Updated Reading List Library

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1. Bate, David, Photography

2. Berger, J Ways of seeing
3. Corner, F. M Why fashion matters
4. Davis, M Graphic Design Theory
5. De Soto, Drew Web design : know your onions.
6. Falconer, Morgan. Why your five year old could not have done that
7. Fletcher, Alan. The art of looking sideways
8. Grange, Ashley la Basic critical theory for photographers.
9. Hegarty, J Heagarty on creativity
10. Heller, Steven. 100 ideas that changed graphic design
11. Hoosan, D The workshop guide to ceramics
12. Livingston, Alan The Thames & Hudson dictionary of graphic design and
13. Lowe, Paul, Photography masterclass : creative techniques of 100 great
14. Lupton, Ellen Design Is Storytelling
15. Lupton, Ellen. Thinking with type : a critical guide for designers, writers,
editors, & students
16. McAlhone, Beryl A smile in the mind : witty thinking in graphic design
17. Marien, Mary Warner Photography : a cultural history
18. Noble, Ian and Bestley, Russell Visual research : an introduction to research
methodologies in graphic design
19. Ritchin, Fred, Bending the frame : photojournalism, documentary, and the
20. Shore, Stephen, The nature of photographs
21. Sontag, Susan. - On photography
22. Steacy, Will Photographs not taken
23. Taylor. B Ceramic glazes
24. Williams, G How to write about contemporary art
25. The 20th Century art book

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