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SUM-130 SUMM §$ | Voc. | CITACION J__ CIAL) Lo RLS EE UNLAWFUL DETAINER-EVICTION (RETENCION ILICITA DE UN INMUEBLE-DESALOJO) NOTICE TO DEFENDANT: (AVISO AL DEMANDADO) Tyrone Dotson, and DOES 1 to 5 YOU ARE BEING SUED BY PLAINTIFF: (LO ESTA DEMANDANDO EL DEMANDANTE): Caritas Management Corporation Yau Fav 5 CALENDAR DAYS af this summons and legal papers ae vowed on yo ois wien response at Wis Sout ara hae Say served onthe plait. (To calculate the five days, cout Saturday and Sunday but dono court eter cout ays the lest ay fle on Satury, Sunday, oa cout holy then you have the net cout day toe awn respon) A eter ot phone cl ut tps You, our writen response must be in proper legal farm F you want the cout to hear your case. There may boa out farm at You can ee fr Your response You can find these cout forme and more information atthe California Cots Onine Sllp Cntr (vt courti. co. gowso to) your can Ia iary, othe courthouse nearest you. H you cannot pay the ling ee, ask to cour clr a foo wah form youao nt esr espones on ‘ime, you ay le the ease by defaut, and your wages, mony. and property maybe ikem thou forthe wang fom the cou ‘There ae oer gal equiements You may wart to eal an atone "ght ana. I you do not know an storey, you may want calan atrney ‘feral serie. you cant afford an storey, you maybe eligbofor ee legal services om a ronpofi eal senicne program, Yeu can bene | these nnorft groups at the Calfomia Legs Serces Web se (nv lawhapealorna cha Calfoia Gaur Onine sekp Goner (wor,o by contacting you lca out or county bar associat, NOTE: The cout he salty et for wave fees and ‘cots on any semen or aataton aware of $0,000 or ore a case. The oute tan rust be pad bat ne ue wl demos he cace Tene 5 DIAS DE CALENDARIO después de que le entreguen esta citacién y papeles legales para presentar una respuesta por escrito en esta cart y hacer ques ertegue una copa a demandant, Para acu os cinco dis cuonto fos sabaacsy bs domingos rena sores se feriados de a corte, Sie tno a coo on sdbado oconingo, oon un ca en qe la corte est cored, te hate e prin a Ge cat pare presertar na respuesta po ecie). Una cat o una famada teltonic no lo protege. Su rcpuesa or esto ns que etaren toma gel Comecoe dose qo procesen su cso an la cart. Es paste que haya un femur auo usted pueda usar para Su respuesta, Pose enooeat {os formulrios de la corey ms informacion enol Cano de Aye de as Cores do Calon (ww sucore.ce Gon) on a BRoteca de eyes do 5 condodoo na ore que quede mas cerca, Sino puede pagal uota Ge presents pid al sorta ela crt ue le don emus de exancin de pogo de clas. ino present su respuesta mp, pune potter el nso por Reumpnfote yl cot le pour eos, Cine y dines si nds adverteeia. Hoy ots reqs egal. £5 ecomendable quo lane aun abogedo hmedetamente in conoe aun aboged, puede lena aun sonia de remistna abogades. Sina puede pagar aun abogad, es poste ave cpl colo reulloe pre obtonr sanioslogua grata deo programe deserve legals sh fines de luc. Puede encontrar estos gps sn nes de hero one! ito web Calon Logal Serco, {we aelpcafominc), en of Cento de Ayuda do la Cts de Calf, mu sucoa ca ov) 0 pontndoce on crtacta ton ln cot 0 Colegio de abogados bcales.AVISO: Por ly, la cot tone derecho a reciamar las cooas ys casos exentos por mponarun graven sobre cuir reciperetin d $10,000 6 ms 6 valor recbide medante in acvrdoo une concesin de erbiaje on oat de deecno cl oe que apa ol raven doa crt antes de quo la ore puede dosehar a aca, ‘The name and adress of the court aa (Elnombe y direcién dela corto es) BORN. 19=665463 Superior Court of California ~“ 400 McAllister Street San Francisco, CA 94102 2. The name, adress, and telephone numberof plaints attorney, or paint without an attorney, i: (El nombre a direccisn y ol nimero de teléfono del abogado del domandat,v del demandarto que no tiene ebogado, es): John P. Zanghi ZANGHI TORRES ARSHAWSKY LLP 625 Market Street, 4th Floor (415) 977-0444) San Francisco, CA‘ 94105 3, (Must be answered in ail cases) An unlawful detainer assistant (Bus. & Prof. Code, §§ 6400-6415) (X) didnot CQ did for compensation give advice or assistance with this form. (If plaintiff has received any help or advice for pay from an unlawful detainer assistant, complete item 6 on the next page.) c ose Clon, by < Deputy (Fecha) JUL 0.52019 DEPUTY CLERK (Secragano) =z _ (Adjunto) (For proof of service of this summons, use Proof of Service of Summons (fom POS-OT0}) (Par pro ong doa nnn ear Beate Servet Samora, (05-010), BOWMAW ¢ mp Hae eee ae nee ot NOTICE TO THE PERSON SERED Ton ace # 2 EY as an nahal tendon b. ‘as the person sued under the fictitious name of (specify): oF seeps d. ‘on behalf of (specify): Teer} CCS 1546 corporation) oP 41660 (nino 6b 416.20 ers erporaton) oP 416.90 (corsets) oP 416.20 assocain'a sarteahip) ES} CP ates ete arson) CCP 415.46 (occupant) other (specify): 5. (.) by personal delivery on (date): is or Ae sagens™ CE Easonsar SUNMONS-UNLAWFUL DETANER-EVICTION Saar ES Tae,” CEB | Esgentie i Caritas Managenent Corporation SUM-130 [" PIANTIFF (iene Caritas Management Corporation GASE NUMBER: [F berENonNT ume): ‘Tyxone Dotson, and DOES 1 to 5 6. Unlawful detainer assistant (complete ifplaintif has received any help or advice for pay from an unlavul detainer assistant) a. Assistants name: b. Telephone no.: Steet address, city, and ZIP: County of registration: Registration no. Registration expires on (date): ‘Ba Re bay 88 ‘SUMMONS-UNLAWFUL DETAINER-EVICTION Paaezate CEB | Essential ‘ohcom | EIFOrMS™ Caritas Management Corporation up-400 “ATORNEVORPARTY WITROUT ATTORNEY le, Siar aaa For COURT USE OMY |—John P. Zanghi 145845 ZANGHI TORRES ARSHAWSKY LLP 625 Market Street, 4th Floor San Francisco, CA’ 94105 raemoneno: (415) 977-0444 raxnovononar (425) 977-0156 |an 7 w eat aooness (ston: LE D arronwerFon ne: Plaintift ‘SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF San FEAHGISCO rior Court of Gator — Seen ‘af San Francisco swecrrooness 400 McAllister Street 2019 wunosowss 400 McAllister Street JUL OS oT cmawoncose San Francisco, CA 94102 LERIGOF THE sruvenwee Civic Center Courthouse _ CLERIGO! PLANTFF: Caritas Management Corporation ay om BOWMAN Ta DEFENDANT: Tyrone Dotson, and | (QJ bors 17o 8 COMPLAINT - UNLAWFUL DETAINER* CASES compat CAMENDEDCOMPLANT (Amendmenthumber: —___| CUD=19-665164 ‘Jurisdiction (check all that apply): (EQ) ACTION is A LIMITED civiL CASE ‘Amount demanded (EX) does not exceed $10,000 Co excoods $10,000 but does not exceed $25,000 2 ACTION Is AN UNLIMITED CIVIL CASE (amount demanded exceeds $25,000) (Zo ACTION Is RECLASSIFIED by this amended complaint or cross-complaint (check all that apply): trom untawul detainee to general uatimited chil (possession notin issue) 1 trom limited to untimited © trom uniawu detainer to goneralimited civil (possession notin issue) trom niiited to timited 1. PLAINTIFF (name each): Caritas Management Corporation alleges causes of action against DEFENDANT (name each) Tyrone Dotson, and DOES 1 to 5 2. a. Plaintifis (1) (2) an individual over the age of 18 years, (4) G1 apartnership. @ ©) apublic agency. (©) [BD acorporation. @) FD other (specity): . G2) Plaintif has complied with the fictitious business name laws and is doing business under the fctiious name of (specify): Caritas Management Corporation 3. Defendant named above is in possession of the premises located at (street address, apt. no., city, zip code, and county): 3048 16th Street, Unit #406 San Francisco, CA 94103 San Francisco County 4, Plaintiffs interest in the premises is CY asowner ( other (specify): See attachment 15 8. The true names and capacities of defendants sued as Does are unknown to plaintiff. 6. a. Onorabout (date): March 7, 2019 defendant (name each): Tyrone Dotson (1) agreed to rent the premises as a [EQ month-to-month tenancy (C} other tenancy (specity): 2) agreed to pay rent of $ 276.00 payable KK) monthiy C) other (specify frequency) @) agreed to pay rent on the CE first of the month () other day (specify): b. This_[QQ writen (} oral agreement was made with (1) plait. (@) C2 plaintits predecessor in interest. 