6.) Regression Analysis of Internet use and Academic


A.) Descriptive Analysis

1.) Profile of Respondents

Table 1: Gender

Gender Frequency Relative

Male 28 53.85
Female 24 46.15
TOTAL 52 100.00

The table shows the profile of respondents in term of gender. There are 28 Male respondents and a
relative frequency of 53.85 and there are 24 counts of female and a a relative frequency of 46.15. There
are 52 total numbers of respondents in University of the East Caloocan.
2.)Descriptive Analysis of Internet Use

Table 2: Internet Use


Mean 35.65

Standard Error 4.40

Median 26

Mode 12

Standard Deviation 31.70

Sample Variance 1004.62

Kurtosis 1.81

Skewness 1.41

Range 137

Minimum 3

Maximum 140

Sum 1854

Count 52

The table 2 shows the result of a descriptive analysis of Internet use. The mean rating of internet
use of the respondents of University of the East Caloocan was 35.65 and a standard deviation of 31.70. It
measures the level of hours surfing the internet of the respondents. The median of the internet use was
26 with a kurtosis of 1.81 it’s a normal distribution. The minimum value of internet use was 3 with a
maximum value of 140 with the range of 137 and a total count of 52 respondents.
3.)Descriptive Analysis of

Table 3: General Weighted Average


Mean 2.14

Standard Error 0.07

Median 2

Mode 2

Standard Deviation 0.54

Sample Variance 0.29

Kurtosis 2.05

Skewness 1.253906

Range 2.66

Minimum 1.34

Maximum 4

Sum 111.53

Count 52

The table 3 shows the result of descriptive analysis in General weighted Average of the respondents of
University of the East Caloocan. The mean rating of their general weighted average was 2.14 and a
standard deviation of 0.54. It measures the level of their academic performance. The median of general
weighted average was 2, with a kurtosis of 2.05 it’s a normal distribution. The minimum value is 1.34
and a maximum of 4, with the range of 2.66 and a total count of 52.
3. Correlation of Internet use and Academic performance


Hours GWA
Hours 1
GWA 0.05 1

Table 12 gives the coefficients of the one-to-one correlation analysis

between the dependent and independent variables. The correlation coefficient

between the Hours and the General weighted average rating was 0.05. This

tells us that the relationship between the Internet use and the academic

performance of the respondents of University of the East Caloocan it is

substantial relationship.

4.Regression Analysis of Internet use and Academic performance

Table 13

Regression Statistics
Multiple R 0.060
R Square 0.004
Adjusted R Square -0.017
Standard Error 0.546
Observations 51
The table shows the regression statistics of the extent of the influence of

computer use to the academic performance of students. The multiple R value is

0.060 which means that there is very weak relationship between the internet

use and academic performance of students.

The R- square is equal to 0.004 which explains that only about 0.40% in

the academic performance of students can be attributed to the variation of the

hours of internet use of respondents. The analysis also yields an adjusted r-

square value of -0.017 and a standard error score of 0.546

Table 14

Coefficients Error t Stat P-value
Intercept 2.112 0.115 18.398 1.20E-23
84 0.001 0.002 0.418 6.78E-01

The table presents the causal relationship model between the internet

use and academic performance of students. The linear relationship has an

intercept of 2.112 and a slope of 0.001. Therefore the regression model of the

change of the dependent variable, that is, the academic performance of

students as to the change in the independent variable, that is, the time of

internet use of respondents is: Academic performance = 0.001 Internet use

+ 2.112
The figure shows the line-of-best fit that approximates the linear equation

model of the variation in the performance of students based on the time of

students’ usage of internet.

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