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Life Cycle Assessment of Paperboard Packaging Produced in Thailand

Arunee Ongmongkolkul*, Per H. Nielsen**, and Mousa M. Nazhad**

This paper presents the results obtained from the life cycle assessment of a paperboard box
produced from virgin pulp and old corrugated box in Thailand. All materials and resources
use, energy use, and emissions to environment of each processes in the life cycle were
identified and analysed. In impact assessment, contributions to five environmental impact
potentials were analysed i.e. global warming, acidification, eutrophication, photochemical
ozone formation (smog formation), and solid waste generation. The result showed that the
most important process with respect to environmental impacts was landfilling of the
corrugated box after use. For energy use, drying processes in paperboard factory were the
major contribution. For solid waste generation, board and box production was the major
sources. A number of modifications in the product’s life cycle were analysed in order to
identify more environmentally friendly solutions. Emissions from landfill could be reduced
significantly by increasing recycling and implementing efficient landfill gas collection and
treatment system in landfills in Thailand. Reduction of electricity consumption in factories,
re-design of the container for lower weight and increased reuse reduced impacts significantly
throughout the life cycle.


Paperboard plays an important role in packing because of its strength, cheap price, and
flexible properties. Due to an increasing trend of paperboard consumption in Thailand [1] and
increasing environmental awareness, many people and organizations have a close look on the
environmental properties of the product. The purpose of this study is assessing the
environmental impacts arising throughout the life cycle of paperboard packaging produced,
used, and disposed in Thailand and further identifying improvement options to reduce
environmental impacts by using Life Cycle Assessment (LCA1). A paperboard box produced
in medium-sized factories in Thailand served as model product. The shape and dimensions of
the paperboard box (corrugated box) is shown in Figure 1. The weight is 655 g.

Fig. 1 Shape and dimension of reference corrugated box

Research Associate, School of Environment, Resources and Development, Asian Institute of Technology.
Associate Professors, School of Environment, Resources and Development, Asian Institute of Technology.
Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) is an environmental management tool that is used to evaluate the environmental
impacts associated with products and systems. The focus of LCA is on the entire life cycle of the product, from
the extraction of raw materials through production of materials, manufacturing, transportation, use, and final
disposal including possible recycling.


The study was conducted by using LCA as the analysis method. The first step was to
identify the life cycle of the box and define the system boundaries. Secondly, identify and
quantify inputs and outputs of each unit process in the life cycle (raw material use, energy
use, resources use as well as solid waste generation, emissions to air and water) as shown in
Figure 2 [2] and [3].

Resources uses: Air emissions:

Materials use: Products:

Unit Process

Energy use: Co-products:

Emissions to water: Generation of waste:

Fig. 2 Unit process

The most important data related to paperboard production were collected at a detailed level
in a medium sized Thai factory (16 individual processes) primarily by measurements and
laboratory analysis. Other data from processes such as tree growing and cutting, kraft pulp
production, box production, transportation, electricity generation, recycling, and landfilling
were obtained from other sources such as literature, databases, and interviews. SimaPro 52
was used as the data processing tool to summarize and recalculate all resources use and
emissions to the environment into the environmental impact potentials per corrugated box.
Figure 3 shows the processes, which are included in this study.

SimaPro 5 is an LCA software used in the study, for more details see

Tree Growing and



Chipping and Pulp

Production High-density
Transportation Turbo-spectro


Deflaking Thickening

Refining Refining

15% 85%

Paper Forming

Paper Pressing

Paper Pre-drying Old Box

Box from Other
Collection and 45%

Paper Sizing

Paper Post-drying

Paper Calendaring

Paper Reeling and 40%



Board and Box

Box 60% Old Box

Box Use
Transportation Transportation

Fig. 3 System boundaries of the LCA study of the reference corrugated box

Some details about the most important processes and assumptions in the product life cycle
are provided below:

• Paperboard was produced from 15% virgin kraft pulp and 85% old corrugated container.
• Steam used in paperboard factory is derived from combustion of heavy fuel oil.
• It is assumed that the user uses the box only once before it is disposed.
• Thailand’s electricity mix (app. 20% coal, 2% oil, 73% natural gas, and 5% hydro power)
has been applied for all significant processes [4].
• 60% of corrugated box is disposed to landfill and the other 40% is recycled [5].
• Landfills are assumed to have no gas collection and treatment system, and all gases
generated from the box are assumed to be emitted to the atmosphere.
• Old corrugated box is imported from other systems (see Fig. 3) in order to fulfill the needs
for recycled material in paperboard factory. Exchanges from virgin pulp production for
boxes from other systems are included in the study [6].

Further details about all processes in life cycle of paperboard box can be found in
reference [7] and [8].


