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1.Solution, solute,solvent 2. Types of solution 3.Methods of expressing the concentration of a solution 4. Solution
process in liquid solvent 5. solubility of gases in liquids 6.solid solutions 7. Vapour pressure of a liquid 8. Vapour pressure
of solutions : Raoults law 9. Ideal and nonideal solutions 10.Colligative properties 11.Relative lowering of vapour
pressure of solution and Raoult’s law 12.Elevation of boiling point of solution 13. Depression of freezing point of
solution 14.Osmosis and osmotic pressure 15.Isotonic , Hypotonic and hypertonic solutions 16.Reverse osmosis
17.Abnormal colligative properties 18. Vant Hoff Factor


1. Solution, solute , solvent :

Solutions: Mixture of two or more components. Depending on size of components, mixtures are classified into 3 types.
a) Coarse mixture:
Definition: The mixture which contains components having relatively bigger size is called as coarse mixture. E.g. Mixture
of salt and sugar.
b) Colloidal dispersion:
Definition:The mixture which is formed when the size of particles dispersed in solvent are in the range of 10 -7 cm to 10-4
cm is called as colloidal dispersion.
Properties of colloidal particles/solutions.
1) Colloidal particles carry positive or negative charge which stabilizes colloidal dispersion. E.g. Ferric hydroxide sol,
arsenic sulphide sol.
2) Colloidal solutions are heterogeneous and can be easily separated.
c) True solution:
Definition: It is defined as the homogeneous mixture of two or more substances, the composition of which is not fixed
and may be varied within certain limits.
Properties of true solution:
1) Size of particles dissolved in the solvent are very small of the order of 10-8 cm
2) It is homogenous.
3) It cannot be separated into components by simple mechanical method.
Composition of solution –
a) Solute: The component which constitutes smaller part of solution is called as solute.
b) Solvent: The component which constitutes larger part of solution is called as solvent.
Homogeneous solution: Definition- The solution whose composition is uniform throughout the body of the solution is
called as homogeneous solution.
Formation/Preparation: The homogeneous solution is formed due to force of attraction between the molecules or
particles of solute and solvent.
Heterogeneous solution: It is defined as the mixture of two or more phases.
Solvation: It is defined as the process of interaction of solvent molecules with solute particles to form aggregates.
When water is used as solvent, it is called as hydration or aquation.
Extent of dissolution of solute in solvent to form homogenous solution depends on nature of solute and solvent.

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General rule for solubility is “Like dissolves like” i.e. polar solutes are soluble in polar solvents. E.g. NaCl in water. or non-
polar solutes are soluble in non-polar solvents. E.g. Iodine in CCl4
Explain: Water is called universal solvent.
1) It is polar in nature hence it dissolves most of polar solutes.
2) It has high –dielectric constant. Hence, it reduces the force of attraction between ions of solute and offers them to
remain apart.
3) Thus, it acts as good medium for greater ionization of the solutes hence it is called as universal solvent.


Aqueous solution: The solution in which water is used as solvent is called as aqueous solutions.
Non-aqueous solutions: The solution in which solvent other than water is used is called as non-aqueous solution.
Concentration of solutions: It is defined as the amount of solute dissolved in specific amount of solvent.
Dilute solutions: The solutions containing relatively less amount of solute are called as dilute solutions.
Concentrated solution: The solution containing relatively more amount of solute is called as concentrated solution.

partially miscible liq : ether + water

immiscible LIQUID SOLUTIONS aqueous solution : glucose

liquids in water
water +

binary solution Non aq solution : iodine in

miscible glucose in
liquids water
+ ethanol


Different methods of expressing the concentration of solution-

1) Percentage by mass or weight (W/W) – The mass of solute in gram dissolved in solvent to form 100 gram of solution
is called as Mass percentage.

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Where It is independent of temperature as it does not contain term volume.

2) Percentage by volume (v/v) : It is defined as the ratio of number of parts by volume of the solute to one hundred
parts by volume of the solution.

Note :
Used when both the components of solution are in liquid phase.
Total volume of solutions is not equal to sum of volumes of solute and solvent as same solute particles occupy empty
spaces in voids in structure of liquids.
Volume is temperature dependent and hence (v/v) changes with temperature.
(w/v) is mass of solute in grams present in 100 ml of solution.

3) Mole fraction (x): The mole fraction of any component of solution is defined as the ratio of number of moles of that
component present in the solution to the total number of moles of all the components of the solution.

4) Molarity (M) : It is defined as the number of moles of solute present in 1 dm3 (lit) volume of the solution.

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5) Molality (m): It is defined as the number of moles of solute dissolved in 1kg of solvent.

Note: Best method to express concentration as it is temperature independent.

6) Normality (N): It is defined as the no. of gram equivalents of solute dissolved in 1 dm 3 of solution.

7) Parts per million (ppm): It is defined as the mass or volume of solute in gram or cm3 per 106 gram of 106 cm3 of the

8) Formality : The formality of the solution is the number of gram formula masses of dissolved solute in one litre
of the solution. (F)

9) Strength in gram per litre : It is the amount of solute present in gram in one litre of the solution.

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Solubility of solute in solvent. Depending on amount of solute present in given volume of solution it is classified into 3
1) Saturated solution 2) Unsaturated solution 3) Supersaturated solution
Concept of Solubility (Saturated solution)
When solute (sugar) is added to solvent (water) , it gets dissolved due to attractive force between solute particles and
solvent molecules.
Solute particles are constantly in state of random motion and constantly collide with each other and with solvent
Solute particles are held together due to/ by physical forces of attraction.
If physical forces are not sufficient, dissolved sugar solute crystallizes out.
If solute is added continuously, Dissolution and crystallization takes place simultaneously.
At low concentration of solute, rate of dissolution is very high and rate of crystallization is very low.
With increase in concentration of solute rate of dissolution decreases and rate of crystallization increases.
At a particular stage, rate of dissolution and rate of crystallization becomes equal and equillibrium is established.
At this stage solution is called as saturated.
Saturated solution: It is defined as the solution that contains just the amount of dissolved solute necessary to
establish equilibrium between dissolved solute and undissolved solute.
Unsaturated solution: A solution which contains less amount of solute than required for forming saturated
Note: Equilibrium does not exist between dissolution and crystallization.
Supersaturated solution: A solution which contains excess of solute than required for formation of saturated
Solubility- It is defined as the maximum amount of solute which dissolves completely in given amount of
solvent at a constant temperature.
It is expressed as mol/lit.
Solubility changes with temperature.
Effect of temperature on solubility of solid solute in liquid solvent.
Generally solubility of solid in liquid increases with increase in temperature.
Solubility of solid solute is almost doubled for every rise of temperature by 10 0 C which is always not true.
The solubility of solid solute in liquid solvent may be exothermic or endothermic process.
Depending on nature of process, solubility may increase or decrease by increasing temperature.
For exothermic process, solubility decreases by increasing temperature while in case of endothermic process, solubility
increases with increase in temperature.

Variations of solubility with temperature for some ionic compounds.

Solubility of NaBr, NaCl, KCl change slightly with temperature.

Solubility of salts like KNO3, NaNO3, KBr increases appreciably with temperature.
Solubilities of Na2SO4 decrease with increase in temperature.
Solubility of NH4NO3 being endothermic process increases with increase in temperature.
Exceptional behavior: solubility of CaCl2 is exothermic process still it is increased when temperature
By knowing solubility, it is easy to separate individual component from mixture of water soluble salt from
aqueous solutions. This process is called as fractional crystallization.
This technique can be used if the substance is highly soluble at higher temperature and solubility is poor at lower
temperature. E.g. separation of pure NaCl from mixture of NaCl and NaBr at 0 0C. Separation of 80% dissolved KNO3
from mixture of KNO3 and NaNO3.

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Effect of pressure on solubility of solid solute in liquid solvent.
Solids are incompressible hence change of pressure has no effect on solubility of solids in liquids.

How Solubility of gases in liquids depends on their nature?

Gases are soluble in liquids including water.
Being non polar, solubility of gases like oxygen and nitrogen is very low in water.
CO2 reacts with water to form carbonic acid and ammonia reacts with water to form ammonium hydroxide,
hence CO2 and NH3 are more soluble in water.
HCl is polar; hence its solubility is very high in water.

Effect of change of temperature on solubility of gas in liquid –

According to Charle’s law, volume of given mass of gas increases with increase of temperature.
Thus volume of given mass of dissolved gas in solution increases with increase of temperature.
Due to this, solvent in the solution cannot accommodate the gaseous solute and hence gas bubbles out.
Thus solubility of gas in liquid decreases with increase in temperature.

Adverse effect of increase in temperature on solubility of O2.

Due to this temperature increases and solubility of oxygen gas in water decreases.
This results in difficulty of survival of marine life

Explain why marine life like fish prefers to stay at lower sea level in summer?
In summer hot day, temperature of surface of water is relatively very high and solubility of oxygen at upper layer is
While temperature of water at lower level is much less and hence it contains more amount of dissolved oxygen.
Due to this, marine life prefers to stay at lower level for their survival.


Enthalpy change of solution

The enthalpy change of solution is the enthalpy change when 1

mole of an ionic substance dissolves in water to give a solution of
infinite dilution.

