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25th Year of Publication

Vol: 25 No. 09
Monthly September 2019


Pakistan’s Independence India’s Independence The World Can’t

Day observed as Day marked as Black Ignore Kashmir.
Kashmir Solidarity Day Day We Are All in Danger
Pakistan’s all-out support to Kashmir cause

“We will never leave our Kashmiri brothers and sisters alone whatever the circumstances.
Kashmiri people are our people and we are the Kashmiris. We think of their pain as our pain.
Pakistan has remained with them and will continue to do so. Pakistan does not accept Indian
measures which violated Simla Agreement. Pakistan fully supports Kashmiris' right to self-
determination. Pakistan has always supported Kashmiris and will continue to stand by them.”

(President Dr Arif Alvi addressing

flag hoisting ceremony of Independence Day at
Jinnah Convention Centre, Islamabad, August 14, 2019)

“I warn Indian premier Narendra Modi that any action by India in Pakistan would be countered
with a stronger response. The Army is prepared; not just the Army but the entire nation will
fight alongside our military. Aggressive war is against Islam, but when Muslims have fought for
the sake of freedom, they have defeated the biggest armies. We will be ready, we will respond to
whatever you do - we will go till the end."

(Prime Minister, Imran Khan, addressing a special session of

Azad Jammu and Kashmir Legislative Assembly on August 14, 2019)

“I want to assure the people of Kashmir, Pakistan will never leave them alone. The hearts of
Pakistanis and Kashmiris beat together. The valiant people and armed forces of Pakistan are
ready to sacrifice anything for their Kashmiri brethren. Kashmir is our jugular vein. We will
fulfill our commitment towards Kashmir till last bullet, soldier and breath. Pakistan will go to
any extent in support of oppressed Kashmiri people.”

(Chief of Army Staff, General Qamar Javed Bajwa,

addressing a Defence Day function in Rawalpindi, September 06, 2019)
Kashmir Insight SEPTEMBER 2019

Editor: M Raza Malik From The Editor's Desk

Extremist Hindu organisation Rashtriya Swayamsevak
Sub Editor: Benazir Khan Sangh-backed Narendra Modi-led Indian government
announced repeal of the special status of occupied
Art Editor: M.Haroon Kashmir on August 05 and put the territory under strict
curfew and communication blackout. It shut all
CONTENTS communication links of occupied Kashmir including
internet, mobile and landline telephone services and TV
Editorial channels to hide the ground situation and atrocities of its
troops on innocent Kashmiris from the world. Local
World realises sensitivity of newspapers failed to update their online editions and most
Kashmir dispute finally . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 02 of them could not hit the stands weeks together.
The occupied territory was cut off from the rest of the world
Cover Story due to severe military siege, leading to a severe
Continued lockdown, humanitarian humanitarian crisis. However, a little information coming
out of the besieged territory through international media
crisis in IOK . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 03 outlets painted a very grim picture of the situation on
Reports ground. The reports published by the media organisations
like Voice of America (VoA), British Broadcasting
Pakistan’s Independence Day observed as Kashmir Corporation (BBC), The New York Times, The Washington
Post and Al Jazeera maintained that the people affiliated
Solidarity Day . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 07 with media faced immense difficulties in news gathering
India’s Independence Day marked as Black Day. . . 11 due to continued curfew and information blockade
imposed by the Indian government. The reports said that
Genocide Watch issues genocide alert for the caged residents of the occupied territory particularly
the Kashmir valley faced severe hardships due to acute
occupied Kashmir. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 shortage of essential commodities like baby food, milk and
Pictorial life-saving medicines in the face of strict lockdown. They
also said that hundreds of people including Hurriyat
Images speak louder. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 leaders, political activists and youth were put under house
Human rights situation arrest or in jails by the authorities during massive
crackdown and tortured many others to prevent
Indian atrocities on IOK people during August 2019 demonstrations against the repeal of special status of the
Raies Ahmed Mir . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
The international media also exposed the Indian
Article government’s false claims of normalcy and reported
massive protests across occupied Kashmir against Indian
The World Can’t Ignore Kashmir.
brutal actions of stripping the territory of its special status
We Are All in Danger and complete lockdown. Al Jazeera in a report even said
that India’s brutal measures including mass arrests,
Imran Khan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 communication shutdown and harassment were leading
Reports the situation to violence. It said, chants of “one solution,
gun solution” had recently resounded at protests in the
World fears Kashmir can provide South Asia’s territory.
nuclear spark . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 The concerns expressed by the international community
about the grim human rights situation in occupied Kashmir
Chronology is a testimony to the fact that New Delhi has failed to
convince the world about its brutal, illegal and
A chronological account of developments unconstitutional actions and there are no takers of its
on Kashmir (157) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 narrative on Kashmir. However, more needs to be done on
part of the world community to end the sufferings faced by
Beauty thy name is the people of occupied Kashmir at the hands of Indian
The Neelum Valley . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 forces.

Printed & Published by
The Merciful Burglar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 All Parties Hurriyat Conference AJK
House # 389-B, Street # 85, I/8-4 Islamabad.
Feedback Ph: +92-51-4861457, Fax: +92-51-4861458
Printers: Web Brothers, Printers, Publishers
Letters to the Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 Al-Rehman Plaza, 44-H, Haider Road, Rawalpindi
Ph:051-5566348, Fax: 051-5516142

The recent illegal and unilateral continued lockdown. Even

actions of Narendra Modi-led Indian people like opposition
government in New Delhi leaders, Rahul Gandhi, P
regarding occupied Kashmir Chidambaram, Shashi Tharoor,
sent shockwaves across the Priyanka Gandhi, Sitaram
globe. The Modi government session to discuss the matter. Yechuri, D Raja, Sharad Yadav
announced abrogation of This was for the first time in and Manoj Jha, journalists,
Article 370 of the Indian fifty years that the World Body Barkha Datt and Nirupama
Constitution that granted held an exclusive meeting on Subramanian, as well as Nobel
special status to occupied Kashmir. The closed door laureate, Dr Amartya Sen,
Kashmir and imposed unprece- meeting in New York on August strongly denounced the imposi-
dented curfew and communica- 16, 2019 took up Pakistan’s tion of continued curfew and
tion blackout, leading to a request for debate on India’s act restrictions and communication
humanitarian crisis, in the to change the disputed status of blockade in occupied Kashmir.
Major opposition parties also
protested against the continued
clampdown in occupied
World realises sensitivity Kashmir and demanded
immediate release of political
of Kashmir dispute finally leaders and restoration of
communication services in the
India’s move evoked strong
territory. The move is aimed Jammu and Kashmir. The resentment from the people of
besides other at changing the holding of this session rejected occupied Kashmir as they are
demographic composition of India’s claim that Kashmir is its vehemently protesting against
occupied Kashmir by settling internal matter rather it testified it, despite heavy presence of
Indian citizens in the territory. the fact that Jammu and Indian troops and paramilitary
World leaders including the UN Kashmir is an internationally- personnel. New Delhi needs to
Secretary General Antonio recognised dispute concerning realise the fact that by resorting
Guterres, the US President the right to self-determination to the worst kind of state
D o n a l d Tr u m p , F r e n c h of millions of Kashmiris. terrorism, it has failed to
President Amanuel Macron and On the other hand, massive suppress the Kashmiris’
global forums and organisa- demonstrations held by people struggle for securing freedom
tions like European Union, of all faiths including Muslims, from its occupation in the past
O rg a n i s a t i o n o f I s l a m i c Sikhs and Christians across the almost seventy two years and
Cooperation and Amnesty world in solidarity with the would never succeed in its
International expressed serious oppressed people of occupied nefarious designs in the future
concern over the grave human Kashmir also depicted the
as well.
rights situation in occupied resentment against India’s
The world community, particu-
Kashmir and escalation of illegal and inhuman actions in
tension between Pakistan and larly the UN, also must take
the territory.
India following New Delhi’s cognisance of India’s brutal
The United Nations
inhuman actions in Kashmir. actions in occupied Kashmir. It
Commissioner for Human
They asked the two countries to must come out of its routine of
Rights, Michelle Bachelet, in
maintain maximum restraint her address and over 50 coun- issuing mere statements and
and resolve the Kashmir dispute tries in joint statement at the concerns about the grim
through talks. 42nd session of UN Human situation in occupied Kashmir
The grave situation of occupied Rights Council in Geneva and take practical steps for the
Kashmir forced the United raised concern about the settlement of the Kashmir
Nations Security Council to sufferings of the people of dispute for the regional as well
convene a special consultative occupied Kashmir due to as global peace.



India virtually turned occupied against humanity. largest democracy of the world.
Kashmir, an internationally- The occupied Kashmir The Kashmir valley and Doda,
recognised disputed territory, completed on September 05 a Kishtwar, Poonch, Ramban and
into its colony on 5th August full month under the siege of Rajouri areas of Jammu region
2019 when Narendra Modi-led brutal Indian forces where had no contact with the rest of
communal government in New unrelenting curfew and the world due to curfew,
Delhi announced repeal of the communications blackout suspension of internet, mobile
special status of the territory. brought the normal life to a and landline phones and closure
Indian troops have been grinding halt with markets of TV channels. Local newspa-
perpetrating grave human rights continued to remain shut and pers could not update their
violations with impunity in the public transport off the roads. online editions while most of
occupied territory for the past Several reports from interna- them could not hit the stands.
over seven decades but have tional media outlets kept on The Indian authorities turned
miserably failed to force the pouring in about Indian atroci- the Kashmir valley into a big
Kashmiris to accept India’s ties against the defenseless jail and a hell for its inhabitants.
illegal occupation over their Kashmiris. Since there was no The people faced immense
homeland. Indian troops’ access of media to occupied hardships due to acute shortage
brutalities such as mass killings, Kashmir, the actual scale of of essential commodities
fake encounters, abductions, atrocities could be much higher including food, milk and life-
forced disappearances, moles- given India’s track record of saving medicines as a result of
tation of women and use of torture, killings in fake encoun- continued blockade. While the
prohibited weapons such as ters, forced disappearances, and residents were confined to their
pellet guns and cluster muni- other inhuman treatment to the homes, the patients with critical
tions against the defenseless people of occupied Kashmir. ailments were not allowed to
Kashmiris have caused unimag- All these human rights viola- move to hospitals. People were
inable sufferings to the tions took place in the 21st prevented from performing
Kashmiri nation and these century and amidst protectors their religious obligations like
atrocities constitute crimes of human rights by a so-called offering congregational prayers


