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Teaching English to Young Adults and Adults. Classroom Project 2019-1

Lecturer: Loraine Galván Zúñiga

Description of the project: In groups of four (4), students will design a booklet containing
activities to develop the language skills of young adults in specific contexts. (APA style is

1. Task 1: Description of the teaching context (1 page)

After visiting the school or institution where you will do your internship, write a
complete description of the teaching context. This description must contain the
following information about the institution, the learners, the teachers and the
teaching situation.

 Institution

- Private or a public institution

- Location
- Kind of institution (kindergarten, primary/elementary school or high school, institution
of continuing education)
- Community population (number of students)
- Socioeconomic status of the population
- Physical setting and resources of the school

• Class ( Group you are working with )

- Grade
- Students (size, age, gender distribution; cultural, ethnic, social-economic and racial
backgrounds; physical and learning disabilities in case there are any)
- Classroom setting (Include physical characteristics and arrangements; rules and
routines; technology available; grouping patterns, scheduling issues that impact
teaching and learning process)

• English Language Teaching

- Is English taught as a foreign language or as a second language?
- Is there an existing curriculum and syllabus? (Include a brief description of their main
principles: pedagogical model, theoretical orientation to language and language
learning, method or approach of language teaching, content, standards)
- Number of weekly hours devoted to English
- Expected level to reach (Common European Framework)
- Teacher’s level of proficiency - Teacher’s certification

Task 2: Teaching Language Skills

Follow directions below to complete part A, B, C and D:

• Theoretical support: Write a brief theoretical support of the skill (3-4 paragraphs).
The activity you design must be based on language learning theories and language
teaching principles.
• Objective: (Students will be able to…) Describe how this activity will help students to
improve the involved skill.
• Materials and Sources:
- Make a list of any objects or realia you need to make or collect. List any authentic
materials that will be used, and whether you need to prepare or enhance them
beforehand. List any needed worksheets or handouts.
- All the materials must be included as attachments. (in the case of objects or realia,
pictures must be included).
- Sources: List where your materials came from so that others may find them.
- Tools: List any tools that are needed.
 Procedures / Timing:
- List step by step what you will do in class, and what you expect the students to do.
- Be sure the time that is allocated is appropriate. (You are free to decide how long your
activity would last in your real context. However, for the micro class, your practical
demonstration cannot take more than 15 minutes).
- Use the table below to divide the steps logically. Each new action by the teacher must
be a separate row in the table
- Make sure the reader will be able to visualize how the activity will proceed.

Teacher does/says . . . Students do/say . . . Approximate time


A. Designing an activity to teach listening skill

B. Designing an activity to teach speaking skill

C. Designing an activity to teach reading skill
D. Designing an activity to teach writing skill

Task 3: Booklet

This final part of the project must contain the following parts:

1. Front page: include an appealing design and title for your booklet, name of the authors,
institution (Unicolombo) and the year. (1 page)
2. Description of the context (Improved and corrected based on feedback given) (1 page)
3. Teaching language skills (Improved and corrected based on feedback given)
• Activity 1: Teaching listening
• Activity 2: Teaching speaking
• Activity 3: Teaching reading
• Activity 4:Teaching writing
4. Reflection and conclusion: write a brief reflection and conclusion about the design and
implementation of the activities in your real teaching context. (1 page)

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