Enthalpies of solution may be either positive or negative - in other words, some ionic substances dissolved
endothermically (for example, NaCl); others dissolve exothermically (for example NaOH).
An infinitely dilute solution is one where there is a sufficiently large excess of water that adding any more doesn't cause
any further heat to be absorbed or evolved.
So, when 1 mole of sodium chloride crystals are dissolved in an excess of water, the enthalpy change of solution is found
to be +3.9 kJ mol-1. The change is slightly endothermic, and so the temperature of the solution will be slightly lower than
that of the original water.

Thinking about dissolving as an energy cycle

Why is heat sometimes evolved and sometimes absorbed when a substance dissolves in water? To answer that it is useful
to think about the various enthalpy changes that are involved in the process.
You can think of an imaginary process where the crystal lattice is first broken up into its separate gaseous ions, and then
those ions have water molecules wrapped around them. That is how they exist in the final solution.
The heat energy needed to break up 1 mole of the crystal lattice is the lattice dissociation enthalpy.
The heat energy released when new bonds are made between the ions and water molecules is known as the hydration
enthalpy of the ion.

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solute separated solute particles
H1 (enthalpy change )

solvent separated solvent molecules

H2 (enthalpy change)

(Separated solute particles + separated solvent

molecules) solution , H3 (enthalpy change)

∆Hsoln = ∆H1 + ∆H2 + ∆H3


Effect of change of pressure on the solubility of gases.

As gases are highly compressible, external pressure affects their solubility.
Increase in external pressure increases solubility of gas.

Henry’s law –Statement – solubility of gas in a liquid at constant temperature is proportional to the pressure of gas
above the solution. Mathematical expression

Where S is solubility of the gas in mol/dm3 P is pressure of the gas in atmosphere.

K is constant of proportionality. i.e. Henry’s constant. If P = 1 atm. S = K

Definition of K and its unit. K is defined as solubility of gas in mol/dm3 at 1 atm pressure and at reference
temperature. Note: for several gases, solubility of gas is calculated by using P as partial pressure of gas in the mixture.
Its unit is mol/dm3 atm-1 , If S considered as mole fraction then the unit of K will be atm-1

Explain Henry’s law with suitable example.

When carbonated soft drink beverage bottle is seated with cap,it is pressurized by mixture of air and CO2
Due to high partial pressure of CO2, the amount of CO2 in dissolved state is high in soft drinks.
When cap is removed external pressure decreases, solubility of CO 2 decreases and excess of CO2 and air in the bottle
escapes out.

Effect of addition of soluble salt on solubility of gases.

The solubility of dissolved gas is reduced by addition of soluble salt to the solution of gas.
E.g. addition of table salt, to carbonated soft drink decreases solubility of CO2 gas hence it escapes out with

 Henry's law only works if the molecules are at equilibrium.

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 Henry's law does not work for gases at high pressures (e.g., N2(g) at high pressure becomes very soluble and
harmful when in the blood supply).
 Henry's law does not work if there is a chemical reaction between the solute and solvent (e.g., HCl(g) reacts with
water by a dissociation reaction togenerate H3O+ and Cl−ions).
 The reason for the expulsion of dissolved CO2 with a fizzing sound when a soda water bottle is opened, can be
explained with the help of Henry’s law
 Deep sea divers ( scuba diver) some times face a fatal condition known as bends.
 At high altitude climbers some times become weak and are unable to think clearly.
 The value of K depends on nature of gas and nature of solvent
 On increasing temperature K value increases
 The solubility of gas with higher value of K will be less.
Validity of Henry’s law
 valid for dilute solution of gases
 valid for nonassociative and nondissociative gases in solvents
 not valid when gases reacts with liquid solvents
 not valid for too high pressure or too low temperature

Solid solutions – A solid solution of two or more metals or of a metal or metals with one or more non metal is called an
Alloy or solid solution.

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Concept of Vapor pressure of liquid

Liquid escapes from an open vessel by evaporation.
If the vessel is closed, the process of evaporation continues.
The molecules of liquid escaping from the surface of liquid remain in the container above the surface of liquid.
These molecules of vapour are in continuous random motion
They collide with each other, with the walls of the container and with the surface of the liquid and return to the liquid
state. This is reverse of evaporation, called condensation
After some time interval, equilibrium is established between two phases of the substance, liquid and its vapour. At this
stage the rate of evaporation equals the rate of condensation.
The pressure exerted by vapour at this stage is called as Vapour pressure.
Vapour pressure of a liquid, increases with the increase of temperature.
Vapour pressure of a liquid depends on nature of liquid.
Note: If the boiling is carried out in an open atmosphere then external pressure is the atmospheric pressure.
Definition of Vapour pressure of Liquid
The vapour pressure of a substance is defined as the pressure exerted by the gaseous state of that substance
when it is in equilibrium with the solid or liquid phase.


Concept of Lowering of vapour pressure of solvent in solution

The vapour pressure of a liquid solvent is lowered when a non –volatile solute is dissolved in it to form a
In case of pure solvent, its surface area is completely occupied by volatile solvent molecules.
In case of solution of nonvolatile solute, its surface area is not completely available for volatile solvent but it is
partly occupied by non volatile solute.
Hence, rate of evaporation of the solution will be less as compared to that of pure solvent
Thus vapour pressure of solution is lower than that of the pure solvent.
Definition: The difference between vapour pressures of pure solvent and the vapor pressure of solvent from solution is
called vapour pressure lowering.

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Mathematical Expression for lowering of vapour pressure
If P10 is the vapour pressure of pure solvent and p is the vapour pressure of the solution of nonvolatile solute in the
same solvent, then p < p10 and the lowering of vapour pressure is,

The relative lowering of vapour pressure: The relative lowering of vapour pressure for the given solution is the ratio of
vapour pressure lowering of solvent from solution to the vapour pressure of pure solvent , thus

Raoult’s law: The partial vapour pressure of any volatile component of a solution is the product of vapour pressure of
that pure component and the mole fraction of the component in the solution.

Derive expression of Raoult’s Law for a solution containing both volatile components
Consider a solution containing two volatile components A1 and A2 with mole fraction x1 and x2 respectively.

Note: The solution which obeys Raoult’s law over the entire range of concentration is called an ideal solution. If a
solution does not obey Raoult’s law, the solution is non –ideal.

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Derive Expression of Raoult’s law for a solution of non-volatile solute or Derive Expression for relative lowering of
vapour pressure of solution containing non-volatile solute.

Lowering of vapour pressure is the product of vapour pressure of pure solvent and mole fraction of non-volatile solute
dissolved in volatile solvent to form a solution.
The lowering of vapour pressure depends on nature of pure solvent and concentration of solute in mole fraction.

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The relative lowering of vapour pressure is given by,

Hence, relative lowering of vapour pressure = X2 (Mole fraction of non-volatile solute)

The above expression proves that the lowering of vapour pressure is a colligative property because it depends on the
concentration of non-volatile solute.

Determination of Molar mass of non –volatile solute and relative lowering of vapour pressure:

Knowing the masses of non-volatile solute and the solvent in dilute solutions and by determining experimentally vapour
pressure of pure solvent and the solution it is possible to determine molar mass of a non –volatile solute.

9.Ideal and Non-Ideal solution

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Non-ideal solutions
Ideal solutions Positive deviation from Raoult's Negative deviation from
law Raoult's law
1. Obey Raoult's law at every 1. Do not obey Raoult's law. 1. Do not obey Raoult's law.
range of concentration.
2. neither heat is 2. Endothermic 2. Exothermic
evolved nor absorbed dissolution; heat is absorbed. dissolution; heat is evolved.
during dissolution.
3. total volume of 3. Volume is increased 3. Volume is
solution is equal to sum of volumes after dissolution. decreased during dissolution.
of the components.

4. i.e., 4. 4.

5. interactions 5. attractive force should 5. attractive force

should be same, i.e., 'A' and 'B' be weaker than and should be greater
are identical in shape, size and attractive forces. 'A' and 'B' than and
character. have different shape, size and attractive forces. 'A' and
character. 'B' have different shape,
size and character.
6. Escaping tendency of 'A' and 6. 'A' and 'B' escape easily 6. Escaping tendency of
'B' should be same in pure liquids showing higher vapour pressure both components 'A' and 'B'
and in the solution. than the expected value. is lowered showing lower
vapour pressure than
expected ideally.
Examples: Examples: Examples:
Dilute solutions; Acetone +ethanol Acetone + aniline;
benzene + toluene: acetone + : acetone + chloroform;
n-hexane + n-heptane; water + methanol; ;
chlorobenzene + bromobenzene; water + ethanol;
ethyl bromide + ethyl iodide; toluene; chloroform + diethyl ether;
n-butyl chloride + n-butyl bromide water + HCl;
acetone + benzene; acetic acid + pyridine;
chloroform + benzene
cyclohexane + ethanol

Graphical representation of ideal and non-ideal solutions

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Prepared by subhasish sir : 9830523086;8479918168

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1.Solution, solute,solvent 2. Types of solution 3.Methods of expressing the concentration of a solution 4. Solution
process in liquid solvent 5. solubility of gases in liquids 6.solid solutions 7. Vapour pressure of a liquid 8. Vapour pressure
of solutions : Raoults law 9. Ideal and nonideal solutions 10.Colligative properties 11.Relative lowering of vapour
pressure of solution and Raoult’s law 12.Elevation of boiling point of solution 13. Depression of freezing point of
solution 14.Osmosis and osmotic pressure 15.Isotonic , Hypotonic and hypertonic solutions 16.Reverse osmosis
17.Abnormal colligative properties 18. Vant Hoff Factor


10. Colligative properties :

Colligative properties: The properties of solutions that depend only on the number of solute particles in solution
and not on the nature of the solute particle are called as Colligative properties.
Colligative properties are used to determine molar masses of non electrolyte solutes.
The relations derived by measuring colligative properties hold good for dilute solutions, with
concentration less than or equal to 0.2M.