Cover Story

on the occasion of Eid-ul-Azha

(on August 12) and on Fridays
and taking out Muharram
processions. The historic Jamia
Masjid of Srinagar and many
other main mosques of the
territory were kept locked on
every Friday after August 05.
People were not allowed even
to attend the funeral prayers of
their dear ones who passed
away. Markets and schools
remained closed in the valley.
After scraping the Article 370
of the Indian Constitution that
granted special status to
occupied Kashmir on August Abdur Rasheed and Shah French news agency, AFP, in
05, the Modi government Faesal. Dozens of detainees Srinagar on August 18
launched a massive crackdown including Kashmir High Court confirmed that at least 4,000
in the territory. Almost all Bar Association President, people were arrested under the
Hurriyat leaders including Syed Mian Abdul Qayoom, and black law, Public Safety Act
Ali Gilani, Mirwaiz Umar trader leaders, Mubeen Shah (PSA), over the past two weeks.
Farooq and Muhammad Ashraf and Shakeel Qalandar, were Principal Secretary of occupied
Sehrai were placed under house shifted to various Indian jails K a s h m i r, R o h i t K a n s a l ,
arrest or in jails. Over 11,000 like Agra, Lucknow and confirmed to media on August
Kashmiris including resistance Bareilly. A good number of 30 that more than 4,500 people
leaders, political activists and young boys, as old as 12 years had been arrested under the
youth were arrested by the of age were picked up by the PSA since August 05. Those
Indian troops and police to stop occupational forces during detained under the PSA include
demonstrations against the night raids and shifted to Hurriyat leaders, political
workers, traders, lawyers,
social activists and youth. The
law allows the authorities to
keep anyone under detention
for up to two years without trial.
Despite curfew and restrictions,
Kashmiri youth kept on taking
to the streets in Srinagar,
Budgam, Ganderbal, Pulwama,
Shopian, Islamabad, Kulgam,
Baramulla, Kupwara,
Bandipora, Poonch and Rajouri
districts and staged forceful
anti-India protests. More than
600 incidents of protests took
place in the month, with
abrogation of special status of unknown locations. The family Srinagar topping the list with
the territory. Those arrested also members of the abducted youth over 160 such incidents. On
included even pro-India remained unaware of the fate August 17, the Kashmir valley
politicians like Farooq and whereabouts of their dear recorded 24 protests, the
Abdullah, Omar Abdullah, ones. highest number in a single day.
Mehbooba Mufti, Engineer A magistrate speaking to the Hundreds of protesters were


Cover Story

injured due to the firing of residential houses were said that there was no other
bullets, pellets and teargas damaged by the troops during alternative for the people of
shells by Indian troops and the period, the report added. occupied Kashmir but to fight.
paramilitary personnel on the
protesters. A senior government
official told media on August 28
that as many as 36 persons had
received pellet injuries in the
Kashmir valley since August 05
which were reported only in
Srinagar hospitals. The data
from other hospitals of the
valley was not available.
Amid the worst curfew, restric-
tions and media censorship, the
Indian troops launched ethnic
cleansing of the Kashmiri
Muslims. A report released by
the Research Section of
Kashmir Media Service on
September 01 revealed that Meanwhile, the Chairman of He said, if India brings its entire
Indian troops in their unabated All Parties Hurriyat armed forces into occupied
acts of state terrorism martyred Conference, Syed Ali Gilani, in Kashmir, even then the people
16 Kashmiris including a young his first official statement of Kashmir will not abandon
boy and a woman during the issued on August 23 after the struggle for their rights and
month of August. The report scrapping of special status of liberation.
said that the killings rendered occupied Kashmir by India The APHC Chairman said, in
spite of India’s all out efforts,
Kashmir dispute was being
highlighted throughout the
world like never before and
cited the United Nations
Security Council meeting on
Kashmir and the international
media coverage to support his
argument. He said, this was a
great victory for the Kashmiris
that now no narrative apart from
their ideals of the struggle for
right to self-determination and
justice remain relevant in the
Kashmiri political discourse.
He pointed out that it was a final
golden opportunity for all
one woman widowed and 3 urged all the Kashmiris sections to join the valiant
children orphaned. During the including common men and struggle of Kashmiri people for
period, the report said, 467 women, government officials, complete freedom from Indian
people were injured in the firing bureaucrats and police bondage. He also urged the
of bullets, pellets and teargas personnel to resist the naked Kashmiri people living abroad
shells on protesters by Indian Indian brutality with full to participate in the resistance
troops. Fourteen women were determination till complete struggle by acting as ambassa-
disgraced and thirty one freedom from Indian yoke. He dors of Kashmiri people all over
Cover Story

the world. itself. It is also evident from the US think tank Stratfor, a
Hurriyat activists through facts that the scrapping of geopolitical intelligence
posters and handbills released Article 370 has totally changed platform based in Austin, Texas,
in occupied Kashmir hailing the the situation and put the identity while warning that the specter
Kashmiris for resisting India’s of Kashmiris and the demo- of nuclear war haunts tensions
nefarious move of repealing the graphic composition of occu- between India and Pakistan and
special status of the territory pied Kashmir at stake, some- the disputed territory of
appealed them to remain thing that has always been Kashmir could provide the
steadfast. The Hurriyat activists rejected and resisted by the spark that lights South Asia’s
said that they were very people of the occupied territory. nuclear fuse.
thankful to everyone who stood It has been umpteen times that Pakistan Prime Minister, Imran
for their rights including their Islamabad has apprised the Khan, in his article published in
Pakistani brothers and sisters global community of the The New York Times rightly
who were all out in their nuclear threat posed by the pointed out that if the world
support. festering Kashmir dispute does nothing to stop the Indian
They warned the Kashmiri between the two nuclear assault on Kashmir and its
people to people, two
beware of nuclear-armed
Indian collabo- states will get
rators who were ever closer to a
trying to direct military
approach their confrontation.
Indian masters The world
to bring the community
members of should reckon
extremist the fact that it
Hindu organi- has not yet
sations like fulfilled the
Rashtriya promises made
Swayamsevak w i t h t h e
Sangh and other K a s h m i r i
Hindutva people and the
forces to the United Nations
territory to archrivals. Pakistani leadership has failed to implement its
make the Kashmiris slaves and particularly Prime Minister, resolutions on Kashmir that
snatch their everything Imran Khan, has repeatedly said called for holding of plebiscite
including religious identity. that Pakistan doesn’t want war in Jammu and Kashmir to allow
They also asked the Indian in the region as military the Kashmiris to exercise their
collaborators to adopt Hurriyat confrontation between the two right to self-determination. To
line and in case they provide nuclear-armed hostile neigh- achieve this right, the people of
any facilitation to Hindutva bours would spiral out of Kashmir have rendered
forces, they would face serious control and the result would be
consequences. unparalled sacrifices.
catastrophic not only for the
Kashmir is protesting right now It is imperative now for the
region but also for the whole
and the continued lockdown world powers to come forward
only vindicates this fact. If there in a big way and play role in the
This fact cannot also be denied
are unprecedented security settlement of the Kashmir
that the situation existing in
arrangements across the occupied Kashmir in the dispute in accordance with the
occupied territory, it only shows aftermath of the repeal of its Kashmiris’ aspirations to save
that some large public response special status can lead to a the South Asian region from a
is sought to be curbed and nuclear war in South Asia. This catastrophe.
prevented from unleashing has even been pointed out by a (Humayun Aziz Sandeela)



The 73rd Independence Day of session of Azad Jammu and

Pakistan on 14th August 2019 Kashmir Legislative Assembly
was observed as Kashmir in Muzaffarabad warned the
Solidarity Day to express full Indian premier, Narendra Modi,
support to the Kashmiri that any action by India in
brethren reeling from renewed Pakistan would be countered
Indian repression. with a stronger response.
The Kashmir Solidarity Day “We have information and we
was observed to denounce said, “We will not leave them have had two National Security
India’s illegal, unilateral and alone at any stage. Kashmiris Committee (NSC) meetings.
brutal actions of abrogating and Pakistanis are one. Our The Pakistan Army has full
special status of occupied grief is common as their tears knowledge that India has
Kashmir and imposing strict move our hearts. We were with devised a plan to take action in
curfew and communication them; we are standing with AJK,” he shared in his address
blackout as well as placing them and will continue to do during what was his first visit to
Hurriyat leaders and political so.” AJK since becoming the prime
activists under house arrest and Various political leaders minister in 2018. “Like the
detention. including National Assembly action they took in Balakot after
The day dawned with special Speaker, Asad Qaisar; Senate Pulwama incident, according to
prayers in the mosques at Fajr Chairman, Muhammad Sadiq our information, they have
for peace, progress and Sanjrani; and Special Assistant made a more horrendous plan
prosperity of the country and to the Prime Minister on now. To shift the world's focus
liberation of the occupied
territories of the Muslims
including Jammu and Kashmir
and Palestine.
A special logo for the
Independence Day was also
released reflecting the theme
“Kashmir Banega Pakistan”.
Entire nation in a unified voice
reiterated to continue moral,
political and diplomatic support
to the Kashmiri brethren in their
just struggle for securing their
right to self-determination
promised to them by the
international community
through UN resolutions.
The main flag hoisting Information and Broadcasting, away from occupied Kashmir,
ceremony was held at Jinnah Dr Firdous Ashiq Awan were in they want to take action in
Convention Centre in attendance. Mushaal Mallick, AJK,” he said.
Islamabad. Addressing the wife of illegally detained Addressing Narendra Modi, he
ceremony, President Dr Arif Jammu and Kashmir Liberation said, “This is my message to
Alvi emphatically renewed Front Chairman, Muhammad you: you take action and every
Pakistan's unflinching support Yasin Malik, also addressed the brick will be countered with a
to the Kashmiri people in their event. stone. The Army is prepared;
just struggle to achieve their Prime Minister, Imran Khan, not just the Army but the entire
right to self-determination. He while addressing a special nation will fight alongside our

“On the day of Pakistan's
Independence, I am with my
Kashmiri brothers and sisters,”
he said at the outset of his
Chief of Army Staff (COAS),
General Qamar Javed Bajwa,
said that Pakistan had always
stood by the Kashmiris against
India’s hegemonic ambitions
and would continue doing so
and there could never be a
compromise on the Kashmir
“Reality of Kashmir was neither
changed by an illegal piece of its part in line with our national status of occupied Kashmir. The
paper in 1947 nor will any other duty for the Kashmir cause,” he participants of the rallies
do it now or in future. Pakistan said. showed complete unity with the
has always stood by Kashmiris Meanwhile, jubilant citizens oppressed people of the
against India's hegemonic took out rallies across the occupied territory.
ambitions, will always do. country carrying flags of They denounced the illegal and
There can never be a Pakistan and AJK and chanting unilateral action of Narendra
compromise on Kashmir,” the slogans of ‘Pakistan Zindabad’ Modi-led Indian government of
COAS was quoted as saying by and ‘Kashmir Banega stripping Jammu and Kashmir
Director General Inter-Services Pakistan’. of special status by revoking
Article 370 of the Indian
Constitution. The participants
carried banners with slogans
condemning the Indian
brutalities in occupied Kashmir.
The students of various schools,
colleges and universities across
Pakistan also held
demonstrations and rallies to
express solidarity with the
people of Kashmir and register
their protest against India’s
nefarious action which is aimed
at changing the demographic
composition of Jammu and
Kashmir. The protesters
appealed to the world
Public Relations (ISPR), Major Rallies in connection with the community to impress upon
General Asif Ghafoor, in Kashmir Solidarity Day were India to resolve the Kashmir
tweets. held in all major cities and dispute by granting the people
The Army Chief said that towns of Punjab, Khyber of Jammu and Kashmir their
Pakistan would stand in the face Pakhtunkhwa, Sindh, right to self-determination.
of tyranny, regardless of the Balochistan, AJK and Gilgit- Pakistan Tehreek-i-Insaf (PTI)
cost. “The Pakistan Army is Baltistan to express solidarity held a rally from Liaquat Bagh,
fully alive to the sanctity of with the Kashmiri brethren and Rawalpindi, to D-Chowk,
Jammu and Kashmir and will condemn and reject the Indian Islamabad, to express unity
remain fully ready to perform move of scraping the special with the people of occupied

