Parton Dynamics at Small-X: Mariyah Siddiqah

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Parton dynamics at small-x

Mariyah Siddiqah

Department of Physics

Aligarh Muslim University


Introduction and setting the discourse

“On the solution of linearized (linear in S-matrix) Balitsky-Kovchegov equation”,

Physical Review D 95 (2017) no. 7, 074035

“Unintegrated dipole gluon distribution at small transverse momentum”,

Physical Review D 97 (2018) no. 5, 054009.

“Small-x evolution of 2n-tuple Wilson line correlator revisited: The nonsingular kernels”,

Physical Review D 99 (2019) no. 9, 094017.

Forces and Particles
Fundamental forces

Strong force
Quarks are spin-1/2 fermions
Electromagnetic force Come in three colours (red, green, blue)

and six flavours (up, down, strange,

Weak force
charm, beauty and top).
Gravitational force

Gluons Hadrons

Gluons are spin-1 massless bosons. Quarks form colorless states called hadrons.

Gluons carry 8 colors-pairwise combination

Baryons are made out of 3 quarks.

of quark and antiquark colours..
Mesons are made out of a quark and

Quarks are being held together by gluons.

an antiquark.
Quantum Chromodynamics

Quantum theory of strong interactions.

Strong force hold quarks together to

form protons and also hold protons &

neutrons together to form nuclei.


Quark is never alone, it is “confined” inside hadrons.

If we try to pull one quark out of the hadron, it

produce a new quark-antiquark pair, with the

antiquark forming a new hadron with the quark we pull.

Asymptotic freedom

At very short distances the interaction between quarks

and gluons deep inside the hardons are weak,

allowing perturbative calculations.

Deep Inelastic Scattering

Deep inelastic scattering is the process used to probe

the insides of hadrons (particularly the baryons, such

as protons and neutrons), using highly energetic leptons.

Q^2 variable:

The squared momentum transfer Q 2 : Virtuality of photon

Large Q 2 → Small distance probed .
l(k) + N(P) ⟶ l(k′) + X(P′)

x variable:
d 2σ ep 1 | k′ | e 4 μν
The Bjorken variable x: It determines the protons
= ℒ 𝒲
fraction momenta carried by parton.
dE′dΩ 16π 2 | k | q 4 μν

Small x → High energy probed .

d 2σ ep 4α 2E′2 cos2 (θ/2)

[ )]
2 2 2
= 2ν tan (θ/2) F1 (x, Q ) + M F
P 2(x, Q
dE dΩ
′ q MPν
Deep Inelastic Scattering

Structure function or total cross section are not static

but evolve as we increase the scale Q 2 and or energy x.

F2 -log10(x)

x=6.32E-5 x=0.000102
x=0.000161 ZEUS NLO QCD fit
H1 PDF 2000 fit

5 x=0.000632 H1 94-00
H1 (prel.) 99/00
x=0.0013 ZEUS 96/97
x=0.0032 NMC







1 x=0.18


2 3 4 5
1 10 10 10 10 10

Q2(GeV )
QCD evolution equations
JIMWLK equation
DGLAP equation (BY Jalilian-Marian,
(By Dokshtizer, Gribov, Iancu McLerran,
Lipatov, Altarelli and Parisi) Weigert, Leonidiv and
2 Kovner)

Low x


ol MV model

Structure Double logarithmic (By McLerran,
approximation (DLA) Venugopalan)

Cross section
High Q 2





Unitary correction

l- General
x + Large Nc limit
BK equation Our new solution

BFKL equation By Balitsky


(BY Balitsky, Fadin, Kuraev and Kovchegov

and Lipatov) ni

Levin Tuchin solution

(By Levin and Tuchin)
Evolution in x : Mueller dipole model

To describe DIS in the high energy limit which corresponds to

small values of Bjorken-x, it is useful to perform a boost from

infinite momentum frame to the so called "Dipole frame”.

Decay of virtual photon into colorless dipole consisting of quark

and an antiquark. Then interaction of this dipole with the hadron.

A small-x gluon taken in the large-Nc limit would split the

quark -antiquark color dipole.

Gluon cascade becomes a dipole cascade.

Evolution in x : Balitsky-Kovchegov (BK) equation

To include the quantum evolution in a dipole amplitude one

use the approach developed by A. H. Mueller in ’93-’94 leading

to BK equation.

