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Rational Design of Dispersants by Molecular Modeling for

Advanced Ceramics Processing Applications†

Pradip, Beena Rai and P. Sathish

Tata Research Development & Design Centre*


A molecular modeling based approach to design/selection of dispersants for colloidal processing of

ceramics powders is presented. The validity and the utility of the proposed approach are illustrated
with two case studies. The relative strength of interaction of dispersants belonging to two known fam-
ily of dispersants namely, hydroxy aromatics (phenol derivatives) and aliphatic/aromatic carboxylic
acids with alumina are found to correlate well with the experimental trends reported in literature.
The dispersibility of BaTiO3 nanoparticles as determined by the sediment density in different
organic liquids are observed to match well with the corresponding interaction energies computed the-

of the fabrication processes is needed in order to man-

ufacture high-density products without microstruc-
The benefits of very fine-grained microstructures tural coarsening [4]. Colloidal processing methods
with submicron grain sizes for obtaining ceramic com- appear to be promising in consolidating nanopowders
ponents with improved hardness, wear resistance, into fully dense products [7-20].
strength or optical performance is well known [1, 2]. Dispersion of colloidal particles, in particular nano-
More recently nanocrystalline materials have been particles in aqueous and non-aqueous suspensions is
shown to possess unique physical and mechanical crucial for the success of manufacturing processes
properties including enhanced ductility and super- for advanced ceramics applications. Colloidally stable
plasticity even in traditionally brittle materials and suspensions are known to produce higher average
optical transparency in otherwise opaque ceramics [3- packing densities and finer pore size distributions in
5]. A whole new field of nano-ceramics promises to green/sintered compacts than poorly dispersed or
revolutionize the industry. Rocco and Bainbridge [6] f locculated suspensions [12, 21-23]. The selection of
project that more than $1 trillion worth of products appropriate dispersants is thus important for achiev-
will be affected by nanotechnology and half of the ing the advantages of lower sintering temperature
newly designed advanced materials and manufactur- and/or significant enhancement of performance in
ing processes will be built using control at the nano- industrial applications, as a consequence of employ-
scale. Considerable progress has been made in the ing colloidal/nano particles. Commonly used disper-
area of nanoparticle synthesis and processing. It is sants include menhaden fish oil, poly vinyl butyral
however well recognized that the conversion of these (PVB), phosphate esters, fatty acids & fatty acid
nanopowders into fully dense commercial products derivatives and several varieties of polymeric disper-
that retain a nanocrystalline grain size is not yet sants [15-21, 24, 25]. Depending on the nature of the
established [3, 4]. A better theoretical understanding dispersant, the mechanism of dispersion could be
either electrostatic, steric or electrosteric [17-22].
Design, development and selection of dispersants
for different applications remain an art. Most cur-
* 54 B, Hadapsar Industrial Estate, Pune  411 013, India
Email: rently available commercial dispersants are selected

Accepted: October 26, 2004 primarily by trial and error methods based on rules of