Kashmir. The rally was attended

among others by top leadership
of PTI, federal and provincial
ministers, members of national
and provincial assemblies,
party workers and people
belonging to all walks of life .
Prominent among those who
addressed the rally were
ministers Shah Mahmood
Qureshi, Murad Saeed, Ali
Amin Gandapur, Special
Assistant to Prime Minister on Council under the leadership of Acting High Commissioner,
Information and Broadcasting, Prime Minister, Imran Khan. Syed Haider Shah, at an
Dr Firdous Ashiq Awan, He also asked the international impressive flag-hoisting
Chairman Parliamentary community, especially Muslim ceremony held on the
Committee on Kashmir, Syed Ummah, to play its role in the Chancery’s lawns.
Fakhar Imam, and PTI's senior settlement of the Kashmir Pakistan’s Ambassador to the
leader, Asad Umer. dispute as per the aspirations of US, Dr Asad Majeed Khan,
Addressing the rally, Foreign the Kashmiri people. hoisted the National Flag to
Minister, Shah Mahmood Dr Firdous Ashiq Awan in her o b s e r v e P a k i s t a n ’s 7 3 r d
Qureshi, said that observance of speech expressed the Independence Day as Kashmir
the Independence Day as confidence that Pakistan would Solidarity Day in a simple and
Kashmir Solidarity Day was progress and the Kashmir graceful ceremony held at the
aimed at giving a message to dispute would be resolved Embassy of Pakistan,
India and the international under the bold and dynamic Washington D.C. Speakers of
community that Pakistani the event called for settlement
of the Kashmir dispute in
accordance with the Kashmiris’
aspirations and the relevant UN
resolutions. On the occasion,
the Embassy also arranged a
photo exhibition highlighting
the sufferings of the Kashmiris,
who are facing the Indian
atrocities, to give a glimpse of
India’s blatant disregard for
humanity and human rights in
occupied Kashmir.
Pakistan's Independence Day in
London was marked by
expressing solidarity with the
Kashmiri people at Pakistan
nation was standing united with leadership of Prime Minister, High Commission. A large
the oppressed people of Imran Khan. number of people including
occupied Kashmir. He said Meanwhile, Pakistani High Members of British Parliament
Pakistan has decided to take up Commission in New Delhi (MPs), members of Pakistani
the prevailing situation in celebrated the national day in and Kashmiri community,
occupied Kashmir at all solidarity with brave Kashmiris Foreign and Commonwealth
international forums. He said who are engaged in a just Office officials, British friends
after a period of 40 years, the struggle for securing their right of Pakistan and representatives
Kashmir issue had been taken to self-determination. The of media attended the
again to the UN Security Pakistani flag was raised by ceremony.



In his address, Pakistani High

Commissioner to the UK,
Muhammad Nafees Zakaria,
highlighted the plight of the
people of occupied Kashmir.
Pakistan Ambassador to China,
Naghmana Hashmi, addressing
a ceremony held in Beijing to
mark the Independence Day as a
day of solidarity with the
Kashmiri people reaffirmed
Pakistan’s continued support to
the Kashmiris’ just freedom
Different functions were held in achieve their inalienable right to “Kashmir Solidarity Hour” will
other cities of the world self-determination. be observed across the country
including Paris, Tehran, On the other hand, massive every Friday from 12:00 PM to
Ankara, Colombo, Cairo, Abu protest demonstrations 12:30 PM till September 27,
Dhabi, Dushanbe, Singapore, continued across Pakistan in the 2019 when he will address the
Brussels, Ottawa and Tunis. month of August against India’s United Nations General
The speakers of these events brutal actions in occupied Assembly.
condemned India’s illegal and Kashmir. The Pakistani nation also
unilateral action of repealing On the call given by Prime observed Defence and Martyrs’
the special status of occupied Minister, Imran Khan, Kashmir Day, the 6th September, as
Kashmir. They urged the world Solidarity Hour was observed Kashmir Solidarity Day.
community to take cognisance on August 30 to express support Addressing an event held at
to the General Headquarters in
people of Rawalpindi, in connection with
occupied the day, Chief of Army Staff,
Kashmir General Qamar Javed Bajwa,
reeling said the Kashmir dispute is an
u n d e r unresolved agenda of the
Indian realisation of Pakistan and
coercion would remain so until a solution
and to was found on the basis of the
d r a w United Nations resolutions and
w o r l d the will of the Kashmiri people.
attention “I want to assure the people of
t o Kashmir, Pakistan will never
of Indian atrocities on the emerging leave them alone. The hearts of
innocent people of occupied humanitarian crisis in the Pakistanis and Kashmiris beat
Kashmir. territory. During the Kashmir together. The valiant people and
The speakers called for a Solidarity Hour observed from armed forces of Pakistan are
peaceful settlement of the 12:00 PM to 12:30 PM sirens ready to sacrifice anything for
Kashmir dispute in accordance were sounded all across the their Kashmiri brethren.
with the UN Security Council country and national anthem of Kashmir is our jugular vein. We
resolutions and aspirations of Pakistan followed by anthem of will fulfill our commitment
the Kashmiri people. They Azad Jammu and Kashmir were towards Kashmir till last bullet,
maintained that Pakistan would played. The traffic across the soldier and breath. Pakistan will
continue its political, country had come to a halt. go to any extent in support of
diplomatic and moral support to Prime Minister, Imran Khan, oppressed Kashmiri people,” he
the people of Kashmir till they had earlier announced that added. (KI Report)



Pakistanis as well as Kashmiris denied all their rights. Internet places. Many were flown out of
on both sides of the Line of broadband, telephones and TV the occupied territory and kept
Control and all over the world channels were snapped. The in various Indian jails in Agra,
observed India’s Independence occupied territory was cut off Bareilly or Lucknow and their
Day as Black Day on August 15, from the rest of the world. family members did not know
2019 in protest against
unprecedented Indian
brutalities in occupied Kashmir.
The Black Day was observed to
register strong protest against
India’s illegal and unilateral
action to change the disputed
status of Jammu and Kashmir.
The decision to observe Black
Day was taken at the meeting of
National Security Committee
chaired by Prime Minister,
Imran Khan, after Narendra
M o d i - l e d g o v e r n m e n t ’s
decision to abrogate Articles
370 and 35-A of Indian
Constitution that granted
special status to occupied
Kashmir and its residents.
Pakistan strongly rejected
Indian unilateral decision
aimed at bringing structural
change to disputed status of the
territory. National Flag of
Pakistan flew half-mast and
black flags were hoisted on
public buildings, vehicles and
roads to symbolise the protest
against India’s illegal attempt to
annex Jammu and Kashmir.
On the other hand, the Indian
authorities continued to impose
strict curfew and other
restrictions across the Kashmir People faced acute shortage of their whereabouts.
valley on the 11th consecutive essential commodities like baby The summer capital of the
day on August 15 to prevent food and life-saving medicines. territory, Srinagar, was turned
people from holding anti-India No access was given to patients into a vast maze of razor wire
demonstrations. Millions of to hospital and the territory was coils and steel barricades while
Kashmiris were deprived of giving the picture of a drones and helicopters hovered
their liberties and fundamental humanitarian crisis. overhead.
rights since August 05 when Hundreds of Kashmiri political Meanwhile, protest rallies were
Indian government announced leaders and activists were put in taken out in all parts of
repeal of Article 370. They were jails or detained at undisclosed Pakistan, Azad Kashmir and

Gilgit-Baltistan to express
solidarity with the oppressed
Kashmiri people. The
participants of the rallies
expressed concern over the
increasing Indian atrocities,
illegal detentions and
imposition of continued curfew
by India in occupied Kashmir.
They warned the Indian
government to desist from
suppressing the people of the
territory through military might
and other oppressive tactics.
Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaaf held
a rally in front of Foreign Office
in Islamabad to mark Indian Earlier, PTI leaders held a once again gained world's
Independence Day as Black meeting with the officials of UN attention.
Day. A larger number of PTI Observer Mission at The All Parties Hurriyat
leaders and workers Diplomatic Enclave in Conference Azad Jammu and
participated in the rally. Islamabad and presented a Kashmir (APHC-AJK) chapter
Holding flags of Pakistan and memorandum to the organised a protest
Azad Kashmir, they chanted representative of the UN demonstration outside the
anti-India slogans. PTI leaders, Mission. Indian High Commission in
Amir Mahmood Kiani, Asad During a ceremony held at F-9 Islamabad. The participants of
Umer and Faisal Javed, led the Park in Islamabad, three the demonstration expressed
rally. thousand black balloons were concern over the increasing
Asad Umer in his speech said released in the air as a mark of Indian atrocities, illegal
protest against India’s illegal detentions and imposition of
continued curfew in occupied
Kashmir. They warned the
Indian government to desist
from suppressing the people of
the territory through military
might and other oppressive
tactics. They said that New
Delhi must realise the fact that it
would not be able to subdue the
Kashmiris’ freedom sentiment
through use of brute force.
Addressing on the occasion, the
APHC-AJK leaders said
Kashmir dispute is not a
territorial or bilateral dispute
between Pakistan and India.
Kashmir is an internationally- occupation over Jammu and They said it is an international
recognised dispute, which Kashmir and its atrocities on the dispute acknowledged by the
should be resolved according to Kashmiris. Speaking on the UN through its resolutions
the UN resolutions. He said occasion, Minister for accepted by the two countries
India has violated international Communications, Murad and it pertains to the life of
laws by revoking special status Saeed, said Kashmir is an millions of Kashmiris. They
of occupied Kashmir. international dispute which has termed the abrogation of