Four Colligative Properties

1. Lowering of vapour pressure of solvent in solution
2. Elevation of boiling point of solvent in solution
3. Depression of freezing point of solvent in solution
4. Osmotic pressure

11.Relative lowering of vapour pressure and Raoult’s law : discussed before

Limitations of Raoult’s Law
 Raoult’s law is applicable only to very dilute solutions.
 It is applicable to solutions containing non-volatile solute only.
 It is not applicable to solutes which dissociate or associate in a particular solution.

12.Elevation of boiling point :

Boiling point: Boiling point is defined as the temperature at which the vapour pressure of liquid
becomes equal to the atmospheric pressure. It increases with increase in external pressure. Liquids having greater
intermolecular forces have high boiling points.

Concept of Elevation of boiling point

The vapour pressure of a solution of non-volatile solute is always less than the vapour pressure
of pure solvent.
At the temperature of boiling point of pure solvent, solution will not boil as its vapour pressure
is less than that of the vapour pressure of pure solvent which is also equal the external
Thus solution will only boil if its vapour pressure is increased upto external atmospheric pressure.
The temperature must be increased by Tb T T0 . Where T is boiling point of solution and
T0 that of pure solvent and T . Tb is elevation of boiling point

Definition - Elevation of boiling point is the difference between boiling points of solution and
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that of pure solvent.

Show graphical representation of elevation of boiling point of solvent in solution or Show

Variation of the vapour pressure of pure solvent and solution with temperature.

Raoult’s law for elevation of boiling point :

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13. Depression of freezing point :
.Freezing point: Freezing point of a liquid is a temperature at which the vapour pressure of solid is equal to the
vapour pressure of liquid.

Depression of freezing point: Solution has lower vapour pressure than pure solvent and hence freezes at
lower temperature than pure solvent. Thus depression of freezing point is the difference between the
freezing point of pure solvent and freezing point of solution containing non -volatile solute.

Show graphical representation of freezing point depression of pure solvent by addition of non - volatile
AB is the solid –vapour sublimation curve of the solid solvent, CD is the liquid-vapour pressure curve of
pure liquid solvent.
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At the freezing point, solid and liquid phases have identical vapour pressures.
At point B, the two forms have same vapour pressure and therefore T0, the temperature
corresponding to B, must be the freeing point of pure solvent.
When solute is dissolved in the solvent, the vapour pressure of solvent lowered and can no longer
freeze at temperature T0 .
A new equilibrium is established at point E, where vapour pressure of solvent of the solution and solid
solvent becomes identical. It is assumed that solute does not dissolve in solid solvent
The temperature T, corresponding to the point E, where the vapour pressure curve of the solution
intersects the sublimation curve, is the freezing point of the solution.

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Derive the expression to calculate the molecular weight of unknown solute by measuring
depression in freezing point of pure solvent by addition of non-volatile solute and Raoult’s law for
depression of freezing point

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14. Osmosis and osmotic pressure :
Semi permeable membrane:
It is a membrane which allows the solvent molecules, but not the solute molecules, to pass through it.
The thin films of the copper ferrocyanide,Cu2[Fe(CN)6] deposited in pores of porous porcelain pot is the best
semi permeable membrane.
Cellulose, cellulose nitrate, animal bladder, etc. are used as semi permeable membranes.

When a solution is separated from pure solvent by a semipermeable membrane as shown in figure, the solvent molecules
pass through the membrane into the solution and dilute it.

Similarly, when two solutions of different concentrations are seperated by semipermeable membrane then the direction
of flow of solvent molecules is from the solution of lower concentration to the solution of higher concentration.
Due to flow of solvent into the high concentrated solution, the solution gets diluted.
The flow continues till the concentrations of the two solutions become equal.

Definition of Osmosis-
The spontaneous and unidirectional flow of solvent molecules through a semi permeable membrane, into the solution or
flow of solvent from a solution of lower concentration to the solution of higher concentration through a semi permeable
membrane is called osmosis.

Osmotic Pressure: The excess of pressure on the side of solution that stops the net flow of solvent into solution
through semipermeable membrane is called osmotic pressure.

Note: The osmotic pressure is not the pressure produced by solution. It exists only when the solution is separated
from the solvent by the semipermeable membrane. The resulting osmosis produces an excess pressure (osmotic
pressure) in the solution.

Alternative Definition of Osmotic Pressure (π)

Osmotic pressure of a solution can also be defined as the excess mechanical pressure which must be applied on the side
of solution to stop the flow of solvent molecules through semipermeable membrane into the solution.

15.Types of solution on the basis of osmotic pressure

1. Isotonic solution:
Two or more solutions exerting the same osmotic pressure are called isotonic solutions.
For example, 0.05M urea solution and 0.05M sucrose solution are isotonic because their osmotic pressures are the

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If these solutions are separated by a semipermeable membrane, there is no flow of solvent in either direction.
2. Hypertonic solution:
A solution having osmotic pressure higher than that of another solution is said to be hypertonic with that solution.
E.g. 0.1 M urea solution exerts higher osmotic pressure than 0.05 M sucrose solution. Hence, 0.1M urea solution is
hypertonic to 0.05 M sucrose solution.
If these solutions are seperated by a semipermeable membrane, the solvent flows from sucrose to urea as sucrose is
having low concentration.
3. Hypotonic solution:
A solution having osmotic pressure lower than that of another is said to be hypotonic solution with that
For example, 0.05 M sucrose solution has osmotic pressure lower than that of 0.1 M urea solution. Therefore
0.05 M sucrose solution is hypotonic with 0.1 M urea solution.
Osmosis in day today life:
A raw mango kept in a concentrated salt solution loses water due to osmosis and shrivel into pickle.
A limp carrot and celery due to water loss into atmosphere can be placed into water making it firm once again. Water
moves in carrot due to osmosis.
People eating lot of salt experience edema i.e. swelling of tissue cells due to water retention in cells.
The preservation of fruits by adding sugar protects against bacterial action. Due to osmosis, a bacterium on candid
fruit loses water, shrivels and dies.
0.91 % solution of sodium chloride (called saline water) is isotonic with Human Blood. Thus medicines are mixed with
saline water during intravenous injections which prevents blood cells from shrinking or bursting.
When blood cells are kept in hypertonic solution (5% NaCl), water comes out of the cells and they shrink in size. While
when blood cells are kept in hypotonic solution (Distilled water) water flows into the cell and they swell or burst..
Osmotic pressure is responsible for transporting water upward from soil to top of trees. In plants the leaves of the
tree loose water to the atmosphere constantly by transpiration. The solute concentration in leaf fluid increases and
water is pulled up by osmotic pressure. In case of some of the tall trees, water reaches to the height of almost 120
meters by osmosis and capillary action.

Laws of osmotic pressure:

According to the theory, solute molecules in dilute solutions possess kinetic energy and move in random directions in
the solution and behave like gas molecules.
On collision against semipermeable membrane, the solute molecules exert osmotic pressure equal to the pressure, which
the solute molecules would exert if it were gas molecules at the same temperature and occupying the same volume as the
Thus the osmotic pressure could be considered to be due to bombardment of solute particles on semipermeable
The osmotic pressure is thus directly proportional to the number of solute particles or the concentration of solute at
constant temperature.

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16.Reverse osmosis :

17. Abnormal colligative properties :

Abnormal molecular masses:
Dilute solution of non-electrolytes like urea, glucose, etc. exhibit colligative properties like lowering of vapour pressure,
elevation of boiling point, depression of freezing point and osmotic pressure.
In dilute solutions of non electrolytes in aqueous or nonaqueous solvents, the solute remains in normal molecular
condition and DOES NOT undergo either dissociation or association.

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The solution of nonelectrolytes does not conduct electricity. The colligative properties of solutions of nonvolatile,
nonelectrolyte solutes depend on actual number of solute particles present in the solution.
Hence, Colligative properties Actual number of solute particles present in solution.
Molecular masses of nonvolatile, nonelectrolyte solutes from dilute solutions can be determined by using the value of
colligative property. From these equations, it isobserved that colligative property is inversely proportional to molecular
mass of solute. This molecular mass is theoretical molecular mass of solute.
In case of solutions of electrolytes, value of observed colligative properties is either exceptionally higher or lower than
the theoretically expected value of colligative property exhibited by solution of non-electrolyte solute of same
This is because the electrolyte solute i.e. the solute of acid, base or salt when dissolved in solvent can undergo
dissociation or association.
In case of dissociation of solute, the number of particles in the form of ions is more than actually dissolved. As the no.
of particles increases the value of colligative properties also increases.
In general if solute molecules undergoes dissociation producing 2, 3, 4 ions, the observed molecular mass becomes 1/2,
1/3, 1/4 etc. of the theoretical molecular mass of electrolyte solute.
In case of some solutes, two or more molecules associate together to produce large aggregate molecules. Because of
this, effective number of particles of solute in the solution decreases
Due to association, observed molecular mass becomes double, triple of the theoretical molecular mass and so on.
In general, observed, lower molecular masses of electrolyte solutes are due to dissociation of solute molecules or
observed higher molecular masses of solutes in nonaqueous solvents are due to association/polymerization and are called
abnormal molecular masses.

