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Case report/Kazuistyka

An unusual complication of nasal foreign body in

a pediatric patient: A case report

Santosh Kumar Swain 1,*, Mahesh Chandra Sahu 2

Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Institute of Medical Sciences and SUM Hospital, Siksha “O” Anusandhan
University, Odisha, India
Directorate of Medical Research, Institute of Medical Sciences and SUM Hospital, Siksha “O” Anusandhan University,
Odisha, India

article info abstract

Article history: Foreign body (FB) of nasal cavity is a common clinical incidence in Pediatric Otorhinola-
Received: 11.08.2016 ryngology. Inferior meatus is a rare location for FB lodgment inside the nasal cavity. In
Accepted: 23.08.2016 case of nasal FB, patients usually present with nasal obstruction, foul smell discharge
Available online: xxx and epistaxis. FB at the inferior meatus blocking the nasolacrimal outflow is an extre-
mely rare complication of nasal FB leading to dacryocystitis. X-ray skull will help to rule
Keywords: out the radio-opaque FB in the nasal cavity. Diagnostic nasal endoscopy will help for
 Inferior meatus accurate diagnosis of nasal FB. Early diagnosis and safe removal of FB from nasal cavity
 Foreign body help to reduce complications. We present an unusual case of nasal FB in a 10-year-old
 Chronic dacryocystitis boy presented with chronic dacryocystitis. Chronic dacryocystitis is an extremely rare
presentation due to FB of nasal cavity.
© 2016 Polish Pediatric Society. Published by Elsevier Sp. z o.o. All rights reserved.

with pressure necrosis. This leads to ulceration with granu-

Introduction lation formation. The edema surrounding the FB may cause
obstruction of nasolacrimal duct opening at the inferior
Foreign body (FB) in nasal cavity is a common incidence meatus leading dacryocystitis. But dacryocystitis is an
seen in outpatient department of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngo- extremely rare incidence seen with FB of nasal cavity. FB at
logy [1]. FB in nasal cavity may complicate with epistaxis inferior meatus of nasal cavity blocking nasolacrimal duct
and bronchoaspiration. Sometimes nasal FB shows no outflow resulting in chronic dacryocystitis is our first case at
symptoms for weeks or months. Metallic FBs as comparison our tertiary care teaching hospital. Dacryocystitis is the
to vegetable ones are inert and minimally reacting [2]. Inert inflammation of the lacrimal sac. The most common cause
FB at nasal cavity may not cause any damage to the for dacryocystitis is the blockage of the nasolacrimal duct
surrounding structures if kept for long time without distur- leading to inflammation of the sac. It can be acute, chronic
bance. They sometimes present with local inflammation or congenital. Longstanding or recurrent infection of the

* Corresponding author at: Department of Otorhinolaryngology, IMS&SUM Hospital, Kalinga Nagar, Bhubaneswar 3, Odisha, India.
Tel.: +91 9556524887.
E-mail address: (S.K. Swain).
0031-3939/© 2016 Polish Pediatric Society. Published by Elsevier Sp. z o.o. All rights reserved.

Please cite this article in press as: Swain SK, Sahu MC. An unusual complication of nasal foreign body in a pediatric patient: A case report.
Pediatr Pol. (2016),
PEPO-454; No. of Pages 3

2 pediatria polska xxx (2016) xxx–xxx

lacrimal sac is called as chronic dacryocystitis. The basic

etiology of dacryocystitis is the blockage of nasolacrimal
duct which is an integral part of the lacrimal system helping
drainage of the tear into the nasal cavity. The infection in
lacrimal sac may occur due to spread of infection from
mucosal lining of the nose and sinuses. In majority cases,
the cause of inflammation appears to be primarily of the
lacrimal system. FB in the nasal cavity causing dacryocys-
titis is an extremely rare one and hardly described in
medical literature. After confirmation of FB at the nasal
cavity, it should be removed immediately. The methods for
removal of FB depend on its position inside the nasal cavity,
type of FB and the cooperation of the patient [3]. Here we
Fig. 2 – Skull X-ray of child showing foreign body at the left
are presenting an interesting and rare case of chronic
side of nasal cavity
dacryocystitis due to long standing FB at inferior meatus of
nasal cavity obstructing the nasolcarimal duct outflow.

