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Narrative Essay: Should Cell Phones Be Allowed in Schools?

I do not believe that cell phones should be allowed in schools. I think they are distracting and make people okay with doing nothing.
I also think they are stunting children’s social development, so here is why I think how I do.

I am still at school even though I leave next year, and even though I was not here when mobile phones started to be popular, I was
here when they became more powerful than the games consoles we had 10 years ago. Every single person in my school has a cell
phone of some description, and if they do not they are ostracized by the other kids as if they had some sort of disease. I have
personally seen the look of horror and bewilderment of other children when one child claims to not have a mobile phone of any kind.

The situation I saw was with a young girl who had Aspergers and literally could not see what the big deal was. Ironically, a lucid and
intelligent adult would have come to the same conclusion that the girl with high functioning autism did, but the children tortured her
for days until her mother took her from school when she noticed chunks of her hair were missing.

Mobile phones are distracting

There are so many times I have seen my classmates play with their phones in class. There are people using them all the time and
teachers are so dumb that they cannot see it. There are teachers who believe that children are following the text with their finger
when they are placing the finger in their book. There are teachers who really believe that their students are just sitting there with
their hands on their lap whilst they listen to the lecture. There are teachers so dumb that they think the looks of grizzled
concentration from the student are because of the lesson and not because they are playing Farmville.

Stunting children’s social development

There are so many of my friends who ignore each other and play on their phone instead. I have seen groups outside where two
people in the group talking were told to shut up so that they could all enjoy their phones in silence. I know for a fact that people can
walk past without pants on and many students will not look up to notice.

Okay with being bored

If you have a few spare seconds then pull out your phone and start playing. That is the way my world has become and it is
frightening. My friends are being trained to be pleasure seeking and lost without instant gratification.


