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Reduction of Crud Formation in SX Through

ACORGA® CR60: Industrial Case

Luis Moya1, Tyler McCallum1, Troy Bednarski1, Rodrigo Zambra2 and Bravo Mbao3
1 Solvay, USA
2 Solvay, Chile
3 Solvay, EMEA

Crud formation from solids contents in PLS solutions fed to SX plants has been an unsolved problem
for decades. This stable emulsion among solid, aqueous and organic generates different problems in
the stability of the SX operation, limiting the flow fed to the plant and reducing the time of operation
(plant detention for cleaning of settlers), impacting the operational costs through higher consumption
of extractant/diluent, leading to increased electrolyte bleed (loss of cobalt sulphate), lowering
availability of the SX plant and reducing cathodic quality.
The following work presents the results of a new product to mitigate the formation of crud, called
ACORGA® CR60. This product applied at low dosages to the PLS entering SX has been able to reduce
the formation of crud under different PLS conditions. The study shows the results of two pilot trials
conducted in Africa and North America, where in the latter an industrial test was carried out
demonstrating successful crud reduction in an industrial setting.

Crud is a stable colloidal emulsion formed by aqueous, organic and a small amount of solids. The
formation of this emulsion is one of the most common problems in solvent extraction (SX) plants and
is currently considered inevitable. The formation of crud occurs in the vast majority of SX operations
globally, with a significant impact on the physical and economic result of hydrometallurgical
operations (operational instability, electrolyte contamination, organic phase losses, etc.).
Depending on the leaching process, the crud formation rates can vary and this will depend on the
level and type of solids present in the PLS. Leaching processes such as agitation, bats and autoclaves
generate a greater amount of solids than with heap leaching or dump leaching. This process of
leaching with high generation of solids and formation of a large amount of Crud in SX plants
currently does not have a solution to the root cause of its problems. Therefore, Solvay developed a
product that mitigates the formation of this emulsion, mainly for solids with the presence of silica.
This product, called ACORGA® CR60, has been introduced by Solvay to mitigate the negative
impacts from problematic silica feeds and crud formation. The additive is an aqueous solution which
is dosed in-line with the PLS ahead of the extract stages. The additive remains soluble in the aqueous
phase and is not transferred to the organic phase. It exits with the raffinate while helping to prevent
emulsions, address silica related phase disengagement issues and reduce crud formation.
The following study presents the results of 2 plants evaluated at the pilot level in North America and
Africa, in addition to presenting the results of the first industrial test executed in North America.

Agitated leaching allows for dissolution of most acid-soluble copper minerals in hours compared to
months or years in traditional heap leach operations. Due to the high ore grades in the African Copper
Belt and variable acid consumption, agitated leaching is a common practice and used more widely
compared to other regions[5].
Challenges associated with SX circuits downstream of agitated leaching include a higher presence of
TSS and the presence of colloidal silica. The impact is commonly seen for operations in Africa with
high crud generation and at times poor phase disengagement time and appearance [5]. These
challenges have also been a focus bats and autoclaves leaching.
Elevated TSS entering SX is a reality for agitated leach circuits. To control TSS, flocculants and
coagulants are added in the upstream solid-liquid separation. Pinned-bed clarifiers have also been
used to reduce TSS in the PLS. Even with clarifiers or flocculants, it is common for over 100 mg/L TSS
to be contained in the PLS as compared to <30 mg/L contained in heap leach PLS [5]. In addition,
excessive flocculant usage can lead to residual flocculant entering the SX, which can impact SX
organic quality and physical performance [3].
In the SX plant, higher TSS can lead to increased crud formation requiring additional attention to
settler housekeeping and crud processing activities. Increased build-up rates can be seen at the
interface as well as at the bottom of the settler, which is made more severe by the use of upstream
flocculants. Regular crud pumping and processing though a centrifuge is a requirement for agitated
leach circuits, and in some cases, individual settlers are taken offline annually to remove bottom crud
[5]. This can lead to reduced flows or plant downtime, which represents a significant impact to
production. Routine crud processing can also lead to higher organic losses and associated make-up
costs [3].
Another challenge for SX operations treating agitated leach feeds is the higher concentration of silica,
present as either dissolved or colloidal silica. The solubility of silica will be dependent on temperature
and pH among other factors, with colder temperatures and higher acidity resulting in increased
precipitation and colloidal Si formation [2].
Colloidal silica in the PLS has been seen to impact phase separation in SX and operating in organic
continuity is a known practice to help overcome phase separation challenges associated with silica[4].
In aqueous continuity, colloidal silica can result in increased phase disengagement times, leading to
increased aqueous entrainment and bleed requirements to maintain impurity targets in the
electrolyte. In extreme conditions, stable emulsions can form, significantly impacting plant
throughput and production [3]. Colloidal particles do not settle and are difficult to remove from the
leach solution [2]. When these particles aggregate, silica gel can form, this can coat the SX equipment
and plug picket fences leading to additional challenges to maintain targeted flow rates and