Balitsky-Kovchegov (BK) equation
Wilson lines in fundamental

and adjoint representation

ig ∞
2 ∫−∞
The non-linear small x evolution of scattering

Vx⊥ = 𝒫 exp dx − A +(x + = 0,x −, x⊥)

cross-section or S-matrix in the large Nc limit

is governed by the Balitsky-Kovchegov equation.

ig ∞
2 ∫−∞
Ux⊥ = 𝒫 exp dx −𝒜+(x + = 0,x −, x⊥)

∂S(x10; Y ) αs Nc 2 x10

= d z 2 2 [S(x20; Y )S(x21; Y ) − S(x10; Y )]
∂Y 2π 2 x20 x21 S-matrix for quark dipole
S(x10, Y ) = ⟨V(x1⊥, Y )V †(x0⊥, Y )⟩

S-matrix for the gluon dipole

1 †
S(x10, Y ) = ⟨U(x1⊥, Y )U (x0⊥, Y )⟩
Nc − 1
Solution to BK equation

∂S(x10; Y ) αs Nc 2 x10
2π 2 ∫
= d z 2 2 [S(x20; Y )S(x21; Y ) − S(x10; Y )]
∂Y x20 x21
r 2Qs0

( 4 ) ( x10ΛQCD )
S(x10, y = 0) = exp − ln

Initial condition (McLerran Venugopalan model)

S(x10, Y ) = exp (−τ ln2 [x10Qs (Y )])

2 2
S(r⊥, Y ) = exp (−1.48 x10Qs (Y ))
2 2

Solution Deep inside the saturation region (x10Qs ≫ 1) Solution outside Saturation region (x10Qs ≪ 1)
(Levin-Tuchin solution) (McLerran Venugopalan model)

To derive the new solution we adopted a dipole

transverse-width-dependent cutoff in order to

( 2χ (0,ν0) )
1 + 2iν0
S(x⊥, Y ) = exp Li2 [−λ1x10
2 2
Qs (Y )] regulate the dipole integral.

We also have taken care of all the

higher-order terms (higher order in the cutoff)

that have been reasonably neglected before.

New solution to BK equation

( 2χ (0,ν0) )
1 + 2iν0
S(x10, Y ) = exp Li2 [−λ1x10
2 2
Qs (Y )]

The solution reproduces both the

McLerran-Venugopalan-type initial condition

(Gaussian in the scaling variable) and the

Levin-Tuchin solution (Gaussian in the

logarithm of scaling variable) in the

appropriate limits.

It also connects these two opposite limits

smoothly with better accuracy for sets of

rescaled rapidity when compared to

numerical solutions of the full leading-order

Balitsky-Kovchegov equation.

“On the solution of linearized (linear in S-matrix) Balitsky-Kovchegov equation”,

Mariyah Siddiqah and Raktim Abir,

Physical Review D 95 (2017) no. 7, 074035

Family of Parton Distribution Functions
Fourier transforms

𝒲 (x, b⊥2 , k⊥2 )

∫ ∫
d 2b⊥ d 2k⊥
Wigner Distributions

ℱ (x, k⊥2 )
ℱ (x, b⊥2 )
Transverse Momentum

Impact parameter

Distributions (TMDs)

∫ ∫
d 2k⊥ d 2b⊥
k⊥ ↔ r⊥ f(x)
Parton Distribution Functions

𝒮 (x, r⊥2 ) Fourier transform
b⊥ ↔ Δ; t = − Δ2
Transverse Position

ξ→0 ℋ(x, t)
Distributions ℋ(x, ξ, t)

(e.g. S-matrix,

Generalised Parton
solution of BK equation)
Distributions (GPDFs)
Form factors
Operator definition of Gluon TMDs

The unpolarised gluon TMDs are defined as Fourier transform of forward

matrix elements of bilocal products of the gluon field strength.

dξ −d 2ξ⊥ ixP +ξ −−ik .ξ

∫ (2π)32P +
ℱ(x, k⊥) = 2 e ⊥ ⊥⟨P | Tr [F i+(0)U [𝒞]F i+(ξ)U [𝒞′] | P⟩

The gauge links connecting the two points ensure that the TMD

Distribution is gauge invariant.

Gauge links are path ordered exponentials connecting the field

strength tensors along a definite path that depends on the

actual partonic-sub processes.