2) blainttfs agent (4) © other (speci): Plaintiff's Principal “NOTE: Do note is fom for vcr afer tala Code i Poe. §181a) eT COMPLAINT = UNCAWEUL DETAWER Ss EB | agonal | SEOrms F AX FILING Caritas Hanagenent Corporation [PLAINTIFF fame: Caritas Mai ment Corporation wee DEFENDANT Name)” Tyrone Dotson, and DOES 1 to 5 6. c. QE) The defendants not named in item 6a are 4) G2 subtenants. @) CA assignees. @) (BY other (specity): All unauthorized occupants. 4.) The agreement was later changed as follows (specify): 2. LED A copy of the written agreement, including any addenda or attachments that form the basis of this complaint, is attached ‘and labeled Exhibit 1. (Required for residential property, unless item 61 is checked. See Code Civ. Proc., § 1166.) £. CA (For residential property) A copy of the written agreement is not attached because (specify reason): (1) C2) the written agreement is not in the possession ofthe landlord or the landlord's employees or agents. 2) C2 this action is solely for nonpayment of rent (Code Civ. Proc., § 1161(2)) 7. (El a. Defendant (name each): Tyrone Dotson’ ‘was served the following notice on the same date and in the same manner: (1) CA) 3-day notice to pay rent or quit (4) C2 2-day notice to perform covenants or quit @ C2 20-day notice to quit (6) CD) 3-day notice to quit 8) CA 60-day notice to quit ©) K) Other (speciy: Notice To Quit b. (1) On (date): June 28, 2019 the period stated in the notice expired at the end of the day. (2) Defendants failed to comply with the requirements of the notice by that date. «. Allfacts stated in the notice are true, 4. (2) The notice included an election of forfeiture. 2. CEVA copy of the notice is attached and labeled Exhibit 2. (Required for residential property. See Code Civ. Proc, $1166) £. C2) One or more defendants were served (1) with a different notice, (2) on a different date, or (3) n a diferent ‘manner, as stated in Attachment Be. (Check item &¢ and attach a statement providing the information required by items 7a-e and 8 foreach defendant) =~ 8. a. [E The notice in item 7a was served on the defendant named in item 7a as follows: (1) CA by personally handing a copy to defendant on (date): @) C2 by leaving a copy with (name or description): a person of suitable age and discretion, on (date): at defendant's Cy residence (2) business AND mailing a copy to defendant at defendants place of residence on (ato): because defendant cannot be found at defendant's residence or usual place of business. (@) [El by posting a copy on the premises on (date): June 18, 2019 (CQ AND giving a copy toa Person found residing at the premises AND mailing a copy to defendant at the premises on (date): June 18, 2019 (@) (1) because defendant's residence and usual place of business cannot be ascertained OR (©) OX) because no person of suitable age or discretion can be found there. (4) (2 Wot for 5-day notice; see Civil Code, § 1946 before using) by sending a copy by certified or registered ‘mail addressed to defendant on (date): ©) CA (Not or residential tenancies; see Civil Code, § 1953 before using) in the manner specified in a written ‘commercial lease between the parties, >. ame): ‘was served on behalf of all defendants who signed a joint writen rental agreement. ¢. 2) Information about service of notice onthe defendants alleged in tem 7f's stated in Attachment Bc. 4. Proof of service ofthe notice in item 7a is attached and labeled Exhibit 3 (vt Rex a, 05 ‘COMPLAINT - UNLAWFUL DETAINER Page zor CEB | Eset socom | SiForms Caritas Management Corporation [_ PLAINTIFF (Name: Caritas Me jement Corporation NoMBER: DEFENDANT (Neme)) Tyrone Dotson, and DOES 1 to 5 | 9. (2) Plaintiff demands possession from each defendant because of expiration of a fixed-term lease. 10.) Atthe time the 3-day notice to pay rent or quit was served, the amount of rent due was § 11.) The fair rental value ofthe premises is § 9.20 per day. 12.2) Defendant's continued possession is malicious, and plaintifs entitled to statutory damages under Code of Civil Procedure section 1174(t), (State specific facts supporting a claim up to $600 in Attachment 12.) 13.) Awnitten agreement between the parties provides for attomey fees, 14.2) Defendant’ tenancy is subject to the local rent control or eviction control ordinance of (city or county, ttle of ordinance, ‘and date of passage): Plainti has met all applicable requirements of the ordinances. 16.(E) Other allegations are stated in Attachment 16. 16. Plaintiff accepts the jurisdictional limit, if any, ofthe court 17. PLAINTIFF REQUESTS, 2. possession ofthe premises . Td damages atthe rate state in item 11 from b. costs incured inthis proceeding: (date: Sune 29, 2019 foreach day that © CA pastdue rent of § defendants remain in possession through entry of judgment. 4. CD reasonable attorney fees. 9. C1 statutory damages upto $600 forthe conduct alleged intern 12. ©. (forfeiture of the agreement. bh. CK) other (specify): Such other relief as the Court deems proper. 18. [ED Number of pages attached (specify: 36 UNLAWFUL DETAINER ASSISTANT (Bus. & Prof. Code, §§ 6400-6415) 19. (Complete in all cases.) An unlawful detainer assistant (XJ didnot (] did for compensation give advice or assistance with this form. (I plaintiff has received any help or advice for pay from an unlaviful detainer assistant, state:) 1, Assistants name: ©. Telephone No. b. Street address, city, and zip code: 4d. County of registration: €. Registration No. f. Expires on (date): Date: July 2, 2019 John 2. Zanghi ‘- <5 See VERIFICATION (Uso a different verification form ifthe verification is by an attomey or for a corporation or partnership.) |/am the pleintf in this proceeding and have read this complaint. | deciare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing is true and correct. See attached verification See attached verification (TYPE OR PRINT NAME » (SIGNATURE OF PLAINTIFF), Besa caritas Management Corporation a 10 uW 12 B 14 15 16 7 18 19 20 21 23 24 25 26 27 28 Unlawful Detainer Compiaint - Attachment 15 15-1. Plaintiff's interest in the premises is as property manager. Plaintiff is authorized to prosecute this action and recover possession in its own name pursuant to a written agreement with the owner of the premises. 15-2. Although the notice states that advice is available from the San Francisco Residential Rent Stabilization and Arbitration Board, Defendant’s tenancy is exempt from the San Francisco Residential Rent Stabilization and Arbitration Ordinance (San Francisco Administrative Code Chapter 37, as amended), pursuant to Section 37.2(r)(4) of San Francisco Administrative Code Chapter 37, because the premises is a dwelling unit which is part of a project based rental assistance program, and the rent for the premises is controlled and regulated by a government unit, agency or authority. Unlawful Detainer Complaint, Attachment 15 “ssrip tease xcasases ‘ss AGREE, ne medi ea steve Ata ‘Sasa CAv0L0ty seamen TNT che ean oe on gremenennerons ee ene ee ee enmonae tit geo at mee yenatty SES ae cto ecm Egan hemoesavemsngrre cai ee ea PORATION FoR 28 YS aha TENA SRS SAD (© Sant te SA yong a pu Ladd lft ly ‘ete th Cent bye por es oo aca Te. Se ESE ee ieee STAG a ‘Spunty Pes Be ee (hnseeog awe res se omey gi TSE astnmvam mtorr tt ine tonite Seen ee eee ies ontogeny ett Dignan terrae eres = rd —— Seer Tee coun) counaia Mem Bey, Ste eect — wo = ee = Sele ee a © Tn Lat a pte og ape dng omunroancs wo seve, eins sla Steg pet nd pend si ai Fade a a sce os Saal ay at gee iy Ste term tan tne ea (3) Beaman ile pty Lederman Hoare ‘ots tn nas pu Ne sca) ——e—— EXHIBIT ZL nh ea a (Sele, 40. na wn eons of Le, ‘Sitar se che ettnrnogpea al (8 te ot eH uit ox eee oy n t tse ge” mem ste leas to et Fi (2 hig se ameter inet a (Pe ye Ts ro ee es wi tse po 0 Retest naa Oo ‘Strata eS acnyetnteem, mR UMEEHA eer (0 Tanna ae pit eT Fyn oon eh et re pega deco nin eg eg © a in pe cy en ny th ind bt yor ann a (oe a ee pa Sie acon ol efor ra oe on ‘meg acon Lay pv ee ih a SRE ea (0 cnn na Rn ye een se ane Soe eres Se pet i Cr fan te ane eye ‘Rein poy ef eo yk ‘lad cee Fraps (© Wiesttmit 2A" eT s&s oem cero np assy norte eee ‘ap se ye li nt Ap oy (9 Ra my a ila eta (Tete ie ppd a open a ee Deeper oe eeeateeemmemtc magma mnt Aa hasnt ated tees er a lle eine Pitre elspa VIOLENCE, DATING VIO. “CE US. Departmentof How. outrun ne tacte OR