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One of the strongest arguments for creating translations of the Bible in vernacular languages is the

existence of the Septuagint. The purpose of this papar is to evaluate the modern translation of the
Septuagint done in 2004 by a group of scholars from the New Europe College, an institute for
advanced studies. This is a substantial work which spead on 8 volumes. The idea is to analyze the
role of this translation in the romanian context. We have to mention explicitly that this project is
was under the patronage of any eclesiastical authority. Hence, it is interesting to know the
motivation for such a great work. For this, I am going to use, of course, the the 8 voolumes of the
translation, but also other studies like the book of Fr. Pentiuc, The Old Testament in Eastern
Orthodox Tradition. Another helpful resource is the paper of Octavian Gordon reagrding the Old
Testament translations into Romanian. For the comparison of the translation with the source text
and why not with the Hebrew text I will use Paratext. For general information about the Septuagint
a good resource might be the Anchor Bible Dictionary. It would be interesting to see what impact
had this translation in different communities from the romanian context. Also there will be observed
the methods used for this translation and will be compared with what we have learn in our program.

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