KONA No.22 (2004) 151

thumb and past experience. The time and resources tively larger systems consisting of hundreds of atoms
required to come up with an acceptable formulation such as oligomers, polymers, condensed phases etc.,
is therefore prohibitively expensive for difficult-to- which are of great interest in ceramics. Some of the
disperse nanoparticles based systems. Additionally, generalized force fields currently available are Uni-
because of the high cost of empirical search for novel versal Force Field (UFF) [34-37], COMPASS [38] and
dispersants, the search envelope is severely restricted DREIDING [39]. We have found UFF to be more suit-
to a few well-known families of dispersants. There is able for the computations of the type presented in this
thus a need for devising a more cost-efficient strategy paper. We have successfully demonstrated through
and scientifically robust framework for design/selec- our earlier work that UFF can be used to model such
tion of dispersants in order to derive maximum advan- systems with reasonable accuracy [27-33]. The UFF
tage from using more expensive nanoparticles in is a purely diagonal and harmonic force field in which
industrial practice. With recent advances in the under- bond stretching is described by a harmonic term,
standing of molecular level phenomena governing angle bending by a cosine-Fourier expansion, and tor-
adsorption of dispersants at interfaces, accessibility of sion and inversion by the cosine-Fourier expansion
application oriented molecular modeling tools and terms. The van der Waals interactions are modeled as
availability of relatively inexpensive computing power, Leonard-Jones potentials, and electrostatic interac-
it is possible to design dispersants customized for spe- tions as a screened (distance-dependent) Columbic
cific applications that are based on theoretical compu- term. All atomistic simulations in this study were car-
tations. We have elucidated the building blocks of this ried out using the molecular modeling simulation pro-
novel paradigm through our recent publications on gram Cerius2 [40].
this topic [26-33]. Two key features of the proposed
approach are: one, identification of the molecular Ceramics Surface
recognition mechanisms underlying the adsorption of Surface Energy
dispersants at the interface and two, use of advanced The surface energy was calculated from the expres-
molecular modeling techniques for theoretical com- sion:
putations of the relative magnitude of interaction. The
molecular modeling thus provides a quantitative
search technique for screening and identifying the where Us is the energy of the surface block of the
most promising molecular architectures from a large crystal, Ub the energy of an equal number of atoms of
set of candidates available for a particular application. the bulk crystal, and A the surface area.
As a consequence, considerable saving in time and
effort needed for developing new dispersant formula- Alumina (001) Surface
tions is possible. The Al-terminated (001) basal plane of α-alumina
We present in this paper our recent work on the (corundum) has been found to be energetically most
rational design of dispersants for colloidal processing stable [21]. The hexagonal unit cell was cleaved at
of ceramics powders in order to illustrate the power (001) plane to create an eighteen atomic layer thick
and the utility of our molecular modeling approach. surface cell. This surface cell was replicated in x and
Two case studies have been selected for discussion y planes to create a super cell of 21.2221.22 Å. While
in this communication namely, (i) the dispersion of relaxing the surface, top nine atomic layers were
alumina in aqueous suspensions using hydroxy aro- allowed to move and rest of the nine layers were con-
matics (phenol derivatives) and aliphatic/aromatic strained. The calculated surface energy (1.37 J/m2)
specialty chemicals belonging to carboxylic acids was comparable to reported values (2.42 J/m2) [41].
family of reagents and (ii) the prediction of dispersion
characteristics of barium titanate nanoparticles in dif- Barium Titanate (001) Surface
ferent organic solvents. We describe very brief ly the We have recently reported [33] our work on molec-
molecular modeling methodology followed by exam- ular modeling of dispersion of nanoparticles of bar-
ples. ium titanate using a variety of commercial dispersants
including fatty acids and phosphate esters. The sys-
tematic force field and ab initio calculations were per-
formed to arrive at the most stable BaTiO3 surface.
Force field calculations (Atomistic Simulations) Based on the surface energies, BaO terminated (001)
Force field methods are most appropriate for rela- surface 0.83 J/m2 was found to be more relaxed com-

152 KONA No.22 (2004)

pared to TiO2 terminated (001) surface 2.65 J/m2 . mization and molecular dynamics simulation.
The surface thus obtained was converted into a three
dimensional periodic structure by adding a vacuum of Molecular Dynamics (MD) Simulations
50 Å in Z-direction. This computer representation of (in presence of solvent)
BaTiO3 was used in the present study as well. Structure of the complex obtained through static
energy minimization method represents only a local
Dispersant Molecules minimum energy structure, which was used as initial
Three family of dispersants namely, aromatic alco- configuration to find a global minimum energy struc-
hols, aromatic carboxylic acids and aliphatic carboxylic ture through molecular dynamics (MD) simulations.
acids were selected for the study. The molecules were MD calculations were run using constant energy
optimized using UFF method. microcanonical ensemble method (NVE) at 300 K
with time step of 1 fs. Total run length was 100 ps.
Ceramics-Dispersant Complex (in vacuum) During the simulations, the temperature was con-
The optimized dispersant molecule was docked on trolled by velocity scaling method. During simula-
the ceramics surface. The initial geometry of ceram- tions, atom-based cut-off method was employed for
ics-dispersant complex was created physically on the calculating both Van der waals and electrostatic
screen with the help of molecular graphics tools, tak- forces. A typical optimized ceramic surface  disper-
ing into consideration the possible interactions of dis- sant complex in presence of the solvent is shown in
persant functional groups with surface atoms. The Figure 1.
dispersant molecule was then allowed to relax com-
pletely on the surface. Several initial conformations
(20) were assessed so as to locate the minimum
energy conformation of dispersant molecule at the
ceramics surface.

Static Energy Minimization (Simulation Details)

The partial charges on the atoms were calculated Water
using charge equilibration method [42]. The intramol-
ecular van der Waal interactions were calculated only
between atoms which are located at distances greater
than fourth nearest neighbors. A modified Ewald
summation method [43] was used for calculating the
non-bonded coulomb interactions while for van der
Benzoic Acid
Waal interactions atom based direct cut off method
was employed. Smart minimizer as implemented in Al
Cerius2 was used for geometry optimization. The opti- O
mization was considered to be converged when a gra-
dient of 0.0001 Kcal/mole is reached.