STALKING snd Urbae Development Bawa ‘offer ef owing LEASE ADDENDUM ‘This ese addendum ads the following parigaphs othe Lesse between the ebove referenced ‘Tenant and Lando Porpose ofthe Addendum “The ese for he above efrenced unit is eing amended to inl the provisions of he ‘Violence Agtinst Wornen and Justice Deparaeat Reauthorization Ac of 2005 (VAWA). betwee the provisions of this Addendum and other sections ofthe Lease, ‘Adsendm all pre ‘Term ofthe Lene Addendum ete aft ann gn |i Tse at Rinnai oe VAWA Protections "papas ti te rma tien oy nofan in ana erepecnethsLoore {) Stone naman Concert f evens i cn aaphetntne/ cpr ‘tne =e ut ec imine ny eoar eae Steerer Ss Be an er — ime 2 eit Sr Perna ety toh Omar pes ny azn opty ‘Wire suri, senate St nr gan yeni tanto [tev ne Sines erp yon aan eat asa ae 6 Wi a regener arty ses ese carn © te yr hes we arene ae creesorn = Soe serene cceumeboeremnteegeeeares ieee neha Stobile cont umn Onna dase Sane buyers alba teehee mT dE ot 4 eI ato we mers s_Bae mamta Fa tbe +230 See Se tsnaeren ey che cacao caterer ¢ Roscoe ure ayn passe tt ne + 82a ee ei Sn aoe Seer aes a eenstat oe creme eee at CARITAS}... ‘AGEMENT CORPORA, «JN D, The following phot tffontlons ar eceped by us VISITOR/GUEST POLICY + Yell Ooveramet issued LD, Le. ai Calfomia Divers Teens, o¢ 1. LEASE ADDENDUM + Valid Passpr, or valid Alien Resident Ca +, Cumest DMV photo Ds ited in oer ates +” Valid DMV ccnp wih photo LD, Le, Chk Casing Cad, a, Mexican Consular Registration Cart Merchant seaman D. Retiacanine Tyrone Dobson as eto 2a tae = at ‘Addie 3 Visonlgvens wh apes be inte or ere Lense wl at be deted tothe propery. TA) inte : F._Vitorfguets must be escorted by you t and Gom your wait. Visitospuets may nitbe lt untoompecied when tog ina common wsat sock se de ley, tllays, leat, sews, communiy loge, community Biches aad eons entice o. 4, ceased Home Care Workers must be rte with us ad provide aufclest deocreation foicatg that they te = Homo Care Wot, A Home Cae Sion! wh fon dk cick end bie by oor communi rues A Home Care Works doos st sed ta bpgeatel $y See Wl canyog out dates ety pein toyourere| ME 2 . 1 Youae allowed 10 overnight suet in sah lode moa tnt 0 sin ae wlan vit you Bow hi of 0 ae 7 gua Biest vs signe vist night. No overnight gust uy stay longs an 10 conseetveoverighs oa 10:00 pam. daly. Tf combined 100 ‘within calendar month. Al tps i by nd sping sagt wth he on a des cle ech te whe entering ox etig the rope. Piet do 0 a ‘Sf pret fal fey tbe pope dn omit gues ong 7 he dye de eqn fe ep monterey Sin 10 pm ‘Shuaurbe might des nt ned olen or sro ot seen on the day ofthe request Ifa rues sade but a guts stayng pat 1609 pm. tat cvening, the request shall so be could gat Jour lowe eo fverighe gusts pee month as long as you bave informed us i wring cg than by 6:00 pt the following day tat vo overnight vit tock place,‘ gest oss oot have tobe preset when You se aking your request aad you 20 tot sec joggvie ve wih won ul you oemigh ue igri, Reals Youngalowedo arin clin tori a, anuTAS MARAGEMENT CORPORATION : OENERAL fed afer 10:00 p.m. unlaes they have besa registered ons an Intals til afte te secsond fom us und any vilatone ey we sight triaue Scher eguicmonts snd Htions wih pet to igi TS) fll 12> -reuarnovsmcorroxnmer (BE (CARITAS MANAGEMENT CORPORATION CARITAS MANAGEMENT CORPORATION ‘CALIFORNIA ADDENDUM. ‘CALIFORNIA ADDENDUM, ‘.SatlteDabe or Antena, In complicit Scion 207 ofthe Telecommnleaton CARITAS MANAGEMENT CORPORATION ‘CALIFORNIA ADDENDUM. GENERAL, ‘Applicable only ifchecked here (mast be heck bulge contracted prio 10 {881 orf Landlord knows or beleeshere's eabesor n tie Sm) ‘connection Wit Mangement opectlcn snd ‘wlthot ination te flowing: (CARITAS MANAGEMENT CORPORATION CALIFORNIA ADDENDUM, Applicable only ifchesked here ois Be cheated bung is contacted pir to 1878 or Landlord knows or bles here ob leaded print ont Premioen} 4, Lasd Waming Sutemet, Housing bl bie 1978 may eotnnLadcased ‘int. Lod fom psn, pt chips and dst ae pose ath haar fone ‘managed propel, Lead epost epelly bal o young chide the presence of known lead-based paint andlor lead based paint hazards i the ‘loving pov Lease Rider: Good Cause fr Evition ‘uner may nt terminal the eran the Leas etal agent of Low name Tanda Sous crpesieg vation o sont al ay tame contd i he Lace or etal ri twee the ganar an he ert, conto sha eon By stoning below, Indeate my consent to this, ‘eslaent or Appear Name (pra Resident or Applicant Name NOTICE - GOOD CAUSE EVICTION PROTECTION mato hia mporon essen ‘see been snes by your nord ané protester pat fou be acne oh nts for you sare ImeoRTANTI 1 you receive an evition notice or court papers, you should contact an ‘torny Immecetl for loge! aoe. ‘no should you contact you tave more qvestions? rt mange, cal opal evens feo, oes ough ‘tome 5. tread Inc. spon sa coin, your asta ncomeceds HO of Toeaplele Progr ime may: (0) eat your mony et w mare a, CARITAS MANAGEMENT CORPORATION [LOW-INCOME HOUSING TAX CREDIT PROGRAM ‘URASE ADDENDUM. Inconseon oft enteton arene of aes of te dweling tit ened nthe a and ou aga flows: nae rogram Regions sae inte Lets, your supa of ie gover ty he Regulator ofthe Ste of Califo Tex Cet ng Crete esuprey oft dveling i ow ome owing re rogram ude: = Provay ete supe by youto sth jester ling ‘cuoRESbaNT LEASE ADDENOUATAK RECTORS CARITAS MANAGEMENT CORPORATION DRUG FREE HOUSING "LEASE ADDENDUM Substance 21 US.C. 802. 2. You any member of your household, ora gosto ote een under your oto! shal nt crags any at inte fatten ot slang deve etal ‘ty, on omer propery premises 2: You or members of you huseold will nx permit dhe dein tb sed for, citar erinina activi, ling uated ceil sty, regress of wheter i Sour oapcols oe gs B mmmerregmaraesience Bl = Reiter ese Rete Rete CARITAS MANAGEMENT CORPORATION cine SAeapset tee 2 Seehnonwiaaaiimt hatte ae a 3 F i 7 Dae CARITAS MANAGEMENT CORPORATION BED BUG DISCLOSURE NOTICE AND RESIDENT PREVENTION LEASE ADDENDUM ‘CARITAS MANAGEMENT CORPORATION BED BUG DISCLOSURE NOTICE AND RESIDENT PREVENTION LEASE ADDENDUM. Infrostion het soncemngtedbug from te DEPARTMENT Dati ere anim ep of he information Shee) ‘You AcREs 10 MAIVTAIN THE PRENUSES INA MANNER THAT FREVENTS THE OCCURRENCE OF 3. You shall ot bring used or second han frit, bedding, or elothi Managemeet oct ferent soso ondions ei, you may request en inspection of your eit. ‘Weak avegiht ormorTuwry HousNG mov ‘CARITAS MANAGEMENT CORPORATION CARITAS MANAGEMENT CORPORATION [RED BUG DISCLOSURE NOTICE AND RESIDENT PREVENTION ‘BED BUG DISCLOSURE NOTICE AND RESIDENT PREVENTION LEASE ADDENDUM LEASE ADDENDUM ‘bedding loting bed, une, amis newspaper, open fod, pron Supls, pls, and fed animals, BD conmnmnm crete: saa ‘uy ana councy ob san Department o1 . ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SECTION $e Appendix A: TENANT'S GUIDE TO BED BUGS: HOW TO PREPARE A ROOM FOR TAEATHENT: ‘AKO PREVENT TRANSMITTING BED BUGS TO OTHER ROOMS Whar ane a> suas? {600 | OW I Ave BED BU youhave bed chs ed bas ny one se bed bs sg ot Sd of he De ue pst. Fat 1 em into your rou, sel slo clathrg ad bed coves ‘CARITAS MANAGEMENT CORPORATION (GRIEVANCE AND APPEAL PROCEDURES ‘ALL PROGRAMS. ions Doleen _ nit. ote Toes ah Sree 5, CASAS Sea Fea veto any groves defined In See ‘Types of Haring, “Tre te wo types of earings wih respect oth pocedte: Formal Hearing. This sa formal hearing wis you, us, anda hein office hearing panel Declan rom this ering ae binding on you ad us, sb Se Informal Hearing. A tom of grievance, You mst erally peter our res fee ota you and we may dass our a ton ‘quest We wl places copy of your eq nour alg with be pevare and the snevet, raygarmcracrrs (O) Disco, Your you ais eprint eng apse eas resist TD Tribals rmtencomin [El D comsumnercupmin.siavinar ron satinig casi [] CARITAS MANAGEMENT CORPORATION ‘COMMUNITY RULES ‘SRO Resdent'sName: “Tuyrone “CL view UOto ‘Adares: 30d et See Sains, QD “Thee Rue nd Regulations verve aa tachento he Las bertcen Managemen nou, Complians with thes Rules ian ciigntion cf erey and vlsion ay lead even, Commi Rules are ests to defn scrpable stiles and beavis nan envionment of ‘sommuniyfivng, The Comeniny Rus rect means infings onthe gh of any oe reser, tatraiern proc igh of le sie, te oyna magn