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Forensic nursing is one of the newest forms of forensic sciences.

Forensics is scientific methods used to solve crimes and find out who
committed them. Forensic Nursing is the application of forensic science,
combined with clinical nursing practice as they are applied to public or
legal proceedings in the law enforcement arena. It is the application of
forensic aspects of health care combined with biopsychosocial education
of the registered nurse in the scientific investigation and treatment of
trauma, death, violent or criminal activity, and traumatic accidents
within the clinical or community institution.

Daily, nurses encounter the results of human behaviour extremes:

abused children, women, spouse, elderly, victims of neglect, self inflicted
injury, firearm injuries, knife wounds and other assaults. Victimization
and violence is on the increase.

Forensic nursing is a new and challenging field of practice for nurses.

The scope of forensic nursing includes acute health care facilities,
correctional institutions, law related agencies and courts etc.

Thus the nurses trained as forensic Nurse specialist can provide direct
services to individual clients, consultation services to nursing, medical
and law-related agencies, as well as providing expert court testimony in
areas dealing with trauma and/or questioned death investigative
processes, adequacy of services delivered, and specialized diagnoses of
specific medical conditions. This would help in establishing a caring
relationship with the victims

Forensic nursing’s scientific knowledge base emerges from theories of

nursing, forensic science, criminal justice, police science and legal

As a public service profession, nursing has a responsibility to maintain

standards of practice while processing victims of human violence.
Frequently cases are won or lost based on the handling of evidence. If
health care professionals fail to incorporate forensic guidelines,
misinterpretation or omission of evidence may result in a miscarriage of

Forensic nursing represents a new era of nursing practice that is evolving

in direct response to the sequelae of criminal and interpersonal violence.
Therefore Post Basic diploma in forensic nursing is designed to train
forensic nurse specialist. The outcome of the programme will be to have
more nurses prepared as forensic nurse specialists providing care at the
institutional and community levels.


Indian Nursing Council believes that registered nurses need to be trained

in forensic nursing in clinical and community settings in order to provide
competent care to clients in forensic care settings. Expanding roles of
nurses and advances in forensic science and technology necessitates
additional training to prepare nurses for effective participation in nursing
care of clients in forensic care settings.


The purpose of this course is to train the nurses to:

1. Provide quality care to clients in forensic care settings
2. Manage and supervise care of clients in forensic care settings

3. Collaborate and coordinate with nurses, legal & police personnel,

allied health professionals, families and communities in areas
related to clients in forensic families care settings
4. Conduct research in areas of forensic nursing


The course is designed to train registered nurses (B.Sc.) as forensic nurse

specialist with specialized knowledge, skills and attitude in providing
quality care to clients, their families and communities in primary,
secondary and tertiary levels in forensic care settings.




The Government (State/Centre/Autonomous) College of Nursing offering

degree programmes in nursing attached to a Government Medical College
having 500 bedded hospital with diagnostic, therapeutic and state of the
art clinical forensic medicine and nursing care facilities.


1. Any institution which wishes to start post graduate diploma in

Forensic nursing should obtain the No objection/Essentiality
certificate from the State Government. The institutions which are
already recognized by INC for offering diploma/degree programmes
in nursing are exempted for obtaining No objection/essentiality
2. The Indian Nursing Council on receipt of the proposal from the
Institution to start nursing programme will undertake the
inspection to assess suitability with regard to physical

infrastructure, clinical facility and teaching facility in order to give

permission to start the programme.
3. After the receipt of the permission to start the nursing programme
from Indian Nursing Council, the institution shall obtain the
approval from the state nursing council and examination/board
4. Institution will admit the students only after taking approval of
State Nursing Council and Examination Board/University.
5. The Indian Nursing Council will conduct inspection for two
consecutive years for continuation of the permission to conduct the


1. Full time teaching Faculty in the ratio of 1:5

a. M.Sc. Nursing with forensic nursing speciality
b. Post Graduate Diploma in Forensic Nursing with Basic B.Sc.
(N)/P.B.B.Sc. (N)
Experience: Minimum three years
2. Guest Faculty – multi – disciplinary in related specialities i.e.
Forensic Science, Law enforcing authorities, Insurance, Psychology,
Psychiatry, criminology and victimology etc.