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18. Vant Hoff factor :

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Degree of Association :
The fraction of the total number of molecules which combine to form bigger molecule.
Consider one mole of solute dissolved in a given volume of solvent. Suppose n simple molecules combine to form an
associated molecule,

i.e. nA (A)n
Let a be the degree of association, then,
The number of unassociated moles = 1-a
The number of associated moles = a/n
Total number of effective moles = 1-a+a/n

i = 1- a (1–1/n)
Obviously, i < 1

Degree of Dissociation
Degree of dissociation means the fraction of the total number of molecules which dissociates in the solution, that
is, breaks into simpler molecules or ions. Consider one mole of an univalent electrolyte like potassium chloride
dissolved in a given volume of water. Let a be its degree of dissociation.
Then the number of moles of KCI left undissociated will be 1-a. At the same time, a moles of K+ ions and a moles
of Cl-ions will be produced, as shown below.
KCl K+ + Cl-
Thus, the total number of moles after dissociation = 1- + + = 1+

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Hence, i = (1+ )/1
Since, as already, mentioned, osmotic pressure, vapour pressure lowering, boiling point elevation or freezing point
depressions vary inversely as the molecular weight of the solute, it follows that
i = 1+ = 1+ (2–1)
In general, i = 1+ (n–1) a, Where, n = number of particles ( ions) formed after dissociation
From the above formula, it is clear that i > 1
Knowing, the observed molar mass and the Van't Hoff factor, i, the degree of dissociation, a can be easily

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1.pA and pB are the vapour pressure of pure liquid components, A and B, respectively of an ideal binary solution. If
xA represents the mole fraction of component A, the total pressure of the solution will be
A pB+ xA (pB – pA)
B pB+ xA (pA – pB)
C pA+ xA (pB – pA)
D pA+ xA (pA – pB)
2.Dissolving 120 g of urea (mol. wt. 60) in 1000 g of water gave a solution of density 1.15 g/mL. The molarity of the
solution is
A 1.78 M
B 2.00 M
C 2.05 M
D 2.22 M
3.A solution of two liquids boils at a temperature more than the boiling point of either of them. Hence, the binary
solution shows ______.
A negative deviation from Raoult's law
B positive deviation from Raoult's law
C no deviation from Raoult's law
D positive or negative deviation from Raoult's law depending upon the composition
4.A 5.2 molal aqueous solution of methyl alcohol, CH 3OH is supplied. What is the mole fraction of methyl alcohol in the
A 0.050
B 0.100
C 0.190
D 0.086
5.The molality of a urea solution in which 0.0100 g of urea, [(NH 2)2CO] is added to 0.3000 dm3 of water at STP is
A 3.33 × 10–2 m
B 0.555 m
C 5.55 × 10–4 m
D 33.3 m
6.1.00 g of non-electrolyte solute (molar mass 250 g mol-1) was dissolved in 51.2 g of benzene. If the freezing point
depression constant, Kf of benzene is 5.12 K kg mol-1, the freezing point of benzene will be lowered by
A 0.3 K
B 0.5 K
C 0.2 K
D 0.4 K
7.A solution of acetone in ethanol
A shows a positive deviation from Raoult's law
B behaves like a near ideal solution
C obeys Raoult's law
D shows negative deviation from Raoult's law
8.18 g of glucose (C6H12O6) is added to 178.2 g of water. The vapour pressure of water for this aqueous solution at 100°C
A 7.60 torr
B 76.00 torr
C 752.40 torr

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D 759.00 torr
9.Density of a 2.05 M solution of acetic acid in water is 1.20 g/mL. The molarity of the solution is [AIEEE 2006]
A 3.28 mol kg-1
B 2.28 mol kg-1
C 0.44 mol kg-1
D 2.14 mol kg-1
10.A solution has 1 : 4 mole ratio of pentane to hexane. The vapour pressure of pure hydrocarbons at 20°C are 400 mm
Hg for pentane and 120 mm Hg for hexane. The mole fraction of pentane in the vapour phase would be
A 0.200
B 0.549
C 0.786
D 0.478
11.The vapour pressure of two liquids P and Q are 80 and 60 torr respectively. The total vapour pressure of solution
obtained by mixing 3 mol of P and 2 mol of Q would be [CBSE AIPMT 2005]
A 72 torr
B 140 torr
C 68 torr
D 20 torr
12.A solution of urea (mol. mass = 56 g mol-1) boils at 100.18°C at the atmospheric pressure. If Kf and Kb for water are
1.86 and 0.512 K kg mol-1 respectively, then the above solution will freeze at [CBSE AIPMT 2005]
A 0.654°C
B –0.654°C
C 6.54°C
D –6.54°C
13.Two solutions of a substance (non-electrolyte) are mixed in the following manner: 480 mL of 1.5 M first solution + 520
mL of 1.2 M second solution. What is the molarity of the final mixture?
A 1.20 M
B 1.50 M
C 1.344 M
D 2.70 M
14.Equimolar solution in the same solvent have
A same boiling point but different freezing point
B same freezing point but different boiling point
C same boiling point and same freezing point
D different boiling point and different freezing point
15.Molarity of 0.2 N H2SO4 is
A 0.2
B 0.4
C 0.6
D 0.1

1.58.5 gm of NaCl and 180 gm of glucose were separately dissolved in 1000 ml of water. Identify the correct statement
regarding the elevation of boiling point (b.p.) of the resulting solutions.
A NaCl solution will show higher elevation of b.p.
B Glucose solution will show higher elevation of b.p.
C Both the solutions will show equal elevation of b.p.
D The b.p. elevation will be shown by neither of the solutions
2..The freezing point (in °C) of a solution containing 0.1 g of K3[Fe(CN)6] (Mol. Wt. 329) in 100 g water
(Kf = 1.86 K kg mol–1) is
A –2.3 × 10–2

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B –5.7 × 10–2
C –5.7 × 10–3
D –1.2 × 10–2
3.Ethylene glycol is used as an antifreeze in a cold climate. Mass of ethylene glycol which should be added to 4 kg of
water to prevent it from freezing at –6°C will be: (Kf for water = 1.86 K kg mol–1 and molar mass of ethylene glycol = 62 g
A 304.60 g
B 804.32 g
C 204.30 g
D 400.00 g
4.A 5% solution of cane sugar (molar mass 342 is isotonic with 1% of a solution of an unknown solute. The molar mass of
unknown solute in g/mol is
A 34.2
B 136.2
C 171.2
D 68.4
5.A solution of sucrose (molar mass = 342 g mol-1) has been prepared by dissolving 68.5 g of sucrose in 100 g of water.
The freezing point of the solution obtained will be (Kf for water = 1.86 K kg mol-1)
A + 0.372°C
B – 0.570°C
C – 0.372°C
D – 0.520°C
6.An aqueous solution is 1.00 molal in KI. Which change will cause the vapour pressure of the solution to increase?
A addition of 1.00 molal KI
B addition of water
C addition of NaCl
D addition of Na2SO4
7.25.3 g of sodium carbonate, Na2CO3 is dissolved in enough water to make 250 ml of solution. If sodium carbonate
dissociates completely, molar concentration of sodium Ion, Na+ and carbonate ions, CO32- are respectively (Molar mass of
NasCO3 = 106 g mol-1)
A 1.90 M and 1.910 M
B 0.477 M and 0.0477 M
C 0.955 M and 1.910 M
D 1.910 M and 0.955 M
8.On mixing, heptanes and octane form an ideal solution. At 373 K, the vapour pressures of the two liquid components
(heptanes and octane) are 105 kPa and 45 kPa respectively. Vapour pressure of the solution obtained by mixing 25.0 g of
heptanes and 35 g of octane will be (molar mass of heptanes = 100 g mol -1and of octane = 114 g mol-1)
A 96.2 kPa
B 144.5 kPa
C 72.0 kPa
D 36.1 kPa
9.If sodium sulphate is considered to be completely dissociated into cations and anions in aqueous solution, the change in
freezing point of water (ΔTf), when 0.01 mol of sodium sulphate is dissolved in 1 kg of water is (K f = 1.86 K kg mol-1)
A 0.0744 K
B 0.0186 K
C 0.0372 K
D 0.0558 K
10.The molarity of a NaOH solution by dissolving 4 g of it in 250 ml water is
A 0.4 M
B 0.8 M
C 0.2 M