ard he coraty a4 stole “Tse Rue re conider reasonable. The ules apply equal tall esd, They have bets ‘roy the proses wl espcing the igh oft sgh. These les may be changed fom ‘tote joviod you eit eet 30 vance ns ad en oppor o eet ‘Tae Development as contacted with us, Caras Menge Comaation (Manageme 0 ane th do-day operons ofthe Development, inluing te enfresrent of te Lene nd ‘hese Rules and Regu. 1 Office, 1A. Remtis due onthe fst day ofeach month atthe Mangere Of le st 3048 16th Suet Sen Fasciso, CA 94103, ‘A ee fe wl be assessed fr any etal payments eave arth grace pero’ ‘ted inte Less, ‘CARITAS MANAGEMENT CORPORATION ‘COMMUNITY RULES SRO 1B. Myoupreseat check whichis epmed byte banker suit fds you wil be chted te cl ot charged sy hbk in aon toe ate, We Wtlaccopt only money ores rai els ror you fra prod of ten four (4) mets. cai payments will ote szepd without ror approval om Manageme All yen mde by you rr bo designe by Jou, wl be pi slows Frei eny pl ent Slgors noting caret ont a0 ay ‘usted fsa amour hs, ary oven Spe ‘Fourie payments within sny 12 mnt paid cote reson fr evo, Visitors Paley ‘We avonlyenetzage you to have ay a fend ising. We renee the rigt © refs ent to viaragvete an se plicy reparding length of i and oversight ys, We ae aking you wo alow the Vstu/Ouest Pais outed nthe Le ‘dendum Visto Goet ole whieh incorporated these Rules by reference fein Above ‘Your require tort Menage wen you ate ogo be bent frm yoru Tormore thn ortnn (1) dry The maximum ine You ay be absent sie) onsectve dye wine ele (12) mo id. Subtesig- ‘You shal wt alow te to bce by nye pa witha the wt [emission om Manspanet,nor stl you sues te wi to ary oer Fes. CARITAS MANAGEMENT CORPORATION ‘CARITAS MANAGEMENT CORPORATION CONDHUNITY RULES ‘COMMUNITY RULES SRO 6 KeytKey Cards ad Lockout, 2 Pele ‘Nopetsincating binds ts dosha ih, kes, rade rte or epee ai 8. Youmust sxfegur yo fr! fy ears tall ine, We ‘ero ony ding elses bos. The care fr pomed in th managers lfc, Ony residents who have ps rife, Loko 2 ‘vere uaa gain en C._Replacumest of let ety dorky ky card ay ot you te care neared ‘ey tebek ndprovide nw kayak ars al resents, PLEASE BE ‘CAREFUL WITH YOUR KEVS/ KEY CARDS. Should ok regu changing fr any easen ots than be ks fi > oral wea an te, you Wil be charged thea cost ue end relive 2) Your eps, 3) Othe, Payment of tock sharse ‘fan nwo or be caret E._Allkeye/key erm be etude oe wt ove oyoa wil be shared fee untetued eye yen and he cot of changing your uit ok ‘CARITAS MANAGEMENT CORPORATION ‘COMMUNITY RULES ‘SRO ‘mergency Rep No Snetoing ll int ait 1 Ohkermalstorince sunton le ean he el and safety of eden rhe Developmen “You fle to romp spt mergency maateoance ere sed coud est in Sirs beng essed oyu score damages cae by ach las. General Emergencieg srt all 91 eth sepopine you haven emegeny (ronan Manageme ergeney ripase gee nd ate = secaiy, ‘You must eon supa evi t Management Doors an sts muse coved wen Crucng ad lensing the pres, Unit door shuld bys be eked. Israncs, ‘You se eneurge to nr ines orc ait oss of pon! propery clint, However, nso sot eed Damages ‘We may charg you fr eae (when damage i beyond normal wea end {Res These urge are cone with tla and your Lene Ween we notify yout ‘hang hs Bon etn, you mus pay the charge 6 CARITAS MANAGEMENT CORPORATION ‘COMMUNITY RULES SRO Window Coverings ‘opel and des not mape Waterbed Laundry Roos. “Tpelaundy eam hor ae pst The andr rom shui only be wed by siden Pee le the ror cen nd ody foe eer. Machines anti be ed CARITAS MANAGEMENT CORPORATION ‘COMMUNITY RULES SRO Wall Hangings Pius, mos and ober wall hangings mayb ang with albecks of the pope type “Manggeent il nly prvie ight bul fr al eomaner igh tues in you ui ‘You eplac gh bls a necesery wing he proper wage Your unity hve rile eads. Do at och orbang sting from he pine beds You willbe bell raponl for any damage eared dawn ange with he per end Clobetines. Manageent does ot supply less fr your un You may not hang any ceting, being. uso ter mul fo windows, balconies, por, reaps or over Storage No famoabes or ards matrls may be kept othe premises acing conanets filed with pce, sven. No soe ofa Kin ialloved on aoe fe ‘CARITAS MANAGEMENT CORPORATION ‘COMMUNITY RULES ‘SRO Pest Conel Serve Your wits pt mis mx Plae ay Manage nmi i tes Manager has inplemenadeeampre ned ne Leas Aen Bed Bog Dlr Teerporse tes Rules by seferene bes Inspections, een re ipso ft Denton |A.—Windowalla shuld be kept of al parson pope Any dons the ‘window peng nt be spproved by Menger pele tall. B. Noss sso, or pce tems other usighy ens maybe sored or a (CARITAS MANAGEMENT CORPORATION ‘COMMUNITY RULES SRO 1D. Common aes sos be ep fie of unaended abandoned fur, bie, toys end ber ero propery. 5 Noses evremem aes ber ewing yeti ci cnven of be Mamsgemen F_Nosvning ai arene lois anne, ws lite dks or other rojeions re allowed nano abut ary pan ofthe ulngs ener comeron 6. Yowace finally sponse foray emage estrone misono ay pa ofthe eomnce areas cused by you snd ory vistors and gst conduct ‘A. Youd your gus) wl act ngne no pript fo sh conduc which “Rgeonet and vlan non ots Lae ©. Soci ane ny enerngs of ise nd esent guest(s) ae welomed (CARITAS MANAGEMENT CORPORATION ‘COMMUNITY RULES ‘SRO 1D. Thepubisconupton of deal verges, eal rug rer heel sete within th common res of te Bousing commons tity roti. Any oticale ple drukenness or oi! mont within he ysl boudres of ts husng emmy esl pokes. Ary ile observed by or esidens ardor Managenet shoul beep tthe proper uberis, FYouare response the aoa snd conduct of our Bu ‘oneampliane cf he Less Apesmert. (G.—_Proper ate (uting wesing es) is requ inthe eommon areas a al ins ois. Maia instants, serosal visions et. muse ply only streasvasle volumes so th eins poe ist cisurbed. ‘Wega Drug Ueto Smoking. Snakngis mt peritedin any conmon areas ecading erage pate alee, ‘puto an decks wilh Dovelpact oro the del bythe Detlopmen’s eayays CARITAS MANAGEMENT CORPORATION ‘COMMUNITY RULES SRO. Firearms Handguns, Complaints and Grievances. ‘Youre opera apt of yr nena id ged ae oye ‘ranster fy Maragemera wing, Resident Section Plan fora Cope ofthe ty eed ote aed a fen ype of nt es (nly weten requests wil be cnsies. The Devel Ceti the eurance ue which ou wl bea Poly ee evalbe fom Management Ccltection Agencies, ‘As regi by lw, you ae hereby nti hat your perfomance as esdet ofthis Development maybe epaned io collestionageeie, ‘CARITAS MANAGEMENT CORPORATION ‘COMMUNITY RULES ‘SRO ‘igh to Reasonable Accommodation, ‘yowhave physio menial bili andr ref hs abit nen ‘A change in thea plies orbat Management des things at woul he A change inthe way Menger! ormanicats wit you or ie oration, (sample: ig pri sr language inert, adi te capo you maya for tha ind of change whe called a REASONABLE ‘ACCOMMODATION. What you sk Torna be oe of te examples sted above, eit Myoucen show that you havea pyscl or mer dsaiy tt nceds scan, adi expt ed at fel 0 erage), Margen wil Managemen wld (CARITAS MANAGEMENT CORPORATION ‘COMMUNITY RULES SRO ay information ots by Managemen wil be kept confident and wil aly be wed to help you rave aul oppruay io ero your howing on he onan ess. If we tum down youreques, Manager wil explin the reasons and you cing ws ‘nor infomation you tik tha hel you need help flag ous REASONABLE ACCOMMODATION REQUEST FORM or Ifyou wenn lve wa reget nso the way nln veal, Manageme vl help You cin gets REASONABLE ACCOMMODATION REQUEST FORM fm he ense Management or by eonatng Caras Management Coron. Secon $04 (Federal assisted properties on) Deparaeat of Hous snd (QACER, pa 8 dtd ne, ‘CARITAS MANAGEMENT CORPORATION ‘COMMUNITY RULES SRO AGREEMENT AND ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Caritas Managoment Corporat Altamont Hotel 3048 16" Stroot San Francisco, CA 94103 ‘Telephone No: (415) 861-0402 Landlord and Authorized Agent for Owner NOTICE TO QUIT TO: Tyrone Dotson, all other occupants residing at or claiming a possessory interest in 3048 16% Street, Unit #406, San Francisco, California 94103 (“the premises”) NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT ON OR BEFORE JUNE 28, 2019, you are required to vacate the premises and deliver possession of the premises to Caritas Management Corporation, which is authorized to receive possession from you. THIS