Articles 370 and 35-A of the

Indian Constitution by Modi
government as a deep
conspiracy and vowed that the
Kashmiris will resist this ploy at
every level.
The APHC-AJK leaders said
that on one hand, India had been
trying to suppress the
Kashmiris’ just struggle for
securing their right to self-
determination for the past over
seventy-one years through the
use of brute force, while on the
other, it had been hatching
conspiracies to change the and all other district held a demonstration outside
demographic composition of headquarters of Mirpur, Kotli, the Indian High Commission to
occupied Kashmir. Bagh, Bhimber, Palandri, mark India’s Independence Day
Protest rallies, demonstrations Rawalakot, Haveili, Jhelum as Black Day. The protesters
and seminars were held in all Valley and Neelam Valley by showed unity with the
major cities and towns of the people belonging to all oppressed Kashmiris and
Punjab, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, walks of life to express severe condemned the stepped up
Sindh, Balochistan, AJK and anger against the Indian Indian state terrorism in
Gilgit-Baltistan to condemn imperialism. o c c u p i e d K a s h m i r. T h e
demonstrators carried banners
reading “Kashmir is Burning”,
“Free Kashmir” and Modi
Make Tea Not War”. Many of
the protesters had come to the
British capital from different
cities on specially chartered
Pakistan's Embassy in Ankara
organised a ceremony in
connection with the Black Day
to protest against India’s illegal
move to change special status of
occupied Kashmir. Speaking on
the occasion, Pakistan's
Ambassador to Turkey, Syrus
and reject the Indian move of The participants of these events Sajjad Qazi, urged the
scraping the special status of were carrying black flags, international community to
o c c u p i e d K a s h m i r. T h e banners and placards to express break its silence on the ongoing
protesters also expressed hatred against India for turning ethnic cleansing of Muslims in
complete solidarity with the occupied Kashmir into the o c c u p i e d K a s h m i r. T h e
oppressed people of occupied world’s largest prison and Ambassador also highlighted
Kashmir. Anti-India rallies perpetrating brutalities and the sufferings of the Kashmiri
were staged and processions human rights abuses in the people after India locked down
were taken out across AJK territory. Kashmir in the wake of its
including capital Muzaffarabad In London, thousands of people recent illegal moves.

The Kashmir Council Europe

(KCEU) organised a protest
demonstration in front of the
Indian Embassy in Brussels to
mark the Indian Independence
Day as Black Day. A large
number of people from all
walks of life including
Kashmiris, Pakistanis and
representatives of different
organisations based in Belgium
and other member countries of
the European Union attended
the demonstration. It was a
unique scene that as Indians
were inside the embassy to Minister, Narendra Modi, to from India also announced to
celebrate their Independence fulfill the promise of his boycott the Indian
Day, at the same time, a huge predecessor, Jawaharlal Nehru, Independence Day celebrations
number of Kashmiris and their of allowing the people of in protest over Modi
sympathisers were protesting Jammu and Kashmir decide
against anti-Kashmiris government ’s attempt of
their political future by annexing occupied Kashmir.
behaviour of Indian authorities themselves.
in front of the embassy. In a statement, the groups said
The KCEU also organised a sit-
During the protest, a that the scrapping of Article 370
in protest in Brussels, the
and bifurcation of Jammu and
Kashmir without the consent of
the people of the territory
showed India’s arrogance and
blatant disregard for
democratic principles.
Protests demonstrations and
rallies were also held in
Birmingham, Washington DC,
New York, Toronto, Tehran,
Qom, Ankara, Riyadh, Abu
Dhabi, Colombo, Kuala
Lumpur and many other cities
of the world to mark India’s
Independence Day as Black
Day and to condemn the Indian
memorandum addressed to the European Union Headquarters,
brutalities in occupied
Indian regime was also against the Indian brutalities in
presented to the embassy. The occupied Kashmir. The sit-in Kashmir. The participants of
memorandum called upon the protest was attended by a large these events urged India to
Indian authorities to number of people including the resolve the Kashmir dispute by
immediately end curfew in Europe-based Pakistanis, giving the Kashmiri people
occupied Kashmir and release Kashmiris and their their inalienable right to self-
all Kashmiri political leaders sympathisers. determination for ensuring
and activists without any delay. In India, groups fighting for durable peace in South Asia.
It also asked the Indian Prime freedom of Manipur and Assam (KI Report)



Genocide Watch, a US-based subjected to arrest, torture, rape,

organisation, on August 21, and murder;
2019 issued a genocide alert for Extermination: Genocidal
occupied Kashmir in the wake of massacres occurred during
I n d i a ’s c l a m p d o w n a f t e r Partition; since 1990, there have
revoking special status of the been at least 25 massacres with
territory. death tolls over 25
It issued the alert just as Pakistan Denial: Modi and BJP say their
Prime Minister, Imran Khan, goals are to “bring prosperity”
urged the international said are far advanced:
Classification: Hindu and Sikh and “end terrorism”; they deny
community to prevent the any massacres. No Indian Army
impending genocide in occupied Indian Army “us” vs. Kashmiri
Muslim civilian “them”; soldier or policeman is ever tried
Symbolisation: Muslims have for torture, rape or murder.
The Genocide Watch, which
Muslim names (on ID cards), Genocide Watch called upon the
keeps an eye on disputes across
the world, gave a brief history of Kashmiri language, dress, United Nations and its members
Kashmir conflict in its alert mosques; to warn India not to commit
while detailing the reasons Discrimination: Hindu Pandits genocide in occupied Kashmir.
which led it to issue the warning.
Explaining the reasons behind
issuing the alert, the organisation
also recalled the Indian atrocities
in occupied Kashmir where
occupational forces have carried
out genocide and massacres,
killing people with impunity
during the last over seven
Below are the early warnings of
genocide stated by Genocide
Watch on its website.
1-An exclusionary ideology of
“Hindutva” - India as Hindu
nation - by Modi’s ruling BJP.
2- Authoritarian military rule were economically dominant Thousands of people, mostly
without legal restraints imposed until 1990; BJP reasserted Hindu young men, were arrested in
by civilian Indian officials. power; occupied Kashmir during a
Rule by a minority military force Dehumanisation: Muslims are lockdown and communications
(Hindus and Sikhs) over called “terrorists”, “separatists,” blackout imposed by India to
majority Muslim citizens. “criminals,” “insurgents;” prevent demonstrations against
Cut-off of communications and Organisation: 600,000 heavily- New Delhi’s decision of
outside access by internet, armed Indian Army troops and repealing the special status of
media, and trade; police dominate Kashmir; o c c u p i e d K a s h m i r. T h e
Widespread violations of basic Polarisation: Modi and the BJP crackdown began just before
human rights - torture, rape, incite anti-Muslim hatred; social Narendra Modi-led Hindu
detentions without charge, media spread falsehoods;
nationalist government on
arbitrary arrests and Preparation: The Indian Army
deportations of Muslim political August 05 stripped the occupied
occupies Kashmir; BJP leaders
leaders and human rights speak of the “Final Solution” for territory of special status by
activists. Kashmir; abrogating Article 370 of the
It also listed the “Ten Stages of Persecution: Kashmiri Indian Constitution.
the genocidal process” that it Muslims are locked down, (KI Report)


08-08-2019 Ganderbal 09-08-2019 Srinagar 11-08-2019 Sopore

16-08-2019 Srinagar 15-08-2019 Srinagar 18-08-2019 Srinagar 20-08-2019 Srinagar

23-08-2019 Islamabad 28-08-2019 Sopore

30-08-2019 Baramulla
Human Rights Situation
Narendra Modi-led communal
government in New Delhi taking
Indian atrocities on IOK people
a drastic step of abrogating the
Article 370 of the Indian
during August 2019
Compiled by Raies Ahmed Mir
Constitution that granted special Warpora in Sopore.
status to occupied Kashmir August 01: Indian troops The troops killed two more
imposed unprecedented curfew destroyed a residential house youth during a cordon and
and communication blackout in during a cordon and search search operation in Pandushan
the territory. The move which operation at Badarhama in area of Shopian district.
sent shockwaves across the globe Shopian district. August 04: Indian police
is mainly aimed at changing the August 02: The troops killed a arrested and placed over 50
demographic composition of youth, Zeenat-ul-Islam Naikoo, political leaders and activists
Jammu and Kashmir by settling and injured a dozen people under house arrest in the
Indian citizens in the territory. during a cordon and search Kashmir valley.
The people of the occupied
operation in Pandushan area of August 05: Indian authorities
territory particularly the Kashmir
Shopian district. announced repeal of special
valley faced severe hardships due
to acute shortage of essential
Several people including status of occupied Kashmir and
commodities like food items and
life-saving medicines amid strict
lockdown. Hundreds of people
including Hurriyat leaders,
political activists and youth were
put under house arrest or in jails
by the authorities during massive
crackdown and many others were
tortured to prevent
demonstrations against the repeal
of special status of the territory.
The Indian actions drew severe
criticism from the global
community as the UN Secretary
General Antonio Guterres, the
US President Donald Trump,
French President Emmanuel
Macron,United Nations
Commissioner for Human women were beaten and i m p o s e d s t r i c t c u r f e w,
Rights, Michelle Bachelet and property was ransacked by the restrictions and snapped all
global forums and organisations troops during a cordon and landline phones, internet and
like European Union, search operation at Watchi mobile services and TV
Organisation of Islamic Darbagh in Pulwama. channels in Kashmir, Jammu
Cooperatio and Amnesty Indian police arrested 11 and Ladakh regions and ordered
International, expressed serious people including Jammu and closure of all educational
concern over the grave human Kashmir Peoples League institutions.
rights situation in occupied Chairman, Mukhtar Ahmed An 11th class student, Osaib
Kashmir. They asked New Delhi Waza, during house raids in Altaf, was killed and over a
to lift curfew and communication Islamabad, Bijbehara, dozen people were injured when
blackout in the occupied territory Pampore and Khrew areas of Indian troops used brute force
and restore the basic rights and south Kashmir. on protesters in different areas of
freedoms of the Kashmiri people. August 03: Indian troops Srinagar.
Following is an account of day- during military operations The authorities placed almost all
to-day Indian atrocities on the killed seven youth in Keran Hurriyat leaders including Syed
people of occupied Kashmir area of Kupwara district and Ali Gilani, Mirwaiz Umar
during the month of August 2019. two at Malmapanpora Farooq and Muhammad Ashraf


