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14 MARCH 2017

The experiment aimed to determine the Ksp of calcium hydroxide and explain the effects of
temperature, presence of common and diverse ions, and solvent polarity on the solubility of
sparingly soluble salts. The experiment prepared different suspensions of calcium hydroxide in
different media. The values of solubility and solubility product constant were determined through
the titration data. The effect of temperature was established, at low temperature, solubility
increases and at high temperature, solubility decreases. Also, it was able to determine the
experimental molar solubility and Ksp of calcium hydroxide. Ksp obtained was 3.95 x 10-7, with
69.6% error. The effect of the presence of diverse ions was also established, the addition of diverse
ion tend to increase the solubility of calcium hydroxide. The experiment failed to establish the
effect of presence of common ions and the change in solvent polarity.

INTRODUCTION number moles of solute in 1 L of saturated

solution (moles per liter), is used.8 The
Solubility is the ability of a substance to molar solubility can be obtained through
dissolve in water. On the other hand,
solubility equilibrium refers to the 𝑠 =
[𝐴𝑦+ ]
[𝐵𝑥− ]
equilibrium between the dissolved salt 𝑥 𝑦
(ions) and undissolved salt that usually
exists in a saturated solution or a solution For this experiment, the solubility of the
of a sparingly soluble salt.8 The equilibrium sparingly soluble compound calcium
can be represented in the form hydroxide, Ca(OH)2 was analyzed. The
equilibrium equation is represented by
AxBy(s)  xAy+(aq) + yBx-(aq) (1)
Ca(OH)2 (s)  Ca2+ (aq) + 2OH- (aq) (4)
Hence, we can derived the equilibrium
constant expression for this equilibrium Once equilibrium has been established and
equation as the solid removed, the concentration of
hydroxide can be easily determined via
Ksp = [Ay+]x [Bx-]y (2) acid/base titration.

The solid state is removed from the The solubility constant product and the
equilibrium constant expression since the molar solubility can be determined from
activity of a pure solid is 1. The solubility equations (2) and (3), respectively.
product constant, Ksp, is the constant for the
equilibrium established between a solid Ksp = [Ca2+] [OH-]2 (5)
solute and is ions in a saturated solution.5
[𝐶𝑎 2+ ] [𝑂𝐻 − ]
𝑠 = 1
= 2
To calculate the actual solubility of the salt,
the molar solubility, which is defined as the Ksp = [s] [2s]2 (7)
the equilibrium system. Ionic strength can
The Gibbs free energy, ΔG ̊, is related to the greatly influence the ionic atmosphere.
equilibrium constant (Ksp) by Ionic strength, μ, is a measure of the total
concentration of ions in solution.
ΔG ̊ = -RT lnKsp (8)
𝜇= ∑ 𝑐 𝑧2 (11)
2 𝑖 𝑖 𝑖
where R is the thermodynamic constant (R
= 8.3145 J mol-1 K-1) and T is the absolute
where ci is the concentration of the ith
temperature in Kelvin.10
species and zi is its charge. The sum extends
over all ions in solution.2
To find the Gibbs free energy (ΔG ̊) changes,
this equation is used
The energy balance of intermolecular forces
between solute-solute, solvent-solvent and
ΔG ̊ = ΔH ̊ - TΔS ̊ (9)
solute-solvent molecules controls solubility.
The simple rule is “like dissolves like” and it
where T is the absolute temperature.3 We
is based on the polarity of the systems.9
assume that ∆H° and ∆S° do not change
significantly over small temperature
The purpose of the experiment was to
determine the solubility product constant of
calcium hydroxide and explain the effects of
There are factors affecting the solubility of
temperature, presence of common and
salt in aqueous solutions such as
diverse ions, and solvent polarity on the
temperature, presence of common ions,
solubility of sparingly soluble salts.
presence of diverse ions and change in
solvent polarity.
The van’t Hoff equation (10) describe that
The experiment in determining the molar
equilibrium constants vary with
solubility of calcium hydroxide was done in
temperature such that it depends upon the
various conditions. Also, the experiment
relative magnitudes and the signs of the
used the laboratory technique titration.
standard enthalpy change (∆H°) and
Different media was prepared in each 250-
standard entropy change (∆S°) associated
mL beaker such that
with the equilibrium.3

