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How I deal with problems?

Hello world, my name is Daniel Naranjo, I’m twenty years old and I believe
that I’m a guy with ordinary life in an world that have a lot of problems for
example in my country has come happening a lot of tragic events like violence,
homicides, politic thefts and thefts by people in the street that not respects
the situation that their victims because their victims be kids, pregnant
women, elderly, etc.
Basically, we don’t live in a perfect world, our security depends of the
circumstances in the or us find, maybe if I walk alone per a dangerous street
or avenue, it doesn’t matter if is in the day or night, probably we could be
assaulted. Other example if a woman walks alone per a street or if she goes
to party alone she runs danger.
So, that was a little introduction about things that I like a ordinary person
have to deal every day, now I will start with my home problems, before I used
to fight so much with my parents because I couldn’t understand that their
only wants that I be a best a person, so when they me ordered to do something,
I used to do it, but I get some angry. Things like clean my room, give food to
dogs or help in house was terrible for me because according me “ I have to do
best thinks and I’m busy”. Now non-exists much problems in my home
because I deal with that old problem already that I understand that thing will
help me when I grow up and I go to live alone in other home.
Maybe this could sound ridiculous but I have a lot of problems with my
girlfriend because she don’t trust on me and that used to be annoying for me,
we used to be fight so much for this, but now the things are different and I I
don’t fight with she per that, now my form of deal with this problem is don’t
speak with she because now I understand that I can’t fight with she when the
this going wrong. Now she can’t speak all she wants when she is tired, I hug
her and explain thing well. Finally, I tell her I love you and you’re the best.
Now I’m going to speak about problems on my academy life this time the
things are some different because always and every day has problems and the
first factor of the problems is the bad administration of the time and is one of
the things that I can’t do. But I’m improving in this aspect because of
consequence of the stress that it generates my hair are falling. And the
solution that I found for this problem is improve my time in some good things.
I think that I not get stress but a discussion with problems with my friends
and other persons because something if their have reason in their theory I
hear else I don’t hear because sometime their going to discover the truth. And
that people going gives reason to me. Often we have problems with my friends
because one believes that he has a reason and their believes that other are
wrong, but I don’t get angry per that.
Sometimes I’m get angry with me because sometimes I believe that exists
situations in I could do best action. But my form that I’m deal with this
situation is that I do well next time.
When I have problems with works or other thinks in university the best that
I do is ask for help because maybe there is a problem to biggest for me. And
the people help me to find a solution. Sometimes the solution is in front of me,
but we don’t find because we are desperate searching in other places.
As a conclusion, getting stress for the problems aren’t an option maybe the
problem wants that we take it easy because the solution can be near. Exist
very forms that we should solve a problem but get angry aren’t a way.

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