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1. 5,000 M.R is _____ lap in the oval.

a. 25 b.13 c.7 d.4
2. There are ____ water jumps in steeplechase.
a.5 b.12 c.7 d.14
3. One round in the oval is ____
a. 100 M b.500 M c.600 M d.400M
4. Triple jump is done by a ____, step, and jump.
a. hop b. walk c. run d. skip
5. There are ____ hurdles in the hurdling events.
a.10 b.12 c.14 d.16
6. Heptathlon is composed of _____ events.
a.6 b.7 c.8 d.9
7. Decathlon is composed of ____ running events.
a.8 b.4 c.6 d.3
8. 100 M, 400 M and ____ meter are all sprint events.
a.800M b.1,500 M c.200 M d.300 M
9. There are ____ obstacles including the water jump in the steeplechase
a.3 b.4 c.5 d.6
10. The official responsible for the proper carrying out of the program in an
Athletic meeting is the ____.
a. Technical Manager b. Clerk of Court
c. Field Manager d. Meet Manager
11. A game is played to ____ points?
a. 11
b. 15
c. 20
d. 21
12. Any infraction of the rules where the resulting penalty is loss of serve?
a. Fault
b. Rally
c. Side Out
13. An overhead stroke hit downward with force - usually used to score a point?
a. Clear
b. Drive
c. Drop Shot
d. Smash
14. Playing singles, your score is 4, the opponent 3, which serving court do you serve from?
a. Left
b. Right
c. Center
15. A high shot that travels to the back of your opponents court?
a. Clear
b. Drive
c. Drop Shot
d. Smash
16. The service box in a singles game is:
a. short and narrow
b. long and narrow
c. long and wide
d. short and wide
17. A legal service is done by hitting the shuttle
a. between your waist and shoulders
b. anywhere from your shoulders down
c. anywhere below your wrist
d. below the knee
18. Your score is 8, where you going to serve?
a. left service box across to the right
b. left service box straight across to the left
c. right service box straight across to the right
Individual, Dual and Combative Sports
Prof. Julio Victor B. Santarin
d. right service box across to the left.
19. Before the start of the game, the winners of the racquet spin or shuttle toss may choose:
a. to serve or to receive
b. to serve and side of court
c. to serve or side of court
d. to give the options to your opponent
20. The most common service being used in doubles games is:
a. short and low
b. long and low
c. high and long
d. short and high
Table Tennis
21. When the ball hits permanent fixtures during play it is called:
a. A ‘let’ and the point are replayed.
b. A good hit and play continues.
c. Fault by the player who strikes it
d. A dead ball
22. In a game of doubles the serve is taken from –
a. Behind the back line.
b. The service court of the serving teams choice.
c. The left service court.
d. The right service court.
23. What happens if the ball touches the net during the serve but continues to land in the
correct service area?
a. It is referred to as a ‘let’ and the serve is taken again.
b. It is a fault and service is awarded to the opponent.
c. Play continues, as it is a correct serve.
d. The point is awarded to the receiver.
24. If the player in the act of service misses the ball completely –
a. They may serve again from the same area.
b. They may serve again but from the other service court.
c. They lose the serve.
d. Their opponent receives a point but they continue to serve.
25. An overhead stroke hit downward with force - usually used to score a point?
a. Clear
b. Drive
c. Drop Shot
d. Smash
26. A game is played up to ____
a. 11 points
b. 15 points
c. 20 points
d. 21 points
27. If a player in the act of service misses the ball completely –
a. he may serve again from the same area.
b. he may serve again but from the other service end.
c. he lose a point
d. he lose a point but continue to serve
28. The length of the table is ___
a. 9 ft.
b. 7 ft.
c. 8 ft.
d. 10 ft.
29. The winner of the toss has the option:
a. to serve or to receive
b. to serve, not to serve, or side of court
c. to serve or side of court
d. to serve or to give the opponent the option

Individual, Dual and Combative Sports

Prof. Julio Victor B. Santarin
30. In serving the ball must:
a. be nearer to the table than server’s body
b. be dropped before being hit
c. be place on the palm of the server’s free hand
d. be anywhere at the end of the table of the server
31. What is the Filipino martial art of stick fighting?
a. Kali b. Kuntao c. Arnis d. Escrima
32. Who is the father of modern arnis?
a. Ernie A. Presas b. A. Soteca c. Remy A. Presas d. Roberto Presas
33. Tjakalele is a native Indonesian fencing art with technique closely similar to_____.
a. Kali b. Arnis c. Espada y Daga d. Redonda
34. This is a system of fighting with bladed weapons among maharlikas known as_______
a. Kali b. Arnis c. Espada y Daga e. Redonda
35. What school is teaching kali to the children as part of the curriculum during the reign of
the datus of Panay?
a. Bothoan b. Kuntao c. Moro-moro d. Maojapahit