∆𝐻 ∆𝑆 Table 1. Components of different media

ln 𝐾 = − 𝑅𝑇 + 𝑅
(10) Component Condition
A 50 mL distilled Room
where ΔH the enthalpy of the reaction (in KJ water temperature*
mol-1), ΔS the entropy of the reaction (in J B 50 mL distilled Heated*
mol-1K-1) and R is gas constant, 8.314 J mol- water
C 50 mL distilled In cold water
water bath*
Common-ion effect is whenever weak D 50 mL 0.10 M Room
electrolyte and a strong electrolyte CaCl2 temperature
containing a common ion are together in E 50 mL 0.50 M Room
solution; the weak electrolyte ionizes less KCl temperature
than it would if it were alone in solution.1 F 45 mL distilled Room
water + 5 mL temperature
The diverse ion effect is more commonly 95% ethanol
called the salt effect. The numerical value of *Temperatures must be recorded
a Ksp based on molarities will vary
depending on the ionic atmospheres.2 The titration setup was set first and
Diverse-ion effect is simply adding burettes were rinsed with the titrant, which
uncommon ions, which are different from is the 0.10 M HCl. After the preparation of
the different medium, calcium hydroxide color change was pink to colorless,
was added to each beaker until a saturated happened when pH changes.
solution was obtained. The suspensions Solubility is the molar concentration while
were stirred for five minutes and left for ten Ksp is the product of molar concentrations.8
minutes. Afterwards, the suspensions were So both can be used to find one another
filtered, in medium B and C, receiving flasks because there is a relationship between the
must have the same temperature as the solute's molarity and the solubility of the
suspensions. A 25mL aliquot filtrate was ions.
drawn from the suspension and was
transferred to a 125-mL Erlenmeyer flask. The solubility of each medium was
Then, 3 drops of 1% phenolphthalein was computed by obtaining first the OH-
added. Moreover, the analyte was titrated concentration and substituting to equation
until the color vanishes to colorless. In each (6). Then, equation (7) was used to obtain
medium, two trials were performed. the Ksp values.

RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Table 2. Summary of calculated data

Average molar Average Temperature
In the preparation of set-up, burettes were solubility Ksp (in K)
rinsed with HCl, to remove impurities, (in M)
which may react to the titrant or on the A 0.0052 5.39 x 10-7 304.65
analyte and also to remove traces of water B 0.0023 5.56 x 10-8 327.15
in burettes that may affect the titrant’s C 0.0063 1.04 x 10-6 278.15
concentration. D 0.0088 2.71 x 10-6 At room
E 0.0049 4.67 x 10-7 temperature
In the preparation of the analyte, the
F 0.0135 9.83 x 10-6
suspensions made were filtered to remove
the solids. The filtrate must be clear, since
The table shows the different average molar
the presence of any solid Ca(OH)2 may
solubility and solubility product constant.
interfere with the saturation concentration
This also shows that solubility and
of OH- ions. The collected filtrate must be
solubility product constant varies with
prevented to the exposure of air because
different condition.
carbon dioxide acts as an acid and may
neutralize OH.
In media A, B, C, showed how temperature
affects the solubility of Ca(OH)2. Table 2
In medium A, B, C, receiving flasks when
shows that in medium B, which has the
filtering has the same temperature as the
highest temperature, also have the lowest
suspension to maintain the condition of the
Ksp and lowest solubility. While in medium
C, which has the lowest temperature, was
the other way around.
Two trials were performed to show if the
results are consistent.
To compute for the Ksp at 298 K, the results
obtained was plot based on the van’t Hoff
The experiment used titration technique to
equation (9).
know the OH- concentration at the
equilibrium of the reaction studied. Hence
the reaction was

