0.02 AMSIB Internship Approval Form 19-20 Sem.1 PDF

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How to use this form in order to get your internship approved:

1) Sign up for Onstage within the timeframe indicated on MyAUAS

2) Find an internship company
3) Upload company details in Onstage
4) Have an interview at the company and decide what your tasks and assignment will be (this must meet the AMSIB
internship requirements as described in the Internship Guidelines on MyAUAS

6) Fill out this Internship Approv l form and have it signed by both you and your company coach*
7) Upload the form to Onstage before the deadline indicated at MyAUAS. A member of the internship committee will
comment on it within 5 working days
8) If necessary adjust the form according to the comments made by this internship committee member
9) After the internship committee member has approved your internship
you can proceed with signing an internship contract with your
company coach !

Please be aware that it is not allowed to start your internship if you have not received approval from the
via OnStage.
Please note the AMSIB internship starts on 02-09-2019 and ends on 13-01-2020 for a total of 20 weeks. If your
internship employer is asking for a dates outside these official dates, you may accept them on your own
accord, however, this does not count towards the official weeks of your internship.
We wish you good luck with finding a suitable internship. If you have any questions about your internship please turn
to the internship office using the contact details below:

nd regards Internship Committee

Internship Thesis Coordinator & Corporate Relations: Margreet Zaal (IBL)
Carolina Janssen Habiba ahn IBMS)
Internship office : IT

e-mail: internshipthesis.amsib hva.nl

phone: +31 (0) 20 523 1919

Check the MyAUAS internship pages for walk-in

consultation hours information.

* There are two ways to sign this form:

1. Student and company coach both use digital signatures (check instructions via link in the blue bo )
2. Student and company coach both sign manually (not advised) a copy needs to be uploaded in
onstage only because of the automatic scroll functions.


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(IBMS New Curriculum) :

1. Basic data
Student information

Name: Student number:

Address, postal code & city:
atio ality

AUAS Email address: Phone Number:

Company information

Company name:
Postal code & City: Department:
Country: Manager:

Company coach information

Name: Job title:

Business Email address: Phone number:

Internship period
this starting date may not be changed without approval of the coordinator

Internship start date: Number of weeks:

Internship end date : Hours per week:

2. Characteristics of the internship company

Founding year of the company: Number of employees:

International focus:
ompany website: Internship department
Products and or services:

1. Daily internship activities

At the end of the internship you have to prove to an assessor that you have developed the following
behavioural indicators:

1. Task oriented
2. Stakeholder and relationship oriented
3. Accessible and persuasive
4. Proactive and creative
5. Self-aware

For more detailed information about these indicators see appendix 1 in the internship guidelines.

During your internship it is your responsibility to gather enough products/documents to prove to the assessors
that you have developed your professional behaviour. It is only possible to gather this evidence if you perform
tasks at a sufficient level.

Read the behavioural indicators carefully and describe up to six internship activities and link them to these
indicators. Explain carefully what your responsibilities will be and what will be the resulting product (see, for
examples, appendix 3 of the internship guidelines). Your tasks should relate to one of the business
knowledge areas: Marketing& Sales, Finance & Accounting, Operations & Supply Chain Management,
Organisation & People, Micro- & Macro Economics.

Internship tasks and related professional product Business Behavioural indicators






. How did you find the internship?

It was posted on

Random search on the internet

Through my own network

Company’s website Internship

. Comments:

___________________ ___________________________ ___________________________

Date Signature Student Signature Company Coach

ou can print this form and sign manually but you can also create a digital signature and sign the form. For instructions on
how to create a digital signature see attachment. Be are coach

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