The impact of cell phones in schools is nothing less than devastating. It is a shame that by the time people start studying the
psychological effects of mobile phone in schools it will be too late because our society will have been taken over by a county with
people who have better things to do than check Facebook updates every three minutes or plant crops in an imaginary field.
Should students be allowed to bring mobile
phones to school?
Most children want a mobile phone and it is estimated that over 70% of children aged
between 10 and 14 now own one. The question of whether students should be allowed to
bring them to school has created considerable debate within the school community between
administration staff, teachers, parents and students.
No-one can deny the widespread popularity of new communication technologies and
Australia has one of the highest levels of mobile phone ownership in the world. Students
argue that being able to use this technology to talk to or text-message friends creates a
feeling of belonging to a group and helps develop their social skills. Most of a young
person’s social interaction happens during or after school and not owning a mobile phone
and being able to receive up-to-date information from peers could lead to feelings of isolation
and low self-esteem. School surveys reveal that more than half of the student population
uses a mobile phone several times a day to make contact with either friends or family, which
psychologists argue enhances their social wellbeing.
Many parents are in favour of mobile phones being allowed in schools too. Safety issues are
their main concern and they like the reassurance of knowing they could contact their child at
any time if necessary. Scheduling is another issue for parents. When plans change, activities
are cancelled or when someone is running late, a mobile phone comes in handy to make
alternative arrangements. More than 70% of parents regard mobile phones as valuable
monitoring devices for their child’s whereabouts.
On the other hand, school authorities believe that carrying a mobile phone could make a
child a more likely target for theft or violence, particularly on the street. Police statistics
reveal an increase in the number of crimes committed against young people that involve the
theft of mobile phones.
Furthermore, principals and teachers are concerned that students’ concentration could be
affected by having phones in the classroom. Instead of focusing on the teacher, students
may become distracted by the ringing or the vibrating of the phone or by reading a text
message. In addition, there is growing unease about the inappropriate use of mobile phones
and the many functions available on them, such as cameras. A recent survey in the United
States revealed that over 80% of students now cheat by copying homework or exam papers
with their mobile phone cameras. Whilst this may not be of concern in our primary schools,
the potential for this abuse remains.
The points of view on the issue of whether mobile phones should be allowed at school
clearly show justifiable and valid reasoning. To reduce parents’ fears about the safety and
whereabouts of their children and to prevent inappropriate use of mobile phones and reduce
the risk of theft and/or mugging, rules and regulations about their use at school have been
The points of view on the issue of whether mobile phones should be allowed at school
clearly show justifiable and valid reasoning.
To reduce parents’ fears about the safety and whereabouts of their children and to prevent
inappropriate use of mobile phones and reduce the risk of theft and/or mugging, rules and
regulations about their use at school have been developed.
1. Phones must be turned off once the child reaches the school site.
2. Phones must be in bags, trays or handed to the class teacher for safe keeping.
3. A mobile phone agreement will be developed that outlines the rights and
responsibilities for the use of mobile technology whilst at school.
4. A breach of trust or the illegal use of such technologies will result in sanctions that
may lead to a complete ban of such technologies on the school grounds.
All emergency calls between the hours of 8.30a.m. and 3.30p.m. are to be made via the
administration phones only
Sebagian besar anak-anak menginginkan ponsel dan diperkirakan bahwa lebih dari 70% dari anak usia
antara 10 dan 14 sekarang memiliki satu. Pertanyaan apakah siswa harus diizinkan untuk
membawa HADFHON ke sekolah telah menciptakan perdebatan dalam komunitas sekolah antara
staf administrasi, guru, orang tua dan siswa.
Tidak seorang pun dapat menyangkal popularitas yang luas dari teknologi komunikasi baru dan
Australia memiliki salah satu tingkat tertinggi kepemilikan ponsel di dunia. siswa
berpendapat bahwa kemampuan untuk menggunakan teknologi ini untuk berbicara dengan atau teks-pesan teman
perasaan dari milik kelompok dan membantu mengembangkan keterampilan sosial mereka. Sebagian besar dari
interaksi sosial seseorang terjadi selama atau setelah sekolah dan tidak memiliki ponsel
dan mampu menerima up-to-date informasi dari rekan-rekan dapat menyebabkan perasaan terisolasi
dan rendah diri. survei sekolah mengungkapkan bahwa lebih dari setengah dari populasi siswa
menggunakan ponsel beberapa kali sehari untuk melakukan kontak dengan teman atau keluarga, yang
psikolog berpendapat meningkatkan kesejahteraan sosial mereka.

Banyak orang tua yang mendukung ponsel yang diizinkan di sekolah-sekolah juga. isu-isu keselamatan yang
perhatian utama mereka dan mereka menyukai kepastian mengetahui mereka bisa menghubungi anak mereka di
jika sewaktu-waktu diperlukan . Penjadwalan adalah masalah lain bagi orang tua . Ketika rencana berubah, kegiatan
dibatalkan atau ketika seseorang terlambat , ponsel sangat berguna untuk membuat
pengaturan alternatif . Lebih dari 70 % dari orang tua menganggap ponsel sebagai berharga
pemantauan perangkat untuk keberadaan anak mereka .
Di sisi lain , pihak sekolah percaya bahwa membawa ponsel bisa membuat
anak target lebih mungkin untuk pencurian atau kekerasan , terutama di jalan . statistik polisi
mengungkapkan peningkatan jumlah kejahatan yang dilakukan terhadap orang-orang muda yang melibatkan
pencurian ponsel .