Human Rights Situation
Sehrai under house arrest or in August 09: A woman, on seventh straight day.
jails. The authorities detained Fehmeeda Bano, was killed and The authorities shifted over two
hundreds of political leaders and dozens of people were injured dozen political prisoners from
activists like Farooq Abdullah, due to the use of brute force by Srinagar to Bareilly and
Omar Abdullah, Mehbooba Indian police and troops on Lucknow jails in the Indian state
Mufti and M Y Tarigami. The protesters in Srinagar, Hajin, of Uttar Pradesh.
actions were aimed at Shopian, Pulwama and August 12: The authorities did
preventing demonstrations Ganderbal areas. now allow Kashmiris to offer
against repeal of special status The occupation authorities did Eid prayers and celebrate Eid-
of the occupied territory. now allow people to offer Friday ul-Azha. The authorities closed
August 06: The lockdown and prayers at Jamia Masjid in down all big mosques of the
communication blackout in Srinagar and other main valley including Jamia Masjid,
occupied Kashmir continued on mosques of Kashmir valley and Srinagar. All communication
the second day after India Jammu region. links remained cut off for 8th
imposed curfew and snapped Indian police arrested hundreds consecutive day.
television, telephone and of people during house raids August 13: Indian forces’
internet links to prevent protests across Kashmir valley. personnel barged into the houses
against its move of scrapping August 10: The police harassed and arrested hundreds of youth
special status of the territory. media persons who were in different areas of Kashmir
August 07: Over 80 people
were critically injured after
Indian forces’ personnel fired
pellets and teargas shells on
protesters in different areas of
Indian police arrested more than
500 political leaders and
workers across occupied
Strict curfew and complete
communication blockade
continued for the third
consecutive day.
August 08: Around a dozen
youth were injured after Indian
troops used brute force on
protesters in Srinagar, Hajin, performing their duties during valley and Rajouri, Poonch,
Shopian, Pulwama and curfew hours in Doda. Doda, Kishtwar and Ramban
Ganderbal areas while strict Curfew, restrictions and internet districts of Jammu.
curfew and complete blockade continued in entire August 14: The police arrested
communication blockade Kashmir valley and in Rajouri, hundreds of people during house
continued in Kashmir and Poonch, Doda, Kishtwar and raids in Srinagar, Shopian, Hajin
Jammu regions. Ramban districts of Jammu for and other areas of the Kashmir
Over 300 people were arrested sixth consecutive day. valley.
by Indian police during house The occupation authorities Indian police arrested former
raids in different areas of airlifted 25 people, including the IAS officer, Dr Shah Faesal, at
K a s h m i r v a l l e y, D o d a , President of Kashmir High New Delhi Airport, shifted him
Kishtwar, Rajouri, Poonch, Court Bar Association, Mian back to Srinagar and booked
Jammu and Kargil. Abdul Qayoom, and trade him under black law, Public
The occupation authorities leader, Mubeen Shah, to Agra Safety Act.
shifted around 70 political Central Jail in India. August 15: Several people were
prisoners from Kashmir valley August 11: The authorities injured when Indian troops used
to Agra Central Jail in India. continued lockdown in Kashmir brute force against protesters in


Human Rights Situation
Srinagar. Pulwama areas. Srinagar while imposition of
Indian police arrested a At least 40 people were arrested curfew and blockade of internet
journalist, Irfan Malik, from his by Indian police during house service continued in Kashmir
home in Tral area of Pulwama. raids in Mehjoor Nagar, valley, Kargil and different parts
August 16: Several people were Rajbagh and other areas of of Jammu region.
injured after Indian forces’ Srinagar. The authorities shifted 30 more
personnel fired pellets and Indian police arrested three prisoners from Kashmir valley
teargas shells on thousands of youth of Pulwama district from to Agra Central Jail.
protesters in Srinagar where a a hotel in Chandigarh, India. August 24: Three youth were
lockdown continued on 12th August 21: Indian troops during injured after Indian forces used
straight day after the abrogation a cordon and search operation brute force on protesters in
of special status of occupied killed a youth, Ghulam Rasool Srinagar city.
Kashmir. Gojri, at Ghani Mohallah in August 25: Indian troops killed
Indian police arrested half a
dozen youth and damaged
several houses during raids in
downtown Srinagar.
August 17: Over three dozen
youth were injured after Indian
forces’ personnel used brute
force on protesters in Soura,
Bemina, Chadoora, Hajin,
Shopian, Pulwama and Sopore
Indian policemen barged into
residential houses and arrested
several youth in Srinagar. The
cops also damaged properties of
local people.
August 18: A 65-year-old
civilian, Ghulam Muhammad,
was killed and several people
were injured after Indian troops Baramulla. a youth, Noor Muhammad Dar,
fired pellets and teargas shells Several people were critically in Bijbehara area of Islamabad
on protesters in Soura, injured after Indian forces fired district.
Rainawari, Nowhatta and pellets and chilli grenades on C u r f e w, r e s t r i c t i o n s a n d
Gojwara areas of Srinagar. protesters in Baramulla and communication blockade
The troops arrested several Srinagar areas. continued in Kashmir valley and
youth and damaged many August 22: Many youth some areas of Jammu region.
houses in Bemina area of sustained injuries when Indian August 26: Indian police
Srinagar. troops used brute force on arrested three youth in Bijbehara
August 19: At least eight protesters in Fateh Kadal, Soura, area of Islamabad district.
persons were injured in pellet Natipora, Safakadal, Badshah August 27: The troops arrested
firing of the Indian forces in Nagar, Bemina, Sopore and two youth from Delina area of
Srinagar while several people other areas of Kashmir valley. Baramulla district.
sustained injuries after Indian August 23: Seven youth were August 28: The police during
police used brute force on injured after Indian forces fired house raids arrested over two
protesters in Udhampur. teargas shells and pellets on dozen youth in Bhaderwah,
August 20: Many people were protesters in Srinagar and Doda, Kishtwar and Ramban
injured when Indian forces’ Shopian areas. areas.
personnel fired bullets, pellets The occupation authorities did August 29: Indian troops
and teargas shells on protesters not allow people to offer Friday arrested several youth in Poonch
in Srinagar, Baramulla and prayers at Jamia Masjid in and Rajouri areas.



Imran Khan troops in Indian-occupied Action Task Force, which could

After I was elected prime K a s h m i r. T h e I n d i a n lead to severe economic
minister of Pakistan last August, government promptly blamed sanctions and push us toward
one of my foremost priorities Pakistan. bankruptcy.
was to work for lasting and just We asked for evidence, but Mr. Evidently Mr. Modi had
peace in South Asia. India and Modi sent Indian Air Force mistaken our desire for peace in
Pakistan, despite our difficult fighter planes across the border a nuclear neighborhood as
h i s t o r y, c o n f r o n t s i m i l a r to Pakistan. Our Air Force appeasement. We were not
c h a l l e n g e s o f p o v e r t y, brought down an Indian plane simply up against a hostile
unemployment and climate and captured the pilot. We struck government. We were up against
change, especially the threat of back to signal we could defend a “New India”, which is
melting glaciers and scarcity of ourselves but chose not to strike governed by leaders and a party
water for hundreds of millions of a target that would cause loss of that are the products of the Hindu
our citizens. life. I made a conscious decision supremacist mother ship,
I wanted to normalize relations to show that Pakistan had no Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh,
with India through trade and by
settling the Kashmir dispute, the
foremost impediment to the
normalization of relations
between us.
On July 26, 2018, in my first
televised address to Pakistan
after winning the elections, I
stated we wanted peace with
India and if it took one step
forward, we would take two
steps. After that, a meeting
between our two foreign
ministers was arranged on the
sidelines of the United Nations
General Assembly session in
September 2018, but India
canceled the meeting. That intent of aggravating the conflict or the RSS.
September I also wrote my first between two nuclear-armed The Indian prime minister and
of three letters to Prime Minister states. We returned the captured several ministers of his
Narendra Modi calling for Indian pilot, with no government continue to be
dialogue and peace. preconditions. members of the RSS, whose
Unfortunately, all my efforts to On May 23, after Mr. Modi’s re- founding fathers expressed their
start a dialogue for peace were election, I congratulated him and admiration for Benito Mussolini
rebuffed by India. Initially, we hoped we could work for “peace, and Adolf Hitler. Mr. Modi has
assumed that Mr. Modi’s progress and prosperity in South written with great love and
increasingly hard-line positions Asia.” In June, I sent another reverence about M.S.
and his rhetoric against Pakistan letter to Mr. Modi offering Golwalkar, the second supreme
were aimed to whip up a dialogue to work toward peace. leader of the RSS, and has
nationalist frenzy among the Again, India chose not to referred to Mr. Golwakar as
Indian voters with an eye on the respond. And we found out that “Pujiniya Shri Guruji (Guru
Indian elections in May. while I was making peace Worthy of Worship).”
On Feb. 14, a few months before overtures, India had been M r. M o d i ’s g u r u w r o t e
those elections, a young lobbying to get Pakistan placed admiringly about the Final
Kashmiri man carried out a on the “blacklist” at the S o l u t i o n i n “ We , O u r
suicide attack against Indian intergovernmental Financial Nationhood Defined,” his 1939



book: “To keep up the purity of Articles 370 and 35A of the Similar statements have been
the race and its culture, Germany Indian Constitution. The move is made by Indian leaders
shocked the world by her illegal under the Constitution of periodically. Pakistan has long
purging the country of the India, but more importantly, it is viewed India’s “no first use”
Semitic Races – the Jews. a violation of the United Nations claims with skepticism.
National pride at its highest has Security Council resolutions on With the nuclear shadow
been manifested here. Germany Kashmir and the Shimla hovering over South Asia, we
has also shown how well-nigh Agreement between India and realize that Pakistan and India
impossible it is for races and Pakistan. have to move out of a zero-sum
cultures, having differences And Mr. Modi’s “New India” mind-set to begin dialogue on
going to the root, to be chose to do this by imposing a Kashmir, various strategic
assimilated into one united military curfew in Kashmir, matters and trade. On Kashmir,
whole, a good lesson for us in imprisoning its population in the dialogue must include all
Hindustan for us to learn and their homes and cutting off their stakeholders, especially the
profit by.” phone, internet and television Kashmiris. We have already
I had hoped that being elected connections, rendering them prepared multiple options that
prime minister might lead Mr. without news of the world or can be worked on while
Modi to cast aside his old ways their loved ones. The siege was honoring the right to self-
as the chief determination the
minister of the Kashmiris were
Indian state of promised by the
Gujarat, when he Security Council
gained global resolutions and
notoriety for the India’s first prime
2002 pogrom m i n i s t e r ,
against local Jawaharlal Nehru.
Muslims on his Through dialogue
watch and was and negotiations,
denied a visa to the stakeholders
travel to the can arrive at a
U n i t e d St a t e s viable solution to
u n d e r i t s end the decades of
International suffering of the
R e l i g i o u s Kashmiri people
Freedom Act - a followed by a purge: Thousands and move toward
list of visa denials that included of Kashmiris have been arrested a stable and just peace in the
associates of Slobodan and thrown into prisons across region. But dialogue can start
Milosevic. India. A bloodbath is feared in only when India reverses its
Mr. Modi’s first term as prime Kashmir when the curfew is illegal annexation of Kashmir,
minister had been marked by lifted. Already, Kashmiris ends the curfew and lockdown,
lynching of Muslims, Christians coming out in defiance of the and withdraws its troops to the
and Dalits by extremist Hindu curfew are being shot and killed. barracks.
mobs. In Indian-occupied If the world does nothing to stop It is imperative that the
Kashmir, we have witnessed the Indian assault on Kashmir international community think
increased state violence against and its people, there will be beyond trade and business
defiant Kashmiris. Pellet-firing consequences for the whole advantages. World War II
shotguns were introduced and world as two nuclear-armed happened because of
aimed at the eyes of young states get ever closer to a direct appeasement at Munich. A
Kashmiri protesters, blinding military confrontation. India’s similar threat looms over the
hundreds. defense minister has issued a world again, but this time under
On Aug. 5, in its most brazen and not-so-veiled nuclear threat to the nuclear shadow.
egregious move, Mr. Modi’s Pakistan by saying that the (Imran Khan is the Prime
government altered the status of future of India’s “no first use” Minister of Pakistan. The article
Indian-occupied Kashmir policy on nuclear weapons will was published in The New York
through the revocation of “depend on circumstances”. Times)