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D 0.1 M
11.What is the osmotic pressure of a 0.0020 mol dm-3 sucrose (C12H22O11) solution at 20°C?
(Molar gas constant, R = 8.314 JK-1 mol-1, 1 dm3 = 0.001 m3?
A 4870 Pa
B 4.87 Pa
C 0.00487 Pa
D 0.33 Pa
12.The Henry's law constant for the solubility of N2 gas in water at 298 K is 1.0 ´ 105 atm. The mole fraction of N2 in air
is 0.8. The number of moles of N2 from air dissolved in 10 moles of water at 298 K and 5 atm pressure is
A 4.0 ´ 10-4
B p class=QuestionPaper style='margin-left:0in;text-indent:0in'>4.0 ´ 10-5
C p class=QuestionPaper style='margin-left:0in;text-indent:0in'>5.0 ´ 10-4
D 4.0 ´ 10-6
13.0.5 molal aqueous solution of a weak acid (HX) is 20% ionized. If K f for water is 1.86 K kg mol-1, the lowering in
freezing point of the solution is
A –0.56 K
B –1.12 K
C 0.56 K
D 1.12 K
14.A solution containing 10 g per dm3 of urea (molecular mass = 60) is isotonic with a 5% solution of a non-volatile
solute. The molecular mass of this non-volatile solute is
A 300 g mol-1
B 350 g mol-1
C 200 g mol-1
D 250 g mol-1
15.Benzene and toluene form nearly ideal solutions. At 20°C, the vapour pressure of benzene is 75 torr and that of
toluene is 22 torr. The partial vapour pressure of benzene at 20°C for a solution containing 78 g of benzene and 46 g of
toluene in torr is
A 25
B 50
C 53.5
D 37.5

1.6.02 × 1020 molecules of urea are present in 100 mL of its solution. The concentration of solution is [NEET 2013]
A 0.02 M
B 0.01 M
C 0.001 M
D 0.1 M
2.How many grams of concentrated nitric acid solution should be used to prepare 250 mL of 2.0 M HNO 3? The
concentrated acid is 70% HNO3.
A 45.0 g conc. HNO3
B 90.0 g conc. HNO3
C 70.0 g conc. HNO3
D 54.0 g conc. HNO3
3.A 5.25% solution of a substance is isotonic with a 1.5% solution of urea (molar mass = 60 g mol –1) in the same solvent. If
the densities of both the solutions are assumed to be equal to 1.0 g cm –3, molar mass of the substance will be
A 90.0 g mol-1
B 115.0 g mol-1
C 105.0 g mol-1

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D 210.0 g mol-1
4.At 80°C the vapour pressure of pure liquid ‘A’ is 520 mm Hg and that of pure liquid ‘B’ is 1000 mm Hg. If a mixture of
solution of 'A’ and ‘B’ boils at 80°C and 1 atm pressure, the amount of ‘A’ in the mixture is (1 atm = 760 mm Hg)
A 50 mol percent
B 52 mol percent
C 34 mol percent
D 48 mol percent
5.A 0.0020 m aqueous solution of an ionic compound Co(NH 3)5 (NO2)Cl freezes at –0.00732°C. Number of moles of ions
which 1 mol of ionic compound produces on being dissolved in water will be (k f = 1.86°C/m)
A 3
B 4
C 1
D 2
6.Solution A contains 7g/L of MgCl2 and solution B contains 7g/L of NaCl. At room temperature, the osmotic pressure of:
A solution B is greater than A
B both have same osmotic pressure
C solution A is greater than B
D can't determine
7.Which of the following liquid pairs shows a positive deviation from Raoult's law?
A Water – hydrochloric acid
B Benzene – methanol
C Water – nitric acid
D Acetone – chloroform
8.The elevation in boiling point of a solution of 13.44 g of CuCl2 in 1 kg of water using following information will be
(molecular wt. of CuCl2 = 134.4, Kb = 0.52 K molal–1)
A 0.16
B 0.05
C 0.1
D 0.2
9.After removing the hard shell of an egg by dissolving in dil. HCl, a semipermeable membrane is visible. If such an egg is
kept in a saturated solution of common salt the size of the egg will
A shrink
B grow
C remain the same
D first shrink and then grow larger
10.In an oxidation reduction reaction, dichromate (Cr2O7–2) ion is reduced to Cr+3 ion. The equivalent weight of K2Cr2O7 in
this reaction is
A Molecular weight/3
B Molecular weight/6
C Molecular weight/1
D Molecular weight/2

1.Acidified KMnO4 oxidizes oxalic acid to CO2. What is the volume (in litres) of 10–4m KMnO4 required to completely
oxidize 0.5 litres of 10–2 M oxalic acid in acid medium
A 125
B 1250
C 200
D 20

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2.250 ml of a sodium carbonate solution contains 2.65 grams of Na2CO3. 10 ml of this solution is added to x ml of water
to obtain 0.001 M Na2CO3 solution. What is the value of x in ml?
(Molecular weight of Na2CO3 =106)
A 1000
B 990
C 9990
D 90
3.Volume of water needed to mix with 10 mL N HCl to get 0.1 N HCl is
A 90 mL
B 9 mL
C 900 mL
D 1000 mL
4.The density (in g mL–1) of a 3.60 M sulphuric acid solution that is 29% H2SO4 (molar mass = 98 g mol–1) by mass will be
A 1.64
B 1.88
C 1.22
D 1.95
5.The vapour pressure of pure water at 20°C is 17.5 mm Hg. If 18 g of glucose (C6H12O6) is added to 178.2 g of water at
20°C, the vapour pressure of resulting solution will be
A 17.325 m Hg
B 17.675 mm Hg
C 15.750 mm Hg
D 16.500 mm Hg
6.6.02 × 1020 molecules of urea are present in 100 mL of its solution. The concentration of urea solution is
(Avogadro constant, NA = 6.02 × 1023 mol-1)
A 0.001 M
B 0.01 M
C 0.02 M
D 0.1 M
7.Which has minimum osmotic pressure?
A 200 mL of 2 M NaCl solution
B 200 mL of 1 M glucose solution
C 200 mL of 2 M urea solution
D All have same osmotic pressure
8.138 grams of ethyl alcohol is mixed with 72 grams of water. The ratio of mole fraction of alcohol to water is
A 1:4
B 1:2
C 3:4
D 1:1
9.If a is the degree of dissociation of Na2SO4, the Van't Hoff factor (i) used for calculating the molecular mass is
A 1–a
B 1+a
C 1 – 2a
D 1 + 2a
10.Molality of an aqueous solution that produces an elevation of boiling point of 1.00 K at 1 atm pressure
(Kb for water = 0.512 K. Kg . mol–1)
A 0.512 M
B 0.915 M
C 1.95 M
5.12 M

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1.In the redox reaction,
2KMnO4 + 3H2SO4 + 5H2C2O4 → K2SO4 + 2MnSO4 + 8H2O + 10CO2
the volume of 0.1M. KMnO4 required to Oxidize 25mL of 0.25 M. H2C2O4 solution is
A 25 L
B 125 Ml
C 25 Ml
D 1.25 L
2.In an oxidation reduction reaction, MnO4 ion is converted to Mn2+. What is the number of equivalents of KMnO4 (mol. wt
= 158) present in 250 ml of 0.04 M KMnO4 solution?
A 0.02
B 0.05
C 0.04
D 0.07
3.What is the volume (in ml) of 0.1M potassium permanganate solution required to completely oxidize 100ml of 0.5M
ferrous sulphate solution in acidic medium?
A 20
B 200
C 50
D 100
4.35.4 mL of HCl is required for the neutralization of a solution containing 0.275 g of sodium hydroxide. The normality of
hydrochloric acid is
A 0.194 N
B 0.142 N
C 0.97 N
D 0.244 N
5.The volume of two HCl solutions A(0.5N) and B(0.1N) to be mixed for preparing 2l of 0.2 N HCl solution
A 0.5 l of A + 1.5 l of B
B 1.5 l of A + 0.5l of B
C 1 l of A + 1 l of B
D 0.75 l of A + 1.25 l of B
6.A mixture of ethyl alcohol and propyl alcohol has vapour pressure of 290 mm at 300 K. The vapour pressure of propyl
alcohol is 200 mm. If the mole fraction of ethyl alcohol is 0.6, its vapour pressure (in mm) at the same temperature will
A 300
B 700
C 360
D 350
7.Vapour pressure of pure ‘A’ is 70 mm of Hg at 25°C. It forms an ideal solution with ‘B’ in which mole fraction of A is 0.8.
If the vapour pressure of the solution is 84 mm of Hg at 25°C, the vapour pressure of pure ‘B’ at 25°C is
A 56 m
B 70 mm
C 140 mm
D 28 mm
8.A mixture of ethane and ethene occupies 41 L at 1 atm and 500 K. The mixture reacts completely with 10/3 mole of
O2 to produce CO2 and H2O. The mole fractions of ethane and ethene in the mixture are (R = 0.082 L atm K –1 mol–1)
A 0.50, 0.50
B 0.75, 0.25
C 0.67, 0.33
D 0.25, 0.75

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9.X is dissolved in water. Maximum boiling point is observed when X is ... (0.1 M each):
B BaCl2
C NaCl
D Urea
10.The volume of 10N and 4N HCl required to make 1 litre of 7N HCl are
A 0.75 litre of 10N HCl and 0.25 litre of 4N HCl
B 0.80 litre of 10N HCl and 0.20 litre of 4N HCl
C 0.60 litre of 10N HCl and 0.40 litre of 4N HCl
D 0.50 litre of 10N HCl and 0.50 litre of 4N HCl