The inventory of resource uses and emissions to environment in the entire life cycle of one
corrugated box is shown in Table 1.

Table 1 Inventory of selected resource uses and emissions to environment per one
reference corrugated box (655 g)

Substances Amount Unit Substances Amount Unit

Resources use NH3 1.44 g
Aluminium hydroxide 7.54 g NOx 3.09 g
Coal 4.33 g SOx 1.57 g
Crude oil 0.18 kg VOCs 20.50 mg
Glue 0.73 g Emission to water
Ink 1.12 g AOX 6.28 mg
Land use for eucalyptus 27.2 cm in one year BOD 13.4 g
Lignite 79.50 g Chloride 1.15 g
Limestone 3.36 g COD 56.1 g
Lubricating oil 0.6 g Fats and oils 56.0 mg
Natural gas 6.56 g Nitrate 0.11 g
Starch (potatoes) 1.21 g Phosphorus 56.1 mg
Water 4.47 kg Sulfate 0.18 g
Wood (Eucalyptus) 0.18 kg Suspended solids 33.7 g
Emission to air TOC 0.12 g
CO 1.16 g Solid waste generation
CO2 0.51 kg Plastics packaging 5.25 g
CO2 (non-fossil) 0.31 kg Process waste 58.60 g
H2S 4.16 mg Steel and metal scrap 15.12 g
CH4 22.4 g

The total energy use in the box’s life cycle is 16.3 MJ .

Impact Assessment

In the study, contributions to five environmental impacts were analysed; global warming
potential, acidification potential, eutrophication potential, photochemical ozone formation
potential (smog formation potential), and solid waste generation. For more details about
environmental impacts, see [9]. Figure 4 shows the main sources of environmental impacts
and energy use. These results were used as reference in the study of modifications below.

Global warming Acidification Chipping,

Chipping, and Turbo -
and pulp
pulp spectro
pro ductio n
pro ductio n cleaning o f Other P aper
Other 8%
8% recycled P ulp pro cesses fo rming
pro cesses
4% 32% 10%
26% Refining o f
recycled pulp
6% P aper
fo rming Old bo x
8% co llectio n
P aper pre-
transpo rt
Box 7%
pro ductio n
Old bo x 6%
32% Landfilling
co llectio n
and transpo rt 41%

Eutrophication Smog formation Chipping, Paper po st-

Chipping and and pulp drying
pulp pro ductio n 5%
Other Other
pro ductio n 8%
pro cesses pro cess
8% High-density Paperbo ard
30% 38%
cleaning o f transpo rt P aper
recycled pulp 5% fo rming
Old bo x
Light-density co llectio n
cleaning o f and
recycled pulp transpo rt
13% 13%
Landfilling Paper
20% fo rming Landfilling
8% 27%

Solid waste Chipping and Energy use

Other production
processes Other Tree growing
8% and logging
6% Repulping of processes
old box Turbo- 27% 18%
5% spectro Chipping and
cleaning of pulp
recycled pulp production
14% 11%
cleaning of Paper
recycled pulp forming
Paper post-
4% 6%
11% Paper pre-
production drying
65% 27%

Fig. 4 Main sources of environmental impacts and energy use for the life cycle of the
reference corrugated box

Table 2 shows the total amount of environmental impact potentials and energy use in the
life cycle of one corrugated box (0.655 kg).

Table 2 Environmental impact potentials and energy use per one corrugated box

Categories Amount Unit

Global warming 0.75 kg CO2-eq
Acidification 6.42 g SO2-eq
Eutrophication 2.37 g PO4-eq
Smog formation 0.557 g C2H4-eq
Solid waste generation 89.8 g
Energy use 16.3 MJ

The results showed that the most important process with respect to environmental impacts
is landfilling of the box. It is responsible for about one third of contributions to global
warming and acidification and about one fourth of the contribution to smog formation. The
contributions to these impacts are due to air emissions of CH4 and NH3 generated during
anaerobic decomposition of the corrugated box.

• The main source of global warming is CH4 emissions from the landfill. CH4’s
contribution to global warming potential is about 25 times of CO2’s contribution. The
remaining contributions are primarily due to CO2 emission from steam and electricity
production based on fossil fuel (coal, oil and natural gas).

• The main source of acidification is NH3 emission from the landfill. NH3 can be converted
into acids (HNO3) in the atmosphere and spread into land and water. One kg of NH3
equals to 1.8 kg SO2-equivalent. Other important sources are NOx and SO2 emissions
from steam and electricity production.

• Eutrophication mostly comes from the substances containing nitrogen and phosphorus
remaining in the paperboard. During landfilling, nitrogen and phosphorous is released
from the old corrugated box as ammonia and phosphate and contaminating surrounding
water and land. Another major contribution is due to pulp losses during cleaning processes
in paperboard factory.