Wo r l d l e a d e r s , g l o b a l Pakistan Foreign Minister, region. He urged Pakistan and

organisations and think tanks Shah Mahmood Qureshi, had India to resolve the Kashmir
expressing serious concern over written a letter to the President dispute peacefully.
the escalation between Pakistan of UN Security Council, Thousands of Canadians
and India following New seeking a meeting of the highest packed Toronto’s iconic Nathan
Delhi’s inhuman actions in World Body after India Philip Square on August 19 to
occupied Kashmir warned that abolished the special status of raise their voice in support of
the specter of nuclear war occupied Kashmir. the oppressed people of
haunts tensions between the Subsequently, China supported occupied Kashmir.
two archrivals and the disputed Pakistan’s request for holding Organised by Friends of
territory of Kashmir could the meeting. Kashmir, Canada, people from
provide the spark that lights This was for the first time in all walks of life and belonging
South Asia’s nuclear fuse. They fifty years that the UN Security to all faiths attended the protest
asked the two countries to Council held an exclusive demonstration. They included
maintain maximum
restraint and avoid any
escalation in occupied
On the other hand, people
around the globe held
demonstrations to register
their protest against
inhuman treatment meted
out to the people of
occupied Kashmir, which
was put under strict
clampdown by Narendra
Modi-led communal
government in New Delhi
on August 05 when it
announced scrapping of
Article 370 of the Indian
Constitution that granted meeting on Kashmir. Muslims, Christians, Sikhs and
special status to the territory. After the UNSC meeting, China people of other faiths. Young
The United Nations Security said that Jammu and Kashmir and old, children as well as
Council held a consultative was an internationally- people in wheelchairs were
meeting in New York on August recognised dispute, which there to lend support to their
16, 2019 to discuss Pakistan’s should be resolved according to Kashmiri brothers and sisters.
request for debate on India’s act the UN resolution. China’s Indian Nobel laureate, Dr
to change the disputed status of representative at the United Amartya Sen, in a media
Jammu and Kashmir. Nations while talking to interview in New Delhi on
The closed door meeting was newsmen in New York after the August 19 vehemently
held under “Pakistan-India” meeting of UN Security criticised the Narendra Modi-
agenda item to decide how to Council on Kashmir said that led government’s move on
proceed further on the issue. India’s unilateral step of Kashmir saying as an Indian he
The UN political department changing special status of is not proud of the fact that India
briefed the Security Council on occupied Kashmir had has lost the reputation of being a
situation in occupied Kashmir. aggravated the situation in the democratic country on the

grounds of action that it has

taken in Kashmir.
The supreme leader of Iran,
Ayatollah Syed Ali Khamenei,
in a meeting with Iranian
President, Hassan Rouhani, and
his cabinet members in Tehran
on August 21 expressed grave
concern about the situation in
occupied Kashmir. He called
upon the Indian government to
adopt a fair policy towards the
Muslims of occupied Kashmir.
Genocide Watch, a US-based
organisation, issued a genocide
alert on August 22 for occupied
Kashmir in the wake of India’s leaders and restoration of haunts tensions between India
clampdown following communication services in the and Pakistan and the disputed
revocation of its special status. territory. Top opposition figures territory of Kashmir could
A big rally was taken out in addressed the protest, which provide the spark that lights
Qom city of Iran on August 23 was organised by Dravida South Asia’s nuclear fuse.
against the increase in Indian Munnetra Kazhagam, a S t r a t f o r, a g e o p o l i t i c a l
atrocities in occupied Kashmir. regional party from the intelligence platform based in
The rally, which started from southern state of Tamil Nadu. Austin, Texas, in a report also
Al-Quds Mosque, was On the same day, members of disputed the classification of
participated by Kashmiri Turkish non-governmental the Kashmir issue as India’s
students and a large number of organisations (NGOs) gathered ‘internal affair’ or a ‘bilateral’
Iranian people. in front of the Indian Embassy issue between India and
Even major opposition parties in Ankara to express solidarity Pakistan.
The Southall Multicultural
Community in London
organised a peaceful walk on
August 25 to express solidarity
with the people of occupied
Kashmir suffering immensely
due to the curfew and other
restrictions imposed by the
Indian authorities.
The US President, Donald
Trump, repeatedly offered for
mediation on the explosive
situation in Kashmir and said he
will do the best he can to
mediate between the two sides.
“I will do the best I can to
mediate,” he said while talking
in India held a demonstration at with the oppressed people of to reporters in the White House.
Jantar Mantar in New Delhi on occupied Kashmir. Meanwhile, a senior official of
August 24 against the continued Meanwhile, a US-based think- the US State Department
clampdown in occupied tank, Stratfor, warned the admitted that the abrogation of
Kashmir and demanded international community that special status of Kashmir by
immediate release of political the specter of nuclear war India has external



ramifications. “We continue to might lead to further escalation. release all political leaders in
be very concerned by reports of Meanwhile, a large number of occupied Kashmir and put an
detentions and continued Kashmiris and their end to the deliberate silencing
restrictions on the residents of sympathisers gathered outside of voices in the territory.
the region. We urge respect for the Indian Embassy in Aakar Patel, head of Amnesty
individual rights, compliance Washington and held a protest International India-chapter, in a
with legal procedures and an demonstration against the statement said, “Life has been
inclusive dialogue with those continued curfew and derailed for the people of
affected,” the official said. communication blackout Jammu and Kashmir. The
The UN Secretary General, imposed by India in occupied communication blockade and
Antonio Guterres, during his Kashmir. security clampdown, the
meeting with the Indian Prime The Kashmir Council Europe alleged detention of political
Minister, Narendra Modi, on (KCEU) organised a sit-in and a leaders and restrictions on
the sidelines of the G7 Summit bicycle rally in Brussels - the media to report have created an
in Biarritz, France, on August Headquarters of the European information black hole in
27 urged India and Pakistan to Union - on August 28 against Jammu and Kashmir, a region
avoid any escalation in the Indian brutalities in which has witnessed serious
Kashmir. occupied Kashmir. human rights violations in the
The European past.”
U n i o n Senior Indian
spokesperson for journalist, Barkha
foreign affairs and Dutt, in a report after
security policy, visiting occupied
Maja Kocijancic, Kashmir pointed out
in a press briefing that the situation in
in Brussels on the territory was
August 27 said, the worsening with
EU supports a every passing day.
political solution She said that the
between India and Kashmiris were
Pakistan over suffering immensely
Kashmir, which in d u e t o
our view remains communication
the only way to resolve a long- The General Secretariat of the blackout as they were unable to
standing dispute that causes O rg a n i s a t i o n o f I s l a m i c talk to their dear ones and the
instability and insecurity in the Cooperation (OIC) in a number of arrested persons by
region. statement issued in Jeddah on the Indian forces was not
The EU foreign policy chief, August 31 reaffirmed the known.
Federica Mogherini, called internationally-recognised US Senator and Democratic
upon India and Pakistan to status of the Kashmir dispute, Presidential Candidate, Bernie
avoid an escalation of tension in rejecting the Indian Sanders, addressing the 56th
Kashmir, Kocijancic said. government’s claim that the Convention of Islamic Society
French President, Emmanuel matter is a bilateral issue of North America on September
Macron, in a statement after his between New Delhi and 01 expressed concern about the
talks with the Indian Prime Islamabad. It called for final miserable plight of the
Minister, Narendra Modi, in disposition of the dispute Kashmiris due to continued
Paris on August 22, asked India through a UN-supervised lockdown in occupied Kashmir.
and Pakistan to resolve the plebiscite. The European Parliament's
longstanding Kashmir dispute On the other hand, world human Committee on Foreign Affairs
through dialogue. He said it is rights watchdog, Amnesty (AFET) in a meeting in
the responsibility of both sides International asked the Indian Brussels on September 02
to avoid any degradation which government to immediately demanded of the Indian

government to immediately lift

curfew in occupied Kashmir
that had created humanitarian
crisis in the valley. Expressing
serious concern over the
continued lockdown,
suspension of all
communication means and
media blackout in the Muslim-
majority territory, the European
Parliament Members strongly
criticised India and condemned
the Modi-led government for its
brutal action that had brought
life to standstill in the valley.
The MEPs also demanded of human rights violations in communications and peaceful
India to hold dialogue with occupied Kashmir after India assembly, and the detention of
Pakistan, adding that the revoked the special status of the political leaders and activists.
European Union and the territory must be thoroughly, The UN rights chief asked India
European Parliament should promptly and transparently to lift the lockdown to ensure
issue a reactionary statement on investigated. Dominic Raab
the situation in occupied people’s access to basic
told Members of Parliament in necessities. She said it is
Kashmir as soon as possible. the House of Commons that he
The EU meeting took place important that the people of
had raised the concerns with the
despite Indian efforts to get it I n d i a n E x t e r n a l A ff a i r s Kashmir are consulted and
canceled. Indian External Minister, S Jaishankar. He engaged in any decision-
Affairs Minister, S Jaishankar, stressed that the issue of human making process that has an
visited Brussels and met with rights is an impact on their future.
international Pakistan Foreign Minister,
issue and the Shah Mahmood Qureshi,
UK expects delivering a joint statement by
internationall Pakistan on behalf of over 50
y recognised countries from across various
human rights regions in the UNHRC session
t o b e on September 10 said that the
complied worsening human rights
with and situation in the territory
respected in
required urgent attention of the
Kashmir. Human Rights Council and
The UN High human rights mechanisms. The
High Representative of the EU statement discussed at length
Commissioner for Human
for Foreign Affairs and Security the brutal measures taken by
Policy, Federica Mogherini. Rights, Michelle Bachelet,
addressing the 42nd session of India especially after the
According to reports, the Indian scrapping of the special status
minister tried to scuttle the Human Rights Council on
September 09, 2019, expressed of occupied Kashmir and called
efforts to raise the issue of
Kashmir in the European deep concern over the impact of for immediate lifting of curfew,
Parliament but failed. recent actions of the Indian ending of communications
The British Foreign Secretary, government on the human blackout and release of
Dominic Raab, on September rights of Kashmiris, including arbitrarily detained people.
03 said that allegations of restrictions on internet (KI report)



