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Don’t care what your friends will say, what your parents will say, what
your relatives will say, or what people you don’t even know will say.
Do it for you!
I’m so tired of hearing people complaining like ,,It’s too hard, I’m too tired,
I can’t afford it, It’s gonna take too long.”
Stop talking, start doing. You have absolute no excuses.
If Nick Vujicic started doing motivational speeches at 19 years old and is
now the founder of an international non-profit organization then you sure
don’t have any excuses. This guy literally has no arms and legs and has
accomplished more in his teen years than most people will accomplish in a
You want to learn how to invest? Go out and buy the top ten books on
investing, listen to audio books on the subway, join a Meetup smart
intelligent people that like to make money.
You want to learn how to dance? Sign up for the best dance school
you can find in your city, watch instructional YouTube videos and practise
at home on days you don’t have practice.
You want to learn how to vlog? Make videos. You don’t need fancy
camera equipment, you don’t need the best editing software, you don’t
need to go to film school. Take a camera, click the record button and start
Everyone started at 0. Albert Einstein as scientist. Cristiano Ronaldo as
footballer. Ludwig van Beethoven as piano player.
There’s no golden ticket to success. If you want to become an expert in
something you need to eat, sleep and breathe it.
I’m not talking about doing it a couple days a week, I’m not talking about
an hour a day, I’m talking about you wake up and you immediately do that
thing until you go to bed. You don’t get a day off. This becomes a part of
you and you dedicate 7 days a week 365 days a year to it.
I don’t care how old are you, it is never too late to do. I don’t care how you
motivate yourself to do it. Just start today. Stop saying what if, and just do

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