• Smog formation is primarily due to CH4 emissions produced in the landfill. One kg of
CH4 equals to 0.4 kg C2H4-equivalent. The remaining contributions are mostly due to
emissions of CO and volatile organic compounds (VOCs) generated during transportation
processes and steam and electricity production.

• Solid waste generation is primarily due to board and box production. The contribution is
about 65% of total. Cleaning steps in paperboard making is responsible for about 20% of
total solid waste generation.

• Energy Drying processes consume large amounts of steam and are the major sources of
energy consumption. Paper pre-drying process is responsible for one fourth of total and
paper post-drying process is responsible for about 10% of total.

The observed environmental impacts are to a large extend determined by the degree of
landfilling of the corrugated box. However, the information about rates of landfilling is quite

uncertain. Based on own observations, most of the disposed corrugated is collected for
recycling along the way to landfills and in the landfills hence not degraded anaerobically in
the waste. So, the obtained impacts of the reference system (landfilling of 60% old corrugated
box) are maybe not reflecting the situation in Thailand properly. In order to analyse the results
sensitivity to landfilling rate a number of different landfilling rates have been tested. Figure 5
shows environmental impacts coming from the life cycle of corrugated box at 20, 50, 60 and
70% landfilling. In all four cases the amount of corrugated box from other system is adjusted
accordingly in the LCA models.

% 0 20 40 60 80 100 120

Global w arming 100

Acidification 100

Eutrophication 100

Smog formation 100

Landfilling 20% Landfilling 50% Landfilling 60% Landfilling 70%

Fig. 5 Comparison of environmental impacts at variable landfilling rates

Figure 5 shows that the total environmental impacts are varying significantly with varying
landfilling rate. When landfilling of corrugated box is 20%, the total impacts are reduced by
15 to 30% compared with the reference and processes in the landfill turn out to be of less
importance. This result shows that with the present input data about landfilling rate, the
results of this study are quite uncertain but it also demonstrates that landfilling is not a
suitable disposal technique for paperboard unless landfill gasses are carefully managed; see


A number of modifications in the product’s life cycle were analysed and compared with
the reference in order to identify more environmentally friendly solutions. Figure 6 shows the
results of four examples of modifications.

• Landfill gas management The landfilling gases are managed by applying soil cover at
the top of landfill waste and/or by setting up efficient landfill gas collection and treatment
system in landfills. These techniques could reduce air emission by for instance 50% [10].
The environmental consequences of landfill gas management are shown in Figure 6(a).

• Reuse of the box The reference box is used only once before it is disposed. However,
many boxes can be used more than once and are in fact used many times. If the box use is
doubled, the production of one new box can be avoided and impacts from almost all
processes in the box lifecycle can be avoided. The environmental consequences of reusing
the box once are shown in Figure 6(b).

• Electricity saving technology Thailand’s factories are very often not using the most
efficient technology in their production process and energy management is often at a quite
low level. If the present machines were replaced with more efficient ones and cleaner
technology programs were implemented in all factories in the life cycle the electricity
consumption could probably be reduced by 40 to 60% of total [11]. The environmental
consequences of 50% electricity saving are shown in Figure 6(c).

• Reshape the box The present box is not cubic (see Fig. 1) and hence not optimal with
respect to paperboard consumption [12]. If the box was re-designed to cubic shape, the
paperboard requirement could be reduced by 4% while keeping the same volume. The
environmental consequences of reshaping the box are shown in Figure 6(d).

100 50
Solid waste 100 Solid waste 100

86 50
Smog formation 100 Smog formation 100

90 50
Eutrophication 100 Eutrophication 100
Acidification 100 Acidification 50
Global warming 100 50
Global warming 100
0 20 40 60 80 100 %
0 20 40 60 80 100
Reference Landfilling with 50% protection of air emission
Reference Reuse box 2 times in use phase

(a) (b)
99.9 96
Solid waste 100 Solid waste 100

92.3 96
Smog formation 100 Smog formation 100

97.5 96
Eutrophication 100 Eutrophication 100

89.6 96
Acidification 100 Acidification 100

Global warming 100 Global warming 96

% %
0 20 40 60 80 100 0 20 40 60 80 100
Reference Electricity use in all factories is reduced by 50%
Reference Reshape to cubic box

(c) (d)

Fig. 6 Comparison of environmental impacts between the reference and four

improvement options

a) Implementing efficient landfill gas collection and treatment system in landfills could
reduce most of environmental impact potentials by 10 to 20 %.
b) If reuse of the box was doubled; all environmental impact potentials could be reduced by
about 50% compared with the reference. If the box was reused e.g. ten times, all
environmental impacts could be reduced by 90%.
c) If electricity use in all factories is reduced by 50%, most of environmental impact
potentials could be reduced. However, the reductions in the life cycle perspective are only
about 20% for global warming and 10% for smog formation and acidification.

d) Re-design of the box into cubic shape could reduce all environmental impact potentials by
4% compared with the reference box due to corrugated board saving. The degree of
impacts reduction is not so high because the present box is already quite close to cubic
shape. However, for other boxes with less cubic shapes, the paperboard savings can be
larger and the reduction of environmental impacts could be more significant.

