Writing Task 2

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The gap between rich and poor

In any historical period, the wealth inequality has been receiving a great deal of
media attention in both developing and developed nations due to its substantial
impacts on society. Although the problems associated with this situation can be
pronounced, there are not without solutions.
There are a number of problems caused by wealth inequality. First, the rich may
receive many good conditions that can boost their finance. For example, with
sustainable financial background, they could have learned in optimistic education
environment, so they have more opportunities to get a well-paid job whereas the
poor with low qualification must work hard year round at a low-wage job that just
provide their basic needs. Second, since the rich possess most of wealth world,
they have the power to manipulate politicians to enact policies in the favor of them
in the expense of the other social classes. For instance, recent evidence suggests
that Donald Trump, a business man, become a politician who enacts laws about tax
to reward the rich but punish the poor.
There have been many solutions for wealth inequality. First, because the rich
cannot spend all money, imposing higher tax in them could not interrupt their
lifestyle much and still increase significantly the tax revenue to assist the less
fortunate. The revenue collected may spend to improve education system, grant
scholarship for the poor student, giving them equal opportunities. Second, charities
take money from the decent contributor to help poor individuals by building house,
employing labor force. Therefore, the poor has more chance to earn money.
In conclusion, although wealth inequality can cause a whole host of issues, there
are still many practical solutions.
Bài cũ:
In recent years, fading of traditional cultures has been receiving a great deal of
media attention worldwide due to the development of technology advances.
Although the idea of coexistence is nearly impossible, there certainly are a lot of
reasons behind that idea.
There are number of benefits from modern equipment that can bring to us. First,
technology advances help us save money with a handful of devices. For example,
people can travel by train for long-distance to trade instead of using animals which
can contribute to increase prices. Second, the development of machinery also saves
time for us in communication. For instance, in the past people usually sent letter,
which was written by hand, by birds; however, these day people can have sent it on
the internet which it so time efficient.
It is more difficult to follow outdated cultures beside the convenient technology .
In fact, electronic equipment has large storage, where we can save massive
information. For example, we tend to listen to various kind of music via smart
phone like foreign music, rather than to a traditional music concert with a little
singer. In addition, we also wear comfortable or luxurious clothes in vogue which
is bought on the social network, so many flea markets have been vanished
marginally because of the demand of movement.
In conclusion, the disappearance of traditional cultures is unavoidable so we
should focus on promoting the development of technology advances to improve
human life rather than concern about existence of traditional cultures.

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