1. The athletic meet official who is responsible for the preparation of the Result cards,
timekeeping cards and all other implements for competition Is the ____.
a. recorder b. meet manager c. technical manager d. referee
2. Who is the official responsible for allowing only officials on duty and competitors taking part
in the events that are in progress to be in the area?
a. the referee b. announcer c. the marshal d. manager of the meet
3. The officials on duty at the change-over zones is relay races are the ____
a. Track Judges b. umpires’ c. Marshals d. Asst. Technical Manager
4. In all National & International Meetings, starting blocks must be used for all races up to and
a.400M b.200M c.800M d.110M
5. Any breach of the rules that is observed by the ____ should be indicated immediately by
the raising of a red flag.
a. technical manager b. meet manager
c. chief judge d. referee
6. The official who is responsible to allocate duties to the judges is the
a. technical manager b. meet manager
c. chief judge d. jury of appeal
7. A distinctive flag or marker may be used to mark the best throw of each competitor in the
following events.
a. javelin only b. hammer & discus only
c. for all throwing event d. for all throwing event except shot put
8. A throw made by a competitor in the discuss event is disqualified because
a. The competitor leaves the circle before the discus has landed
b. The discus breaks after landing
c. He has put rising powder on his hands
d. The discuss lands within the landing area and rolled out.
9. If the serving player misses the shuttle he:
a. may serve again from the same area.
b. may serve again but from the other service court.
c. lose the serve.
d. may reserve again

Individual, Dual and Combative Sports

Prof. Julio Victor B. Santarin
10. During service when the shuttle touches the net but continues to land in the proper
service box it is:
a. a ‘let’ and the serve is taken again.
b. a fault and service is lost to the opponent.
c. a good serve.
d. A fault and a point is awarded to the receiver.
11. A player shouts “out” to prevent his partner to hit the shuttle is a:
a. Form of assistance from a team member.
b. Communication between partners that is not allowed.
c. Technical violation of team members.
d. Stoppage of game and warning should be given to the team.
12. One of the following is a serving violation:
a. The foot of the server is toeing the short service line
b. One foot is not in contact to the ground.
c. Feet are far apart
d. The feet are in contact to the ground.
13. In a game of doubles the first serve is taken from –
a. The long service line of the right service box
b. The doubles alley of the serving teams choice.
c. The left service box.
d. The right service box.
14. When a shuttle touches a permanent fixture it is:
a. a ‘let’.
b. a good return
c. a fault.
d. a must for the opponent to reach for it.
15. When serving, the racket head should:
a. be pointing to the floor.
b. be higher than the waist
c. be below the knees at impact.
d. be below the racket hand at impact.
16. The ball is ____ from the last moment at which it is stationary on the palm of the free hand before
being intentionally projected in service until the rally is decided as a let or a point.
a. Dead
b. Alive
c. Let
d. Serve
17. A ____ is the period during which the ball is in play.
a. rally
b. Alive
c. Let
d. Serve
18. A ____ is a rally of which the result is not scored.
a. Dead
b. Alive
c. Let
d. Serve
19. The player due to strike the ball second in a rally.
a. Server
b. Receiver
c. Server’s partner
d. Receiver’s partner

Individual, Dual and Combative Sports

Prof. Julio Victor B. Santarin
20. A ____ is a rally of which the result is scored.
a. Dead
b. Alive
c. Let
d. Point
21. Anything that a player ____ includes anything that he was wearing or carrying, other than the ball,
at the start of the rally.
a Used
b Wear
c Bear
d Bring
22. The ____ is the hand carrying the racket.
a Left hand
b Right hand
c Racket hand
d Free hand
23. The ball shall be regarded as passing ____ the net assembly if it passes anywhere other than
between the net and the net post or between the net and the playing surface.
a Over
b Under
c Around
d About
24. The ____ is the hand not carrying the racket; the free arm is the arm of the free hand.
a Left hand
b Right hand
c Racket hand
d Free hand
25. A player ____ the ball if he touches it in play with his racket, held in the hand, or with his racket
hand below the wrist.
a Strike
b Hit
c Smash
d Drive

26. A sharp pointed hardwood stick hardened by fire called

a. Muton b. Espada y c. Kali d. Dolo-dolo
27. Depict the traditional striking technique of arnis in a form of free hand exercise.
a. Sinawali b. Anyo c. Doblete d. Redonda

28. In what aspect of arnis does the learner taught the how and where to deliver a strike?
a. Blocking Technique b. Stances c. Striking d. Body shifting

29. Double stick striking criss-across fashion and strike called:

a. Sinawali b. Redonda c. Banday- d. Palis-palis

30. What is the target vital area of single sinawali?

a. Temple/Knee b. Shoulder/hip c. Forehead/leg d. Chest/abdomen

Individual, Dual and Combative Sports

Prof. Julio Victor B. Santarin



1. b
2. c 21. c
3. d 22. d
4. a 23. c
5. a 24. c
6. b 25. d
7. b 26. a
8. c 27. c
9. c 28. a
10. d 29. a
11. d 30. c
12. a 31. c
13. d 32. c
14. b 33. a
15. a 34. c
16. b 35. a
17. c 36. a
18. c 37. c
19. a 38. a
20. a 39. b
40. b


1. c 16. b
2. c 17. a
3. b 18. c
4. a 19. b
5. d 20. d
6. b 21. a
7. c 22. c
8. a 23. c
9. c 24. d
10. c 25. b
11. a 26. a
12. b 27. b
13. d 28. c
14. c 29. b
15. a 30. a

Individual, Dual and Combative Sports

Prof. Julio Victor B. Santarin

Individual, Dual and Combative Sports

Prof. Julio Victor B. Santarin

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