NOTICE IS GIVEN pursuant to California Code of Civil Procedure Section 1161 et seq., ‘on the grounds that you have committed a nuisance anda material breach of the terms of the written rental agreement by which you hold possession ofthe premises, which constitutes serious or repeated violations of the-terms-and-conditions-of the-Lease-and/or other-good cause for the-termination of your: ‘tenancy specifically as follows: -On May 28, 2019, management received a complaint from ariother resident that you constantly harass and intimidate him. The other resident fears for his safety and you are interfering with his quiet enjoyment of his unit. -On May 26, 2019, at approximately 5:30 p.m., you were seen throwing a can of food out your window, endangering others and littering the property. -On April 25, 2019, management received a complaint from another resident that you constantly harass, intimidate, verbally abuse and try to make assaultive and/or unwanted physical contact with her. She reported that you also harass another resident at the property. -On or about March 28, 2019, at approximately 2:50 p.m., you were observed entering the unit of another resident on the 4" floor anid threatening fo physically assault him. You were observed with your fists in the air while approaching the other resident. Antoinette Runnels, a member of the management staff, intervened and you exited the other resident's unit. Ms. Runnels tried to speak to you about the confrontation, but you approached her with your hands in her face in a threatening and intimidating manner. ‘Ms, Runnels told you that if you didn’t calm down that she ‘would call the police. You responded by saying that you didn’t care and that she could go ahead and call the police. Ms. Runnels went to the lobby and called the San Francisco Police Department (SFPD). You started pacing up and down the hallway of the 4" floor and appeared to be very agitated. When another member of management staff, Jessica Hickerson, arrived with your case worker, you approached Ms. Hickerson and raised your hand near her facé in a hostile, threatening and confrontational manner. A SFPD officer arrived on the scene and took a report of the incident. This incident is memorialized as San Francisco Police Depastment Incident Number 90872339. Other residents have complained that you have repeatedly been hostile, threatening, intimidating and verbally abusive, and that you ‘have blocked peoples path in the common areas in an aggressive and confrontational manner. NOTICE IS GIVEN that by the foregoing activity you violated the following provisions of the terms of your lease agreement and house rules applicable to your tenancy: -Criminal activity by Tenant involving crimes of physical violence to persons or property or the xnipit > 4 vt Page | of 2 use or sale of illegal drugs (Lease, Section 1(H)(2\(ii)}. -Tenant agrees not to allow on Tenant’s Premises any excessive noise or other activity which materially disturbs the peace and quiet of other Tenants in the building. (Lease, Section 6). - You agreed that “you and your guest(s) will not engage in, orparticipate in, such conduct which is objectionable or prejudicial to the rights, privileges, safety and general welfare of other residents living in the housing community. No act of yours and/or guest which threatens, intimidates, is deemed harassing others, is physically violent with or without injury to another person and/or property, orhas unacceptable social conduct, will be tolerated. Any such incident(s) Will be considered a violation of the Community Rules and the Lease Agreement.” [Community Rules, Section 31(A)}. {Community Rules, Section 28(A)]. -No act of intimidation, harassment, verbal. abuse, physical theat or violence, or social misconduct of, or to, any employee of this housing community by any person will be tolerated. ‘Any such act is considered a noncompliance of the Lease Agreement and will result in termination of the Lease. [Community Rules, Section 28(B)]. ‘Your-lease-agreement-provides-that-your-tenancy-can-be-terminated-for-serious-or tepeated~ lations of the terms and conditions of the Lease or for other good cause. (Lease, Section 1(H)(1 Your failure to deliver possession of the premises by the date set forth above will cause The Caritas Management Corporation, the Authorized Agent for the Owner of the premises, to initiate legal proceedings against you, to declare a forfeiture of your rental agreement, to recover possession of the remnises, and to seek judgment for rent owed through the expiration of the notice together with damages for each day of occupancy after that date, statutory penalties, attorney's fees, and costs of suit which may include court costs. Atany judicial proceeding brought to recover possession of your unit, you will have the right to present a defense. ‘You have the right to make such reply to this Notice as you may wish. Notice is hereby given that you havea right to mect with management within 10-days of receiving this notice to discuss the proposed termination of your tenancy. Notice is also given that you may have a right to a grievance hearing for the resolution of disputes arising out of your tenancy. Persons with disabilities have the right to request reasonable accommodations to participate in the hearing process. While your tenancy is exempt from the provisions of the San Francisco Residential RentStabilization and Arbitration Ordinance, advice concerning this notice may be available from the San Francisco Residential Rent Stabilization and Arbitration Board. This notice supersedes and replaces all prior notices of termination of tenancy. Dated: June (G_, 2019 i Caritas Management Corporation Page 2 of 2 NOTICE OF OCCUPANCY RIGHTS UNDER. ‘S. Department of Housing and Urban Development ‘THE VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN ACT ‘OMB Approval No. 2577-0286 Expires 06/30/2017 Caritas Management Corporation Notice of Occupancy Rights under the Violence Against Women Act! To all Tenants and Applicants The Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) provides protections for victims of domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, or stalking. VAWA protections are not only available to women, but are available equally to all individuals regardless of sex, gender identity, or sexual orientation.? ‘The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) is the Federal agency that oversees the Section 8 Housing Assistance Program is in compliance with VAWA. This notice explains your rights under VAWA. A HUD-approved certification form is attached to this notice. You can fill out this form to show that you are or have been a victim of domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, or stalking, and that you wish to use your rights under VAWA” Protections for Applicants If you otherwise qualify for assistance under Section 8 Housing Assistance Program, you cannot be denied admission or denied assistance because you are or have been a victim of domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, or stalking. Protections for Tenants If you are receiving assistance under Section 8 Housing Assistance Program, you may not be denied assistance, terminated from participation, or be evicted from your rental housing because you are or have been a victim of domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, or stalking. Also, if you or an affiliated individual of yours is or has been the victim of domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, or stalking by a member of your household or any guest, you may not be denied rental assistance or occupancy rights under Section 8 Housing Assistance Program solely on the basis of criminal activity directly relating to that domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, or stalking. Affiliated individual means your spouse, parent, brother, sister, or child, or a person to whom you stand in the place of a parent or guardian (for example, the affiliated individual is in your care, custody, or control); or any individual, tenant, or lawful occupant living in your household. Removing the Abuser or Perpetrator from the Household CARITAS MANAGEMENT CORPORATION may divide (bifurcate) your