[ ∫𝒞 ]
= 𝒫 exp −ig dz . A(z)
Two Universal Gluon TMDs

Weizs̈acker-Williams gluon distribution

− 2
dξ d ξ⊥
∫ (2π)3P +
⟨P | Tr [F +i(ξ −, ξ⊥)U [+]†F +i(0,0)U [+]] | P⟩
+ −
xG (x, k⊥) = 2 e ixP ξ −ik⊥.ξ⊥

Color dipole gluon distribution

− 2
dξ d ξ⊥
∫ (2π)3P +
xG (x, k⊥) = 2 e ixP +ξ −−ik⊥.ξ⊥
⟨P | Tr [F +i(ξ −, ξ⊥)U [−]†F +i(0,0)U [+]] | P⟩

TMD distributions can either be directly probed in the quark-antiquark jet correlation

in deep inelastic scattering (for Weizs̈acker-Williams distributions) or in the direct

photon-jet correlation in pA collisions (for color dipole gluon distributions).

TMDs at small-x

At small-x both WW and Color dipole gluon distributions can be directly connected to

forward scattering amplitude or to S-matrix through Fourier transform.

2 2 −ik⊥.r⊥
S N − 1 d r e
π αs Nc ∫ (2π)
Weizs̈acker-Williams gluon distribution xG WW (x, k⊥) = 2⊥ c ⊥
N(x, r⊥)
2 r⊥

S N d r⊥ −ik .r
2π αs ∫ (2π)2
DP ⊥ c 2
Color dipole gluon distribution xG (x, k⊥) = 2 k⊥ e ⊥ ⊥ S(x, r )

S-matrix - solution of BK equation

Forward scattering amplitude

Small k⊥ ↔ Large r⊥
Fourier Transform

We use a special solution of BK equation or S-matrix (Levin-Tuchin solution) that is valid

for small-x and large transverse separation (large r⊥) to derive Color dipole distribution that

would be valid for small-x and small transverse momentum (small k⊥).
TMD (color dipole distribution) at small-x and small transverse momentum

S⊥ Nc 2 d 2r⊥ −ik .r
2π αs ∫ (2π)2
xG (x, k⊥) = 2 k⊥ e ⊥ ⊥ S(x, r )

S(x, r⊥) = S0 exp (−τ ln2 [r⊥2 Qs2(Y )])

(Levin-Tuchin solution) valid for small-x and

This was highly non-trivial as the form

large transverse separation (large r⊥)

is not gaussian but gaussian in logarithm!

We developed new mathematical techniques

to Fourier transform lognormal distributions

in two dimension.
k⊥2 k⊥2
( 4Qs (Y ) ) ( 4Qs2(Y ) )
S⊥ Ncτ 2
xG (x, k⊥) |Q >k ≫λ ≈ − 3 ln exp −τ ln
s ⊥ QCD π αs 2

“Unintegrated dipole gluon distribution at small transverse momentum”,

Mariyah Siddiqah, Nahid Vasim, Khatiza Banu, Trambak Bhattacharyya, and Raktim Abir,
Physical Review D 97 (2018) no. 5, 054009.
TMD (color dipole distribution) at small-x and small transverse momentum

2 2

( 4Qs2(Y ) ) ( 4Qs2(Y ) )
S⊥ Nc τ k ⊥ k ⊥
xG DP(x, k⊥) |Q >k ≫λ ≈ − 3 ln exp −τ ln 2
s ⊥ QCD π αs

When resumming the series in leading log

accuracy, the results showing up striking

similarity with the Sudakov form factor.

Inside the saturation region, the dipole

gluon distribution is expected to go to zero

in zero momentum.

“Unintegrated dipole gluon distribution at small transverse momentum”,

Mariyah Siddiqah, Nahid Vasim, Khatiza Banu, Trambak Bhattacharyya, and Raktim Abir,
Physical Review D 97 (2018) no. 5, 054009.
Color Glass Condensate : Color sources and quantum fields

Fast partons inside hadron suffer time dilation.

Fast partons do not evolve during short duration of a collision.

Color current
Jaμ = δ μ+ρa (x −, x⊥)
Yang-Mills equation

[ μa a ]
for the color field of μν μ
D , F = Ja
the target

Specifying ensemble of
target color filed is
A− = A⊥ = 0
Solution in Lorentz gauge equivalent to specifying
A (x) = − 2 ρa(x −, x⊥)
+ the ensemble of charge
∇⊥ density (ρ)

CGC framework must be

McLerrean Venugopalan Model
supplemented with a

𝒲[ρ] = ⟨ρa(x −, x⊥)ρb(y −, y⊥)⟩ = μ 2δ abδ(x − − y −)δ(x⊥ − y⊥) probability distribution

𝒲 [ ρ]
Color Glass Condensate : The Cutoff that separates hard and soft partons

Fast partons inside hadron suffer time dilation.