Case 1: Pilot Plant Operation in African Copper Belt

A 70-hour side by side pilot plant was operated at an African operation treating an agitated leach
feed. The piloting compared performance using ACORGA® CR60 to an untreated train in a 1E + 1S
configuration with the mixers operating in organic continuity. The additive was dosed into the
treated train PLS at a concentration of 30 ppm due to the higher presence of suspended solids in the
feed solution. Figure 1 shows crud accumulation in the extract settlers over the testing.

Figure 1 Crud formation with and without ACORGA® CR60 with agitated leach PLS
Crud quickly built-up in the extract stage of the untreated train. In the test train using ACORGA®
CR60 lower crud formation was maintained. Visual observations from the end of the testing are
shown in Figure 2, which shows the high presence of crud accumulation in the untreated train and
clean organic phase in the train dosed with the additive.

Figure 2 Ending observation of crud in extract settler with and without treatment of ACORGA® CR60

Phase disengagement times (PDT) were monitored along with organic entrainment over the trial and
shown in figures 3 and 4.

Figure 3 Phase disengagement times with and without treatment of ACORGA® CR60

Figure 4 Organic entrainment with and without treatment of ACORGA® CR60

During the African agitated leach piloting, consistent phase disengagement times were noted under
organic continuity with or without treatment of ACORGA® CR60. Although organic entrainment
averaged less with treatment of the additive, both trains maintained relatively low organic losses at
10 -

Case 2: Pilot Plant Operation in North American

Two side-by-side 2E + 1S pilot units were operated for two weeks on site with the objective of
comparing crud behavior and physical performance with and without the additive. The extract stages
were operated in parallel configuration with E1 operated in aqueous continuity and E2 in organic
continuity. The additive was dosed at 10 - 50 ppm into the PLS feeding both E1 and E2 of the test
train (figure 5). The control train was operated under the same conditions but without treatment of
the PLS.

Online dosing

Figure 5 Side by side SX pilot plant, with additive and without additive configuration 1E+1E+1S

During start-up of the pilot plant, E1 of the control train quickly had problems under aqueous
continuity. Excessive phase disengagement times and emulsion formation resulted in dispersion
flooding the organic weir of E1. This lead to high aqueous carryover to the strip stage and pushed off
crud at the interface as shown in figure 6. As a result of the flooding and crud movement, the control
train had to be shut down shortly after start-up. During the same time, the test train operated E1 with
50 ppm additive under aqueous continuity without dispersion at the weir, emulsion formation, or
flooding as shown in figure 6. The train was operated a full day with E1 in aqueous for data collection
and observation.
Untreated Treated

Figure 6 E1 weir under aqueous continuity untreated and treated with ACORGA® CR60

Due to the challenges operating E1 in aqueous continuity without the additive, both E1 and E2 were
operated in organic continuity for comparable results between the pilot trains.
After initial low crud formation in both circuits, a higher TSS PLS was fed to the pilot plants to more
quickly evaluate the performance differences. Figure 7 show crud accumulation over the piloting
campaign in the E1 and E2 extract stages for the treated and untreated plant.