lease in order to evict the individual or terminate the assistance of the individual who has engaged in criminal activity (the abuser or perpetrator) directly relating to domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, or stalking, ' Despite the name of this law, VAWA protection is available regardless of sex, gender identity, or sexual orientation 3 Housing providers cannot discriminate on the basis of any protected characteristic, including race, color, national origin, religion, sex, familial status, disability, or age. HUD-assisted and HUD- insured housing must be made available to all otherwise eligible individuals regardless of actual or perceived sexual orientation, gender identity, or ‘marital status Form HUD-5380 (1272016) If CARITAS MANAGEMENT CORPORATION chooses to remove the abuser or perpetrator, CARITAS MANAGEMENT CORPORATION may not take away the rights of eligible tenants to the unit or otherwise punish the remaining tenants. If the evicted abuser or perpetrator was the sole tenant to have established eligibility for assistance under the program, CARITAS MANAGEMENT CORPORATION must allow the tenant who is or has been a victim and other household members to remain in the unit for a period of time, in order to establish eligibility under the program or under another HUD housing program covered by VAWA, or, find alternative housing. In removing the abuser or perpetrator from the household, CARITAS MANAGEMENT. CORPORATION must follow Federal, State, and local eviction procedures. In order to divide a lease, CARITAS MANAGEMENT CORPORATION may, but is not required to, ask you for documentation or certification of the incidences of domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, or stalking. Moving to Another Unit Upon your request, CARITAS MANAGEMENT CORPORATION may permit you to move to another unit, subject to the availability of other units, and still keep your assistance. In order to approve a request, CARITAS MANAGEMENT CORPORATION may ask you to provide documentation that you are requesting to move because of an incidence of domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, or stalking. If the request is a request for emergency transfer, the housing provider may ask you to submit a written request or fill out a form where you certify that you meet the criteria for an emergency transfer under VAWA. The criteria are: a) ‘You are a victim of domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, or stalking. If your housing provider does not already have documentation that you are a victim of domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, or stalking, your housing provider may ask you for such documentation, as described in the documentation section below. @ You expressly request the emergency transfer. Your housing provider may choose to require that you submit a form, or may accept another written or oral request. 8) You reasonably believe you are threatened with imminent harm from further violence if you remain in your current unit. This means you have reason to fear that if you do not receive a transfer you would suffer violence in the very near future. OR You are a victim of sexual assault and the assault occurred on the premises during the 90-calendar-day period before you request a transfer. If you are a victim of sexual assault, then in addition to qualifying for an emergency transfer because you reasonably believe you are threatened with imminent harm from further violence if you remain in your unit, you may qualify for an emergency transfer if the sexual assault occurred on the premises of the property from which Form HUD-5380 (122016) you are seeking your transfer, and that assault happened within the 90-calendar- day period before you expressly request the transfer. CARITAS MANAGEMENT CORPORATION will keep confidential requests for emergency transfers by victims of domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, or stalking, and the location of any move by such victims and their families. CARITAS MANAGEMENT CORPORATION ’s emergency transfer plan provides further information on emergency transfers, and CARITAS MANAGEMENT CORPORATION must. make a copy of its emergency transfer plan available to you if you ask to see it. Documenting You Are or Have Been a Victim of Domestic Violence, Dating Violence, Sexual Assault or Stalking CARITAS MANAGEMENT CORPORATION can, but is not required to, ask you to provide documentation to “certify” that you are or have been a victim of domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, or stalking. Such request from CARITAS MANAGEMENT CORPORATION must be in writing, and CARITAS MANAGEMENT CORPORATION must give you at least 14 business days (Saturdays, Sundays, and Federal holidays do not count) from the day you receive the request to provide the documentation. CARITAS MANAGEMENT CORPORATION may, but does not have to, extend the deadline for the submission of documentation upon your request. ‘You can provide one of the following to CARITAS MANAGEMENT CORPORATION as documentation. It is your choice which of the following to submit if CARITAS MANAGEMENT CORPORATION asks you to provide documentation that you are or have been a victim of domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, or stalking. * A complete HUD-approved certification form given to you by CARITAS MANAGEMENT CORPORATION with this notice, that documents an incident of domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, or stalking. The form will ask for your name, the date, time, and location of the incident of domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, or stalking, and a description of the incident. The certification form provides for including the name of the abuser or perpetrator if the name of the abuser or perpetrator is known and is safe to provide. * Arecord of a Federal, State, tribal, territorial, or local law enforcement agency, court, or administrative agency that documents the incident of domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, or staking. Examples of such records include police reports, prote orders, and restraining orders, among others. + A statement, which you must sign, along with the signature of an employee, agent, or volunteer of a victim service provider, an attorney, a medical professional or a mental health professional (collectively, “professional”) from whom you sought assistance in addressing domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, or stalking, or the effects of abuse, and with the professional selected by you attesting under penalty of perjury that he or she believes that the incident or incidents of domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, or stalking are grounds for protection. «Any other statement or evidence that CARITAS MANAGEMENT CORPORATION has agreed to accept. Form HUD-5380 (12/2016) If you fail or refuse to provide one of these documents within the 14 business days, CARITAS MANAGEMENT CORPORATION does not have to provide you with the protections contained in this notice. IfCARITAS MANAGEMENT CORPORATION receives conflicting evidence that an incident of domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, or stalking has been committed (such as certification forms from two or more members of a household each claiming to be a victim and naming one or more of the other petitioning household members as the abuser or perpetrator), CARITAS MANAGEMENT CORPORATION has the right to request that you provide third- party documentation within thirty 30 calendar days in order to resolve the conflict. If you fail or refuse to provide third-party documentation where there is conflicting evidence, CARITAS MANAGEMENT CORPORATION does not have to provide you with the protections contained in this notice. Confidentiality CARITAS MANAGEMENT CORPORATION must keep confidential any information you provide related to the exercise of your rights under VAWA, including the fact that you are exercising your rights under VAWA. CARITAS MANAGEMENT CORPORATION must not allow any individual administering assistance or other services on behalf of CARITAS MANAGEMENT CORPORATION (for example, employees and contractors) to have access to confidential