HCl(aq) + OH- (aq) → H2O(l) + Cl- (aq) (12)

The molar solubility of Ca(OH)2 is half of the

OH- concentration found by titration.3

Phenolpthalein was used as an indicator to

determine the endpoint of the titration. The
Figure 1. Linear plot based on the van’t Furthermore, the value of Ksp at 298 K can
Hoff equation be determined using equation (8). Ksp
obtained was 3.95 x 10-7 at room
temperature. The literature value10 for Ksp
Ca(OH)2 is 1.3 x 10-6 which gave a 69.6%
error. The experimental solubility was 4.62
x 10-3 M.

In medium D, common ion effect was

exhibited through the addition of CaCl2.
According to Le Chatelier’s principle, the
addition of common-ion shifts the
equilibrium of a slightly soluble compound
toward undissolved compound, causing
The figure shows the relationship of lnKsp more precipitate, thus the solubility of the
versus 1/T of the different temperature compound is reduced.5 Comparing the
done in media A, B, and C. The graph has a treated data to the experimental value, the
coefficient of determination or the r2 as solubility of Ca(OH)2 in medium D was
0.84682. This implies that the data obtained increased. The result was opposed to Le
were somehow good because it was fitted in Chatelier’s principle.
the linear relationship of lnKsp and 1/T.
In medium E, diverse ion effect or the salt
Furthermore, using the trendline equation effect was exhibited through the addition of
KCl. The addition of diverse ions is also
y = 5227.8x - 32.284 (13) called the inert electrolyte effect. The inter-
ionic interactions play a role. The ionic
which according to van’t Hoff equation (10), atmosphere attenuates the attraction
the slope is equal to − 𝑅 and the y- between ions since each ion-plus-
∆𝑆 atmosphere contains less net charge.1
intercept is equal to . Therefore, ∆H is Effective concentrations become smaller
equal to -43.46 KJ mol-1 with literature than the stoichiometric concentration. This
value5 of -986.1 KJ mol-1, which gave a means that higher concentrations must
104.4% error. While ∆S is equal to -268.41 J appear in the solution before the
mol-1K-1 with literature value5 of 83.39 J equilibrium is established, thus solubility
mol-1K-1, which gave a 421.9% error. increases.5

Using equation (9), ∆G can be obtained as In medium F, change in solvent’s polarity