This is only if these partons have a large enough

longitudinal momentum. The partons that are too slow
must be treated in terms of the usual gauge fields.


ℒ = − FμνF μν + J μ Aμ

Partons with k + > Λ+ are treated as static sources

Partons with k + < Λ+ are treated as as standard quantum fields

The cut off Λ+ that separate the fast and the

slow partons is arbitrary, and observable
quantities should not depend on it.
Color Glass Condensate : Cutoff dependence and renormalisation group evolution equation

Partons with k + > Λ+ are treated as static sources

Partons with k + < Λ+ are treated as standard quantum fields

Expectation value of any observables in CGC.

✓ The cut-off Λ+ that separate the fast and the

slow partons is arbitrary, and observable ⟨𝒪⟩ = 𝒟[ρ] 𝒲[ρ] 𝒪[ρ]
quantities should not depend on it. Fast partons inside hadron suffer time dilation.

✓ The cut-off Λ+ enters in the calculation as an

upper limit on the longitudinal momentum that
runs in the loop.

✓ The only way to have Λ+ independent observables at the end of the day is
to let the distribution depend itself on, precisely in such a way that the
two dependences cancel.

𝒲[ρ] → 𝒲Λ+[ρ] ∂ 𝒲Λ+

= ℋ 𝒲Λ+
∂ log Λ +

JIMWLK equation
Color Glass Condensate : JIMWLK equation

∂ 𝒲Λ+
= ℋ 𝒲Λ+
∂ log Λ+

JIMWLK equation
JIMWLK Hamiltonian

✓ JIMWLK equation does not predict by itself

what the distribution would be.

✓ JIMWLK equation predicts how the distribution

would change as we lower the cutoff.

✓ McLerran Venugopalan model is a plausible initial

condition for a large nucleus at large cut off.

✓ Solution eventually forget details of the initial

JIMWLK equation

In the study of high energy scattering of a projectile parton and a target nucleus

the small-x evolution can be introduced either in the wave function of the projectile

(the parton) or in the wave function of the target (the nucleus).

The Balitsky-Kovchegov (BK) evolution equation / Balitsky hierarchy accomplishes

the first while the other equivalent approach is realised by Jalilian-Marian - Iancu -

McLerran - Weigert - Leonidov - Kovner (JIMWLK) evolution equation.

JIMWLK equation tells how gauge invariant higher order Wilson line correlators 𝒪̂

would evolve at high energy.

∂ ̂
JIMWLK equation ⟨𝒪⟩Y = ⟨ℋ𝒪⟩̂ Y
1 ab δ δ
16π 3 ∫z xzy ( z y)
JIMWLK Hamiltonian ℋ≡− ℳ 1 + Ũ †

x y − Ũ †

x z − Ũ †

δαxa δαyb
4π ( 1 + δn,1 )
∂ ᾱs 1
Tr [U(x1)U (x2)U(x3)U (x4) . . . U(x2n−1)U (x2n)] =
† † †
JIMWLK equation for 2n tuple ∂Y

⌊n/2⌋−1 n−1

∫z ∑
𝒦(2l;2l+2k+2) Tr [U(x2l+1)U †(x2l+2) . . . U(x2l+1+2k )U †(z)] Tr [U(z)U †(x2l+2k+2) . . . U(x2l−1)U †(x2l )]

∑ (2l+1;2l+2k+1)
k=0 l=0

⌊n/2⌋−1 n−1
𝒦(2l+1;2l+2k+3) Tr [U †(x2l+2)U(x2l+3) . . . U †(x2l+2+2k )U(z)] Tr [U †(z)U(x2l+2k+3) . . . U †(x2l )U(x2l+1)]

∑ ∑
+ (2l+2;2l+2k+2)
k=0 l=0
In this work we present small-x evolution
⌈n/2⌉−2 n−1
𝒦(2l;2l+2k+3) Tr [U(x2l+1)U †(x2l+2) . . . U †(x2l+1+2k+1)] Tr [U(x2l+2k+3)U †(x2l+2k+4) . . . . . U †(x2l )]