1.'x' grams of water is mixed in 69 grams of ethanol. Mole fraction of ethanol in the resultant solution is 0.6. What is the
value of 'x' in grams?
A 54
B 36
C 180
D 18
2.An aqueous solution of glucose is 20% in strength. The volume in which 1 g-mole of it is dissolved will be
A 8L
B 1.8 L
C 9L
D 0.9 L
3.Which of the following set of variables give a straight line with a negative slope when plotted? (P = Vapour pressure; T
= Temperature in K)
y-axis x-axis
(1) P T
(2) log10 P 1/T
(3) log10 P T
(4) log10 P log10 1/T
A Option (1)
B Option (2)
C Option (3)
D Option (4)
4.250ml of a solution contains 6.3 grams of oxalic acid (mol. wt. = 126). What is the volume (in litres) of water to be
added to this solution to make it a 0.1N solution?
A 750
B 7.5
C 0.075
D 0.75
5.40% by weight solution will contain how much mass of the solute in 1 L solution, density of the solution is 1.2 g/mL?
A 480 g
B 48 g
C 38 g
D 380 g
6.By dissolving 5 g substance in 50 g of water, the decrease in freezing point is 1.2°C. The molal depression is 1.85°C. The
molecular weight of substance is
A 137.2
B 118.2
C 105.4
D 154.2

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7.During osmosis, flow of water through a semipermeable membrane is
A from both sides of semipermeable membrane with equal flow rates
B from both sides of the semipermeable membrane with unequal flow rates
C from solution having lower concentration only
D from solution having higher concentration only
8.When 20 g of naphthoic acid (C11H8O2) is dissolved in 50 g of benzene (Kf = 1.72 K kg mol–1) a freezing point depression
of 2 K is observed. The Van’t Hoff factor ‘i’ is
A 0.5
B 1
C 2
D 3
9.A 6% solution of urea is isotonic with
A 0.05 M solution of Glucose
B 6% solution of Glucose
C 25% solution of Glucose
D 1 M solution of glucose
10.Dialysis can be used to separate
A glucose and fructose
B protein and starch
C glucose and protein
D glucose and NaCl

1.3.65 grams of HCl is dissolved in 16.2 grams of water. The mole fraction of HCl in the resulting solution is
A 0.4
B 0.3
C 0.2
D 0.1
2.One gram of silver gets distributed between 10 cm3 of molten zinc and 100 cm3 of molten lead at 800°C. The percentage
of silver still left in the lead layer is approximately
A 5
B 2
C 1
D 3
3.Molarity of a given orthophosphoric acid solution is 3M. It’s normality is
A 1N
B 2N
C 0.3 N
D 9N
4.250 ml of a solution carbonate solution contains 2.65 grams of Na2CO3. If 10 ml of this solution is diluted to one litre,
what is the concentration of the resultant solution? (molecular weight of Na 2CO3= 106)
A 0.1 M
B 0.001 M
C 0.01 M
D 10–4 M
5.When 25 grams of a non-volatile solute is dissolved in 100 grams of water, the vapour pressure is lowered by 2.25 × 10 –
mm. If the vapour pressure of water at 20°C is 17.5 mm, what is the molecular weight of the solute?
A 206
B 302
C 350
D 276

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6.Which one is correct?
A Molality changes with temperature
B Molality does not change with temperature
C Molarity does not change with temperature
D Normality does not change with temperature
7.Concentrated aqueous sulphuric acid is 98% H2SO4 by mass and has a density of 1.80 g mL–1.Volume of acid required to
make one litre of 0.1 M H2SO4 is
A 5.55 mL
B 11.10 mL
C 16.65 mL
D 22.20 mL
8.Which of the following can be measured by the Ostwald-Walker dynamic method?
A Vapour pressure of the solvent
B Relative lowering of vapour pressure
C Lowering of vapour pressure
D All of these
9.Two liquids X and Y form an ideal solution. At 300 K, vapour pressure of the solution containing 1 mole of X and 3 mole
of Y is 550 mm Hg. At the same temperature, if 1 mole of Y is further added to this solution, vapour pressure (in mm Hg)
of X and Y in their pure states will be respectively
A 200 and 300
B 300 and 400
C 400 and 600
D 500 and 300
10.50 cm3 of 0.2 N HCI is titrated against 0.1 N NaOH solution. The titration is discontinued after adding 50 cm 3 of
NaOH. The remaining titration is completed by adding 0.5 N KOH. The volume of KOH required for completing the
titration is ______.
A 10 cm3
B 12 cm3
C 10.5 cm3
D 25 cm3

1.The vapour pressure of water at 23°C is 19.8 mm. 0.1 mole of glucose is dissolved in 178.2 g of water. What is the
vapour pressure (in mm) of the resultant solution?
A 19.0
B 19.602
C 19.402
D 19.202
2.Equal volumes of 0.1 M and 0.2 M NaCl solutions are mixed. The concentration of nitrate ions in the resultant mixture
will be
A 0.1 M
B 0.2 M
C 0.05 M
D 0.15 M
3.25 mL of a solution of barium hydroxide on titration with 0.1 molar solution of hydrochloric acid gave a tire value of 35
mL. The molarity of barium hydroxide solution was
A 0.28
B 0.14
C 0.07
D 0.35

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4.Equal masses of methane and oxygen are mixed in an empty container at 25°C. The fraction of the total pressure
exerted by oxygen is
A 2/3
B 1/3 × 273/298
C 1/3
D ½
5.2N HCl solution will have same molar concentration as a
A 4.0N H2SO4
B 0.5N H2SO4
C 1N H2SO4
D 2N H2SO4
6.0.004 M Na2SO4 is isotonic with 0.01 M Glucose. Degree of dissociation of Na2SO4 is
A 75%
B 50%
C 25%
D 85%
7.10 cm3 of 0.1 N monobasic acid requires 15 cm3 of sodium hydroxide solution whose normality is
A 1.5 N
B 0.15 N
C 0.066 N
D 0.66 N
8.20 ml of 0.1 M acetic acid is mixed with 50 ml of Potassium acetate. K a of acetic acid = 1.8 × 10−5 at 27°C. The
concentration of Potassium acetate if pH of the mixture is 4.8
A 0.1 M
B 0.04 M
C 0.4 M
D 0.02 M
9.A binary liquid solution is prepared by mixing n-heptane and ethanol. Which one of the following statements is correct
regarding the behavior of the solution?
A The solution is non-ideal, showing +ve deviation from Raoult's Law
B The solution is non-ideal, showing –ve deviation from Raoult's Law
C n-heptane shows +ve deviation while ethanol shows –ve deviation from Raoult's Law
D The solution formed is an ideal solution
10.The empirical formula of a nonelectrolyte is CH2O. A solution containing 3g of the compound exerts the same osmotic
pressure as that of 0.05 M glucose solution. The molecular formula of the compound is
A C2H4O2
C C3H6O3
D C4H8O4

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1.Give one example each for (a) gas in liquid type solution (b) solid solution
2.Methanol and water are completely miscible but water and benzene are immisible . Explain.
3.Define molarity and molality of solution .
4.Why do we prefer molality over molarity ?
5. What is the effect of temperature on (a) molarity and (b) mole fraction ?
6.Why does the molality of the solution remains unchanged with temperature ?
7.What is the molality of acetic acid solution containing 6g of acetic acid in 100 g of water ?
8.Calculate the mole fraction of ethanol and water in a solution in which 46 g of ethanol and 90 g of water have been
9.What is the molarity of glucose of the aq solution of glucose in which 0.090 g of glucose in 10 dm3 of the solution ?
10 A 250 cm3 solution of sodium sulphate contains 3.01X1022 sodium ions. What is the molarity of the solution ?
11.Battery acid contains 13% by mass of sulphuric acid. What is the molality of the solution ?
12.If 2.8 g potash is dissolved in 200 cm3 of the solution what shall be the difference in its normality and molarity ?
13.What is the relationship between molarity and molality ?
14.A litre of sea water ( equal to 1030 g ) contains 6.0X10-3 g dissolved oxygen . Express the concentration in parts per
15.State Henry’s law with mathematical form .
16.List the factors on which the Henry’s law constant depends .
17.The partial pressure of oxygen at the sea level is 0.21 atm. Calculate the solubility of oxygen in milligrams per litre.
(KH for oxygen is 1.3X10-3 molL-1atm-1)
18.How does the temperature affect the solubility of a gas in liquid ?
19.Why are the aquatic species more comfortable in cold water rather than warm water ?
20.Giev two examples of solid solution in which the atoms of one substance displaces some atoms of the other substance
in the crystal lattice.
21.What do you mean by vapour pressure of liquid ?
22. What are the factors on which the vapour pressure of a liquid depends ?
23.Two liquids X and Y boil at 1100C and 1400C respectively. Which of them has higher vapour pressure at 50 0C ?
24.State Raoults law for a solution containing two miscible volatile liquids.
25.State Raoult’s law for a solution in which the solvent alone is volatile .
26.How is relative lowering of vapour pressure is related to molefraction of solute ?
27.State the conditions under which the Raoult’s law holds good.
28.What are ideal liquid solutions ?
29.What does an ideal solution mean at the molecular level ?
30 Draw a labelled diagram to express the relationships at constant temperature between vapour pressure and mole
fraction of ideal solutions .
31. The vapour pressure of a pure liquid A is 30 mm Hg at 320K . The vapour pressure of this liquid in a solution with
liquid B is 28 mmHg at the same temperature. What is the mole fraction of B in the solution if it obey’s Raoult’s law .
32. Which of the mixture containing the following pairs is / are expected to obey Raoult’s law (i) n-hexane – n-heptane (ii)
chloroform – acetone
33.When does a solution deviate from ideal behaviour ?
34.What type of nonidealities exhibited by (i) acetic acid – pyridine (ii) Cyclohexanol-water mixture ?
35 Give an example of a solution where A-B interaction is greater than A-A or B-B interaction.
36.When two liquids X and Y are mixed the solution becomes hot . When pair of liquids Y and z are mixed , the solution
becomes cold. Which of these solutions will exhibit negative deviations from Raoult’s law ?
37.Define azeotropic mixture ?
38.What are different types of azeotropes ? give one example of each.
39.When water and nitric acid are mixed together, a rise in temperature is being observed. What tyoe of azeotropic
mixture is obtained ?