Case report
Nasolacrimal duct is an integral part of the lacrimal system
A 10-year-old boy presented to the outpatient department of and responsible for transport of tear from the ocular surface
Otorhinolaryngology with complaints of unilateral watering to the inferior meatus. Patent lacrimal sac and nasolacrimal
from left eye since six months. He was diagnosed as left duct are essential for the proper flow of tear to the nasal
side chronic dacryocystitis. Anterior rhinoscopy showed left cavity. Chronic dacryocystitis is the inflammation of the
inferior turbinate hypertrophy. On pressing over the lacrimal lacrimal sac. The highest risk factor for development of
sac, there was regurgitation of mucopurulent discharge from dacryocystitis is the obstruction of nasolacrimal duct. Nasal
both puncta. He was taking treatment from ophthalmologist pathologies have a crucial role in developing dacryocystitis.
since 6 months. After repeated session of syringing, he Common nasal abnormalities like deviated nasal septum,
showed little improvement. He had no complaints of epis- inferior turbinate hypertrophy and rhinitis are associated
taxis, rhinorrhea and nasal obstruction. Diagnostic nasal with same side of lacrimal sac infection. FB of nasal cavity
endoscopy revealed a gritty sensation foreign body inside as in our case is an extremely rare incidence causing
the middle third of inferior meatus (Fig. 1). X-ray of skull nasolacrimal duct outflow obstruction, leading to chronic
showed a radio-opaque foreign body in the left nasal cavity dacryocystitis. FB at nasal cavity is a common clinical entity
(Fig. 2). Patient was posted for endoscopic removal of FB in pediatric age group. Unilateral purulent nasal discharge
from inferior meatus under general anesthesia (GA). After with foul odor in a child is highly suggestive of a FB in the
removal of foreign body which was a small metallic button, nose, until proven to the contrary. The presence of FB at the
child relieved from epiphora. He was kept on regular follow- nasal cavity may not be a life threatening situation but may
up for six months. There was no evidence of recurrence. cause morbidity. FB in nasal cavity usually presents with
nasal bleeding and nasal obstruction. History of FB insertion
is an important for Otorhinolaryngologist and pediatrician
and it should not be overlooked. FB body in the nasal cavity
may be inorganic or organic often seen in children. Inorga-
nic FB of nasal cavity is usually plastic [4] such as buttons,
beads or stones, paper or small part of toys. In our case
there was small metallic button FB present at the inferior
meatus of nasal cavity. They are usually asymptomatic and
discovered incidentally whereas organic FB produces early
symptoms as they are more irritants to nasal mucosa.
Organic FB tends to swell rapidly and usually symptomatic
than nonorganic ones. In our case the FB was small metallic
button sitting at the middle third of inferior meatus without
any reaction to surrounding mucosa. The causes for FB
insertion into nasal cavity among children have been
attributed to the curiosity or playful attitude toward the FBs.
In adults, FB in nasal cavity is rarely seen, except in
psychiatric disorders. The FB can be found in any area of
the nasal cavity, although they are more predictable below
the inferior turbinate, due to inferior turbinate extension or
Fig. 1 – Endoscopic picture showing metallic foreign body at just anterior to the middle turbinate. Nasal FB is confirmed
the inferior meatus by direct examination of nasal cavity [5]. Complications of

Please cite this article in press as: Swain SK, Sahu MC. An unusual complication of nasal foreign body in a pediatric patient: A case report.
Pediatr Pol. (2016),
PEPO-454; No. of Pages 3

pediatria polska xxx (2016) xxx–xxx 3

nasal FB occur due to FB itself or due to repeated attempt

during its removal. The diagnosis is usually made on the Conflict of interest/Konflikt interesu
basis of patient’s history i.e. recurrent infections of the
lacrimal sac and intermittent or permanent epiphora. Diag- None declared.
nostic techniques include catheterization and irrigation of
the lacrimal duct. In few selected cases, Jone’s dye test and
dacryocystogram are used for confirmation of nasolacrimal Financial support/Finansowanie
obstruction [6]. Sometimes the diagnosis of nasal FBs is not
easy and conclusive due to the obscure nature of FB, so it is None declared.
not visible by simple anterior rhinoscopy. When in doubt,
the nasal FBs are seen by rigid or flexible nasal endoscopy
[7]. Chronic dacryocystitis is seen in 2–3% cases of nasolacri- Ethics/Etyka
mal duct obstruction [8]. Common causes of nasolacrimal
obstruction are idiopathic (59.2%), congenital (29.6%), iatro- The work described in this article have been carried out in
genic (4.5%) and secondary to radiotherapy (3.7%) [9]. FB in accordance with The Code of Ethics of the World Medical
the nasal cavity causing dacryocystitis is an extremely rare Association (Declaration of Helsinki) for experiments invol-
incidence. It is hardly found to be reported in literature. ving humans; EU Directive 2010/63/EU for animal experi-
During FB removal, repeated attempt results in potential ments; Uniform Requirements for manuscripts submitted to
movement of the object into a less favorable location. There Biomedical journals.
are number of factors associated with successful outcome
for FB removal. These factors are duration of FB stay in the
nasal cavity, characteristic of FB (size, shape and texture),
patient co-operation during FB removal, trauma due to
previous attempt, visibility of FB and surrounding structu-
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Authors’ contributions/Wkład autorów
Pignatari SSN, et al. Dacriocistorrinostomia endoscópica
transnasal: técnicas e resultados. Rev Bras Otorrinolaringol
SKS – study design, data collection and interpretation, 2010;76(5 Suppl.):197.
statistical analysis, acceptance of final manuscript version.
MCS – data interpretation, acceptance of final manuscript
version, literature search.

Please cite this article in press as: Swain SK, Sahu MC. An unusual complication of nasal foreign body in a pediatric patient: A case report.
Pediatr Pol. (2016),

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