Solvent Box
A three dimensional periodic box of solvent mole- Fig. 1 Alumina (001)  benzoic acid complex in presence of water
cules was constructed and optimized so as to match optimized by MD simulation.

the density in the box to that of the experimental den-

sity of the selected solvent. NVE molecular dynamics
(MD) simulations were run for 300 ps to equilibrate
the solvent box at 300 K at its experimental density.
Computation of Interaction Energ y
Ceramics Surface – Dispersing Medium The relative affinity of interaction of different dis-
Bulk solvent molecules, equilibrated as described persants with ceramics surface in presence or ab-
in the previous section, were introduced over the sence of the solvent can be quantified in terms of the
ceramics surface. The ceramics surface-solvent com- interaction energy defined as follows:
plexes thus created were subjected to energy mini- In vacuum, (absence of dispersing medium):

KONA No.22 (2004) 153

(Figure 2). The authors defined a dispersibility
IE (in vacuum)Ecomplex,vacuumΣ (Esur faceEdispersant) (1)
index in percent based on sediment volume measure-
ments. Higher the value of this index the better is the
In the presence of dispersing medium:
dispersion. The theoretical predictions match well
IE (in solvent)∆EcombinedΣ (∆Esolvent-dispersant∆Esurface-solvent)
with the experimental findings.
[∆EcombinedEcomplex,solventΣ (EsurfaceEdispersantEsolvent)]
Aqueous alumina suspensions
Hideber et. al. [45] studied the relation between the
where ∆Ecombined is the total interaction energy calcu- molecular structure of low-molecular weight organic
lated using Eqn. 3. Ecomplex,solvent is the total energy of dispersants namely, hydroxy aromatics and aliphatic/
the optimized surface-dispersant complex in the pres-
ence of solvent, Esur face, Edispersant and Esolvent are the
total energies of free surface, dispersant and solvent
molecules, computed separately. ∆Esolvent-dispersant is
the interaction energy computed for the interaction of
BaTiO3 (Fuji BT 100PL)
solvent and dispersant molecules and ∆Esur face-solvent is
30 W - Water
the contribution due to interaction of solvent mole-
T - Toluene
cules with the surface. These energies are subtracted A - Acetone
from ∆Ecombined to get the final interaction energy
Dispersibility Index (%)
I - Isopentylether
B - Benzaldehyde
[IE (in solvent)] of dispersant molecule with the ceramic M - Methanol
surface (Eqn. 2). P - Propionic acid
It is worth noting that the more negative magnitude
of interaction energy indicates more favorable interac-
tions between the dispersant and surface. The magni-
tude of this quantity is thus an excellent measure of
the relative intensity/efficiency of interaction amongst
various dispersants.

BaTiO3 dispersions in organic media
Mizuta et. al. [44] studied the fundamental proper-
ties of BaTiO3 dispersions in pure organic liquids
BaTiO3 (001) surface
including alcohols, aldehydes, acids, ketones, hydro-
carbons and water by sediment volume and contact
angle measurements using four different powders
Interaction Energy (-kcal/mol)

namely, TAM-C, TAM-COF, Transelco (219-3) and
Fuji BT-100PL. The experimental trends with respect
to wettability and dispersion were found to be similar
for all the four powders. We have taken the data for a
typical powder, Fuji BT-100PL for comparing with our
theoretical findings. Benzaldehyde was found to be
the best dispersing medium. Based on their experi-
mental work, the authors inferred that the intensity of
interactions between organic functional groups and
BaTiO3 surface was as follows
alcoholesterketoneetherhydrocarbon Solvent

We have calculated interaction energies for some of

Fig. 2 (a) Percent dispersibility index of the Fuji BT 100PL pow-
the solvents with BaTiO3 surface. Our results are der (data taken from Ref. [44]), (b) Theoretically com-
compared with experimental results of Mizuta et al. puted interaction energies obtained using MD simulations.

154 KONA No.22 (2004)

aromatic carboxylic acid and their influence on the 100
1 α-Alumina (HRA 10)
dispersion behavior of alumina suspensions. In partic- 2
ular, the effect of the nature, number and position of 3
the functional groups attached to the benzene ring
were studied through adsorption and electrophoretic
mobility experiments on aqueous alumina suspen- 60
sions. The amount adsorbed was calculated from the

% Adsorbed
difference between the amount of dispersant added
and that remaining in the supernatant. The results
were plotted in terms of adsorption as percent of the
amount added. The initial concentration was main- 20
tained at 103 mole per litre.
The degree of adsorption (that is, the efficiency) of 0
a dispersant increased with its ability to form one or
more chelate rings with the ceramic surface. It also
increased with increasing number of functional groups 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
in a homologous series. pH
We have modeled the interactions of these disper-
sants with alumina surface. Our theoretical findings 300
are compared with experimental results in Figures Alumina (001) surface
3, 4 and 5.
Interaction Energy (-kcal/mol)