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40.If the density of some lake water is 1.25 g/L and contains 92 g Na+ ions per kg of water , calculate the molality of Na+
in the lake .
41. Suggest the most important type of intermolecular attractive interaction in the following pairs (i) n-hexane – n-
octane (ii) I2 and CCl4 (iii) NaClO4 and water (iv) methanol and acetone (v) acetonitrile ( CH 3CN) and acetone
42.Based on solvent-solvent interaction, arrange the following in the increasing order of increasing solubility in n-octane
Cyclohexane , KCl , CH3OH , CH3CN
43.Amongst the following compounds, identify which are insoluble , partially soluble and highly soluble in water ?
(i) phenol (ii) toluene (iii) formic acid (iv) ethylene glycol (v) chloroform (vi) pentanol
44. Why do gases nearly always tend to be less soluble in liquids as the temperature is raised ?
45.Mention some of the important applications of Henry’s law.
46.Why is the vapour pressure of a solvent lowered by the addition of non-volatile solute ?
47.What happens to the vapour pressure of a liquid when (i) volatile solute dissolves in it (ii) a non-volatile solute
dissolves in it .
48.Give any two characteristics and two examples of ideal solution .
49.Why do some solutions show positive deviations from ideal behaviour ? Illustrate your answer with diagram.
50.With the help of suitable diagrams , illustrate the two types of nonideal solution..
51.What is meant by positive and negative deviations from Raoult’s law and how is the sign ∆H sol realted to positive and
negative deviations from raoult’s law ?
52.Ethanol and water solutions show positive deviations from Raoult’s law . Explain in terms of differences in the
structure/polarity of the two components.
53.Write the mathematical equations relating the relative lowering of vapour pressure with the molality of the solution.
54.Write the expression to calculate the molar mass of a non-volatile solute usuing the relative lowering of vapour
55.Why is the vapour pressure of glucose solution in water lower than that of pure water ?
56.What do you mean by boiling point elevation ?
57. How is boiling point elevation is realted to molality of the solution ?
58.Define ebulliscopic constant. Giev its SI unit.
59.How is the elevation of boiling point related to the molar mass of solute ?
60.What is freezing point depression ?
61.Write the realationship between the depression of freezing point and concentration of dilute solution.
62.Define molal freezing point depression constant and give its unit.
63.Write the relationship between the depression of freezing pointand molar mass of solute.
64.The freezing point depression for water is 1.86 KKg/mol, what is the freezing point of a 1 molal sugar syrup ?
65.Name one substance which is used as an antifreeze for water.
66.Why do we keep ice cream in a mixture containing ice and common salt ?
67.Define osmosis.
68.What happens when two solutions of the same solvent are separated by a semipermeable membrane ?
69.What do you mean by osmotic pressure ?
70.How is the osmotic pressure of a solution related to its concentration ?
71.How is osmotic pressure dependent on the number of moles of a solute ?
72.Name any one inorganic compound which can be used for obtaining semipermeable membrane.
73.A previously dried vegetables and fruits swells up when put into water for some time. Why ? How does the
temperature affect this process ?
74.What are isotonic solutions ?
75. Which of the two solutions : 1M glucose and 1M urea has a higher osmotic pressure ?
76.Write the expression for calculating the molecular mass of a solute using the osmotic pressure.
77.why is the osmotic pressure measurements preferred for the determination of molecular mass of proteins ?
78. What is the value of Vant Hoff factor for KCl in dil aq solution ?
79.When is the value of Vant Hoff factor more than one ?
80.How does Vant Hoff factor modify the equation for elevation of boiling point ?
81.Which of the following solution has the lowest freezing point and why ? 0.1 m glucose , 0.1 m KCl, 0.1 m Na 2SO4

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82.Explain why molarity is used in osmotic pressure calculations .
83.Explain the following phenomenon (a) hemolysis (b) crenation
84.Why do we observe abnormal molecular masses ?
85.Define Vant Hoff factor.
86. Arrange the following aq solutions each of concentrations 0.1 m , in order of increasing boiling point. Give reason for
your answer : barium phosphate , sodium sulphate , potassium nitrate , glucose
87.sodium chloride and calcium chloride are spread on roadways to melt ice. Explain

1-b , 2-c , 3-a , 4-d , 5-c , 6-d , 7-a , 8-c , 9-b , 10-d , 11-a , 12-b , 13-c , 14-c 15-d

1-a , 2-a , 3-b , 4-d , 5-c , 6-b , 7-d , 8-c , 9-d ,10-a , 11-a , 12-a , 13-d , 14-a , 15-b

1-b, 2-a , 3-d , 4-a , 5-d , 6-a , 7-b , 8-a , 9-a , 10-b

1-d , 2-b , 3-a , 4-c , 5-a , 6-b , 7-b , 8-c , 9-d , 10-c

1-c , 2-b , 3-d, 4-a , 5-a , 6-d , 7-c , 8-c , 9-b , 10-d

1-d , 2-d , 3-b , 4-d , 5-a , 6-d , 7-b , 8-a , 9-d , 10-c

1-d , 2-d , 3-d , 4-b , 5-c , 6-b , 7-a , 8-b , 9-c , 10-a

1-b , 2-c , 3-c , 4-c , 5-a , 6-a , 7-c , 8-b , 9-a , 10-a

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1. Define the following terms:

a) molarity b) molality c) mole fraction d) mass% e) volume % f) parts per million g) azeotrope.
2. What is the effect of temperature on the molarity of the solution ?
3. molality, mole fraction, and mass% are independent of temperature. Why?
4. What is the effect of temperature on the solubility of
a) solid in a liquid b) gas in a liquid ?
5. State Henry's law. Give the mathematical expression for the law.
6. Mention three applications of Henry's law.
7. State Raoult's law for a solution containing two volatile solvents. Give the mathematical
expression for the law.
8. Derive the mathematical expression to show that the relative lowering of vapour pressure of a solution
containing a nonvolatile solute and a volatile solvent is equal to the mole fraction of the solute.
9. Mention the condition where Raoult's law becomes a special case of Henry's law.
10. What are ideal solutions? Mention the conditions for a solution to behave ideally.Draw a graph of vapor
pressure vs mole fraction for an ideal solution.
11. What are non ideal solutions? Mention the conditions for a solution to behave non ideally.
12. Explain the type of deviation exhibited by a mixture of
a) ethanol and acetone b) acetone and chloroform. c) phenol and aniline. Draw a graph of vapor pressure vs mole
fraction in each case.
13. What do you mean by the terms
a) maximum boiling azeotrope b) minimum boiling azeotrope. Give one example each.
14. What are colligative properties? Give four examples.
15. Explain the following colligative properties with suitable graphs. a) elevation of boiling point
b) depression of freezing point.
16. Define Kf and Kb. Give mathematical expression to show that Kf and Kb depends on the nature of the solvent.
17. Define osmosis and osmotic pressure. Why is osmotic pressure method is considered as a better method when
compared to other colligative properties to determine molar mass of the
18. What is reverse osmosis? Mention one application of the same.
19. What do you mean by abnormal molar mass? How does it occur due to a) association of solute? b) dissociation of
20. What is Van't Hoff factor i? Give its value for a) association of solute. b) dissociation of solute. c) solute which
is neither associates nor dissociates
21. Which is more concentrated? 1 molar or 1 molal solution. Why?
22. What do you mean by the terms
a) isotonic solution. b) hypertonic solution c) hypotonic solution?
23. Account for the following:
a) intravenous injection is given by using 0.9% NaCl (mass/volume) solution.
b) Dried fruits and vegetables swell when kept in fresh water.
c) The tanks used by scuba divers are diluted with helium.
d) Mountain climbers sometimes get symptoms of a condition known as anoxia.
e) Calcium chloride is added to clear the roads covered by snow.
f) Raw mango placed in concentrated salt solution shrivel in to pickle.
g) People suffering from high blood pressure are advised to take minimum quantity of salty food.
h) People taking lot of salty food get affected by edema.
i) Meat is preserved by salting and fruits are preserved by adding sugar.
24. What will happen when a blood cell is placed in

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a) solution having NaCl concentration less than 0.9°/~(mass/volume)
b) solution having NaCl concentration higher than 0.9°/~(mass/volume)?