between protesters and the

A chronological account of personnel of Indian forces are
witnessed in Rainawari,
developments on Kashmir (157) Nowhatta, Soura, Firdousabad,
Kangan, Batwina, Tulmulla and
KMS Research Desk Saloora areas, where Indian
troops use teargas shells to
2014 running election boycott disperse the protesters.
campaign in the Kashmir valley. The polling stations in Srinagar
April 29: The puppet authorities
put central Kashmir’s Srinagar, Complete shutdown is observed and many areas of Ganderbal
Budgam and Ganderbal districts in Kralpora and Machuwa areas and Budgam give a deserted
under a thick security blanket on of Budgam district while people look as in many polling booths
the eve of the so-called polling. stage protests in Baramulla town no one comes to cast vote while
In Srinagar, barricades and against the arrest of youth. in some booths only a few voters
checkpoints are set up at various April 30: The farcical are witnessed. In some areas, the
places, while Indian troops and parliamentary elections in occupation authorities with the
police personnel are seen S r i n a g a r, B u d g a m a n d help of Indian troops forcibly
frisking pedestrians and Ganderbal districts, are marked drag people to the polling
vehicles. by complete strike, call for booths. Indian Army vehicles
The Chairman of All Parties which is given by the APHC are seen moving in different
Hurriyat Conference, Mirwaiz Chairman, Mirwaiz Umar villages threatening people to
Umar Farooq, the veteran come out of their homes and cast
Hurriyat leader, Syed Ali Gilani,
and other pro-freedom leaders
including Muhammad Yasin
Malik and Shabbir Ahmed Shah
appeal to the people of
S r i n a g a r ’s s o - c a l l e d
parliamentary constituency to
boycott the sham polls. Mirwaiz
Umar Farooq and Syed Ali
Gilani give a call for shutdown
in the areas where polling is to
be held. The strike is aimed at
conveying the message to the
world that the farcical elections
under Indian Constitution
cannot be an alternative to the Farooq, the veteran Hurriyat votes.
Kashmiris’ right to self-
leader, Syed Ali Gilani, and The authorities continue to place
other pro-freedom leaders Hurriyat leaders, Mirwaiz Umar
Syed Ali Gilani remains under including Muhammad Yasin Farooq, Syed Ali Gilani,
house arrest while over six Malik and Shabbir Ahmed Shah. Maulana Abbas Ansari, Agha
hundred Kashmiris including
The strike is aimed at conveying Syed Hassan Al-Moosvi Al-
resistance leaders, Muhammad
the message to the world that the Safvi and Muhammad Ashraf
Yasin Malik, Shabbir Ahmed
sham polls cannot be a substitute Sehrai under house arrest while
Shah, Nayeem Ahmed Khan,
Mushtaq-ul-Islam, Zafar Akbar to the Kashmiris’ right to self- over 1,500 Kashmiris including
Butt, Mukhtar Ahmed Waza, determination. resistance leaders, Muhammad
Syed Bashir Andrabi, The puppet authorities deploy Yasin Malik, Shabbir Ahmed
Muhammad Yousuf Naqash, more than 35,000 military and Shah, Nayeem Ahmed Khan,
Firdous Ahmed Shah and Ayaz paramilitary personnel in Mushtaq-ul-Islam, Zafar Akbar
Akbar, are lodged in different S r i n a g a r, B u d g a m a n d Butt, Mukhtar Ahmed Waza,
police stations. The action is Ganderbal districts in the name Syed Bashir Andrabi, Hilal
taken to prevent the leaders from of conducting polls. Clashes A h m e d Wa r, M u h a m m a d
Yousuf Naqash, Firdous Ahmed
Shah and Ayaz Akbar, are
lodged in different police
In Islamabad, a declaration
passed at an All Parties Kashmir
Conference of the Kashmiri
organisations express solidarity
with the oppressed people of
occupied Kashmir in their just
liberation struggle. It appeals to
the world community to impress
upon India to stop its state
terrorism in the occupied
territory and resolve the
Kashmir dispute in accordance against peaceful protesters establishments and educational
with the Kashmiris’ aspirations. while 1,898 civilians are institutions remain closed while
The Kashmir Youth Forum arrested during the period. traffic is off the road.
holds a seminar in Islamabad on Indian paramilitary personnel The puppet authorities impose
the sham polls in occupied destroy 4 residential houses and stringent curfew in several parts
Kashmir. The event is addressed disgrace 5 women in the month. of Srinagar city besides
by Ahmed Qureshi, Dr Mansoor Complete shutdown is observed deploying Indian troops and
Afridi, Shaikh Tajammul-ul- in occupied Kashmir against the police personnel in strength to
prevent people from holding
demonstrations against the
People stage demonstrations in
Bandipora, Baramulla,
Pulwama and other areas to
protest against the murder of the
youth. Indian troops use brute
force to disperse the protesters,
injuring several of them.
The puppet authorities continue
to place Hurriyat leaders,
Mirwaiz Umar Farooq, Syed Ali
Gilani, Maulana Abbas Ansari,
Agha Syed Hassan Al-Moosvi
Islam and Shaista Safi. The killing of a youth in the Al-Safvi and Muhammad
speakers say that the polls are indiscriminate firing of Indian Ashraf Sehrai under house
being held in occupied Kashmir troops on peaceful protesters in arrest while Muhammad Yasin
to mislead the world into Nawa Kadal area of Srinagar. Malik, Shabbir Ahmed Shah,
believing that Jammu and Call for the shutdown is given by Nayeem Ahmed Khan,
Kashmir is no more a dispute. the All Parties Hurriyat Mushtaq-ul-Islam, Zafar Akbar
May 01: Indian troops in their Conference Chairman, Mirwaiz Butt, Mukhtar Ahmed Waza,
unabated acts of state terrorism Umar Farooq, the veteran Syed Bashir Andrabi, Hilal
martyr 12 Kashmiris in the Hurriyat leader, Syed Ali Gilani, Ahmed War, Muhammad
month of April. Indian troops and other Hurriyat leaders Yousuf Naqash, Firdous Ahmed
and police personnel injure 243 including Muhammad Yasin Shah and Ayaz Akbar are lodged
persons by using brute force and Malik and Shabbir Ahmed Shah. in different police stations.
firing teargas shells and pellets All shops, business Compiled by: Showkat Ali
To be continued...

Beauty thy name is

The Neelum Valley

The Neelum the Kaghan
Valley is a 144km Valley. Ruins of
long bow-shaped an old Buddhist
deeply forested University can
region in Azad also be found in
Jammu and Sharda.
Kashmir. Named Kel: It is a small
after the river valley situated
Neelum, which is at a height of
famous for its 2097m. This is
crystal bluish a n o t h e r
water, it is picturesque
situated in the North and The name Athmuqam means place in the Neelum Valley.
North-East of Muzaffarabad, 8th station, derived from the The Shounter Nullah joins
running parallel to Kaghan number of stages from both river Neelum at this place.
Valley. The two valleys are Muzaffarabad and Kel to Kundal Shahi: It is situated at a
only separated by snow- Athmuqam. It is an attractive distance of 74km from
covered peaks, some over place known for its variety of Muzaffarabad and about 5km
4000m above sea level. fruit. Athmuqam had the from Authmuqam. Here,
Excellent scenic beauty, status of tehsil before Jagran Nullah joins river
panoramic views, towering partition. Its official name was Neelum. It is the entrance to
hills on both sides of the noisy formerly Karna. Folk stories Jagran Valley.
and gushing Neelum River, tell of a very advanced and Kutton (Jagran Valley): The
lush green forests, enchanting congested city, which was bewitching beauty of Kutton
streams and attractive ruined by a flood, and this is permeated in the radius of
surroundings make the supported by some 10km makes Jagran Valley.
Neelum Valley very attractive. archaeological evidence. The area is 16km from Kundal
The area is ideal for trekking. Neelum: This hamlet is located Shahi.
A fair weather road opens the at a distance of about 9km Salkhala: About 3km ahead of
valley to tourists up to Kel, from Athmuqam on the right Kundal Shahi, there is another
155km from Muzaffarabad. bank of the Neelum River at secluded spot of tourist
Neelum Valley is one of the around 1524m above sea level interest of Salkhala across
most beautiful places in with fascinating scenery. river Neelum where a trout
Pakistan. Neelum River adds Sharda: It is a breath-taking hatchery has been established.
to the beauty of the Valley. green spot at an altitude of Dowarian: It is situated about
Peoples from all around the 1981m. Shardi and Nardi are 13km from Neelum at an
world and from Pakistan come two mountain peaks altitude of 1615m. Mountains
here to enjoy the beauty of the overlooking the Valley. It has a full of conifer trees surround
Valley. There are many hotels captivating landscape with it.
and restaurants available in numerous springs and hill- Halmat: The area from Kel to
the Valley. sides covered with trees. On Taobat, the last geographical
Tourist points of Neelum Valley the right bank, opposite the boundary of Azad Jammu and
Athmuqam: It is the sub- Sharda, Neelum River is Kashmir, is called the Halmat.
divisional headquarters of the joined by the Surgan Nullah The border village is a
area. It is a small city situated along which a track leads to fascinating but unexplored
at a height of around 1371m. Nurinar Pass and through it to sight.