Conclusions and recommendations

This study shows that the life cycle of paperboard consists of many processes and that
sources of environmental impacts are numerous. The main sources of environmental impacts
are landfilling, drying processes and other electricity consuming processes, board and box

• Landfilling The total environmental impacts vary significantly with varying

landfilling/recycling rate. If the degree of landfilling is high (e.g. 60%), landfilling is the
main source of most environmental impacts and it is responsible for about one third of
contributions to global warming and acidification and about one fourth of the contribution
to smog formation. On the other hand, if the degree of landfilling is low or the landfill is
equipped with the gas collection and treatment systems, the landfilling of the box turns
out to be less important process in a life cycle perspective.

• Drying processes and other electricity consuming processes are the main sources of
energy use because they consume high amount of steam and electricity for operation.
Paper-drying processes in paperboard factory are responsible for about one third of total
energy consumption and other processes such as paper forming and pulp making are
responsible for about 45% of energy consumption. Most energy is produced from
combustion of fossil fuels and the energy use is responsible for significant contributions to
global warming, acidification and smog formation.

• Board and box production is the main source of solid waste generation due to high
amount of solid wastes generated during production processes. Its contribution is about
65% of total.

To reduce the extend of these impacts, a number of improvement options have been
suggested; decreasing impacts from landfills, reuse and reshape of the box, and applying
cleaner technology together with electricity saving techniques.

• Decreasing impacts from landfills Landfilling is not a suitable disposal technique for
paperboard and the box should be recycled to largest possible extend. To avoid impacts
from landfilled paperboard landfills should be equipped with proper landfill gas collection
and treatment systems.

• Reuse and reshape of the box In practical, the box can be used more than once and if the
box use is doubled, the production of new box can be avoided and environmental impacts
from almost all processes in the life cycle of box can be avoided. The double use of box
could reduce most environmental impacts by 50% compared with the reference.
Moreover, the increasing of reuse time (e.g. ten times), most environmental impacts
would be much less at about 10% of reference. Reshape of the box is another mean to
reduce most of environmental impacts. If the box was reshaped to cubic, the paperboard

requirement could be reduced by 4% and all environmental impacts could be reduced

• Applying cleaner technology together with electricity saving techniques in all

factories can save the electricity consumption and also reduce most environmental
impacts as advantages. If electricity use in all factories is reduced to a realistic level of for
instance 50%, environmental impact potentials can be reduced by 20% for global
warming and 10% for smog formation and acidification.


This study was partly funded by Danida, Denmark. The authors would like to thank
Dr. Pongvipa Lohsomboon and Mr. Sathit Niamsuwan (Business and Environment Program,
Thailand Environment Institute) for the providing of Thailand electricity data, and
Dr. Shabbir Gheewala for helpful discussions.


[1] TPPIA, 1997 Directory, The Thai Pulp and Paper Industries Association, 1997.
[2] Wenzel et al., Environmental Assessment of Products, Volume I, 1997.
[3] ISO, ISO 14040: Environmental Management-Life Cycle Assessment-Principles
and Framework, 1997.
[4] TEI, LCA of Power Plants in Thailand, 1999 (report in preparation).
[5] Bangkok Metropolitan Administration, BMA Annual Report, 2000.
[6] Weidema, B. P. Avoiding Co-Product Allocation in Life-Cycle Assessment, Journal
of Industrial Ecology, Volume 4, Number 3, 11-33, 2001.
[7] Ongmongkolkul, A., Life Cycle Assessment of Paperboard Packaging Produced in
Medium-size Factories in Thailand, AIT’s master thesis, 2001.
[8] Ongmongkolkul, A. and Nielsen, P.H., , 2002.
[9] Nielsen, P.H. and Speth, R., How Products Impact Natural Systems,, 2001.
[10] EPA, The Link Between Climate Change and Waste Management, Reusable News
(Fall 2001), 2-7, 2001.
[11] European Commission, Reference Document on Best Available Techniques in the
Pulp and Paper Industry, 2000.
[12] Gheewala, S.H. and Nielsen, P.H., Minimisation of Packaging (lecture note),, 2001.


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