∑ ∑
equation for general 2n-tuple Wilson line

k=0 l=0

⌈n/2⌉−2 n−1
correlator. +
∑ ∑
Tr [U †(x2l+2)U(x2l+3) . . . U(x2l+2k+3)] Tr [U †(x2l+2k+4)U(x2l+2k+5) . . . U(x2l+1)]

k=0 l=0

𝒦(2l;2l+n+1) Tr [U(x2l+1)U †(x2l+2) . . . U(x2l+n)U †(z)] Tr [U(z)U †(x2l+n+1) . . . U(x2l−1)U †(x2l )]

+δ1,nmod2 (2l+1;2l+n)

It is an integro - differential equation where


𝒦(2l+1;2l+n+2) Tr [U †(x2l+2)U(x2l+3) . . . U †(x2l+n+1)U(z)] Tr [U †(z)U(x2l+n+2) . . . U †(x2l )U(x2l+1)]

all real and virtual terms are explicit. l=0

This is done by operating JIMWLK Hamiltonian

x2n xd xd x2n xi+3

on a single trace of 2n-Wilson lines in their
x1 xb x1 xb x1 xi+2

x2 xb−1 x2 xb−1 x2 xi+1

fundamental representation. d
dY x3 xa+2
all possible x3 xa+2
x3 xi
z unique cuts
xc xa+1 xc xa+1 x4 xj+1
xa xa xj
(2n tuple)

x2n xd
xb x2n xb−1 x2n xb−1
x1 xd xb−2
x1 xb x1 xb−2
x2 xd xb
x2 z z xa+2 x2
x3 xa+2 xa+2
xc xa
x3 xc xa xa+1 x3 xa+1
xc xa+1
xa 2m tuple (2n + 2 − 2m) tuple 2m tuple (2n − 2m) tuple

Schematic representation of our equation

x2n xd xd x2n xi+3
x1 xb x1 xb x1 xi+2

JIMWLK equation for 2n tuple

x2 xb−1 x2 xb−1 x2 xi+1
d K(a,b) P2n
dY x3 x3 x3
xa+2 all possible xa+2 xi
z unique cuts
xc xa+1 xc xa+1 x4 xj+1
xa xa xj
(2n tuple)

x2n xd

Equivalence of Balitsky hierarchy and JIMWLK xb x2n xb−1 x2n xb−1

x1 xd xb−2
x1 xb x1 xb−2
x2 xd xb
x2 z z xa+2 x2 xa+2
Our study conform the equivalence

x3 xa+2 xc xa
x3 xc xa xa+1 x3 xa+1
xc xa+1
xa 2m tuple (2n + 2 − 2m) tuple 2m tuple (2n − 2m) tuple
of Balitsky hierarchy of evolution and

the JIMWLK evolution for this general

Schematic representation of our equation
2n-tuple color correlator..

Non-singular kernels (xa − xd )2 (xb − xc)2 (xa − xb)2 (xc − xd )2

= + − −
(xa − z)2(z − xd )2 (xb − z)2(z − xc)2 (xa − z)2(z − xb)2 (xc − z)2(z − xd )2
We discussed the singular structure of the

kernels and went on to study the solution

2n (xj − xj+1)2
∑ (xj − z)2(z − xj+1)2
𝒫2n =
of this equation in the strong scattering

regime where all transverse distances are

much larger than inverse saturation

“Small-x evolution of 2n-tuple Wilson line correlator revisited: The nonsingular kernels”,

Khatiza Banu, Mariyah Siddiqah, and Raktim Abir,

Physical Review D 99 (2019) no. 9, 094017.

Solution of JIMWLK equation for 2n tuple

Solution of the equation in unitarity limit

In the strong scattering regime where transverse separation between

the partons is very large.

1 + 2iν
𝒮 (x1, x2, . . . x2n−1, x2n) = S0(2n) exp − 0
ln2 | xj − xj+1 |2 Qs2(Y )
2(1 + δn,1)χ(0,ν0) ∏

This asymptotic solution also exhibits geometric scaling like color

dipole deep inside saturation region.

“Small-x evolution of 2n-tuple Wilson line correlator revisited: The nonsingular kernels”,

Katiza Banu, Mariyah Siddiqah, and Raktim Abir,

Physical Review D 99 (2019) no. 9, 094017.

Thank You

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