The Eight Tones of Fertility of The Eight Extraordinary Meridians

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The Miraculous Life Part 2 ~ The Eight Tones of Fertility of the 8 Extraordinary Meridians

The Eight Tones of Fertility of the Eight Extraordinary Meridians 1

1. The Resonant Awakening of the Opened Heart

2. The Anticipated Consummation of the Eternal Romance
3. The High Alchemy of Engaged Participation
4. The Mystical Revelations of Beckoning Possibilities
5. The Responsive Stirrings of the Senses as Heralds of Things to Come
6. The Fertile Conception of Perpetually Regenerating Creations
7. The Hallowed Marriage of the One and the Many
8. The Exciting Expectation of the Inspiration of Unveiled Mysteries

The eight extraordinary meridians flow resources to the twelve ordinary meridians in complex
interactions that have eluded classifications. Some generalities have been given, however. Below are
simplified depictions of the eight extraordinary vessels, and their perceived roles.

These were given at the Shamanic retreat in October 2014. Quotes are from Almine's talk.
Sigils by Almine, LLC Spiritual Journeys
The Miraculous Life Part 2 ~ The Eight Tones of Fertility of the 8 Extraordinary Meridians

1. The Resonant Awakening of the Opened Heart

The opened heart is intimate with life. The Song of Self pours forth from the opened Heart of the one
who walks with trust and surrender through life, from the fullness of being home for the self. In
fullness, our dreams take root within.

In Intimate open-heartedness with life , we live from continual hope that reveals the ever-present
magic—in this way are we able, increasingly, to touch the 'real' divinity within all of life. Illusion
dissipates under the gaze of such a one who sees the real and feels the aliveness in things.

2. The Anticipated Consummation of the Eternal Romance

With deep understanding of how individual choice blends with Infinite Intent, we may consummate the
union with the Infinite. There is no right or wrong choice, as all choices are along pathways of Infinite
Intent. Right or wrong disappear within the flow of eternity through life. We choose the quality in any
given moment, and that determines the fluidity and grace of life. As we surrender to this eternal
romance and wonderment at the infinite moments of communion, the HH opens and we live in full and
excited anticipation. The mere anticipation of the union with the Infinite, is deeply enlivening and
cause of fertility.
The Miraculous Life Part 2 ~ The Eight Tones of Fertility of the 8 Extraordinary Meridians

3. The High Alchemy of Engaged Participation

In high alchemy, we are part of the equation that leverages results to far higher, and opens up potentials
that would not otherwise be possible. To be part of the alchemy, we surrender all. When we engage
actively from self-acknowledgement and full self-responsibility, we contribute to unfolding life by our
unique perspective. That is our gift to creation. When we truly know this power, that is available to the
one in harmlessness, we will open increasingly to the vastness of our being, surrender to ever greater
participation by embracing the unknowable, as well as engage from activated inner senses, so that we
operate from automatic action and effortless knowing.

4. The Mystical Revelations of Beckoning Possibilities

There is so much mystery beckoning our attention, because all of life holds the aliveness of being a
portal to Infinity. A life of mystical revelation is one in which we may see the face of the Infinite in the
realness.. of all things. And as we so pierce through surface appearances, we experience the Infinite
gazing upon our being simultaneously. Within this meeting, the ripples of our Heart's song intersect
with Infinite Intent on the times maps of eternity, and new possibilities are ignited. What calls has an
aliveness caused by resonance...feel within your vastness for inspiration—, and you will know what
beckons, and holds most exquisite promise of fertile possibilities. These possibilities then carry you
along in a upswell of magic.
The Miraculous Life Part 2 ~ The Eight Tones of Fertility of the 8 Extraordinary Meridians

5. The Responsive Stirrings of the Senses as Heralds of Things to Come

“Infinite intent that you are invited to give your own choices to, comes through the heart, like a
whispering through every cell of your being.” The body's cells open as the acupuncture points clear
through meridian clearing. When the cells are activated through inner sensing, then not only are senses
able to register the available potentials, but more than this, they cause emanation of frequencies from
the cells that strengthens those potentials. As you sense, so you attune to what is to come and by what
you emanate, so it is. As sensitive observer that in reverent appreciation, you also participate—the
activated senses feel in receptive attunement, and cause manifestation in form through the frequencies
articulated as impulses. We sense though the whole body when the hidden organs activate within us,
and become a powerful creative force by how we respond to the stirrings of the Infinite in our inner
space. In this, feel the miracle of the body as fertile vessel for things to come.

6. The Fertile Conception of Perpetually Regenerating Creations

All of life is renewed in each moment. “You are reborn in every nanosecond.” There can be no
continuity in an ever-unfolding existence. Every moment is new when seen from the One Life. Death comes
as a blessing when we have remained for too long in a sub-creation that is seemingly cut off from perpetual
regeneration. Death is but a mirror, which, when mastered, becomes the power to let go of all in order to
open to the One Life. We then become self-composting in each moment, fertile ground for the perpetually
regenerating, ever greater creations—this happens through the glandular/hormonal system that continually
sheds what has been. The 8 EMs have the power to fluidly flow perpetually regenerating life to all parts of
the body when we live in integrated the fluid reference of delight...surrendered wholly to life
unfolding and surging through our being.
The Miraculous Life Part 2 ~ The Eight Tones of Fertility of the 8 Extraordinary Meridians

7. The Hallowed Marriage of the One and the Many

“We have lived the separation of the realities of the one and the many so that we may birth a brand
new field of vision”—a virtual reality of a higher order, where we create as one with the Infinite. As
we permeate all life through all inclusiveness, and know ourselves as the many as well as the
individuation, we interact wholly and exclusively with the Infinite. These two realities no longer
separated, become our tools of expression. In inner space we are in oneness..oneness does not have
form. What is external is internally represented but not in static form. In oneness, we move into inner
space in the many, we may enter into finite form as artistic expression of inner
impulses. A most hallowed alchemical marriage takes place between the masculine and the feminine,
and we know ourselves as all things and all to be within. We are then ready to live the self-sovereign
reality of Heaven on earth.

8. The Exciting Expectation of the Inspiration of Unveiled Mysteries

With eyes that see wonderment and awe, with heart that is in reverent appreciation, ever greater depth
of mysteries are unveiled,as we become a unifying gentle presence across dimensions. Through our
harmlessness and embodied expression of adoration in action, all of creation draws nigh, eager to
participate in mutual awakening through mutual inspiration. The HH activates to highest function, and
moves all elements into aligned support for the envisioned manifestation of our dreams. Become so
inspired in life that its infinite mysteries yield their secrets under your reverent gaze, and life becomes
an opened book.
The Miraculous Life Part 2 ~ The Eight Tones of Fertility of the 8 Extraordinary Meridians

The verse of the 8 Tones of Fertility

“Embody now the balance of the feminine and the masculine that which is receptive and proactive at
In surrender, let the automatic action express as inevitable deeds.
Fertile shall the journey of this holy union be
When the song of your heart sings the 8 tones of fertility
Let these tones sing in your heart by becoming the surrendered interpreter of Infinite Intent.

The inseminated birth of articulated potential shall fill the earth with its newness, and you shall shine
as a great blue white star upon the earth, and bring new hope to the sons of man and new energy to the

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