Selanjutnya, kepala sekolah dan guru khawatir bahwa konsentrasi siswa bisa
terpengaruh dengan memiliki ponsel di dalam kelas. Alih-alih berfokus pada guru, siswa
mungkin menjadi terganggu oleh dering atau getar telepon atau dengan membaca teks
pesan. Selain itu, ada tumbuh kegelisahan tentang penggunaan pantas ponsel
dan banyak fungsi yang tersedia pada mereka, seperti kamera. Sebuah survei terbaru di Inggris
Amerika mengungkapkan bahwa lebih dari 80% dari siswa sekarang menipu dengan menyalin pekerjaan rumah atau
ujian makalah
dengan kamera ponsel mereka. Sementara ini mungkin tidak menjadi perhatian di sekolah dasar kita,
potensi penyalahgunaan ini tetap.
Titik pandang pada masalah apakah ponsel harus diperbolehkan di sekolah
jelas menunjukkan penalaran dibenarkan dan valid. Untuk mengurangi kekhawatiran orang tua tentang keselamatan
keberadaan anak-anak mereka dan untuk mencegah penggunaan yang tidak ponsel dan mengurangi
risiko pencurian dan / atau penjambretan, aturan dan peraturan tentang penggunaan mereka di sekolah telah
Titik pandang pada masalah apakah ponsel harus diperbolehkan di sekolah
jelas menunjukkan penalaran dibenarkan dan valid.
All the Yes points
1. Yes, it should be allowed for the case of emergency.
2. Mobile phone use as a subject in school as computer is there.
3. There could be emergencys and it's their own choice.
4. For perents to get a hold of the child

All the No points

1. No, because students will be distracted
2. camera phones are used to harass students
3. Happy slapping trend: Take away the camera phone = kill the fad
4. No, the schools have phones, the students can use those.
5. no cellphones should not be allowed in school

No because...

In case of emergency parents can contact head masters/mistresses or other members of the school faculty. Emergencies can occur
during classes. What is a school child supposed to do in emergencies?

Yes because...

Yes, it should be allowed for the case of emergency.

It should be allowed to use cell phones in schools as if there is any emergency case parents can easily inform their children. It
should not be allowed to use during lectures but during break it should be allowed. And it also helps after school time as if the
children have any transport problem they can inform their parents. Other than this if they have to stay at school after the school time
is over for any type of preparation they can inform their parents. but there is some schools that let phones in because of the safety
Should cell phones be allowed in school?
Filed under: Persuasive Essay — 1 Comment

March 22, 2010

Should cell phones be allowed in school? This has been a hotly debated topic over the years.
Most school administrators regard cell phones use as disruptive and distracting devices in class, as well
as a form of cheating during examination; therefore many schools have implemented the policy that
prohibit cell phones on school properties. There are two reasons why cell phones should be allowed in

Restriction of bringing cell phones to school may be good, but it also causes resentment among
parents and officials. In the first place, nowadays increasing numbers of parents are purchasing cell
phones for their children. They want them to bring along their cell phones at any time, in order to know
their whereabouts and enable their children to make contact with them in case of emergencies. Of
equal importance, students occasionally must inform their parents or drivers if they have last minute
school schedule changes or something has to be done after school hours. Furthermore, there’re only
disadvantages to go against parents, and prohibiting cell phones can also lead to inconvenience for

Most schools only take in the negative effects of allowing cell phones into consideration but
never think of the problems it may cause if cell phones are prohibited in school. Likewise the numbers of
students that use cell phones to cheat on tests; distract and escape classes are just a few. Therefore
there’s no reason for others to pay the price for those who make the mistakes. The teacher shall
confiscate one’s cell phone if he or she has done the following things. This will then make the students
feel that they’ve received fair treatment.

Another reason cell phones should be allowed in school is because students are old enough to
know what can be done and what cannot be done. In support of this, students aren’t happy about the
fact that only teachers have the privilege of bringing cell phones to school. They feel that they are not
being trusted and treated equally by the adults. Subsequently, more of them begin to violate school rule
by bringing in cell phones illegally. I often heard them discussing about finding a perfect location to hide
their cell phones when they overheard the principal is coming for checking up. Also students should be
able to take responsibilities for their own things and actions; so allowing cell phones in school will be a
good example.

Now that we have discussed the problems of prohibiting cell phones in school, setting general
guidelines will be the solution to these problems, using cell phones on appropriate time and location
while allowing students to have the freedom to make calls. It does not only eliminate resentment; thus
it’s a way to prove that whether students can be trusted or not. Should cell phones be allowed in

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