information unless for reasons that specifically call for these individuals to have access to this information under applicable Federal, State, or local law, CARITAS MANAGEMENT CORPORATION must not enter your information into any shared database or disclose your information to any other entity or individual. CARITAS MANAGEMENT CORPORATION, however, may disclose the information provided if: * You give written permission to CARITAS MANAGEMENT CORPORATION to release the information on a time limited basis. * CARITAS MANAGEMENT CORPORATION needs to use the information in an eviction or termination proceeding, such as to evict your abuser or perpetrator or terminate your abuser or perpetrator from assistance under this program. ‘A law requires CARITAS MANAGEMENT CORPORATION or your landlord to release the information. VAWA does not limit CARITAS MANAGEMENT CORPORATION ’s duty to honor court, orders about access to or control of the property. This includes orders issued to protect a victim and orders dividing property among household members in cases where a family breaks up. Reasons a Tenant Eligible for Occupancy Rights under VAWA May Be Evicted or Assistance May Be Terminated You can be evicted and your assistance can be terminated for serious or repeated lease violations that are not related to domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, or stalking committed against you, However, CARITAS MANAGEMENT CORPORATION cannot hold tenants who have been victims of domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, or stalking to a more demanding set of rules than it applies to tenants who have not been victims of domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, or stalking. Form HUD-5380 (022016) The protections described in this notice might not apply, and you could be evicted and your assistance terminated, if CARITAS MANAGEMENT CORPORATION can demonstrate that not evicting you or terminating your assistance would present a real physical danger that: 1) Would occur within an immediate time frame, and 2) Could result in death or serious bodily harm to other tenants or those who work on the Property. If CARITAS MANAGEMENT CORPORATION can demonstrate the above, CARITAS MANAGEMENT CORPORATION should only terminate your assistance or evict you if there are no other actions that could be taken to reduce or eliminate the threat. Other Laws VAWA does not replace any Federal, State, or local law that provides greater protection for victims of domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, or stalking. You may be entitled to additional housing protections for victims of domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, or stalking under other Federal laws, as well as under State and local laws. Non-Compliance with The Requirements of This Notice You may report a covered housing provider’s violations of these rights and seek additional assistance, if needed, by contacting or filing a complaint HUD’s San Francisco Regional Office located at One Sansome Street, Suite 1200, San Francisco, CA 94104 and (415) 489-6400. For Additional Information ‘You may view a copy of HUD’s final VAWA rule at rule at: = 2016-11-16/pdf/2016-25888.pdf. Additionally, CARITAS MANAGEMENT CORPORATION must make a copy of HUD’s VAWA regulations available to you if you ask to see them. For questions regarding VAWA, please contact Garbo Chang, Caritas Management Corporation’s property management and compliance specialist at 1358 Valencia Street, San Francisco, CA 94110 and (415) 647-7191 ex 112. For help regarding an abusive relationship, you may call the National Domestic Violence Hotline at 1-800-799-7233 or, for persons with hearing impairments, 1-800-787-3224 (ITY). ‘You may also contact Dream House: Kelsey Friedman Case Manager, (415) 449-1243; W.O.M.AN,, Inc.: 26 Boardman Place, San Francisco, CA 94103, 24-hour Support Line: (415) 864-4722, Toll-Free Number: (877) 384-3578; La Casa De Las Madres: 1663 Mission Street, #225, San Francisco, CA 94103, Adults Call: 1-877-503-1850, Teens Call: 1-(877) 923-0700, Counseling and Supportive Services: 1-415-503-0500; ‘Asian Women’s Center: 3543 18" Street, #19, San Francisco, CA 94110, (415) 751- 7110, 24-Hour Crisis Toll-Free: 1-(877) 751-08 Form HUD-5380 (1272016) ‘The Riley Center: 1175 Howard Street, 2™ Floor, San Francisco, CA 94103, (415) 552- 2943, 24-Hour Support Line: (415) 255-0165; Community United Against Violence: 427 South Van Ness Avenue, San Franciseo, CA 94103, (415) 777-5565, Website:, Email:, California Partnership to End Domestic Violence:_hitp:// violence-organizations-califoria. For tenants who are or have been victims of stalking seeking help may visit the National Center for Victims of Crime’s Stalking Resource Center at https:/ ‘programs/stalking-resource-center. For help regarding sexual assault, you may contact: San Francisco Women Against Rape (SFWAR): 3543 18" Street, #7, San Francisco, CA 94110, (415) 861-2024, 24-Hour Hotline: (415) 647-7273, Website:, Email:; The Trauma Recovery Center: 2727 Mariposa Street, Suite 100 (At Bryant Street), Sen Francisco, CA 94110, (415) 437-3000, Website: hitp:/ Bay Area Legal Aid: 1800 Market Street, 3rd Floor, San Francisco, CA 94102, (415) 982-1300 | FAX: (415) 982-4243, Website: http//; Community United Against Violence, 427 South Van Ness Avenue, San Francisco, CA 94103, (415) 777-5565, Website:, Email: infor@cuav org; W.O.M.AN. Inc.: 26 Boardman Place, San Francisco, CA 94103, 24-hour Support Line: (415) 864-4722, Toll-Free Number: (877) 384-3578; California Coalition Against Sexual Assault: http:/ Victims of stalking seeking help may contact Bay Area Legal Aid: 1800 Market Street, 3rd Floor, San Francisco, CA 94102, (415) 982-1300 | FAX: (415) 982-4243, Website: http//; Community United Against Violence, 427 South Van Ness Avenue, San Francisco, CA. 94103, (415) 777-5565, Website:, Email:; W.O.M.AN.,Inc.: 26 Boardman Place, San Francisco, CA 94103, 24-hour Support Line: (415) 864-4722, Toll-Free Number: (877) 384-3578; San Francisco Women Against Rape (SFWAR): 3543 18" Street, #7, San Francisco, CA 94110, (415) 861-2024, 24-Hour Hotline: (415) 647-7273, Website:, Email: Center For Victims of Crime: resource-center/help-for-victims, Attachment: Certification Form HUD-5382 Form HUD-5380 (12/2016) CERTIFICATION OF US. Department of Housing OMB Approval No. 2577-0286 DOMESTIC VIOLENCE, _ and Urban Development Exp. 06/30/2017 DATING VIOLENCE, SEXUAL ASSAULT, OR STALKING, AND ALTERNATE DOCUMENTATION Purpose of Form: The Violence Against Women Act (“VAWA") protects applicants, tenants, and program participants in certain HUD programs from being evicted, denied housing assistance, or terminated from housing assistance based on acts of domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, or stalking against them. Despite the name of this law, VAWA protection is available to victims of domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, and stalking, regardless of sex, gender identity, or sexual orientation, Use of This Optional Form: If you are seeking VAWA protections from your housing provider, your housing provider may give you a written request that asks you to submit documentation about the incident or incidents of domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, or stalking. In response to this request, you or someone on your behalf may complete this optional form and submit it +0 your housing provider, or you may submit one of the following types of third-party documentation: (1) A document signed by you and an employee, agent, or Volunteer ofa vietim service provider, an attomey, of medical professional, or 2 mental health professional (collectively, “professional") from ‘whom you have sought assistance relating to domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assauit, or stalking, or the effects of abuse. The document must specify, under penalty of perjury, that the professional believes the incident or incidents of domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, or stalking occurred and meet the definition of “domestic violence,” “dating violence,” “sexual assault,” or “stalking” in HUD’s regulations at 24 CFR 5.2003 Q) A record of a Federal, State, tribal, teritorial