These should have budgetary provision for staff salary, honorariums for
guest faculty, and part time teachers, clerical assistance, library and
contingency expenditure for the programme in the overall budget of the

1. Class Room – 1

2. Library: Library having current books, journals and periodicals

related to forensic nursing, forensic science, forensic medicine,
Psychiatry, Psychology, Psychiatric Nursing, Nursing
Administration, Nursing Education, Nursing Research and
Statistics, Medico – Legal aspects of medical records; violence and
nursing practice, Forensic nursing: Scope and standards of
practice, Forensic victimology, Criminology and Law enforcements.

3. Teaching Aids – Facilities for use of

 Over – head Projectors,
 Slide Projector
 TV with VCP or VCR
 LCD Projector
 Computer
 Psychometric instruments
 Narco analysis equipment
 GSR (galvanic skin response equipment)
 Videos on crime detection procedures and forensic nursing

4. Official facilities
 Services of typist, peon, Safai Karmachari
 Facilities for office, equipment and supplies such as
- Stationery
- Computer with printer
- Xerox machine/Risograph
- Telephone and Fax


A General Central/State government hospital attached to Medical College

having advanced diagnostic, therapeutic and state of the art clinical
forensic medicine and nursing care facilities.


The student seeking admission to this course should:

1. Be a registered nurse (R.N & R.M) or equivalent (B.Sc Nursing/PB
B.Sc N)
2. Possess a minimum of one year experience as a staff nurse.
3. Nurses from other countries must obtain an equivalence certificate
from INC before admission.
4. Be physically fit.
5. No. of seats – 20


A. Duration: Duration of the course is one academic year.

B. Distribution of the Course:

1. Teaching: Theory & Clinical practice 42 weeks

2. Internship 4 weeks
3. Examination (including preparation) 2 weeks
4. Vacation 2 weeks
5. Public holidays 2 weeks
52 weeks

C. Course objectives:

General Objective
At the end of the course the student will be able to develop an
understanding of philosophy, principles, methods and issues,
management, education and research in Forensic nursing.

Specific Objectives:
1. Apply knowledge and skills of nursing and forensic science to
identify and collect forensic evidence within the health care setting
to ensure it will with stand legal scrutiny
2. Determine treatment for triage and emergency intervention for
patients who exhibit potential forensic issues
3. Identify basic policies and procedures required for conducting
sexual assault examination for children and adults
4. Perform the Forensic/Medical examination and evaluation of sexual
5. Collect and preserve biological, trace/physical evidences with
least/without physical and emotional trauma to the victim
6. Collect and preserve other evidences involving various other
7. Collect, preserve and forward the evidences to the concerned
organisations/laboratories for further examination
8. Maintain necessary documentation with legal implications
9. Assist medical examiners in assessing and evaluating psychiatric
10. Assist medical examiners in assessing the various causes of death
in unnatural circumstances
11. Assist in Assessing the manner and time since death
12. Provide nursing care in poisoning cases
13. Apply the nursing process to public or legal proceedings and
psychological profiling in the risk groups
14. Analyse the criminal profile using various psychological tests
15. Provide psychiatric counselling to the risk groups

16. Provide psychiatric nursing care and crisis intervention

17. Communicate with the various members of the multidisciplinary.
Forensic team, including victim advocates, law enforcement
authorities and the legal community.
18. Communicate effectively with patients and families
19. Analyse the social and political implications of escalating violence
as it related to law enforcement, criminal justice and domestic
20. Maintain necessary documents (records and reports) with legal

D. Course of Studies:

Subject Theory Practical

Paper I - Forensic Nursing – I Including 210 Hours
i. Fundamentals of Forensic
Nursing 1280
ii. Medico – legal Investigative
Aspects of Nursing
Paper II - Forensic Nursing-II Including 200 Hours
i. Clinical and Forensic Psychology
ii. Forensic Psychiatry
Paper III - Supervision and Management, 90 Hours
(Clinical teaching) and
(Elementary Research and (30+30+30)

