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Audience profile.

Name: Clara
Age: 20
Job: she works in a newspaper company as a writer
Social Group: she was in group C2

Hobbies\Interests: Clara enjoys writing children stories which she sells and donates to orphanages, she
likes reading fashion magazines, she also enjoys listening to the 1980’s Blues together with Reggae and
watching horror movies before she goes to sleep. She loves walking on the beach at 5: 30 to watch the sunrise
and collecting shells and putting them in the house as a collection of her own. She likes to read books and loves
reading Joe Osborn books, she enjoys playing basketball and volleyball to keep her fitness. Clara likes to paint
her nails when she is free, she also likes to song and dance when she is the house. Clara likes spending time
with her family and friends but spends most of her time with her best friend. She sometimes competes in
beauty pageants and basketball games.

When Clara was 2 years she was in Augusto Preparatory after two years she was taken to Rise and Shine
Nursery School where she staid for one year and went to Shambi Primary School where she staid for three years
and was taken to HOPE STAR Primary School after her parents had moved to the United Kingdom. While she
was in the UK, she took singing lessons in slyke music building. She finishes her junior and senior year in the
same school and is now in Arden University studying journalism.

Clara aspires to be the CEO of a newspaper company and have her own brand of children’s book. To open a
variety of bookshops for different kinds of books. To have a secure home, a secure status in the world, to have a
family and to make a difference in the world with the money she earns by opening more orphanages and
visiting the sick and helping those who are unable to help themselves in life.

Typical Media Consumption.

Clara has a big interest in Blues, she does not like pop. She watches a lot of news and some of her favourite
programmes, she likes watching X Factor because she loves how Simon Cowell and his critics. She enjoys
playing video games with her cousin and best friend ,she enjoys watching horror films, romantic movies and
sometimes Disney films and she likes watching new release in cinemas.

Other Info.
Clara lives in Australia with her boyfriend. She has a room which is full of clothes and her make up kits and
another room that is used as a study .Her boyfriend is a photographer ,her befriend is a model. She sings in a
choir in church ,she goes to orphanages every Saturday and plays with the kids and sings for them. She dislikes
leers ,she hates eating chocolates. She owns a white German shepherd which she name gibs after her dead
father .

Clara is the daughter of Maria cosier and the late Gibson cosier, she has one older sister ,Kate, and a younger
brother, Allan. She has a few close friends and a few friends from home, she spends her time with her friends
and her boyfriend Lucas with whom they have being together for over one year. She is close with her mother
and siblings and they visit her sometimes .

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