Percussion Playing Test Rubric

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Test: !

Name: __________________________________

CATEGORY 4 3 2 1

The pulse is mostly steady The pulse is somewhat The beat is almost always
The pulse is steady and
and secure, and the erratic(not steady) and/or erratic (not steady) and
Pulse secure, and student is
student is usually tapping the student does not the student does not
always tapping their foot.
their foot. consistently tap their foot. attempt to tap their foot.

Rhythms are mostly Rhythms are often

accurate in relation to inaccurate and do not Rhythms are mostly
Rhythms are always
pulse. There are a few seem to follow pulse. inaccurate, distracting
Rhythmic Accuracy accurate in relation to
errors, but these do not Rhythm problems detract significantly from the
detract from the overall from the overall overall performance.
performance. performance.

An occasional inaccurate
Inaccurate pitches and
pitch or fingering is Wrong pitches
Pitches and fingerings are fingerings are played
Note Accuracy played, but does not consistently detract from
consistently accurate. often, detracting from the
detract from overall the performance.
overall performance.

Appropriate technique is
Appropriate technique is Appropriate technique is
sometimes present,
always present, including mostly present, including Major problems with using
Technique including hand placement,
hand placement, grip, hand placement, grip, appropriate technique.
grip, wrist action, and
wrist action, and sticking. wrist action, and sticking.


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