or local law enforcement agency, court, or administrative agency; or 3) At the discretion of the housing provider, a statement or other evidence provided by the applicant or ‘tenant. Submission of Documentation: The time period to submit documentation is 14 business days from the date that you receive a written request from your housing provider asking that you provide documentation of the occurrence of domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, or stalking. Your housing provider may, but is not required to, extend the time period to submit the documentation, if you request an extension of the time period. Ifthe requested information is not received within 14 business days of when you received the request for the documentation, or any extension of the date provided by your housing provider, your housing provider does not need to grant you any of the VAWA protections. Distribution or issuance of this form does not serve as a writen request for certification Confidentiality: All information provided to your housing provider concerning the incident(s) of domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, or stalking shall be kept confidential and such details shall not be entered into any shared database. Employees of your housing provider are not to have access to these details unless to grant or deny VAWA protections to you, and such employees may not disclose this information to any other entity or individual, except to the extent that disclosure is: (i) consented to by you in writing in a time-limited release; (ji) required for use in an eviction proceeding or hearing regarding termination of assistance; or (fii) otherwise required by applicable law. Form HUD-5382 (1272016) ‘TO BE COMPLETED BY OR ON BEHALF OF THE VICTIM OF DOMESTIC VIOLENCE, DATING VIOLENCE, SEXUAL ASSAULT, OR STALKING 1. Date the written request is received by vieti 2. Name of victim: 3. Your name (if different from victim’s) 4, Name(s) of other family member(s) listed on the lease: 5. Residence of victim: 6. Name of the aceused perpetrator (if known and can be safely disclose 7. Relationship of the accused perpetrator to the victim: 8. Date(s) and times(s) of incident(s) (if known) 10. Location of incident(s In your own words, briefly describe the incidents): This is to certify thatthe information provided on this form is rue and correct to the best of my knowledge and recollection, and thet the individual named above in Item 2 is or has been a victim of domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, or stalking. I acknowledge that submission of false information could jeopardize program eligibility and could be the basis for denial of admission, termination of assistance, or eviction. Signature _ Signed on (Date) = Public Reporting Burden: ‘The public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 1 hour per response. This includes the time for collecting, reviewing, and reporting the data, The information provided is to be used by the housing provider to request certification that the applicant or tenant is a victim of domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, or stalking. The information is subject to the confidentiality requirements of VAWA. This agency may not collect this information, and ‘you ate not required to complete this form, unless it displays a currently valid Office of Management and Budget control number. Form HUD-5382 (22016) 10 n 12 13 4 15 16 Ww 18 19 20 a 22 23 24 25 26 21 28 VERIFICATION Lam an authorized employee for the plaintiff in this action, Ihave my office in the County of San Francisco. As an employee of plaintiff, I am authorized to make this verification on behalf of the Plaintiff, The facts contained in this.complaint are within my personal knowledge. I have read the foregoing Complaint for Unlawful Detainer, and-know the contents thereof, and the contents thereof are true and correct, except as to those matters which are stated upon information and belief, and as, to those matters I believe them to be true. [declare under penalty of perjury of the laws of the State of California that the foregoing is true and correct. 07/03). 2019 Date Sica Hickersol VERIFICATION A “ATTOREY OR PARTY VATHOUT ATTORNEY ane, Sao E [John P. zanghi 145845 ZANGHI TORRES ARSHAWSKY 625 Market Street, San Francisco, CA 94105 teemovewo: (475) arronweyron une): Plaintiff 977-0444 eran aton LLP 4th Floor Pano: (415) 977-0156 cM.010 ED es cot ceria syn cra en smecraooress 400 McAllister wauncrooress: 400 McAllister cmvavozpcove San Francisco, ‘SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, coUNTY OF San Francisco Street Street CA 94102 sunciwwe: Civic Center Courthouse JUL 052019 CLERICOF TH gue By, CASENAME: Caritas Management Corporation SOW CANTY ‘exceeds $25,000) $25,000 or less)| vy. Tyrone Dotson, and DOES 1 to 5 CIVIL CASE COVER SHEET Complex Case Designation ‘CASE NUN Tented eycnere eis "tUp-19- 665163 demanded Filed with first appearance by defendant Nese: (Cal. Rules of Court, rule 3.402) Auto Tort ‘Ato 22) Uninsured motorist (46) ‘Other PUPDIWD (Personal Injury/Property DamagelWrongful Death) Tort | Loy "Asbastos (04) Product ably (24) ‘Medical malpractice (48) (Other PUPDAWD (23) Non-PUPDIWD (Other) Tort ‘Business torVunfar business practice (07) Cul cghts (08) Defamation (13) Fraud (16) {ntelectual property (19) Professional negigence (25) (Other non-PUPOAWD tot (35) Employment Wrongful termination (36) ther employment (18) . __ Items 1-6 below must be completed (see instructions on page 2), FT. Check one Box below Tor the Case lype that best describes this case: Contract, Breach of contracwarranty (08) Rule 8.740 collections (09) ‘Other collections (08) Insurance coverage (18) (Other contract (37) Real Property (CA Eminent domaintnverse condemnation (14) Wrongful evieton (33) (ther real property (28) Unlawful Detainer ‘Commercial ($1) Residential (32) Drugs (28) Judicial Review ‘Asset forfeture (05) Petition e:arbation award (11) ‘Wet of mandate (02) Other judicial review (39) Provistonally Complex Civil Litigation (Cal, Rules of Court, rules 3.400-3.403) ‘AntitustTrade regulation (03) Construction defect (10) Mass tort (40) Secures tigation (28) EnvironmentaVToxc tort (30) Insurance coverage claims alg from the above listed provisionally complex case ‘types (41) Enforcement of Judgment Enforcement of judgment (20) Miscellaneous Civil Complaint RICO @7) (Other complaint (not specified above) (42) ellanoous Civil Petition Partnership and corporate governance (21) (Other petton not speced above) (43) 2, Thiscase CY is isnot complex under rule 3.400 of the California Rules of Court. Ifthe case is complex, mark the Large number of witnesses Coordination with related actions pending in one or more courts 24 a. [1 Large number of separately represented parties b. C1 Extensive motion practice raising dificult or novel £_ (21 Substantial postiudgment judicial supervision issues that wll be time-consuming to resolve cc. (Substantial amount of documentary evidence 3. Remedies sought (check all that apply): a. [EY monetary b. (XN nonmonetary; dectaratory or injunctive relief c. (QQ punitive 4. Number of causes of action (specify): One. 5. Thiscase CL) is isnot a class action suit. 6. Ifthere are any Known related cases, fle and serve a notice of related case. (You may use form CY Date: July 2, 2019 John P. Zanghi . — oo) amc eon NOTICE * Plaintiff must fle this cover sheet with the first paper filed in the action or proceeding (except small claims cases or cases fled | Under the Probate Code, Family Code, or Welfare and Instituions Code). (Cal. Rules of Court, rule 3.220.) Failure to file may result in sanctions. * File this cover sheet in addition to any cover sheet required by local court rule * If this case is complex under rule 3.400 et seq, of the California Rules of Court, you must serve a copy of this cover sheet on all ‘other partes to the action or proceeding, ‘+ Unless this is @ collections case under rule 3.740 or a complex case, this cover sheet will be used for statistical purposes only. ‘ot Rg Can rhe LS NT "Ua Sao ate 318" Caritas Management corporation SEE” cap cree CIVIL CASE COVER SHEET siiacr CEB Eperms

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