E1 stage E2 stage

Figure 7 Crud at weir E1 and E2

As shown, crud formation without treatment of the PLS was consistently higher than with treatment
using the additive. Physical performance parameters (phase disengagement times, dispersion, and
entrainments) were also monitored throughout the piloting. Phase disengagement times under
organic continuity were higher (by ~1 minute) with treatment using the additive. However,
dispersion band depths remained consistent between the baseline and test trains. Entrainments were
also similar between trains.
Based on the positive indications of overcoming silica in the PLS and reduction in crud formation
(while maintaining similar entrainments) a commercial trial was pursued with further focus into
phase disengagement times, dispersion band depths and entrainments.
Case 3: Industrial Trial Plant Operation in North American
In August 2018, a commercial trial was completed to confirm the physical improvements observed
during pilot evaluation (ability to operate in aqueous continuity and reduced crud formation).
Additionally, the focus of the trial was to ultimately allow the operation to increase PLS flow rate,
allowing for an increase in copper production. Earlier in the year, the change to organic continuity
required a reduction in PLS flow, which had a direct impact to production.
During the commercial trial, E2 was dosed with the additive at 10 ppm and E1 was operated without
treatment. For comparison, the circuit was sampled the days prior to addition to establish a baseline.
During addition of the additive, the E2 performance was compared to the baseline as well as E1.
During baseline sampling and initial evaluation of the additive into E2, the extract stages were
operated in organic continuity, which was required due to the presence of problematic silica in the
PLS. As expected from piloting results, organic continuous phase disengagement times were longer
with treatment using the additive. On the commercial plant, the increase in phase disengagement
times led to increased dispersion present at the weir. Aqueous and organic entrainments remained
consistent, but it was believed further increases in PLS flow under organic continuity would
ultimately increase entrainment due to the increase in phase disengagement times and dispersion.
Based on positive results operating in aqueous continuity with the additive during the piloting and
bench top test results during the commercial trial, the E2 stage was flipped to aqueous continuity to
evaluate phase disengagement and entrainment. Over the course of the trial, the additive was turned
off periodically to validate the impact of the additive. Figures 8 shows phase disengagement of the
E2 stage in both organic and aqueous continuities. The initial additive dosage start (sample 10) is
shown as well as the continuity change (sample 32). Periods where the additive was turned off are
highlighted (samples 50 and 60). After an initial increase in phase disengagement times and
dispersion at the weir (Figure 8) in the treated E2 stage under organic continuity, the change to
aqueous continuity allowed for an immediate reduction in break times and dispersion. During times
when the additive was turned off, the phase disengagement times quickly increased under aqueous

Figure 8 E2 Phase Disengagement Time and Dispersion Depth (10 ppm treatment)

PLS flows were then increased and additive dosage maintained at 10 ppm to support higher copper
transfer and production. Figure 9 shows the PLS flow increase achieved throughout the commercial
trial. PLS flow increase of ~15% was achieved with use of the additive.
Organic Aqueous Continuity

PLS Flow (gpm)





0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50

PLS Flow

Figure 9 PLS Flow

Figure 10 shows the aqueous entrainment and organic entrainment results over the trial for both the
E1 and E2 stages with times when the additive was off highlighted in the dotted boxes.

Figure 10 Aqueous and organic entrainment results

Aqueous entrainment remained consistent with use of the additive in organic continuity. Under
aqueous continuity, when the additive was turned off, aqueous entrainment increased significantly
as expected, due to increase in phase disengagement times and emulsion events. Organic
entrainment remained low with use of the additive and with change in mixer continuity.
Crud depths in the E1 and E2 stages at both the middle and weir of the settlers is shown in figure 11,
with times when the additive was off highlighted in the dotted boxes.

E1 stage E2 stage

Figure 11 Crud Depths in E1 and E2 stage

Crud depths varied over the commercial trial but overall were reduced when the PLS was dosed with
the additive. The operation continued with routine crud pumping and treatment during the trial, but
notably reduced while the additive was running.

The different trial carried out allow us to observe the real benefits of the addition of ACORGA® CR60
in PLS with high levels of solids and silica, concluding the following:
 The addition of the additive, ACORGA® CR60, reduced the formation of Crud in the SX
 The plants of SX with high presence of silica in their PLS, today could operate in aqueous
continuity when adding ACORGA® CR60, not generating high dispersions and large
amounts of floating crud.
 There is a decrease in the entrainments from one phase to another, allowing the reduction of
organic phase losses and the reduction of electrolyte bled due to contamination with
 No impact on the metallurgical performance of the SX plant.
 For the case of the industrial test, the SX plant was able to increase PLS flow, increasing the
copper production, because the SX Plant could operate under aqueous continuous
independent of the high presence of colloidal silica in PLS.

Moya, L., T. Bednarski, A. Fischmann, T. McCallum, R. Zambra, “New Additive to Reduce Crud
Formation in Solvent Extraction Operations,” Hydroprocess, 2018.
Queneau, P., C. Berthold, “Silica in Hydrometallurgy: An Overview,” Canadian Metallurgy
Quarterly, Vol. 25, No. 3, pp. 201 - 209, 1986.
Ratnaweera, T., B. Wellbrook, T. McCallum, "Cu SX Best Practices for Processing of Concentrate
Leach Liquors,” SME, 2017.
Readett, D., G. Miller, “The Impact of Silica on Solvent Extraction: Girilambone Copper Company,
Case Study” Hydrometallurgy 173 (2017), pp. 149 - 155.
Sole, C., O. Tinkler, “Copper Solvent Extraction: Status, Operating Practices and Challenges in the
African Copper Belt,” Copper-Cobalt Africa, 2015.
Mabao B., Fischmann A., Cohen L., Moya L., Moser M., McCallum T., Tinker O., “ACORGA™ CR60
crud mitigation reagent - commercial trials in North America and Africa”, Alta Conference, 2019.

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