Aromatic Alcohols
Computed interaction energies of phenol, catechol 200
and pyrogallol with alumina are plotted and compared
with experimental percent adsorption in Fig. 3. The 150
predicted trends match well with experimental find-
ings. As expected, the interaction energy becomes
more negative with increasing number of -OH groups
in the dispersant molecule.
Aromatic Carboxylic acids
The calculated interaction energies of benzoic,
phthalic and hemimellitic acids with alumina are plot-
1 2 3
ted in Fig. 4b. The corresponding experimental
adsorption data compares well with the theoretical
findings (Fig. 4a). The interaction energy is most
favorable for the molecule with the highest number of 1 Phenol
functional groups in the benzene ring.
Aliphatic Carboxylic Acids
As shown in Fig. 5a the adsorption of propionic 2 Catechol
acid is lowest (only one carboxylic group). The pres-
ence of a hydroxyl group in α-position (lactic acid) OH
enhances the adsorption. The adsorption at alumina OH
surface increases with increasing number of functional 3 Pyrogallol
groups: citric acid (three carboxyl)malic acid (two OH
carboxyl)lactic acid (one carboxyl with α-hydroxyl)
propionic acid (one carboxyl). Based on the com-
Fig. 3 (a) Adsorption curves for phenol, catechol and pyrogallol
puted interaction energies, predicted order of adsorp-
on α-alumina (data taken from Ref. [45]), (b) Theoretically
tion was found to be: citric acidmalic acidlactic computed interaction energies obtained using MD simula-
acidpropionic acid (Fig. 5b). tions in presence of water.

KONA No.22 (2004) 155

100 100
α-Alumina (HRA 10) 1 α-Alumina (HRA 10) 1
2 2
3 3
80 4

% Adsorbed

% Adsorbed



3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

pH pH

400 250
Alumina (001) surface Alumina (001) surface

Interaction Energy (-kcal/mol)

Interaction Energy (-kcal/mol)






0 0
1 2 3 1 2 3 4

1 Propionic acid COOH
1 Benzoic acid

COOH 2 Lactic acid
2 Phthalic acid
3 Malic acid
3 Hemimellitic acid HOOC
4 Citric acid

Fig. 4 (a) Adsorption curves for aromatic carboxylic acids on α- Fig. 5 (a) Adsorption cur ves for aliphatic carboxylic acids on
alumina (data taken from Ref. [45]), (b) Theoretically α-alumina (data taken from Ref. [45]), (b) Theoretically
computed interaction energies obtained using MD simula- computed interaction energies obtained using MD simula-
tions in presence of water. tions in presence of water.

156 KONA No.22 (2004)

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The authors gratefully acknowledge the kind help, 932-940.
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[29] Pradip, B. Rai, T. K. Rao, S. Krishnamurthy, R. Vetrivel,
J. Mielczarski and J. M. Cases (2002), Journal of Colloid
& Interface Science 256, 106 -113.
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Author’s short biography

Pradip, currently the Group Leader, Materials and Minerals Processing Technol-
ogy Group at Tata Research Development & Design Centre (TRDDC), Pune,
received his B.Tech in Metallurgical Engineering from IIT, Kanpur in 1975 and
M.S. and Ph.D. in Materials Science and Mineral Engineering from University of
California at Berkeley in 1977 and 1981 respectively. He also spent three years
as a scientific officer at Bhabha Atomic Research Centre (BARC) before joining
TRDDC in 1984. His main areas of research include particle science & technology,
mineral processing, design and development of performance chemicals based on
molecular modeling, applied surface and colloid chemistry, mathematical modeling
& simulation of particulate processing systems, colloidal processing of advanced
ceramics, waste recycling and cement chemistry.
With more than 120 publications and eight patents to his credit, Pradip is the recip-
ient of several honors including National Metallurgist Award, Kuczynski Prize of
IISS. Pradip is Fellow, Indian National Academy of Engineering (FNAE) and Fel-
low, Insititute of Materials (FIMMM), UK. He is associate editor of International
Journal of Mineral Processing, Bulletin of Materials Science and Transactions,
Indian Institute of Metals. He has edited several special issues of international jour-
nals, the latest being the Special Issue of Ferroelectrics on Selected Topics in
Advanced Materials Research (2004).

Beena Rai
Beena Rai is a research scientist at Tata Research Development and Design Cen-
tre, Pune, India. She received her Ph.D. in synthetic organic chemistry from the
University of Pune in 1996. Her research interests are synthetic organic chemistry,
colloids and surface science computational chemistry and nanotechnology. Recently,
she has been working in the area of reagent design wherein molecular modeling
techniques are used to design specialty chemicals for various industrial applica-

P. Sathish
Received a master degree in chemical engineering from Indian Institute of Science,
Bangalore, India in 2002. Currently he is working as scientist at Tata Research
Development and Design Centre, Pune, India. His research interests include
adsorption of organics/polymers at the surfaces/interfaces, solid-solid/solid-liquid
separations, colloidal processing, crystallization, nanotechnology and rheology of
complex f luids. His focus is more towards applying molecular modeling techniques
to study these processes.

158 KONA No.22 (2004)

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