IV. Internship 160 Hours

TOTAL 500 Hours 1440 Hours

 Hour distribution for theory and practice: 42 weeks X 40hours/week

= 1680 hours
 Block classes 4 weeks X 40 hours/week
= 160 hours
 Integrated theory & clinical practice 38 weeks X 40 hours/week
= 1520 hours
- (Theory 400 hrs) Theory 6 hours /week 38 weeks X 6 hours/week
= 240 hours
- Clinical experience 34 hours/weeks 38 weeks X 34 hours/week
= 1280 hours
 Internship 4 weeks x 40 hours
= 160 hours

E. Clinical Experience
Total 1280 hours will be distributed on the following clinical areas.
Clinical rotation: Students will spend 5 hours per day in clinical area.

Sl. No Area of posting Duration

1 Counselling Centres 4 weeks
2 Casuality, Emergency and Trauma Centre 4 weeks
3 Forensic department (Autopsy dept., Pathology 8 weeks
dept etc.)
4 Forensic Lab 8 weeks
5 Police Administration 4 weeks
6 Witnessing different court proceedings 4 weeks
7 Organ Transplant centres 2 weeks
8 Fertility centres 1 week
9 Toxicology unit 1 week
10 Correctional facilities 2 weeks
Total 38 weeks


Subjects Int. Ass. Ext. Total Exam

Marks Ass. marks hours
A. Theory
Paper I-Forensic Nursing I 50 150 200 3
Paper II-Forensic Nursing II 50 150 200 3
Paper III- Supervision & 25 75 100 3
Management, Clinical
Teaching, Elementary
Research & Statistics
B. Practical
Forensic Nursing 100 200 300
Grand Total 225 575 800

C. Conditions for Admission to Examination

The Student:

1. Has attended not less than 75% of the theoretical instruction hours
in each subject during the year.
2. Has done not less than 75% of the clinical practical hours.
However, students should make up 100% of attendance for
integrated practice experience and internship in term of hours and
activities before awarding the certificate.


The examination to be conducted by the University to which the

College of Nursing is affiliated.

Standard of Passing
1 In order to pass a candidate should obtain at least 50%
marks separately in internal Assessment and external
examination in each of the theory practical and papers.
2 a) Less than 60% is Second division,
b) 60 % and above and below 75% is First division,
c) 75 % and above is Distinction.
3. Students will be given opportunity of maximum of 3 attempts
for passing


A. TITLE - Post Graduate Diploma in Forensic Nursing

B. A diploma is awarded upon successful completion of the

prescribed study programme, which will state that
i) Candidate has completed the prescribed course of
Forensic Nursing.
ii) Candidate has completed 100% clinical experience
iii) Candidate has passed the prescribed examination.




Paper I – Forensic Nursing I

Hours 210

Subject Hours Content

PAPER I – Forensic 35 UNIT I – Forensic Science – Definition –
Nursing including introduction – history and development –
i. Fundamentals of scope and need – principles – services
forensic nursing provided by Forensic science laboratory
ii. Medico – legal Forensic nursing – introduction –
and definition – concepts – features –
Investigative importance of nursing in investigations –
aspects of scope and need – application in scientific
nursing investigations – Domain of forensic
nursing – Ethical issues in nursing
Police administration – Hierachy of
police – importance of FIR – Police –
Medical Examiner relationships. Doctor –
nurse relationship – Police forensic nurse
Legal procedure - types of courts – their
jurisdiction and their powers – inquest –
types. Dying declaration and dying
deposition – oral evidences – Emergency
room management & documentation,
Domestic violence, child abuse & crime
against women
Importance of nursing in emergency.
Uses of radiations in visualisation of

