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Assignment 3

1. Why did Plattner, a Co-founder, Co-CEO, consider SAP to be a product driven

company? Why did he want to transform the 28 year old organisation which was a market
Plattner considered SAP as product driven company because their main focus was on their
products rather than on customers. It was tough for customer to understand what SAP actually
He wanted to transform because the sales of the company was declining due to internet
coming into picture. As a result there were new competitors in the market.
2. What changes were to be brought about in SAP to transform it from a product driven firm to
a market driven firm? How much time would you think it would take to bring about
such organisational transformation?
Changes to be brought about in SAP to transform it from a product driven firm to a market
driven firm:
 Tagline change
 Logo Change
 Change in marketing strategy
 Change in mindset of entire organization

3. What would be the implications to SAP if the transformation efforts did not result in the
desired outcomes?
SAP will loose on its customer base.

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