The Merciful Burglar

(A Kashmiri Folklore)
Pandit was well-known in the gentry attracted towards the "good earth." A was, therefore, the reason why the
of the country. He belonged to an man took to agriculture only when he wedding of his daughter could not be
ancient family of repute who had no other source of livelihood, postponed further. One night along
claimed many “dars” in their lineage and more often than not he gave up with his wife he was ransacking the
- kardars, chakaldars, tehsildars and farming as he could not spare out of secret chambers holding their
what not. Of course, he himself was a his meager earnings enough money valuables when she fell down with a
prominent zamindar owning many to pay his rent. A cultivator had to shriek, somebody had stolen into
khirwars of paddy land. He was discharge other obligations towards these chambers and made away with
naturally referred to respectfully as the landlord besides paying the usual many valuable ornaments. The
"the Pandit," or "Pandit Saheb" rent. Pandit, therefore, went over the
among those associated with him in After having lost the official accounts of income and expenditure
different capacities. It was believed for the last several years and cursed
patronage the Pandit did not reduce
that wealth earned during several his negligence which had suffered
the lavish expenditure of his
generations in his family lay hidden the servant above referred to and
household. He felt that it would go
in the underground cellars in his possibly his accomplices too, to
against the traditions of his family
house. He had immense credit defraud him systematically. His
established by his illustrious efforts to have the servant brought to
throughout the country among the forefathers. He was also afraid that
businessmen as well as the populace. book resulted in his receiving threats
such a step would prejudice his from the ungrateful wretch, threats
He maintained and even excelled the credit in the country. He maintained of dire consequences. As the servant
traditions of his ancestors in the a retinue of servants and maids some was guided by his cousin, and the
observance of all formalities and of whom had been in his service for latter never lost a chance in trying to
spent lavishly on such festivals as the decades, and there was the usual do him down, the Pandit considered
Shivaratri, the new year's day and the stable: ponies with their grooms and it expedient not to press the matter
shradha ceremonies of his parents. cows with their milkmen. further for the time being.
The Pandit did not hold any public This scale of expenditure was in no The cousin was not satisfied with the
appointment at the time to which this way compatible with his present success of his plans in bringing about
narrative refers. In fact he had been means and the Pandit was not a little the downfall of the Pandit. Nothing
waiting for several years for the worried on this account. He had been would give him (the cousin) greater
chance of securing such an postponing the solemnization of his pleasure than to raze him to the
appointment through the good daughter's wedding on the pretext ground completely. He gladly
offices of his friends. He had been that the stars were not propitious for accepted the suggestion of the
deprived of an important position by such an undertaking. But he was not erstwhile servant of the Pandit that a
the previous governor not because he unaware of the whispers of a rumor clever burglar be egged on to subject
had in any way failed to discharge set afloat by his cousins that the the house of the enemy to his
his duties and obligations properly postponement was due to his depredations, and their choice fell on
but because one of his cousins had insolvency. This was a serious Layuq, the captain of thieves. Armed
out of envy and malice hatched a plot matter as far as he was concerned, for with the directions about the interior
against the Pandit and he was these rumors were more piercing of the house, the underground cellars
cashiered out, much to his chagrin. than shafts of steel, and he was much and the types of locks used, Layuq
He had already covered some ground upset on this account. set about his task with
in rehabilitating himself in the good Misfortunes never come alone. In circumspection and thoroughness
opinion of the new governor and felt the wake of all these troubles came for which he was known and
satisfied with his progress. one day the astounding discovery dreaded.
His financial position was by no that one of his servants in whom he The residence of the Pandit was built
means enviable in spite of what his reposed considerable trust had in the mediaeval style on the pattern
cousins said that he had enriched forsaken him and taken service with of a square. The three-storied house
himself with the wealth of Kuvera the person he dreaded most, i.e. his built on all the four sides enclosed a
during the tenure of his office. Land cousin. Along with the servant went space several hundred yards in area.
was the only source of his income all the domestic secrets naturally, There was one main entrance which
now and agricultural produce was and this was the worst of it. The led to the interior of this citadel, but,
worth little in the market. In the domestic had broadcast that he no in addition, there were two or three
absence of any settled land policy in longer wanted to burden a man inlets used by the domestics. When
the State cultivators by no means felt moving about on his crutches. This the situation of law and order in the


country was not quite normal, all the are, there will be no end to his reserve, fortitude and manliness.
entrances were well guarded; difficulties and troubles for us. But the proximity of his wife had a
peaceful times, however, admitted of Those who speak to us respectfully softening influence over him; his
some relaxation in these and other will assume insulting attitudes, and emotions ran riot inside him and
matters. those who sue the hand of our considering himself sheltered from
One night when the Pandit repaired daughter in marriage will spurn it if prying eyes, he also broke down.
as usual to his bedroom for repose and when offered. The governor, But they were not alone actually.
his wife expressed her anxiety on the who seems to be favorably inclined Adjacent to their bedroom was the
postponement of their daughter's towards me and to whom I am strong room where they kept their
wedding. The Pandit was usually a looking for gainful patronage will valuables, and the insidious Layuq
man of fortitude and forbearance and dismiss such an idea from his mind. was already lodged there, egged on
would not worry his wife with their Above all, our cousin will make by the agents of the Pandit's cousin.
deteriorating financial condition. On merry to see us exposed thus. He knew the Pandit for a man of
this occasion, however, he felt that Therefore, dear lady, it is not feasible considerable strength of mind. He
he should reveal the real position to to dispose of any of our scanty had been given exaggerated
her and gave her an account of the valuables to meet our expenses and accounts of his wealth by the agents
various machinations of his enemies thus strike at the roots of the prestige of his cousin and in his view all was
chief among whom was his cousin, and credit that we still enjoy.... " grist that came to his mill. But he was
who brought about his ruin. the unobserved spectator of a scene
"I have been facing odds with a heart which none else would have the
of steel," said he to her, "and have opportunity of knowing at first hand
consistently avoided every chance and he could see that it was not
that might give you even a glimpse dressed up for his sake. He regretted
of the fearful chasm on the brink of that he should have undertaken the
which we perilously stand. Who adventure on the wrong and
would not like to discharge his misleading advice of malicious
obligations towards his children? I persons. He waited for some time till
should have solemnized the wedding the lord and lady of the house were
of our daughter several years back if fast asleep, and slinked away as
I had the wherewithal for the quietly and mysteriously as he had
purpose. The last blow has been the entered.
villainous act of the ungrateful The cousin of the Pandit expected to
servant who, false to his salt, not add another feather to his glory by
only left our service but robbed us of having his house swept clean of
valuables worth a good deal and valuables and other ancestral
must have betrayed our secrets to the The Pandit gave an account of his property. Though the thing had not
very enemy who brought about my troubles to his spouse in such a happened, he expected the good
downfall." pathetic tone that she wondered if news to come the next morning.
she could have, knowing all this, What actually took place was in
"But," retorted his wife, "why have been able to stand the mental strain.
you been holding these secrets away astounding contrast to his
On this occasion, however, she expectation. The next morning he
from me? If I deserve to enjoy your broke down and wept bitterly and
prosperity, am I not worthy of found that all his chests were rifled
cursed her stars that by a hostile and that his house was despoiled of
sharing with you the sorrows that concatenation had conspired to ruin
befall the family? We have no doubt the valuables. They could not easily
them just on the eve of the wedding compute the extent of the loss
fallen on lean days, but you could of their daughter. "The nose of our
dispose of what remains of the suffered.
respectability is cut, thanks to our
jewelry given to me by my father to cousins whose thirst for vengeance The same morning the Pandit found
meet the expenses of the wedding." upon us will not be slaked till they in his bedroom a small compact bag
see us utterly ruined... hic... hic... which he had never seen before. He
"That, dear, is exactly what I don't
hic...." examined its contents in the presence
propose to do. We have fallen on
of his wife and they were surprised to
very bad times, but we have still Her lord tried to console her but even
find in it valuables worth thousands.
some credit in the country which I he realized that for a number of years
Along with it was a sort of a cipher
don't want to strain further. In fact it his affairs had been going from bad
code which was not easily
is very painful for me to keep up the to worse without a single exception
presence of living according to the whereas all the blows aimed at him
traditions of my illustrious by his cousin were effective. So far, When deciphered the message read,
ancestors. But the moment it is he had never allowed his anxieties "Layuq is not a mere burglar. He has
known outside how miserable we and woe to have the upper hand over a heart!”



Letters to editor
Nuclear flashpoint squarely counter to international students and human rights
Indian government must end the norms and standards. India has defenders. Unfortunately, this
restrictions it imposed on done everything to befool the suppression of Muslim majority
freedom of expression, access to international community but of occupied Kashmir has met
information and peaceful miserably failed as strong with mass acclaim in India. One
protests in occupied Kashmir reactions are pouring in from has to go as far back as Serbia
around the world over the grim under Slobodan Milosevic to
since August 05, 2019 when it recall a similarly ecstatic
repealed special status of the situation in the occupied
upsurge of vengeful nationalism.
territory. Such measures would territory where people remain
India’s press and television
exacerbate tensions in South imprisoned in their own homes
channels are jumping up and
Asia and with both Pakistan and for weeks together.
down and cheering. Many Indian
India nuclear-armed countries, While access to information of
journalists have joined social
occupied Kashmir has become a the people of occupied Kashmir
media trolls in assaulting
flashpoint in the region. remains hindered in this critical
western outlets such as the BBC
A complete communications situation, their access to
and The New York Times for
blackout is in place in occupied emergency services including
reporting in an objective manner
Kashmir since August 05, with healthcare and education also
the Kashmiris’ anger and
internet access, mobile phone remains highly restricted.
resentment against the repeal of
networks, and cable and Further, the unprecedented
special status of occupied
Kashmiri television channels clampdown has also hampered
Kashmir. Near-unanimous
snapped. The shutdown of the the public access to information
backing from India’s media
internet and telecommunication about demonstrations and
seems to have emboldened Modi
networks without justification clashes between the protesters
government, which even
by the Indian government is and the Indian forces which
prevented a delegation of
inconsistent with the could have been vital for the
opposition leaders including
fundamental norms of necessity safety and protection of the
Rahul Gandhi from visiting the
and proportionality. Such people. India should end this
occupied territory to observe the
blackout is a form of collective crackdown at the earliest and
ground situation.
punishment of the people of restore all the basic freedoms
However, the encouraging sign
Jammu and Kashmir, without and rights of the people of
is that coverage of occupied
even a pretext of a precipitatingoccupied Kashmir.
Kashmir in the international
offence and the so-called largestSohail Agha
media has been uniformly
democracy of the world should Karachi
critical of the Indian
be ashamed of its actions. Military siege government, mainly caused by
Sajjad Kareem With each passing day, India’s its demonstrably false assertions
Lahore crackdown on Kashmir is echoed by India’s media that
Kashmiris imprisoned intensifying. Not content with
things are “normal” in the
Dear editor, depriving the entire snapping telephone lines and territory. Front-page pictures of
population of occupied Kashmir internet services and imposing heavily armed soldiers on empty
of all their basic rights of stringent curfew, Narendra streets of Kashmir make clear
Modi-led communal Indian
freedom of expression, opinion, government has imprisoned that the region is effectively
movement and peaceful thousands of Kashmiris under military siege.
assembly and protest by India for including Hurriyat leaders, Junaid Khan
an indefinite period runs political activists, businessmen, Peshawar


Atrocities by Indian troops
(January 1989 to August 31, 2019)

Total killings 95,438

Custodial killings 7,128

Civilians arrested 158,048

Structures destroyed/damaged 109,409

Women widowed 22,909

Children orphaned 107,778

Women gangraped/molested 11,140

Including custodial killings

Source: Kashmir Media Service (

Reminder to Indian people!
He was your leader; Congress is your party ...
but his promise still remains unfulfilled

“If, after a proper plebiscite, the people of Kashmir said 'we do not want to be with
India', we are committed to accept it though it might pain us. We will not send an army
against them. We will accept that, however hurt we might feel about it, we will change
the Constitution, if necessary.
“India is a great country and Kashmir is almost in the heart of Asia. There is an
enormous difference not only geographically but in all kinds of facts there. Do you
think (in dealing with Kashmir) you are dealing with a part of UP or Bihar or Gujrat?”

(Indian Prime Minister, Jawaharlal Nehru’s statement in

Indian Parliament, June 26, 1952)

All Parties Hurriyet Conference Azad Jammu And Kashmir

P. O. Box No. 2617, GPO Islamabad.
Ph: 0092-51-4861457, Fax: 0092-51-4861458 (Islamabad)
0092-5822-432344 (Muzaffarabad)

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