What Is The Function and Role of Needs Analysis in Learning Design

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The reason I chose this topic was because I felt we should know the function and
purpose of the need analysis in curriculum design. Needs analysis is an important step in
designing a course, as it can determine the intended reasons beyond learning the language,
(Hutchinson & Waters, 1987). Needs analysis involves doing some kind of activity with a
learner in order to find out what their learning needs are. A good understanding of learner needs
can contribute to successful course planning.

Along with this, Richards and Schmidt (2002: 353) define the word of ‘needs’ bring to
analysis which is also called needs assessment (in language teaching and language programmer
design) the process of determining the needs for which a learner or group of learners requires a
language and arranging the needs according to priorities.



Needs analysis is a constructive and positive tool for making changes. Change based on
logic that is rational, functional changes that can meet the needs of groups and individuals. The
Need Assessment method was created to be able to measure the level of inequality that occurs in
student learning from what is expected and what has been obtained. In measuring the gap, an
analysis must be able to find out how big the problem is. Some of the Need Assessment
functions according to Morisson are as follows:
1. Identify needs that are relevant to the current job or task, which are the problems that
affect learning outcomes.
2. Identifying urgent needs related to financial, security or other problems that interfere
with the work or educational environment.
3. Present priorities for choosing actions.
4. Provide a data base to analyze the effectiveness of learning.

Besides, There are six types of needs that are commonly used to plan and conduct a needs
analysis (Morrison, 2001: 28-30).

1. Normative Needs
Compare students with national standards, for example, UAN, SNMPTN, and
2. Comparative Needs
Compare students in one group with other groups of the same level. For
example, the results of EBTANAS SLTP A with SLTP B.
3. Perceived Needs
Pretension or desires possessed by each student that need to be improved. This
need shows the gap between the level of skills / reality that appears and felt. The
best way to identify these needs is by interview.
4. Expressed Needs
The perceived needs of a person can be expressed in action. Example, students
who register for a course.
5. Future Needs
Identify the changes that will occur in the future. Example, the application of
new learning techniques, and so on.
6. Urgent Incidental Needs
Negative factors that appear unexpectedly are very influential. For example,
disaster nuclear, medical errors, natural disasters, and so on


Mackay and Mountford 1978 (cited in Muhammad Nadzri, 2004) mention four
purposes for the roles of needs analysis in curriculum design.
Firstly, lecturers will be familiar with the requirements of the course and the sponsoring
institution. Secondly, needs analysis can find out how learners will use English in their target
field. Thirdly, needs analysis can show the instructors the leaners’ current level of English
language performance. Fourthly, it can be an opportunity for collecting spoken and written
authentic texts which will be used in the target language.

According to Richard (2000) he defined the purpose of need analysis as follows :

1. To find out what language skills a learner needs in order to perform a particular
role, such as sales manager, tour guide, or university student
2. To help determine if an existing course adequately addresses the needs of training
in particular language skills
3. To determine which students from a group are most in need of training in particular
language skills
4. To identify a change of direction that people in a reference group feel is important
5. To identify a gap between what students are able to do and what they need to be
able to do.
6. To collect information about a particular problem that learners are experiencing.


Basically, needs analysis is like a research that is carried out to find out the information
and answers of certain questions that are being asked. To conduct need analysis, it is important
to know the function and purpose as soon as possible then use these as the guide in choosing the
methods and tools for data collections. Overall, needs analysis are useful and helpful in
providing a range of information that is used as a guide for the learning design, syllabus design
or curriculum development.


H. Wina Sanjaya, 2008.Perencanaan dan desain system pembelajaran, Jakarta: Kencana Group.
Richard, J.C. (2001). Curriculum development in language teaching. Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press.
Richard, J.C. & Rogers, T.S. (1986). Approaches and Methods in language teaching.
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press

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