Concentration of solutions (Numerical)

1. A sample of drinking water contains 15 ppm of CHCI3 (by mass) Express this in % mass.Also find out
the molality of the solution.
2. Concentrated H2SO4 is 49% by mass. Density of the solution is 1.5 g/ cm3. Determine the molality and
molarity of the solution.(Molar mass of H2S04 = 98)
3. Concentated HN03 is 68% by mass. Density of the solution is 1.5 g/ cm3. Calculate the volume of the
solution containing 20 grams of HN03.
4. Na2C03 and NaHC03 mixture containing 1 gram is completely neutralised by 0.1 M HCI. Determine the
volume of HCI needed if the mixture contains equimolar mixture of Na2C03 and NaHC03.
5. Calulate the molality of 1M solution of NaN03.Density of solution is 1.25 g/ cm3. Molar mass of NaN0 3 =
6. Calculate the number of moles of CH30H in 5 litres of 2 molal solution. Density of the solution is 0.981
g/ cm3
7. Calculate the molality , molarity and mole fraction of KI if the density of 20% (mass/mass) aqueous
solution of KI is 1.2 g/ cm3
8. I f the solubility product of CuS is 6x10-6. Calculate the maximum molarity of CuS in aqueous solution.
9. Calculate the volume of 80% H2SO4 (D= 1.8 g/ cm3) needed to prepare 1 litre of 20% H2 S04 (D=1.25
10. I f the density of lake water is 1.25 g/ cm3 and contains 92 grams of Na+ ion per Kg of water,
determine the molality of Na+ ion in solution.

Henry's law (Numerical)

I. How many millimoles of N2 gas would dissolve in 1 litre of water at 293K? N2 gas exerts a pressure of
0.987 bar. KH for N2 at 293 K is 76.4 kilo bar.
2. Partial pressure of ethane over a saturated solution containing 6.56x10 -2 gram of ethane is 1 bar. What
will be the partial pressure of the gas if it contains 5x 10 -2 grams of ethane.
3. Solubility of H2S in water at STP is 0.195 m. Calculate KH.
4. KH for CO2 in water is 1.67X108 at 298K. Calculate the mass of C02 that can be dissolved in 500 ml
of water at a pressure of 2.5 atmosphere at 298K. ( 1 atm= 1.013 x 10 5 Pa)
5. Air is a mixture gases. It contains 20% by volume of O2 gas and 79% by volume of N2 gas at 298K.
Water is in equilibrium with air at a pressure of 10 atmospheres. KH for O2 and N2 at 298 K are
3.30x107 mm and 6.51X107 mm respectively. Determine the composition of these gases in water.

Raoult's law and Colligative properties. (Numerical)

1. Vapour pressure of CHCI3 and CH2Cl2 at 298K are 200 mm Hg and 415mm Hg respectively.
(i) Calulate the vapour pressure of the solution by mixing 25.5 g of CHCI 3 and 40 g of CH2Cl2 at 298K
(ii) mole fraction of each component in vapour phase. (Molar mass CHCI3 =118.5 CH2CI2 = 85)
2. The vapour pressures of pure liquids A and B are 450 and 700 mm Hg respectively at 350K. Find the
composition of liquid mixture if the total pressure is 600 mm Hg. Also find the composition in vapour
3. Calculate the mass of non volatile solute which should be dissolved in 114 g of octane to reduce its
vapour pressure to 80% (Molar mass of solute=40, Molar mass of octane=114)
4. Benzene and naphthalene forms ideal solution at 300K. Vapour pressure of pure benzene and
naphthalene are 50.71 and 32.06 mm Hg respectively at 300K. Find the mole fraction of each components

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in vapour phase if 80 g of benzene mixed with 100 g naphthalene.(Moar mass enzene = 78, naphthalene
= 128)
5. Benzene and toluene forms an ideal solution at 300K Vapour pressure of pure benzene and pure
toluene are 160 mm and 60 mm Hg respectively. Calculate the total pressure of the solution under the
following conditions :
a) mixing equal number of moles of benzene and toluene.
b) equal mass of benzene and toluene. Also find the composition of benzene and toluene in vapour phase
in each case.
6. Vapour pressure of solution containing benzene and toluene is (180x+120) mm Hg where x is the mole
fraction of toluene. Find the P0 benzene and p0 toluene respectively.
7. A solution containing 1 mole of X and 3 moles of Y gave a vapour pressure of 550 mm Hg. The same
solution containing 1 mole of X and 4 moles of Y gave a vapour pressure of 560 mm Hg. Find vapour
pressure of pure X and pure Y.
8. Vapour pressure of dilute solution of glucose is 750 mm Hg at 373K. Find the mole fraction and molality
of glucose in solution.
9. Vapour pressure of water is 12.3 kPa at 300K. Calculate the vapour pressure of 1 molal solute in it.
10. A solution containing 30 g of non volatile solute in 90 g of water has a vapour pressure of 2.8 kPa at
300K. Further 18 g of water added to the solution changed the vapour pressure to 2.9kPa. Calculate the
molar mass of the solute added and vapour pressure of water at 300K.
11. Vapour pressure of pure benzene at 300K is 640 mm Hg. 2.175 g of non volatile solute in 39 g of
benzene gave a vapour pressure of 600 mm Hg. Find the molar mass of solute added.(Molar mass of
12. A very small amount of solute in 60 ml of benzene gave a vapour pressure of 98.88 mm Hg. Vapour
pressure of pure benzene is 100 mm Hg at this temperature. Find the molality of the solution. If Tf =
0.73K find Kf of benzene.
13. 34.2 g of sucrose and 36 g of glucose dissolved in 81 g of water at 300K find the vapour pressure of
the solution. Vapour pressure of water at 300K= 30 mm Hg. Molar mass of sucrose=342, glucose = 180.
14.Two elements A and B forms two compounds AB2 and AB4 respectively. When dissolved in 20 g of
benzene 1 g of AB2 lowers the freezing point by 2.3K while 1 g of AB4 decreased the freezing point by
1.3K. Calculate the atomic masses of A and B. Kf of benzene= 5.1 K Kg mole-1
15. At 300K 36 g of glucose in 1 liter solution exerted an osmotic pressure of 4.98 bar. What would be the
concentration of the solution at 300K if it exerts a pressure of 1.52 bar.
16. 5% solution of sucrose (Molar mass =342) is isotonic with 0.877% solution of urea. Determine the
molar mass of urea.
17. Calculate the freezing point and boiling point of 1M solution of KCI. Density of the solution = 1.04 g/ml
Molar mass of KCI= 74.5 Kb = 0.52 K Kg mole-1 Kf = 1.86 K Kg mole-1 Assume KCl undergoes 90%
18. BaCl2 and KC1 mixed in 1: 1 molal ratio showed a boiling point elevation of 2.6K. Determine the mass
of each solute in 100 g water. Kb = 0.52 K Kg mole-1 Assume that both the solute undergoes 100%
dissociation. ~ o l amr ass KC1 = 74.5 BaC12= 208
19. Kf of benzene is 4.90 K Kg mole-'. 3.26 g of Se in 226 gram of benzene showed a freezing point
depression of 0 . 1 1 2 ~ ~D.e termine the molecular formula of Se. Atomic mass of Se= 78.8 benzene = 78
20. 1.8 g of glucose in 100 ml is added to 34.2 g of sucrose in 100 ml. Find the osmotic pressure of the
resulting solution. R= 0.0821 1 atm mol-' K-'
21. 2 grams of benzoic acid (molar mass =122) in 25 g benzene gave ATf = 1.62K Kf of benzene is 4.90 K
Kg mole-' Find and O/O association of benzoic acid if it exists as a dimmer.
22. 0.6 ml of acetic acid having density 1.06 g/ml is dissolved in 1 liter of water.ATf =0.02050C. Find the
Van't Hoff factor and dissociation constant of the acid. Molar mass of acetic acid = 60 Kf = 1.86 K Kg

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23. 5% solution of sucrose has a freezing point of 71K.Calculate the freezing point of 5% glucose in water.
Freezing point of water is 273.15K.
24. Which of the following solution in water will have
a) lowest freezing point
b) highest freezing point.
c) lowest boiling point
d) highest boiling point? O.1M NaCI, 0.1 M BaCI2, 0.1 M urea and 0.1 M A12 ( ~ 0 ~ ) ~
25. Calculate the depression in freezing point of water when 10 g of 2-Chloro butanoic acid is added to
250 g of water. Ka = 1 . 4 ~ Kf = 1.86 K Kg mole-' Molar mass of 2-Chloro butanoic acid =122.5
26. 19.5 g of Fluoro ethanoic acid (molar mass =78) is dissolved in 500 g of water. ∆Tf = 1°c .Calculate
the Van't Hoff factor and dissociation constant of the acid.
27. Determine the amount of CaC12(i = 2.47) dissolved in 2.5 litres of water such that its osmotic pressure
is 0.75 atm at 300K.

Prepared by subhasish sau


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