Rubric For Presentation

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Presentation Assessment Strategy: Rubric

Lesson Objectives:
1. Students will be able to speak clearly whilst presenting to a familiar audience with use of multimedia to support presentation.
2. Students will be able to identify water as a natural resource being used in a variety of ways in our daily life.
3. Student will be able to identify 2 or more other natural resources and a use in our daily lives.

Excellent High Limited
The student demonstrates
The student demonstrates The student demonstrated high The student demonstrated
satisfactory achievement of
excellent achievement of what is achievement of what is expected limited achievement of what is
what is expected for this year
expected for this year level. for this year level. expected for this year level.
Water as a natural resource Identifies water as a natural Identifies water as a natural
Identifies water as a natural Identifies a resource and lists
resource, describes a variety of resource and ways in which it
resource, and ways in which it some simple ways it can be
(Earth and Space Science ways it can be used, and how it can be used, and how the use
can be used. used.
Understanding) affects living things. may affect their daily life.
Identifies a range of different Identifies limited areas where
Identifies a range of different
areas in which water can be Identifies multiple areas in which water can be found. Limited to
Where water can be found areas in which water can be
found and identifies ways it can water can be found. the areas looked at inside the
be used in each place. school.
Identifies a range of other Identifies a range of other
Lists a range of other natural Lists other natural resources but
Application to other natural natural resources and describes natural resources and lists ways
resources and lists some ways is limited in identifying ways we
resources. ways in which we use them in in which we use them in our
we use them in our daily lives. use them in our daily lives.
our daily lives. daily lives.
Speaks clearly and audibly to
Speaks clearly and audibly to Speaks clearly and audibly to
familiar audiences.
familiar audiences. familiar audiences. Attempts to speak clearly and
Uses appropriate body
Uses some body language, Attempts to use some body audibly.
language, gestures and eye
gestures and/or eye contact. language, gestures or eye Makes limited attempt to use
Communication Skills – Oral contact with audience.
Uses some visual cues to stay contact. non-verbal behaviours.
Presentation Can effectively use visual cues to
on topic. Uses some visual cues to Makes limited use of visual cues.
stay on topic.
Uses relevant props or attempt to stay on topic. Makes limited use of visual
Effectively uses appropriate
multimedia to support their Uses props or multimedia to representations.
multimedia to support their
presentation. support their presentation.

Comment: _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________



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