30 UNIT II Serology and biology – Blood

and its composition – forensic
significance – Blood alcohol analysis –
Composition of semen and other body
Introduction to DNA - chemical
structure forensic DNA forensic analysis
-and its importance in criminal
investigations. Procedure for collection
and preservation of biological samples for
DNA analysis – Identification form for
DNA profiling and forwarding note.
Application of examination of hair, fibre,
lip prints and bite marks.
20 UNIT III Ballistics - introduction to
firearms and ammunitions – wound
ballistics – entry and exit wounds created
by different weapons – their
Characteristics – and determination of
range in case of firearm injuries.
GSR – Mechanism of formation,
collection and preservation. Methods of
collection and preservation of firearms
and fire arm injury related evidences.
Frequently examined miscellaneous trace
evidences: glass paint – Evidences in
vehicular accidents – photography of the
20 UNIT IV Computer applications for a
patient care delivery system and nursing
practice – Use of computers in teaching –
learning – research and nursing practice.
Windows MS – Office – Word – Excel –
Power Point – Internet.

Hospital management information

system (MIS)
Forensic Science and Computers
- Data storage
- Forensic analysis of Internet data
25 UNIT V Toxicology – introduction –
classification of poisons – actions of
poisons – methods of administration –
factors affecting the poisoning –
absorption and elimination – diagnosis in
living and dead – and management – of
poisoning cases
Procedures in poisoning cases – selection
of viscera and techniques for collection of
viscera and techniques for collection of
additional visceral samples in special
cases. Preservation, packing &
forwarding of viscera samples to the
laboratory. Interpretation of toxicological
Introduction to NDPS act, its provision
and their importance in forensic nursing
Type of Drugs, Drug identification
Collection & preservation of drug
Drug analysis by FTIR and HPLC
20 UNIT VI Sexual offences – medico legal
aspects – examination of victim and
accused – external signs – collection and
preservation of evidences unnatural
sexual offences – sexual perversions –
medico legal aspects
Child abuse – Definition – types – victims
of child abuse signs – forensic nursing

Crimes against women – in various forms
– dowry harassment, sexual
harassment, domestic violence,
Consequences of Altered sex ratio,
forensic importance
Abortion – legal and criminal – methods
of procuring evidences of criminal
abortion – medico legal aspects – Signs of
recent delivery
Impotency and sterility – causes –
medico legal aspects
Legitimacy and Paternity – evidence
collection – forensic importance –
Surrogate mother – legal implications
Infanticide – still born and killing
newborn after birth, medico legal aspects
10 UNIT VII Asphyxia types and their
medico legal importance. Collection of
evidences. Death from starvation, cold,
heat their medico legal importance
20 UNIT VIII Injuries – Types and medico
legal aspects, injuries due to vehicular
accidents, burns, electrical injuries and
their medico legal aspects
10 UNIT IX Organ Transplant – Organ
Transplant Issues Concerning Donor and
cadaver transplant, counselling,
consent, Documentation, Videography
20 UNIT X Death - signs of death – modes
of death – presumption of death –
postmortem changes – time since death –
disposal of the dead body, collecting
necessary evidences before cremation.

Medico legal autopsy and its objectives

– Types – causes of death – examination
of decomposed bodies – mutilated bodies
– fragmented remains and bones
Disaster management – manmade and
natural – importance of forensic nursing
Personal identity – obliteration of
identity medico legal aspects

Paper II – Forensic Nursing II

Hours 200

Subject Hours Content

PAPER II – Forensic 20 UNIT I
Nursing II including Definition and scope of psychology –
i. Clinical and application of psychology in nursing.
Forensic Normality and Abnormality: different
Psychology Models, difference between Mental Health
ii. Forensic and Mental Illness.
Aggression: Definition of Aggression,
Theories of Aggression, Determinants of
Aggression (Psychological, Social,
Biological, cultural).
Self harm behaviour: Determinants of
self harm behaviour (Psychological,
Social, Biological, cultural).
Psychological management for internal /
external aggression.
Stress, coping and adjustment: over view
of stress and its influences, strategy for
coping, coping with illness and disability
Overview of rehabilitation of criminals
Criminal Behaviour: What is Criminal
Behaviour? Theories of Crime (Ecological,
Social, Psychological and Biological)
Psychological Impact of Crime: Domestic
Violence, Sexual Abuse, and Child Abuse
Psychological Method of Investigation:

Interview Techniques, Psychological

Testing/screening methods, Technologies
in Investigation
Psychiatric Conditions: Relationship
with crime (Specifically to impulse
control disorders, Psychotic conditions,
Organic mental disorders, Anti social
personality disorder, Epilepsy, Mental
Retardation, Alcohol and substance
Mental Health Act, Indian Evidence Act,
Forensic Psychiatry: Testamentary
capacity, competency to stand trial –
Probation and Parole.
Basics of counselling: Definition of
counselling: Process – Rapport
establishment, listening, empathising,
treatment planning: Characteristics of an
effective counsellor, Ethical guidelines for
Types of Counselling Process: Models of
Crisis intervention: Definition and
process of crisis intervention, dealing
with the cases of mass disaster, role of
nurses in crisis intervention

Paper III – Supervision and Management, clinical teaching and

Elementary Research and statistics

Hours 90
Subject Hours Content
Management: Definition & Principles,
Elements of management of victim care:-
planning, organisation, reporting and
Clinical Supervision: Introduction,
Definition and objectives of Supervision,
Principles and Functions of supervision,
Qualities of supervisors, Responsibilities of
clinical supervisor, Practice standards of
various units: Policies and Procedures,
Establishing Standing orders and Protocols,
Orientation programme for new recruits,
Quality assurance Programme in various
units, Performance appraisal.
Staff development – introduction, purposes,
in-service education and continuing
education. Medico legal aspects – legislation
and regulations related to psychiatric care
and other victims, consumer protection acts
– negligence and malpractice.
Legal responsibilities of nurses – case
studies of judgment with regard to
negligence of services in the psychiatric care
services and other areas
Role of nurses in legal issues

30 Teaching leaning process

 Introduction and concepts
 Principles of teaching and learning
 Formulation of learning objectives
 Formulation of learning objectives
 Lesson planning
 Teaching methods
- Lecture
- Demonstration, simulation
- Discussion
- Role play
- Psycho drama
- Clinical teaching methods
- Micro teaching
- Self learning
- Computer assisted learning
 Evaluation
- Assessment of students
 Purposes
 Type
 Steps
 Tools for assessing
knowledge, skill and attitude
 Use of media in teaching learning
30 Research
 Research and research process
 Types of research
 Research problem/question
 Review of literature
 Research approaches and designs
 Sampling
 Data collection: Tools and techniques
 Analysis and interpretation of data

 Communication and utilisation of

 Research priorities in Forensic Nursing
 Preparing a research proposal in forensic
 Source and presentation of Data
- Qualitative and quantitative
- Tabulation; frequency
distribution, percentiles
- Graphical presentation
 Measures of central tendency – mean;
median, mode
 Measures of variance
 Normal probability and tests of
 Co-efficient of correlation
 Statistical packages and its


1. Collection, preservation and examination of evidences in the crimes

related sexual offences
2. Collection, preservation and processing of evidences n burns cases
3. Collection, preservation and examination of evidences in cases of
asphyxia deaths
4. Collection of evidences in cases of dowry deaths
5. Collection of evidences in cases of child abuse
6. Collection, preservation and examination of evidences in injuries of
all types and forms
7. Documentation in emergency rooms in the relevant cases
8. Evidence collection for toxicological analysis in cases of poisoning
9. Examination of victims of child abuse
10. Emergency room nursing management – forensic perspective
11. Identification features for personal identity


1. Observation, History taking, Interview, Mental Status Evaluation,
Investigations and Recording of Collected information (with special
reference to Forensic Cases)
2. Forensic Counselling of victims/witnesses/criminals
3. Psychological Rehabilitation of the victims/criminals
4. Forensic investigative methods for the assessment of perpetrators
5. Counselling Techniques from rehabilitation aspects
6. Forensic Rehabilitation and Family counselling
7. Minimum five case studies/case presentation

