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Observations- Spring 2017

During the spring 2016, I spent a whole day at the children's museum in Brookings, SD. Our assignment
was to watch how the children interacted with the materials provided along with each other. The
children were all ages, races, and from all over.

Observations-Spring 2017

In the spring of 2017 I spent a day at Camelot Intermediate School. I spent it in a physical education
class, where the assignment was to observe how the teacher interacted with the students, how the
students interacted with the materials, and how this class was run. It was all fourth grade classes. The
children were all from Brookings and they were all races.

Observations- Fall 2017

For the fall of 2017, throughout the semester I was assigned to observe early childhood children. I was
assigned to Peace Lutheran Church, where there was a day care. I was put in the "Waddler" room. These
were the children transitioning from infants to toddlers. They were from around Brookings and
surrounding towns. During this time, I was able to take notes on teaching style s and how the children
interacted with each other.

Assistant Teaching-Spring 2018

During the spring semester of 2018 I was taking classes, but was also being a assistant teacher on
Mondays and Wednesdays in the afternoon. I was in the Fishback Center, working with four and Five
year olds. I did an Ages and Stages development report on one of the children throughout the semester.
During this time I got to interact with the children, plan a lesson that was carried out during large group
time, and help the children learn and grow. This class was made up of children of all races. The children
were from Brookings and the surrounding towns.

Student Teaching- Fall 2018

For the fall of 2018, I have been student teaching at the Fishback Center. My class is three an d four year
old children, I have seventeen children and there are always five teachers in the classroom. Some days
there are assistant teachers that come as well. The children are from Brookings and the surrounding
areas. The class has some diversity. While student teaching I am creating lesson plans every day for
small group, where I have four children on my own (two girls and two boys). Each week is different
during large group and each teacher is assigned certain weeks to plan and run it.

Practicum Hours- Spring 2019

For the spring of 2019, I was placed in a first grade classroom at Medary Elementary in Brookings, SD. I
taught two lessons in this classroom. I also observed for over 30 hours.

Substitute Teaching- Fall 2017 to present time

Beginning in November 2017 I have been an employee of the Brookings School District as a substitute
teacher. I have subbed for a kindergarten class, a third grade class, and a high school science class. Each
grade has been different to teach. For all grades I was provide d with lesson plans for the entire day and
a schedule for the children. My responsibility was to follow the plans, help the children learn, and to
keep them safe.

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