equal to 36.53 KJ mol-1 with literature was exhibited through mixing distilled
value2 of -898.5 KJ mol-1 which gave a water and 95% ethanol. Like other alcohols,
104.1% error. ethanol has a non-polar carbon chain
connected to a polar OH group or hydroxyl
The dissolution reaction was exothermic (∆ functional group. This group is capable of
= -43.46 KJ mol-1), so increasing the forming hydrogen bonds with the same
temperature results in a stress on the hydroxyl functional group also found in the
products side from the additional heat.1 At water.6 So when ethanol was mixed with
low temperature, dissolution heat water, the solution made has less polarity
elimination was favored and thus the compared to distilled water. Decrease in
solubility equilibrium constant and polarity resulted in weak dissociation,
solubility of dissolution of Ca(OH)2 were because it reduces the chance to break the
increased. Subsequently, at high attraction of an ionic substance.7 Thus,
temperature, solubility equilibrium solubility was lowered. Comparing the
constant and solubility were decreased. treated data to the experimental value; the
solubility of Ca(OH)2 in medium G was
increased. The result did not satisfy the [3] Determination of Ksp, ΔG ̊, ΔH ̊ and ΔS ̊
aforementioned principle. for Ca(OH)2. Chemistry 221.
Experimental errors obtained in the /DetKsp.pdf (accessed March 19,
experiment were incompletely or over 2017)
saturating the suspensions, improper
filtration, solid Ca(OH)2 remnants on the [4] Euler, W., Kirschenbaum L., Ruekberg,
analyte and exposure of the aliquot filtrate B. Determination of Ksp, G , H , and
to the air. S for the Dissolution W of Calcium
Hydroxide in Water. Journal of
CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION Chemical Education. 2000. 1039-
The experiment established the effect of
temperature and presence of diverse ions e/pchem/caoh2_jce_v77_2000_p1039
on the solubility of calcium hydroxide. The .pdf (accessed March 20, 2017)
experimental solubility equilibrium
constant was determined as 3.95 x 10-7, [5] Petrucci, R., Herring, F., Madura, J., &
with 69.5% error. In exothermic dissolution Bissonnette, C. General chemistry:
reaction, at low temperature, Ksp and Principles and Modern Applications
solubility increases and at high 10th ed. Pearson Education South
temperature, Ksp and solubility decreases. Asia Pte. Ltd., Philippines. 2010
The addition of diverse ions increases the
solubility of a sparingly soluble salt. [6] Recitation Notes for Experiment 3
Meanwhile, the experiment failed to show Crystallization. The University of
the other different factors affecting the Texas and Dallas. 2011
solubility of salt in aqueous solutions such
as the presence of common ions and the ochem/OChem_Lab1/recit_notes/reci
change in solvent polarity. t_exp3_cryst.pdf
(accessed March 26, 2017)
The experiment can be further improved by
saturating each suspension properly to [7] Samaro, A., Solubility and Distribution
attain equilibrium. Also, by filtrating the Phenomena. 2015
suspension twice, clear filtrate should be
obtained to ensure no solid calcium aniyeh/solubility-physical-pharmacy
hydroxide would interfere to the saturated (accessed March 27, 2017)
concentration OH ions. Lastly, avoiding the
exposure of the aliquot filtrate to the air, so [8] Solubility Equilibrium. Nassau
that OH- ions will not be neutralized by the Community College Faculty
carbon dioxide in the air. Website.
REFERENCE 3D&tabid=1903 (accessed Marcg
[1] Brown T., LeMay H., Bursten B.,
Murphy C., Woodward P., [9] Solubility on Organic Compounds.
Chemistry: The Central Science, Chem 351 Laboratory. University of
Twelfth Edition; Prentice Hall. Calgary
2011 /courses/351/laboratory/351expt_0
1_solubility.pdf (accessed March 26,
[2[ Ch. 7 Systematic Treatment of 2017)
Equilibrium. [10] Zumdahl, St., Zumdahl Su., Chemistry,
s_files/320_l07.pdf (Updated Oct. 10, Ninth Edition; Finch, M, Brooks/Cole
2011; Slides 20-350 (Cengage Learning). 2014

Raw Data
Trial 1 (in mL) Trial 2 (in mL)
Vana Vtit Vana Vtit
A 25 2.5 20 2.1
B 25 0.9 12.5 0.7
C 25 3.5 25 2.8
D 25 4.3 24 4.3
E 25 2.5 22 2.1
F 25 7.0 22 5.7


Experimental molecular solubility for

different media

Mol H+ = Mol OH-

MtitVtit = MOH- VOH-

(0.10 M HCl)(0.0025 L) = (MOH-)(0.25L)
MOH- = 0.1 M
MCa2+ = 0.005 M
s = 0.005 M

Ksp = [s] [2s]2

Ksp = [0.005] [0.1]2
Ksp = 5.0 x 10-7
y = 5227.8x - 32.284

5227.8 = −

∆H = -43.46 KJ mol-1

− 32.284 =
∆S = -268.41 J mol-1K-1

ΔG ̊ = ΔH ̊ - TΔS ̊
ΔG ̊ = 34.02 KJ mol-1 – (298 K) (3.01 J mol-

ΔG ̊ = 36.53 KJ mol-1

ΔG ̊ = -RT lnKsp
36.53 KJ mol-1 = -(8.3145 J mol-1 K-1)(298K)
Ksp = 3.95 x 10-7

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