Suggested References books in Forensic Nursing

1. Forensic Nursing: A Handbook for Practice by Rita Hammer,

Barbara Moynihan, Ph.D., Elaine M. Pagliaro – 2009 – 879 pages –
2. Forensic Nursing by Kelly Pyrek – 2006 – 650 pages – No preview
3. Forensic Nursing: A Concise Mannual by Donna M. Garbacz
Bader, Sue Gabriel – 2009 – 441 pages – No preview
4. Forensic Nursing by Virginia Anne Lynch, Janet Barber Duval –
2005 – 749 pages – Snippet view
5. Basic concepts of psychiatric mental helath nursing – Page 69
by Louise Rebraca Shives – 2007 – 749 pages – Preview
6. Medical legal aspects of medical recors – Page 810 by Patricia
W. Iyer, Barabara J. Levin, Mary Ann Shea – 2006 – 964 pages –
7. Manual of Forensic Emergency Medicine: A Guide for Clinicians
Page 5 by Ralph Riviello – 2010 – 303 pages – Preview
8. Carrer Opportunities in Forensic Science – Page 142 by Susan
Echaore McDavid, Richard A. McDavid – 2008 – 318 pages –
9. Forensic Nursing: Scope and Standards of Practice by
International Association of Forensic Nurses, Ana – 2009 – 107
pages – No preview
10. Family Violence and Nursing Practice – Page 70 by Janice
Humphreys, Jacquelyn C. Campbell – 2010 – 496 pages – Preview
11. Community Health Nursing: Caring for the public’s health –
Page 205 by Karen Saucier Lundy, Sharyn Janes – 2009 – 1129
pages – Preview
12. Forensic Nurse: The New Role of the Nurse in Law Enforcement
by Serita Stevens – 2006 – 288 pages – No preview
13. Community and public health nursing – page 896 by Marcia
Stanhope, Jeanette Lancaster – 2004 – 1129 pages – Preview
14. 101 Careers in Nursing – Page 57 by Jeanne M. Novotny, Nicole K.
Saunders, Doris T. Lippman – 2006 – 222 pages - Preview

15. Forensic Nursing and mental disorder in clinical practice by

Norman McClelland – 2001 – 143 pages – Preview
16. Psychiatric and mental health nursing for Canadian practice –
Page 836 by Austin – 2010 – Preview
17. Opportunities in Forensic Science – Page 86 by Blythe
Camenson – 2008 – 160 pages – Preview
18. Forensic nursing: an option for improving responses to
reported ... by Great Britain. Home Office. Research, Development
and Statistics Directorate – No 2004 -8 pages – No preview
19. Forensic Victimology: Examining Violent Crime Victims in ...
Page 97 by Brent E. Turvey, Wayne Petheric – 2008 – 608 pages –
20. Current issues in nursing – page 250 by Perle Slavik Cowen, Sue
Moorhead – 2006 – 865 pages – Preview
21. Therapeutic interventions for forensic mental health nurses –
Page 206 by Alyson Kettles, Phill Woods, Mick Collings – 2001 –
288 pages – Preview
22. Essentials of community based nursing – Page 286 by Karen
Saucier Lundy, Sharyn Janes – 2003 – 574 pages - Preview
23. Nursing and multidisciplinary care of the mentally disordered
offender – Page 14 by David Robinson, Alyson Kettles – 200 – 320
pages – Preview
24. Schaum’s Outline of Psychiatric Nursing – Page 68 by Daminga
Bynum – Grant, Margaret Travis – Dinkins – 2010 – 256 pages –
25. Opportunities in forensic science careers – Page 67 by Blythe
Camenson – 2001 – 149 pages – Preview
26. Forensic mental health nursing: current approaches – Pages 6
by Chris Chaloner, Michael Coffey – 1999 – 312 pages – Preview
27. Forensic Nursing Science by Virginia A. Lynch, Janet Barber
Duval – 2010 – 768 pages – No preview
28. Encyclopedia of Forensic Science by Suzanne Bell – 2008 – 402
pages – Preview

29. Careers in Focus: Forensics by Ferguson – 2010 – 204 pages –

30. Scope and standards of forensic nursing practice by
International Association of Forensic Nurses, Joette McHugh,
Debbie Leake – 1997 – 31 pages – Snippet view

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